Heavenly Star Chapter 420: Resentment

. “Elder Feng is right!” In the hall, several people similar to Shui Xuanfeng stood out at the same time: “Sect Master worked hard for my Southern Emperor Sect for more than 20 years, how could it be false. Thousands Don’t be deceived by the tricks of Evil Emperor! “

Oh? trick? So how do you explain Southern Emperor Jade?” Evil Emperor said with a sneer.

“Huh!” Shui Xuanfeng hummed: “Evil Emperor, I have to praise your Divine Ability, you can make something similar to Southern Emperor Jade, and this thing is not only similar in appearance, but also this fake Sect Master The human blood resonates and brings me the resonance of Southern Emperor Sect Water Jade Art. Oh, Evil Emperor, in order to be able to make this thing, I am afraid it took a lot of your thoughts? “

Shui Xuanfeng These words are far-fetched, but they suddenly gave hope to those Southern Emperor Sect people who did not want to believe this amazing fact, drew their attention in this direction, and longed for this guess to be true .

Hahahaha!” Evil Emperor laughed loudly, his eyes shot through the gap between his eyes, and pierced his eyes with Shui Xuanfeng: “Shui Xuanfeng, your Water Jade Art has been abolished. This sophistry ability has not fallen at all. At that time, your son was married to Shui Fu’er Shui Yuntian, because of love becoming mad, did ugly things that depleted the heavens. At the same time, in order to restrain Shui Fu’er and not let Shui Fu’er feel affection, so Shui Yuntian was not put to death. I have to say that this is the most wrong in your life Oh, you must think that he was dead when Jue Tian destroyed your core land? Unfortunately, he did n’t have it. When I arrived, he was still locked in an iron cage underground. Even worse The thing is, he still has this Southern Emperor Jade that can prove his identity.

Shui Xuanfeng eyes narrowed, and suddenly he looked up and laughed wildly. He laughed and pointed at Evil Emperor yelled: “It’s ridiculous! It’s ridiculous! Evil Emperor, I’m trying my best, don’t think about it today. Iron cage? We all know up and down Southern Emperor Sect, the iron cage that locks Shui Yuntian is not an iron cage at all! “

As soon as his last sentence came out, all the faces in the hall suddenly changed.

Oh? is not an iron cage?” Evil Emperor bland voice tiny on chill.

“Hum!” Shui Xuanfeng said with a sneer : “Currently we are locked Shui Yuntian Obviously Demon Locking Chains , Twenty-three years has never changed. How can iron cages be made … ” Shui Xuanfeng Just half of the time, the expression on his face froze suddenly, and his eyes were swollen and swollen, and he was facing a pair of dead-hearted, with deep and distressed eyes.

“Oh, it ’s been twenty-three years since Shui Yuntian was locked by you with Demon Locking Chains. Who is this man who has been a Sect Master for twenty-three years?” Evil Emperor stretched out his fingers and pointed at them as if they were motionless. Shui Yunlan.

The words of Shui Xuanfeng undoubtedly acknowledged the fact that Shui Yuntian was harmed unconsciously. When he suddenly changed into a weird atmosphere and a look of astonishment and unbelievable eyes, he was suddenly smashed by the head. A sap, completely stunned there.

also What is more irrefutable than admitting it yourself?

Shui Xuanfeng … what do you say about also! Twenty-three years ago, I have been wondering. It turned out that you madly killed Sect Master in that year, and tortured Young Master for twenty-three years … Zongxia didn’t know the truth until today, you guys, Ah!!Shui Mancheng turned around, shot Shui Xuanfeng with anger and Shui Yunlan with gloomy, his teeth clenched, his fists clenched, as if the angry flames in his eyes might erupt directly at any time. . The sudden emergence of the Shui Yuntian suddenly revealed the cruel truth, which made them feel boiling in their hearts. It was a bit of regret and a bitter hatred, but he was only relieved and relieved after he learned the truth. Because the Sect Master and Sect Master wives of that year were dead and could not come back anymore, and Young Master had also been tortured by inhuman people for 23 years … They always regarded him as a **** person who had made a big mistake A lunatic and loyal to the one who harmed the Sect Master family …

What an irony and sadness this is.

This kind of irony and sorrow made many people in the hall awakened from incomparable shock. The Southern Emperor Sect person heart suddenly developed complex resentment.

“Fake, Sect Master turned out to be fake …”

Shui Xuanfeng, no wonder your relationship with ‘Sect Master‘ has always been inexpressible over the years. It turns out that he is your biological son … For the sake of Sect Master, you have made such a devastating thing.” Matter! How can you deal with Southern Emperor Sect! “

“No need to say any more. Shui Xuanfeng has acknowledged in person that this fake Sect Master must know that sophistry is futile, and it has been acquiesced that they will be taken down first. No matter who they are, the major crime of killing Sect Master is even after a decade and a hundred years have passed. , And must be subject to the most cruel sanctions! “

Amidst the rage of turbulence, Shui Yunlan was sitting on the leisurely sat seat, holding up the tea cup at hand, and taking a quiet sip of the already cold tea. The action and expression are all serene like that, and I don’t see any panic.

Shui Manlou and Shui Mancheng nodded at each other, turned around and stood in front of Shui Yunlan and Shui Xuanfeng, but listened to three old voices and shouted, “Slow!”

Three esteemed old men in Southern Emperor Sect stepped forward, and the middle man raised his hand. cold expression said, “Listen to me first … Dare to ask, Sect Master, I have done one thing in the past two decades Southern Emperor Sect? And in the years after Sect Master came to power, did you live more or more sadly in Southern Emperor Sect? Who has the courage to deny that Sect Master has worked hard in these years, foresighted, and has great talent! “

Hahahaha, ridiculous, really ridiculous, this fake Sect Master has not done anything harmful to Southern Emperor Sect these years. But, Shui Zizai, you wouldn’t want to just wipe out that he killed Sect Master and harmed Young Master. Hell? Isn’t you too ridiculous! “Shui Mancheng points to Shui Yunlan, staring angrily.

“Hmm! Yes, I am indeed injustice for Sect Master. Although Sect Master was a big mistake, but Sect Master was too young more than 20 years ago, just because of his strong temperament and impulsive age, he made a big mistake. And in these years, Sect Master has worked hard for my case, what has could it be that done in these years is not enough to offset that impulsive mistake of that year? At this time, it is a period of great trouble that I never had in Southern Emperor Sect. Everyone up and down is eager for Sect Master to guide us out of this situation. If Sect Master‘s mistakes are pursued during this period, the Southern Emperor Sect, which was already frightened, will be chaotic. “Shui Zizai said without hesitation. Every sentence he spoke was subtle and straightforward to the key points, and something resonated involuntarily in the heart of the Southern Emperor Sect people who had originally filled with resentment. What he said was not a false statement.

Shui Manlou is unmoved, no matter how he makes up for it, or for any other big reason, he can’t forgive the big sin. He said with a sneer: “Fine, go on, let me see what else you can say.”

Shui Zizai‘s old eyes froze, one side of his gaze, one finger pointed at the horrible Shui Yuntian with a low complexion, he said coldly: “No matter how much mistake Sect Master had made in the past, who can deny that Sect Master is my Southern Emperor Sect. And he … even if he is really Shui Yuntian, the Young Master of that year is now collusion with Evil Emperor. Hmm! Evil Emperor‘s ambitions are well known, he and Evil Emperor colluded to break into my Southern Emperor Sect, clearly for personal enemies … Maybe after revenge, the entire Southern Emperor Sect will be ready to give up … “

“You don’t have to say anything.”

It was everyone’s surprise that it was the Shui Yunlan that he was trying to maintain to interrupt Shui Zizai. He was silent at last, then stood up and said indifferently: “Contact Northern Emperor Sect and obtained ‘Water and Fire Unfettered Powder‘ The person you are is you. If you say collusion, it is us who first colluded with others to harm the sect. Those people of that year, except for a few of us, have already died under the hands of Jue Tian, and they have been deserved.

No one thought of it from Shui Yunlan. He’s calm, weird and calm. And his words undoubtedly fully acknowledged everything he had committed, and also spoke out the crimes of Shui Zizai. No one knows what he was thinking at this time. Was it abandoning persistence and seeking a spiritual relief, or was that decades of guilt making him never want to lock it all in his heart.

The face of Shui Zizai suddenly became extremely ugly, extremely irony. The eyes that looked at him also became cold for a moment, with deep consternation and ridicule in the cold. He seemed to be trying to justify something, but moved his lips, but he couldn’t say anything. When Shui Yunlan‘s words came out, his ending was already dead. No matter how much he argued, it was futile.

Evil Emperor glanced at Shui Yunlan coldly, a slight obscure humming in his nose. Shui Yunlan has been silent since the beginning, but in the silence, why not keep watching. His gesture seemed unexpected, but it was the best way to protect himself.

But unfortunately …

A slight chuckle overflowed from the corner of Evil Emperor. He floated in the air and hoarsely said, “Shui Yuntian, this Emperor today only takes you here. Your private affairs, this Emperor will not interfere … but this Emperor will never allow others Intervene in your private affairs. What you want to do, start now. Whoever dares to intervene, no matter who it is, this Emperor will leave him dead. “

The bland words seem to bring the cold wind that passes by, blowing from the body surface to the heart, and trembling the body and the heart. The ruthlessness and ruthlessness of Evil Emperor, also, he defeated Northern Emperor Sect three Great Expert is extremely powerful, his words such as throwing a boulder in everyone’s heart, even for a moment no one speaks.

Shui Yuntian nodded slightly towards Evil Emperor, and slowly walked forward, prying away the bodies of Shui Manlou and Shui Mancheng by hand, and walked to the front of Shui Yunlan. A smile that seemed cold and cruel and relieved appeared on his face: “Shui Yunlan, you have harmed my family, but you have indeed done nothing wrong with Southern Emperor Sect in the years you have become Sect Master. This, it is true It’s our private business. Since it’s a private business … then you have the courage to fight my life and death, it’s life or death! If you can take my life, you will still be Southern Emperor Sect‘s Sect Master, if I win … ”

Shui Yuntian‘s words stopped there and did not continue. If he wins what to do with Shui Yunlan, he hasn’t thought about it until now. Because the backlog of hatred over the years is too deep and heavy, no matter how cruel the method, he can’t let him vent his hate on him.

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