Heavenly Star Chapter 374: Shield of the Divine God

. The momentum dissipated by a shot that shot directly at Shui Yunlan is too terrible. This can be said to be the strongest attack released by Jue Tian so far. The gun body has clearly flew to Shui Yunlan, but everyone feels like it is When shooting at his throat, a deep horror was rapidly enlarged in the shrinking pupils … they would not suspect at all, even if it was Shui Yunlan with the power of God Level, if they were hit by this gun, they would die. . And Shui Yunlan is in the air, and still keeps the momentum of the shock without any reservation, how can it escape this fast and terrible blow …

Heart, I suddenly mentioned in my throat. From this moment, the time suddenly became surprisingly slow. Everyone’s eyes were not locked on Jue Tian, but they watched the long gun surrounded by purple light shoot down. , And Shui Yunlan greeted it straight up … the tip of the gun, without any suspense on his chest … At the same time, the two fists of Shui Xuanfeng and Shui Manshan were also grasped by one hand of Jue Tian, with his sound The disdainful cold sound, the smashing sounds overlapping with his hands, the hands of Shui Xuanfeng and Shui Manshan have been pinched by his simultaneously, such as pinching dead wood, he just want to destroy them and throw them away, suddenly The dangerous breath approached at an extremely fast speed, Jue Tian turned his head sharply, the rotating gun tip had enlarged in his pupil, and then stabbed directly on his chest.

The suddenly attacked Jue Tian locks Shui Xuanfeng and Shui Manshan and releases his hands. A puff of blood sprays out from his mouth, and his burly body flutters out like a defeated leaf blown by the wind. Just then, a loud shouts out sounded: “Punch!”

The stunned Southern Emperor Sect person woke up like a dream party, Water Jade Power quickly surged, and Jue Tian‘s body in an upside down posture was kept blocked in Chaotic Water Jade Ring Formation. He had just been wounded and had no strength. After being blocked by this blockade, he could not move at all within a short time. In a fleeting moment, there was a moment of injustice. Shui Yunlan had a one-meter square in his hand, which looked like a thin piece of ice-blue plate. He lifted the ice-plate blankly and calmly. In his eyes, a flash of icy blue light flashed, and the ice board in his hand suddenly released the glory that covered the sky at this moment.

In an instant, the world suddenly changed color, and the violent blue light flooded the entire world at the moment it shone, blocking all other colors. The ground shone blue, the sky shone blue, and every figure in the line of sight was perfectly covered, and only a faint trace of blue outlines could be captured in the blue world.

The source of this blue light is a beam of energy rising from the ice plate. The beam of energy penetrated the air, Breaking Space, and bombarded on the Jue Tian, which was temporarily incapable of … The screams were loud and clear in everyone’s ears, and they almost fainted.

Every corner of the Heavenly Star Continent, you can see an ice-blue light rising from the southwest of Heavenly Dragon Nation into the sky, directly into the sky, but did not disappear immediately, but has been so continuous. That blue light connected heaven and earth, so connected. The Expert above continent all showed shocking to the extreme shock.

“It’s Water Jade Art. Southern Emperor Sect was forced to use Water Jade Murder God Shield.” Yan Duanhun stood on the roof of the house, staring at the sloping blue line in the distance, and frowned tightly. How can he not know the Water Jade Art of Southern Emperor Sect, and also the Water Jade Murder God Shield of Southern Emperor Sect. The two cases have fought for tens of millions of years. Although it is difficult to win or lose, the routines and hole cards between each other have basically been touched. This is one of the reasons why they dare not touch the opponent’s bottom line no matter how they fight.

“It seems that Southern Emperor Sect has encountered any terrible enemies. could it be that is Evil Sect?” Yan Tianao Ang next to him said, his face was equally shocked.

Evil Sect? Huh … if Southern Emperor Sect wants to kill the entire Evil Sect without a single soldier, this is indeed possible. However, I don’t think that Evil Emperor will unreasonably proactively provoke Southern Emperor Sect. In my opinion Evil Emperor prefers secret calculations … wait! “Yan Duanhun suddenly changed the tone, and his face showed an incredible horror. His voice trembled:” No … this is the power of Water Jade Murder God Shield, but, The release method turned out to be a linear release in the sky … that is to say, Southern Emperor Sect uses Water Jade Murder God Shield in order to attack only one person! “

Yan Tianao‘s eyes suddenly widened. The two looked at each other and turned their heads at the same time, staring blankly at the blue awn that had begun to fade gradually. The horror in their hearts was as long as the sudden waves. calm.

A person … who on earth can force Southern Emperor Sect to such an extent by one person!



The blue light fades, and the surrounding world finally begins to restore its original color. The Water Jade Murder God Shield on the Shui Yunlan‘s hand also lost its light, dim like an opaque slate, fell from the hand raised from Shui Yunlan to the ground, and lay side by side with a mirror with vertical and horizontal cracks on the surface.

That mirror is one of the treasures of Water Jade Samsara Mirror, Southern Emperor Sect. Shui Yunlan is to place this mirror on the chest, gnash his teeth directly to the Jue Tian attack, and then rebound its attack perfectly back … But after all, the ability of Jue Tian is too strong, this side Southern Emperor Sect has been useless for too long Zhongzhibao was destroyed in such a moderate way. If I want to repair it, I don’t know how many years of Water Jade Power need to be instilled.

The Water Jade Power released by Water Jade Murder God Shield will not cause direct harm to those who have Water Jade Art, so when Water Jade Murder God Shield releases the power of Jingtian (shocked), they don’t feel much abnormality, at this time open their eyes and look at their own Around them, they were shocked to see … there was a bare area around them, except for the standing person, where no one could see anything out of the ground.

Although the power that destroys the heavens and the earth points to the sky, the aftermath of energy still destroys everything around it.

Water Jade Power fades and dissipates. The blue light in the sky also slowly dissipated, looking up at the empty one, and even the clouds could no longer see one, as if destroyed by the power at the same time. The Jue Tian, which made them scared, has disappeared into the air, and the breath of God can no longer be felt.

The people of Southern Emperor Sect are all let out a long relaxed breath, their faces show the joy of being reborn after the disaster, and most of them have paralyzed on the ground of sat and big mouth of panting heavily. They were not exhausted, but wandered on the edge of life and death for a long time, and the nerves that were hanged up were finally relieved. Most of the Southern Emperor villas have been destroyed, but the entire Southern Emperor Sect is safe and secure under the hands of this terrible enemy. The villa can’t be rebuilt, as long as they are still there, Southern Emperor Sect will never be destroyed.

The brief excitement of the rebirth after the calamity passed, and watching the deserted surroundings, they could not help sorrowing. Disaster? Yes, there is no doubt that this is a great disaster for Southern Emperor Sect, a disaster that almost made them survive the catastrophic disaster, but the reason for this great disaster makes them unbearable at all. It is not their enemies who have given them the calamity they have never encountered, but a first encounter, most likely the **** from God Continent. The most direct reason is an irrefutable misunderstanding. Black Slip Princess, none of them have ever heard the name, they do n’t know who she is, let alone who Southern Emperor Sect today is replacing, and which forces suffered this great disaster.

Sect Master, are you okay?” Shui Xuanfeng stumbled to Shui Yunlan, and asked with worries. His left arm hangs down, apparently can no longer be forced, and blood is flowing between the right fingers of his left arm. A trace of blue light running around him was about to repair his trauma.

“I’m okay.” Shui Yunlan shook his head, then looked at the location where Jue Tian was before. The expression on his face was calm or painful, he murmured: “This year, it should have been a major event. The thoughts were one after another accident/surprise and great difficulties … Evil Sect appeared first, then Woman of Divine Wrath. Now, it will almost be a disaster … “He breathed a long breath, and thought unconsciously:” Star Cutting Sword appeared, Calamity Bow The appearance also means that my ancestor’s words were not false … The ancestral teaching also said: Shun, get Heaven’s Blessing, inverse, get Heavenly Tribulation Divine Punishment … Are we really wrong? “

Shui Xuanfeng hearing this, heavily shook his head, and said positively: “Sect Master, you must not think so. Since fate is destined for this Southern Emperor Sect, then no matter how you hide it, you can’t escape it. What I Southern Emperor Sect do It ’s a matter of hope. What’s wrong with it? ”Shui Xuanfeng lowered his voice and said lowly,“ Are we also back? ”

Shui Yunlan: “…”

Shui Xuanfeng picked up the Water Jade Murder God Shield and the broken Water Jade Samsara Mirror that have lost all their power on the ground, and said, “This shield bears the name of” Goddess “, and it really lives up to its name. Sect Master, this is a true god, not equally dead. In the hands of my Southern Emperor Sect. Divine Punishment? Regardless of whether this nihilism is true or not, even if it is true Divine Punishment, why fear it. “

“Xuan Feng is right.” Shui Manshan came over from the other side with the same scars on his body. He said, “Sect Master must never think so. I suffered from this disaster, and the villa was totally destroyed. … whether it is not foreshadowing that a new Southern Emperor Sect is about to be born, and it will be broken, and a major event will be completed. Say no, this is a good omen.



Two drops of icy liquid dropped from the air and hit Shui Manshan‘s face. Shui Manshan wiped it off with a glance. Subconsciously, there was a red blood on his finger. He suddenly woke up and looked up, and his eyes narrowed to the size of a pinhole instantly.


The long lance surrounded by purple light shoots down vertically from the air, shoots out from the top of Shui Manshan, stabs in between, and goes straight to the ground. He penetrates his body through the center of the heart, and then dies on the ground .

The sudden transformation struck everyone’s heartstrings. What scared them most was not the death of Shui Manshan, but the nightmare purple spear. A heavy depression and a thick sense of suffocation filled the chest cavity of each one, and the shadows covered their hearts. Slowly, they raised their heads with the greatest courage and looked over Shui Manshan.

Tick … tick …

The red blood, like humans, is still dripping at a uniform rhythm, quiet and terrible, only the clear dripping sound is left.

Jue Tian!


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