Heavenly Star Chapter 368: Imminent crisis

.Tong Xin and Ningxue won’t know who she was, but Xiaomo knows what amazing identity these two girls are about her age. At the beginning, they had killed each other desperately, exhausted everything, did their best, and did not die. Endless enemies. (.) In the face of them, she will inevitably show hostility. However, after all, they were simply hostile and there was no “hate”. In addition, they were important people around “daddy”, so her hostility was not so strong.

Facing the warm and friendly smile of Ningxue, the not-so-exclusive rejection in her heart disappeared as if erased. She slightly moved the corner of her mouth and returned a gentle smile. Although she has the same immature mind as Ningxue and Tong Xin, but she has not lost her memory, she knows and understands and thinks much more than them. She secretly said to herself: This is a wonderful coincidence of heaven. The three of them who do not belong to this world, because one person came together again in a completely different way, and in what direction will the next fate evolve … … She didn’t think about it for a long time, raised her head and looked at Ye Wuchen‘s face. Now, she just wants to enjoy the feeling that makes her obsessed on him.

It’s just that Xiaomo wouldn’t think of it, not just the three of them, Ye Wuchen, nor people in this world. The time and space he used to be are farther away than them.

Elder Brother, how did you and Xiaomo Elder Sister meet?” Ningxue asked blinking. She even wanted to ask, “Why did Elder Brother take her here?” Here, it was Small World that belonged to them only, Ye Wuchen would bring her here, there must be a reason. She knew that he could understand her meaning.

Ye Wuchen did not answer her directly, but was very serious, very softly said: “Xue’er, Tong Xin, she will be your Xiaomo Elder Sister in the future.”

“Yeah!” Ningxue immediately agreed with a clear, gaze turned to Xiaomo, again sweet called: “Xiaomo Elder Sister.”

Xiaomo smiled uncontrollably, and in the face of the smile without any impurities, the block in her heart disappeared, but she began to feel that feeling, this atmosphere seems really good. Maybe she will slowly fall in love.

“So, Elder Brother, did you find Elder Sister Meng?” When asked this question, Ningxue was obviously nervous. She was worried about Elder Sister Meng, which had not been seen for a long time, and was even more afraid that Ye Wuchen would be disappointed and sad.

“It wasn’t found, but it will be found soon. I already know where she is.” Ye Wuchen nodded happily, and his mood at this time was completely gone when he left here. The biggest doubt in her mind was why the rumor of her undead had spread so long, but she didn’t come to him and tell them what he should know.

“Really? Great? Then when should we go to Elder Sister Meng?” Ningxue let go of his heart, happily jumped twice, then asked Ye Wuchen‘s hand eagerly.

“Tomorrow. Take a good rest at night. Tomorrow morning, we will leave here.” Ye Wuchen said, looking silently to the north. Azure Billows Nation, Heavenly Star Continent The only place he hasn’t set foot on. To get there, he couldn’t use the power of Xiang Xiang‘s space to move, but could only go on his way. Azure Billows Nation is also covered by the secret forces of Evil Sect. From Soul Breaking Abyss to the current one year, his arrange/laid out bureau has been watching the world’s every move, unwilling to omit any corner.

The night falls, and everyone is silent. Ye Wuchen went to sleep slowly while thinking about her mind. Before going to bed, an unavoidable episode emerged-the left and right of Ye Wuchen were occupied by Ningxue and Tong Xin respectively. Xiaomo, who also wanted to sleep on Ye Wuchen, finally had to squeeze Ningxue to sleep. Because she is “Elder Sister“, she wants “Younger Sister“, and because she is a latecomer, she can’t grab a seat that belongs to them.

Another place …

Leng Ya, who relied on the icy walls to sleep, suddenly echoed a deep laughter: “Sha Luo, my son, your power has finally started to wake up … HahahahaHahahaha …”



It’s not dawn yet, Ye Wuchen suddenly wakes up and sits up fiercely. He didn’t have nightmares. What woke him up was a huge stimulus like a deep stab in the heart of the sea.

Tong Xin and Xiaomo also opened their eyes and looked at him with the same eyes. Ye Wuchen stared at the front, his expression slowly eased from the original dignity.

He made a snoring action to keep them from clamoring to Ningxue who was still asleep, packed their clothes, quietly went out, looked up, and looked at the far south. Xiaomo and Tong Xin followed behind him, watching him without blinking. The two girls have a lot in common. For example, they all have the power of darkness, and for example, they all have different degrees of attachment to Ye Wuchen. However, Tong Xin has deep-rooted attachment to him, deep goes all the way to the bone and Soul, and no factor can be shaken. And Xiaomo is still in a relatively shallow stage. Her connection with Ye Wuchen stems from a desire and thrill of human instinct. Under the language, voice, and also of Ye Wuchen, she chose to see through her heart. She chose After he got along, in a few days, he quietly imprinted his shadow in his heart, and became clearer and clearer.

“Daddy, what’s wrong?” Xiaomo asked.

“He’s here,” Ye Wuchen said. Since a year ago, he has been worried and waiting for this day to come. With the improvement of his strength, his Soul Power also increased slightly. At this time, the throbbing of Soul Power awakened him the strongest alarm bell in history, and the strong sense of crisis was stronger than ever. He was convinced that the man he had been waiting for had come to this world. Although he did not know who that person was and what his name was.

The process of waiting is full of nagging and a little panic about the future. At this moment, my heart suddenly becomes very quiet and very light. At least, he came as he expected. If he didn’t come, the anxiety in his heart would be magnified by the passage of time and the waiting he expected.

“Who is it?” Xiaomo heard something strange from his overly calm voice and asked quickly. Tong Xin also fixed his eyes.

Ye Wuchen shook his head and did not answer, but said in a soft voice: “Xiaomo, can you do something for your father? It is an important thing for your father.”

“Daddy, what is it?” Xiaomo asked. What he said to her in this tone, she now had no way to refuse. It was a wonderful feeling, similar to the feeling of being unbearable. These days, she has been looking for and enjoying a feeling she likes in him, but has never done anything for him.

“Help me stay with Xue’er, take care of Xue’er, tell her that I and Tong Xin will be back soon, will you?”

Ye Wuchen‘s voice dropped, he didn’t wait for Xiaomo‘s answer, the white light appeared, flickered with him and Tong Xin and disappeared there. The Xiaomo who just asked him where he was going can only stare at where he disappeared, and for a moment I don’t know where to go.

He is going to do something dangerous … this is the natural idea of ​​Xiaomo. She turned around and looked in the direction of the hut where Ningxue was. After a little thought, I walked slowly, leaning on sat in the hut, still looking where he disappeared before, I don’t know what he was thinking about. And what he asked her to do, she couldn’t refuse.

The place where Ye Wuchen appears again is next to a tall stone. After appearing, he immediately pulled Tong Xin‘s lower body, leaning on the stone wall, frowning and listening to the surrounding movement. Tong Xin glanced around and already remembered here … here is the Southern Emperor Sect where she has been here recently! It is a deserted place in the west of Southern Emperor Sect, on the fringe of Southern Emperor Sect. A further distance is its poisonous mist array. Wherever she looked ahead was where she lost consciousness.

After a long silence, Ye Wuchen got up slowly and took Tong Xin to silently go to the location in memory. At the beginning, Tong Xin released the darkness, and then pierced Blade of Divine Wrath into Shuimantian’s chest, and fled with him as fast as possible. At that time, he remembered everything in the sky. That inconspicuous position was even remembered in his heart. At the same time, as a deserted area of ​​Southern Emperor Sect, few people will move around here, which also provides convenience for their undetected.

After moving less than a hundred meters, the front has become empty. Ye Wuchen pulled Tong Xin short after a pile of waste wood, and whispered in his heart, “Xiang Xiang, get there!”

The location tens of meters ahead is his goal this time, and he can see clearly with his eyesight. However, he was not sure if there would be danger of being walked in directly, so he chose Xiang Xiang‘s short-range teleport. Xiang Xiang, which has just performed a long-distance fixed-point movement, consumes a lot of power. It will take a long time to perform a long-distance teleport again, but short-distance movement within the visible distance can still be done. After she appeared, Sanxiang’s body flashed a little, Ye Wuchen and Tong Xin had appeared at the same time over the position pointed by Ye Wuchen. Without any hesitation, Ye Wuchen pulled Tong Xin and lowered his body quickly, plunging from the hollow into the ground without causing anyone to notice.

In addition to the light shining down from the top of the head, the eyes were dark and rancid. Their entry also stopped all kinds of insects, and the rats swarmed. Tong Xin raised his hand, trying to destroy the chaotic surrounding life, but was pulled by Ye Wuchen and walked forward. At the same time, another hand waved backwards, a unidirectional sound insulation barrier that can isolate any sound overflow. form. Tong Xin stopped and followed him.

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