Heavenly Star Chapter 116: Surprising

.Ningxue waited and waited until finally Elder Brother came back. But when he saw a little girl in his arms, her mouth flattened slightly. Because she occupied the place that should have belonged to her.

She quickly put away the little grievances and rushed to happily shouting: “Elder Brother, where did you go, why did you come back so long?”

“I went to find you a Little Elder Sister.”

Ye Wuchen smiled and dropped Tong Xin in her arms, and Tong Xin finally opened her eyes. Because when entering Heavenly Dragon City, Ye Wuchen let her lie quietly on his shoulders, not allowed to open her eyes.

Tong Xin, her name is Ningxue, and it will be your Younger Sister in the future. You must treat her like you do to me, understand?”

Tong Xin nodded gently, showing a beautiful smiling face to Ningxue, and for a while actually looked at Ningxue, almost subconsciously, she tender call said: “You are so cute … look good!”

After speaking, she could not help but reach out and touch her face. The pure-hearted girl loves and yearns for beautiful things. Ningxue was impressed by the appearance of Tong Xin at first glance. She even wanted to hug her like a cute doll.

Elder Sister Tong Xin, you are so cute.” Ningxue said in horror, then retracted her hand, covered her face, feeling the two scars. She couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed, but this thought also It is fleeting. Because as long as Elder Brother doesn’t hate her, what does she care about?

Tong Xin also reached out to touch her face, stroking those two long scars, her eyes full of curiosity. It was just strange to Ningxue that she never spoke.

Xue’er, Tong Xin she can’t speak, and she should not know anything. You can take good care of her.” Ye Wuchen smiled.

“Yeah! I will.”

Now she not only has Elder Brother, but also has another Little Elder Sister. How could she be unhappy.

Two young girls, one with black hair, one with white hair, one in a white dress, and one in a black dress. The two stand together and present a black and white visual contrast. The smile on Ye Wuchen‘s face suddenly disappeared, because he suddenly noticed that the white dress of Ningxue and the black dress of Tong Xin, except for the different colors … were exactly the same!

Ningxue‘s dress is still the one when Ye Wuchen first met her and has never been changed. Because the white dress was always so spotless and never dirty. And Ye Wuchen can’t break it no matter what method.

Ye Wuchen stretched out his fingers, and the color of his fingertips flashed in colorless light, and then swiped lightly on the skirt of Tong Xin. The result is … Tong Xin‘s dress is also unharmed, leaving no trace of it.

Ye Wuchen‘s eyes and his heart trembled violently, his thoughts flew back to the first day he came to this world, the first sound he heard …

“……… God Kingdom finally lowered the savior, and the only two daughters who descended from God Emperor. One of them was snow-white, white-haired, with huge white wings, and was called White-winged Angel by humans, and the whole body. Black clothes, black hair and black pupils, with demon-like black wings, are called Black-winged Angel by humans … “

White hair and white hair … black hair and black pupil …

This coincides with the Ningxue and Tong Xin in front of him!

The two daughters of God Emperor … meaning Black and White Angel is a sister … Will they be wearing the same clothes?

Ye Wuchen lifted up Ningxue with a single hand, and gently rubbed her right hand on the scar on her face. gently said: “Is this the curse you got? If it is really like that … what happened to you then? What … why didn’t you return … and why did it become so small? Or … this is just a fantasy I take for granted.

Ningxue blinked innocent eyes without understanding.

The knock on the door sounded, and the voice of Ye Qi sounded outside the door: “Young Master, Madam, let me give you and the new lady a refreshment.”

“Come in.”

The door was opened, Ye Qi came in with a plate and bowed his head. After putting the plate on the table, he couldn’t help but glance at what the new lady looked like. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and his eyes and footsteps couldn’t be moved like he was fixed by death.

He always thought that Young Lady is already the most beautiful Fairy in the world, but now he knows that a person can be as beautiful as this … and she is so young that it is even more beautiful than Young Lady. , The beautiful shock made him even know where he flew to for a moment.

Ye Qi, go out.”

A flat voice such as shock thunder-like awakened Ye Qi. He hurriedly bowed his head, hurriedly walked out, and never dared to look back. At the same time, I couldn’t help but sigh, this kind of girl is even more beautiful than Fairy, and only people like Young Master are eligible to enjoy it … Young Master really likes that hobby!

“By the way, let Little Lu prepare the bath water and send it over immediately.” When Ye Qi was about to step out of the threshold, Ye Wuchen‘s command sounded. He responded quickly and went out.

Although the blood on Tong Xin has been washed away with water, it is impossible to completely rinse it. He wants to completely wipe the **** smell of Tong Xin.

Tong Xin, remember what I said to you?” Ye Wuchen forced himself to stop thinking about the illusive guess and said to Tong Xin again.

Girl in black nodded. He did not dare to forget his words. Unless someone is going to offend herself and the person in need of protection, you can’t kill and release your breath without his consent.

The hot tub was moved by Ye Qi Ye Ba, Ye Wuchen waved them down, and then bent over to Tong Xin and said, “Me and Xue’er go out first. You are waiting for us to come back here while taking a bath, understand? ? “

Tong Xin blinked, his face confused.

Ye Wuchen As long as I helplessly close my eyes, Tong Xin‘s clothes are exactly the same as Ningxue in both underwear and outerwear. She took off all the Tong Xin dresses and then held her in a bath tub. Eyes, said seriously: “Wash all the smell from yourself, wait for us to come back obediently. In the meantime, don’t let anyone in.”

He dare not look directly at the body of Tong Xin, because this is a girl who charms people by their looks alone. If the body is exposed, Ye Wuchen is even worried that they will lose control.

Tong Xin‘s body is submerged in the water, exposing only the rounded petite heads and the rounded petite shoulders of Zhuyu. Although my heart was full of perseverance, I still nodded very well.

Tong Xin‘s clothes were handed over to Little Lu by Ye Wuchen, allowing her to wash carefully. Then went out with Ningxue. The first place I arrived was Dream Smoke House, who had just arrived in the morning.

Ye Wuchen returned safely, the Wind, Flower, Snow, and Moon four envoys behind him and Tao Baibai did not return, and the news was completely absent, which made Shui Mengchan a little uneasy. When she heard Ye Wuchen coming, she immediately asked him to lead him.

Miss Shui is worried about your four subordinates.” Ye Wuchen sat sat in the position he had just sat in the morning and asked without permission.

“Since Young Master Ye has returned, presumably they should have returned.” Shui Mengchan did not reply. Naturally, she wouldn’t doubt that Ye Wuchen already knew what she had told Wind, Flower, Snow, and Moon to protect him.

Ai! they can’t come back anymore, so Miss Shui doesn’t have to wait any longer.” Ye Wuchen sighed and said with regret.

“What’s the meaning of Oh? Young Master Ye?” Shui Mengchan‘s voice was still soft and soft, but his heart stunned suddenly.

“Speaking of them, I also hurt them. They fought with Tao Baibai, but after all they were not Tao Baibai rivals, all died. The four of them were protecting me … No, it should be said that Southern Emperor Sword, really are dead Take a step back. Southern Emperor Sect is Southern Emperor Sect after all. The loyalty of the people in Zongzhong is by no means cultivated by ordinary martial arts. “Ye Wuchen sighed, giving them the most appropriate cause of death. It is only this explanation that makes Shui Mengchan the least likely to be suspicious. After all, Southern Emperor Sword is the most important thing for Southern Emperor Sect. It is entirely reasonable that they give up their lives to protect and never fall back.

The atmosphere suddenly became cold, and a momentum like raging waves‘s terrible waves flashed away. Ye Wuchen took a sip of fragrant tea and looked pale, as if not noticed at all. The momentum of this Master is Shui Mengchan.

Young Master can return safely, and they are considered dead. I don’t know where Tao Baibai is now?” Shui Mengchan said calmly, but his breathing became obviously disordered. Her seven envoys guarded her when she was very young. She is the person she trusts most and the most powerful helper. Everyone’s strength is extremely high, any one is enough to go sideways in Heavenly Star Continent. But now she lost four in one day. Even though her loss of Southern Emperor Sect was not so easy to bear, it was a huge blow to Shui Mengchan.

“He died, under a piece of Divine Artifact that my master gave me. Although that Divine Artifact can only be used once, it was really powerful and even Tao Baibai was easily killed. Miss Shui If you are free, go to Demon Sealing Tower knew it at the first glance. “Ye Wuchen repeated his words on Ye Wei, and then said,” The bodies of the four people have also been buried by me. They died after all because of me. But even without them, I can still Get rid of Tao Baibai, so I appreciate your Southern Emperor Sect, but I owe you nothing. “

Shui Mengchan is silent again. Wind, Flower, Snow, and Moon died in the hands of Tao Baibai, she is not too accident/surprise. After all, Tao Baibai is the Heaven Level Expert known as the “Heavenly Dragon first killer”. But such a Tao Baibai actually died in the hands of Ye Wuchen, she couldn’t help but be shocked.

What is the Divine Artifact he mentioned?

Wuchen is here to tell Miss Shui these things, and that’s all there is to say goodbye.”

Ye Wuchen got up cleanly and led Ningxue away. Shui Mengchan didn’t answer for a long time, and didn’t even have a word of retention or farewell, she didn’t know what she was thinking.

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