Heavenly Jewel Change Chapter 69: Powerful Little Witch (medium)

Chapter 69: The Powerful Little Witch (Chinese)

All this happened too quickly. From Lin Tianao to Shangguan Bing’er, facing the crisis of life and death was nothing more than two short breaths of breath. No one at the scene was spared to save her.

Suddenly, in the direction of the cave, a bright gold light shot out, hitting the gray-black light cut by Little Witch from the side. There was a squeaking noise, the gray-black light blade and golden light were disappear at the same time. At this time, many people noticed that they did not know when the white light barrier already at cave was gone.

Once his attack was blocked, Little Witch was suddenly shocked, his eyes turned to the direction of cave, and said softly: “Sure enough, you are here. Unfortunately, I am still one step late. Since your already has completed the upgrade, Yes, that’s it for today. I will catch up with you as soon as possible. “While saying that this made Lin Tianao and others inexplicable, her eyes turned to the awake people present, smiling with a smile and showing a look It seems to be a cute smile that is harmless to humans and animals. already turned into a ray of black smoke and dropped into the forest. disappear disappeared.

In fact, it only took a short time from the appearance of Little Witch to the end of the battle. However, this looks like only a teenage girl, but it has impressed everyone at Philip 13Battle Team. Except for Ye Bao who was drowsy before already, of the other six people, only Shangguan Bing’er and Crow were not injured. Lin Tianao, Zuibao, Little Flame, Xiao Si, the four major combat powers, have all been hit hard.

At this time, Crow is also sitting on the ground breathing heavily, she is full of strength, but after all, she is just an Heavenly Jewel Master with three Jeweled Cultivations. Just now, the evil Aura that came with Little Witch‘s thirteen consecutive blows poured into her body, causing her a huge load. At this time, each of them was subjected to different degrees of evil energy.

Shangguan Bing’er also collapsed to the ground. After three days of heavy consumption, the previous mortal death was alive. She also emptied all her physical strength, and even went into the cave to take a look.

In the cave, the cocoon shrouded in four colors is already disappear, Zhou Weiqing is lying on the ground, the black tiger skin Tattoo (Magic Mark) on his body is gradually disappearing, but three inches away from his body, there is a layer of white light covering light. The whole person is exuding great suction, absorbing the world Spirit Qi in the air, but the person is still drowsy.

Tian’er standing in front of Zhou Weiqing, with his back facing away from him, staring out of the hole, the brilliance in the purple eyes appeared, and she could clearly see that the original six Heavenly Jewels were on her hands and wrists. already became seven. The blue tiger skin Tattoo (Magic Mark) already on her body all faded away. The perfectly proportioned body was exposed to the air, her white hair dangled behind her, and her whole body exuded a mixture of cool, Divine, deep, mysterious multiple temperament.

“She was nearby, thanks to those bad guys.” Tian’er murmured, looking back suddenly, looking at the very sweet Zhou Weiqing lying on the ground, a kind of oozing in her beautiful eyes Extremely complex look.

“Why, why should I obviously kill him and get the most benefit from him, but how can I not do it? I have been with him for two years, and I have been bullied by this bad guy again and again. I I should get results in the promotion. Why is Ah!, but how can I not get started? And, in the process of my promotion, why is it not that I just benefit from him, but that we are mutually beneficial to each other? Let this guy take advantage. “

Squatting slowly, Tian’er looked at Zhou Weiqing up close, her eyes already became a bit hazy. Raised his hand and placed it lightly on the face of Zhou Weiqing, feeling the warmth from his skin, Tian’er‘s cheeky face suddenly flew two reds.

“This bad guy caught me and took a bath with him. Killing him, I really want to kill him.” With that said, she twisted it **** Zhou Weiqing‘s face.

Suddenly, she smirked again, “This bad guy is the worst person I’ve ever met. Forget it, let him live first. Wait for me to break through to the king level and kill him for the greatest benefit. It’s not too late. Well, I will be able to be hard-hearted by then. “

After making the decision, Tian’er seemed a lot more relaxed. With a look of relief, looking at Zhou Weiqing‘s gradually disappear tiger skin Tattoo (Magic Mark), the cheeky face turned redder. Raising his right hand, his index finger lightly touched his brows, and a lilac light poured into the head of Zhou Weiqing. She herself was shrouded in white light, her body gradually shrinking. When he showed his figure again, already changed back to the appearance of a small white tiger fat cat.

Open your small mouth and bit on the arm of Zhou Weiqing. The fat cat crawled unwillingly to his chest, and then lay there and closed her eyes.

The Zhou Weiqing in the deep sleep did not know whether the stabbing pain caused by the little fat cat bite him, the whole body cleverly shivered, and his consciousness gradually recovered.

When Zhou Weiqing opened his eyes, he only felt that his brain was dizzy. Looking at the top of the cliff cave, he hadn’t seen what happened over understand for a long time.

Where am I? what are you doing? For this problem, he was in a daze for a long while, and his memory gradually recovered.

Ah! I should be with the fat cat, just raise Law Elder for it. Zhou Weiqing suddenly get up. It doesn’t matter this time, just found a comfortable position on his chest, the fat cat who fell asleep suddenly rolled down, her soft and smooth fur rolled over the Zhou Weiqing, of ​​course he was nothing. However, the fat cat’s body stopped at the base of his thigh and was blocked by a straight, shaking head.

The fat cat opened his eyes, and just saw the evil-looking thing in front of his eyes, almost gasping to death. Zhou Weiqing, me, I want to kill you. While it was preparing to lift the little tiger’s claw to take a photo of the “thing” in front of it, it found itself in a cloud and fog …

Zhou Weiqing grabbed the little fat cat and brought it to himself, looking at his newly opened eyes, and asked in wonder: “Fat cat, have you succeeded in the promotion?”

The fat cat closed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth moved, and his two small ears fell forward, leaving him in a deaf ear.

“Hey? I said, do you have a conscience What?, I just helped you to complete the promotion, you just treat me Ah! like this” Zhou Weiqing pinch a fat cat’s soft butt, and look down Only then did I realize that I was naked.

Suddenly, his eyes widened. “What’s the matter? My clothes? Fat cat, what have you done to me? Me, my chastity Ah!” This unscrupulous guy looked at his hands in sorrow. Fat cat, holding his ears, “Fat cat, why did you lose my clothes? Did you do anything uncommon to me? You **** cat, you did such a mean thing Thing, you are responsible for me Ah! What are you doing at me? Am I wrong? “

The fat cat finally opened his eyes. Its already was about to explode with this rogue. The strong Murderous Qi suddenly burst out. It deeply felt that it had made an extremely wrong decision before. It should have been long ago. This bad guy is just right.

“Uh … forget it, who has kept us together for so long. Hey, I’m a little wronged, and I won’t hold you accountable.” How savvy Zhou Weiqing, felt that the fat cat’s eyes were a bit wrong and immediately changed his mouth. . He still remembers the occasional power shown by fat cats.

I found a piece of clothing from my storage ring and put it on my fat cat who closed my eyes and managed to resist the anger. Zhou Weiqing then walked out of the hole.

It doesn’t matter if he walks away. With the flow of qi and blood, he was surprised to find that his body had changed dramatically.

Zhou Weiqing‘s body has been tougher than ordinary people since it was transformed by black beads. However, if his previous body seemed to be twisted with steel wire, now it is just steel.

From inside to outside, from skin to bones, meridians, and even internal organs. All gave him a new look. In gazing inside view, Zhou Weiqing clearly felt that all parts of his body seemed to have an extra layer of purple gas, and this layer of purple gas Correct transformed his body.

Originally, Zhou Weiqing can often feel the energy fluctuation of the black beads in its own Dantian, but now the energy fluctuation is disappear. In the internal organs, Guanghua appeared, and with the breathing, the five internal organs seemed to be transmitting a huge force to every part of his body. The veins, muscles, and bones have become several times stronger than before. It was just that we walked two steps away very easily.

Also, Zhou Weiqing I also found that I was in the tail hole of the tail spine already Through. his Immortal Deity Technique The second part of the eight waist and back Death Acupuncture Point So far already All through completed. It also means, Zhou Weiqing of Immortal Deity Technique The second one succeeded.

These eight Death Acupuncture Points are integrated with five Death Acupuncture Point alreadys that run through the limbs. They are like stars in the sky. They are arranged on the torso and limbs of the Zhou Weiqing. There are thirteen Death Acupuncture Point in total. They are transformed into thirteen huge cyclones. The acupuncture point is the core. With each breath of Zhou Weiqing, his pores are like Life force. Under the command of Thirteenth Death Acupuncture Point, the essence of heaven and earth in the air is inhaled into the body, and after these Death Acupuncture Point cyclones are peeled off , Refinement, and finally converge into the Qi Hai cave.

With the tenacity and widening of the meridians and the opening of the thirteenth Death Acupuncture Point, the Heavenly Energy in Zhou Weiqing has increased significantly, and the liquid Heavenly Energy is much more filled than before. He now finally has the first strength of Heavenly God Energy.

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