Heavenly Jewel Change Chapter 36: A Pervert in Genius (Part 1)

Chapter 36: The Abnormal in Genius (Part 1)

In a blink of an eye, already passed in a week. Huyan Aobo instilled a lot of knowledge on Consolidated Equipment scroll production principles, methods, and various knowledge into Zhou Weiqing.

The production of this Consolidated Equipment scroll requires a special paper. The paper itself is called Consolidated Equipment paper, and the main component is Heavenly Nucleus of Zong/Ancestor Stage Celestial Beast. Of course, after grinding one Heavenly Nucleus into powder, 10,000 pieces of Consolidated Equipment paper can be produced, each of which has only a very small number. Then it can be made with the space Attribute’s Cat’s Eye gem powder and other precious items, and it is sold in some big cities. A set of 10,000 pieces of Consolidated Equipment paper will cost 50,000 gold coins. This is the price made by Zong/Ancestor Stage Elementary Beast Heavenly Nucleus. If it is made by higher-level Heavenly Nucleus, the price will rise.

With Consolidated Equipment paper, and then design, if you want to make a Consolidated Equipment scroll, you must first design the style and function of the Consolidated Equipment weapon that the scroll requires. Design can be said to be a crucial step and extremely complicated Step.

The final process is making. The method for making Consolidated Equipment scrolls is quite complicated. The most troublesome is to deploy Consolidating Ink. Different Consolidated Equipment scrolls use different Consolidating Ink. This Consolidating Ink generally uses Tianshou blood, Heavenly Nucleus and some precious gem powder And plant powder and so on. The recipe alone is almost endless.

Huyan Aobo is definitely a good teacher. He explained the method of making Consolidated Equipment scrolls to Zhou Weiqing in simple language. Taking some Consolidated Equipment scrolls made by himself as an example, he explained the design concept. With Consolidating Ink, one week passed, finally It was Zhou Weiqing who had a basic understanding of Consolidated Equipment scroll production.

From Huyan Aobo‘s point of view, the combination of Consolidating Ink is actually the easiest. He has mastered thousands of ways of blending himself. In a few years or even more than ten years, Zhou Weiqing can master these formulas and become already very well. The most important thing is the design. The most prone to problems in the design, we must comprehensively consider what kind of bead division to adapt to this scroll.

Zhou Weiqing is not a dumb person, but I still immerse in these things every day for a long time. My brain is in a semi-dizzy state. Fortunately, he is not a tangled person. He absorbs the design concepts explained by Huyan Aobo as much as possible. Huyan Aobo said well, the Consolidating Ink mix is ​​not in a hurry to learn, you can first memorize the thousands of kinds I can do. But this design is the point. Some technical things, the guidance of a famous teacher is better than the effect of pondering for a year.

“Xiaowei, there are a lot of things already instilled in you these days. It is not a day or two thing to digest them. Starting today, we will add two hours of practical exercises every day. Only more production, In order to find the feeling from it. And the most important thing that affects our Consolidated Equipment division is the production. The success rate of making the scroll is the key. At my current level, even if it is a relatively basic Consolidated Equipment reel, the success rate is only about 30%. Success What does understand mean if you have a low rate? “Huyan Aobo was serious in teaching Zhou Weiqing, and definitely deserved to be a strict teacher.

Zhou Weiqing replied immediately: “It means money. If you waste an extra piece of Consolidated Equipment paper, then five gold coins are gone, plus Consolidating Ink, at least a dozen gold coins.”

Huyan Aobo nodded with satisfaction. He is an iron cock. “Yes. Every failure means a waste of time and money. Therefore, in the process of making the scroll, you must pay full attention to meticulous attention, in your own Spirit Under the fullest conditions, with the greatest enthusiasm, during this time, the Consolidated Equipment scroll is everything for you.

On the table, a piece of Consolidated Equipment paper with a motif pattern has been rolled out, and the design pattern is outlined with thin lines. This pattern was made by Zhou Weiqing yesterday. It is a shield, imitating the mysterious design of Huyan Aobo. Turtle shield, mainly defense. After the design is completed, the production process is to use Consolidating Ink and space Heavenly Energy to combine with Consolidated Equipment paper to form an Consolidated Equipment scroll.

Zhou Weiqing held a pen with a jade tube wolf in his hand, and dipped in the Consolidating Ink prepared by Huyan Aobo for him, took a deep breath and released his Power Jewel.

The attribute wheel is rotated to the silver area, and Spirit is completely concentrated on the Consolidated Equipment paper in front of him. He slowly writes down.

Consolidating Ink is pale gold, Heavenly Energy is injected with the pen tube, and the wolf at the entire pen tip blooms the silver luster of light. Zhou Weiqing teaches him according to Huyan Aobo, slowly, penetrating the paper back, and slowly sliding along with the lines .

Huyan Aobo stood at his behind the body, staring at it momentarily, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. Zhou Weiqing‘s Physical Jewel is a strength attribute and his hand is very stable, which makes him very satisfied.

At this moment, the pen of Zhou Weiqing was drawn less than an inch away, and suddenly he felt as if something had broken off. The original dazzling lines on the Consolidated Equipment paper suddenly fell into glory, quietly disappear.

“Stop.” Huyan Aobo Shen said.

Zhou Weiqing looked up at him with some confusion in his eyes.

Huyan Aobo said: “You have just begun to make scrolls. Remember, you must be slow. You must let Consolidating Ink be fully combined with Consolidated Equipment paper with the help of Heavenly Energy in your space. Consolidating Ink deposition. For our Consolidated Equipment teacher, the most difficult thing is to master this time. This requires hard feelings to form a special feel. Different Consolidating Ink and Consolidated Equipment papers have different speeds of fusion. It feels different too. You are just getting started, do n’t worry, it ’s impossible to complete the production without tens of thousands of exercises. You have to be patient.

Zhou Weiqing said with a distressed expression: “This piece of Consolidated Equipment paper is a waste? Five gold coins are really burning without Ah!. Teacher, I don’t think the Consolidated Equipment scrolls you sell are expensive at all.”

Huyan Aobo snorted and said, “You thought it was so easy to train a Consolidated Equipment division. Ah! is all smashed out of money. I have more than four months to ask you, before going to the Royal Military Academy of Philippe. , At least once to complete the production of elementary Consolidated Equipment scroll. Then practice every day. I hope you can reach the level of an elementary Consolidated Equipment teacher within three to five years. The foundation is very important, as for the required materials, you do n’t have to worry about it, I Will prepare it for you. “

Zhou Weiqing nodded, some unwilling to put aside the scrapped Consolidated Equipment paper aside, and took another sheet from a large stack of brand new Consolidated Equipment paper.

Huyan Aobo said: “You practice slowly. I will teach you while eating. Although Consolidated Equipment scroll production can not help you improve cultivation, but it is very good for spiritual cultivation, especially control. Practice more to make Consolidated Equipment scrolls. , You will be more subtle in controlling your Stored Skill skills in the future. I’m going to rest first. “

After all, he is not too young. The painstaking efforts of the previous two years need to be recuperated.

Huyan Aobo is gone, Zhou Weiqing starts to try his second scroll of Consolidated Equipment, this time, it still breaks the feeling of drawing less than an inch of the connection. It was slow this time, but Consolidating Ink was silted. He clearly knows how much time it takes for Consolidating Ink and Consolidated Equipment paper to fuse. Even Huyan Aobo has explained to him at different times in different positions. It can be really operated. When the Heavenly Energy is poured into the pen, how can it not be controlled. As Huyan Aobo said, the fusion of Consolidating Ink and Consolidated Equipment paper is a very mysterious feeling. It can be said that the quality of the Consolidated Equipment paper produced by the same Heavenly Nucleus is not exactly the same, and there will be slight differences, and this slight difference can also lead to the failure of Consolidated Equipment scroll production.

After seven consecutive attempts, already was sweaty on the forehead of Zhou Weiqing, because Spirit was too concentrated, and his eyes were a bit sour.

Putting down the pen, he muttered: “Time controls, feeling, time, time, feeling. How can I use feeling to control the time of the action under the pen? This is really difficult, no wonder the teacher said that at least tens of thousands Only Zhang’s practice can be successful. No, I need to take a break first and resume Spirit, otherwise it will be even more unlikely. “

While thinking, Zhou Weiqing was lying directly on the ground, tearing away Heavenly Energy. Just before his eyes, the six-color attribute wheel gradually faded into disappear with the retraction of Power Jewel. Suddenly, an aura of light passed over his mind like lightning.

Colorless, time. Zhou Weiqing turned up sharply and sat up, with a look of surprise in his eyes. “The most important thing about making this Consolidated Equipment scroll for Ah! is not the control of time? I can’t control it by myself, why not use time to control it. My sixth Is n’t attribute just time? “

When he thought of it, he became very excited. With the second Elemental Jewel, the absolute slowness of the sixth attribute of Stored Skill in his first altered stone Cat’s Eye also evolved. The effect of the evolution is worse than several other skills, and the casting distance has been increased from five yards to six. Code, then control of the sluggish effect. The only benefit of this skill is that after using it once, the interval between wanting to use it again is very short, only three seconds. But the disadvantage is the huge consumption of Heavenly Energy. With Zhou Weiqing and now 11 heavy Heavenly Jing/Essence Energy cultivation, if only this skill is used, it can only be released up to eight times, and Heavenly Energy will be exhausted. Count the eleven major Death Acupuncture Point‘s self-recovery, which is a maximum of nine uses. You know, it works so close, and the sluggish effect is only one second. At least at present, Zhou Weiqing has not felt that this skill has much effect. He always felt that it was just a second of delay, what’s the point of controlling the effect of the delay?

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