Heavenly Jewel Change Chapter 240: Master? metamorphosis? (Above)

Chapter 240: The Master? metamorphosis? (Above)

Zhou Weiqing had a smile on his face, and glanced around Feren, but his face became cold in the next moment.

“You want to see me making God Shi/Master Stage Consolidated Equipment scrolls, you are not qualified. Go back and tell you Palace Host, you want to test my ability, yes, I am not unreasonable. Since I came here, I will also take out myself Sincerity. However, do you really think that with your ability you can see whether the scroll of God Shi/Master Stage Consolidated Equipment was made by me? In my own way, I can exchange a scroll for you to see, there is no difficulty. I give You have a list of materials, you go back and prepare it, and then ask your Xuantian Temple to choose a place suitable for making scrolls, and ask the best Consolidated Equipment teacher in your Xuantian Temple. Only Consolidated Equipment teacher is qualified to inspect Consolidated Equipment teacher. “

While talking, as soon as Zhou Weiqing‘s wrist was flipped, a piece of white paper fell into his hand, picked up the quill pen in the hotel, and struck a pen on top of it. After a while, he wrote a lot of paper. Various materials for making Consolidating Ink are recorded above.

After writing these, pass the paper to Phelan, light said: “You can go.”

Ferlen results in a blank piece of paper. Although his heart was suffocated by the behavior of Zhou Weiqing, but after all, there was no seizure. Regardless of whether the young man in front of him is a real **** or not, his pride of God Shi/Master Stage is true. Seeing him like that, he was clearly fearless. Although Falun is an elder of Xuantian Temple, if Zhou Weiqing is really a god, he would not dare to offend. As a high-level member of Xuantian Palace, he also has family and disciples, and also needs many Consolidated Equipment scrolls Ah!

“Well, in this case, the master please wait for me to reply. I will report to Palace Host truthfully.” After saying this, Phelan nodded to Zhou Weiqing and turned away.

The door was closed, and the smile on Shangguan Bing’er‘s face couldn’t help anymore. As soon as she was about to say something, Zhou Weiqing gave her a snoring gesture, and said, “Don’t say anything, there are ears in the wall. “

Shangguan Bing’er vomited a cute little tongue, looking at Zhou Weiqing, the emotions in the beautiful eyes sprang up. Her Little Fatty is becoming more and more unique. Only two of them came to this Xuantian continent, but from beginning to end, Zhou Weiqing has been in a hassle-free layout. Shangguan Bing’er asked himself, if it is himself, it is impossible to achieve such a degree of Zhou Weiqing. Seeing the courageous look of the man she loved, her love increased even more. It seems that as long as he is by his side, there is no need to be half worried about even completing such a dangerous task.

Zhou Weiqing is certainly not capable of mastering everything, but Mu En taught him even when he was a kid. As a real rogue, he must first think he is right at any time, even if already is disassembled. Never admit it. Correct relied on this psychological quality, Zhou Weiqing only became popular in the vast mainland. Although this Xuantian continent can be regarded as another World for them, the current Zhou Weiqing is no longer the original. With the Saint Force, he can be said to have full confidence and has sufficient strength. No matter what the situation is, He has full self-confidence, and naturally he will not let the enemy see anything.

The next full day, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing’er rest in the hotel, during which he also took Shangguan Bing’er to go shopping once and taste some authentic Heavenly City snacks.

Heavenly City‘s diet is different from Hao Miao’s mainland. For example, the food here, taste is relatively heavy, and it likes spicy food. Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing’er are also very enjoyable. And they also bought some small crafts and things that were not valuable.

When they go out, someone is naturally following them. The name is “protection”, but they are under surveillance. It’s just that the people in Xuantian Palace don’t even know why understand, the master of the gods, wants to buy crafts that they don’t care about. They certainly don’t know, Zhou Weiqing is buying gifts for the family. How to say this is also to another continent, if you do n’t bring anything after you go back, can those wily wives in the family let him go?

Xuantian Temple did not come again until the morning of the third day after they entered Heavenly City.

Ferlen still came, but he did not see Er Chun again. It may be that already returned to UBatuo City.

“Master, we have prepared already for what you want. Please.” After seeing Zhou Weiqing, Feren didn’t greet him much, and asked him to leave.

The requirements of the materials written before Zhou Weiqing have made Xuantian Palace a lot harder. Even if the Xuantian Palace who dominates the mainland wants to find so many precious materials, it is quite difficult. After all, although there are many precious things on Xuantian Continent, Xuantian Continent is also very valuable here.

Zhou Weiqing nodded to Feren and pulled Shangguan Bing’er out of the hotel with him.

The carriage was already waiting outside. Zhou Weiqing was a little surprised that after riding the carriage, the carriage did not travel to the city, but went straight out of Heavenly City.

As the so-called Yi Gao is bold, the Zhou Weiqing is not worried about it.

Ferren also took a horse-drawn carriage with them, sitting opposite Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing’er, and turned his attention to Zhou Weiqing from time to time.

Changing someone else and being stared at by a Heavenly King-class powerhouse will definitely be very uncomfortable. But Zhou Weiqing is an exception. If you like to see it, just watch it. From time to time, take a kiss on the Shangguan Bing’er pink cheeks, and even give Fei Lun a few provocative eyes.

Ferren just didn’t see anything, and didn’t even talk to Zhou Weiqing along the way.

The carriage has been going for more than an hour, and it feels that the terrain is gradually rising. Although the curtains were not opened to look out, the Zhou Weiqing could feel that the carriage was uphill. Moreover, when passing through a section of road, there were obviously a large number of guards blocking the mountain road, only to see their carriages make way.

Xuantian Temple is outside Heavenly City?

Zhou Weiqing was thinking secretly, but his face remained calm.

Finally, after another half hour, the carriage stopped. Phelan nodded to Zhou Weiqing, took the lead in getting out of the car, and personally raised the curtain for them.

Zhou Weiqing and Bing’er have gotten off the bus one by one and they are down to earth, but they can’t help showing a little surprise.

The scenery in front of them is very moving. This is a valley, surrounded by green grass, and various plants can be seen everywhere, including some precious things. Especially in this valley, flowers are blooming, and the floral fragrance of light is mixed with fresh air. Gives a feeling of relaxation and joy.

Just outside this valley, Zhou Weiqing felt at least 20 existences of Aura, including at least two existence of Heavenly King strong. It is conceivable how important this place is to Xuantian Temple. But it is clear that this is not Xuantian Temple.

The situation inside the valley is clear at a glance and can be clearly seen at a glance. Inside the entire valley, there is only a small wooden house in the center, and three simple wooden houses, which can only accommodate seven or eight people. How could it be the headquarters of Xuantian Palace?

Looking at the curious eyes of Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing’er, Phelan said in a deep voice: “The two masters already in this palace usually live here. Doesn’t Master Zhou want a place suitable for making Consolidated Equipment scrolls? ? After considering this, I think this place is the most suitable, so I invited the master, and everything you need is in it.

Zhou Weiqing nodded and raised his foot toward the cabin, but Feren raised his hand to stop it. Zhou Weiqing immediately turned to look puzzled.

Fei Lun took a deep look at Zhou Weiqing, and said in a deep voice: “Master Zhou’s actions in Wu Batuo City have been heard by my husband already. Even if Master Zhou is not a god, you can make it with your own hands. The big Shi/Master Stage Consolidated Equipment scroll is definitely an outstanding talent. So, now you have time to regret it. If you wait to enter the wooden house and verify that you are not a god, it is too late.

His intention is very obvious. If Zhou Weiqing admits that he is not a god, then his talent will still be reused by Xuantian Temple. However, after entering the wooden house, it was verified that he was not a master. No matter how good he was, Xuantian Palace would not let him leave here alive.

Zhou Weiqing didn’t say anything, just smiled, pushed Feren’s arm away, and pulled Shangguan Bing’er straight to the chalet.

Looking at his back, the surprise on Falun’s face cannot be covered up. I thought to myself, is this young man really a god? If that is the case, then I am afraid that in the history of the mainland Consolidated Equipment division, he will be the only generation of wizards!

According to Feren’s impression, on Xuantian Continent, the youngest **** is also over fifty years old, and it is still the character of existence in history. Unless it is like …

Time already should not allow him to think too much. Zhou Weiqing brought Shangguan Bing’er already to the door of the log house, and Falun rushed to follow him, while the other people in Xuantian Palace passing through stayed outside the valley. Step into it.

When I walked to the door of the central wooden house, Zhou Weiqing‘s cold Perception also quietly improved. already, he can clearly feel that there are two Life Aura existence in this wooden house, but what shocked him is that these two people ’s cultivation he didn’t even feel transparent.

Although he hasn’t met yet, his cold Perception has reached a fairly sharp level of already under the action of Saint Force. Even through some clues, he can make some judgments on cultivation of Heavenly Jewel Master. He couldn’t judge these two people, which proves one thing. The cultivation of these two people is at least the highest level of Heavenly King and even higher.

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