Heavenly Jewel Change Chapter 213: Sly betting (below)

Chapter 213 Sly Betting (Part 2)

Seeing the position of lounge where the sign of the Philippine Empire Battle Team is located, Zhou Weiqing suddenly feels eager in his heart.

Around Zhongtian square, early already is crowded with people, cheers and shouts one after another, lively and extraordinary.

In this atmosphere, any contestant is prone to feel bloody, and Zhou Weiqing is no exception. It was here that he once helped Philippe Battle Team to obtain a huge honor. When he entered the previous session, he said that in the next session, he will lead Heavenly Bow Empire Battle Team to this stage showing the strength of the country. And now he did it, he really came here, came here with his Heavenly Bow Battle Team, and his dedication to the championship.

Suddenly taking a deep breath, breathing the air of already filled with smoke, the Zhou Weiqing forgot about everything already for a moment. Eyes were frozen on the ring, and the whole person’s warfare soared instantly.

Tian’er and Zhou Weiqing have obvious telepathy because of Saint Force. Naturally also felt the mood change of Zhou Weiqing at this time. Hold his big sweaty hand tightly, secretly in your heart, Little Fatty, you can do it.

“Get out.” The cold voice suddenly sounded in the two behind the body, Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er looked back subconsciously, and saw that a Battle Team wearing a red uniform was in their behind the body.

The color of the red and **** uniforms can easily stimulate people’s eyes. The head is a young man. The gloomy Aura has hot eyes. This cold and hot change can easily cause illusion.

Zhou Weiqing pulled Tian’er aside and gave way. None of the players in the red team uniforms looked at them at all, but passed by and walked towards the central lounge.

“It is Dan Dun Empire Battle Team, they changed their uniforms.” Zhou Weiqing recognized the old opponent at a glance. Because Shen Xiaomo is the fourth in this Battle Team.

I haven’t seen her for a few years. She seems to be less impatient during the last competition, but she is a bit more mature. From the hairstyle, it seems that already is married. Ah! Shen Xiaomo is not young anymore. How can girls not marry when they are close to thirty?

Tian’er shrugged and said, “It’s just from Blood Red Hell. Look at them like that. Humph!.” She is not a good man, she is naturally upset when she is scolded.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, “It seems that I and the Dan Dun empire really have a lot of fate. Ah! will teach them when they return to the game. Now we want to keep a low profile and make money the most important thing. We will meet them in the sixth round , Then I will give you gas. “

While talking, his eyes turned to Zhongtian Battle Team lounge. Unfortunately, he did not see the appearance of the three sisters of Shangguan. Zhongtian Battle Team came with four people, but he did not have a familiar figure. It seems that today the three sisters of Shangguan are not coming.

Zhongtian Battle Team is still the habitual first battle appearance, but today their opponent is Kalise Empire Battle Team, and the three sisters of Shangguan naturally have no possibility of take action.

Heavenly Bow Empire‘s lounge is in the most remote corner. Who asked them to participate in Heavenly Jewel competition for the first time. When Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er entered lounge, everyone else was already already.

Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er are the latest people to come. They have just entered lounge. Soon on the podium, the emperor of China Heavenly Emperor Shangguan Tianxing already stood up and announced in the voice of the people. Game start. The referee of this session of Heavenly Jewel competition is still Zhongguan Heavenly Emperor country Stored Skill palace Palace Host Shangguan Longyin.

The first round of the Heavenly Jewel competition will always end in the shortest time, because the first round is played by the seed team of each team.

In the first group, Kalise Empire Battle Team directly conceded after China Heavenly Emperor country Battle Team played.

Of the other three groups, only the Philippe Battle Team group actually appeared in the battle, but they also faced a small country, Battle Team. They were quickly won by Ye Baobao and Ye Xuan ’s brothers and sisters. game.

The second round is coming soon.

Shangguan Longyin’s thick voice sounded, “In the first round, a second set of games, Heavenly Bow Empire Battle Team played against Miou Empire Battle Team, the first players of both sides appeared, and the referee appeared.”

According to the signing, Heavenly Bow Empire is the second team to play in the first group. Yun Li bounced up and was about to go out, but was caught by Zhou Weiqing.

“Why?” Yun Li looked at Zhou Weiqing in confusion, “Did you not let me be the first one to play?”

Zhou Weiqing shook his head and said: “This round is not necessary, Ma Qun, you play in the first game, Xi Xi in the second game, and the two of you in the third game. Heavenly Energy is not allowed. Wear armor.”

Zhou Weiqing‘s instructions are simple, but also very clear.

Ma Qun was overjoyed when he heard these words. He is a person who loves to show up. He has longed for this Heavenly Jewel competition. When he heard that Zhou Weiqing gave him a head start, he rushed out with a look of excitement.

The toes are a bit on the ground, and they are directly on the platform.

Mio Kingdom, there is a 26-27-year-old youth, they are not the Mio Battle Team three years ago, almost all of them changed. This youth Zhou Weiqing has not seen it.

Crow sat beside Zhou Weiqing and laughed: “I remember when we came on behalf of the Philippine Empire last time, the first match was also the Miou Kingdom, it really has a fate Ah!

Zhou Weiqing smiles silently, against Miou Kingdom, they are naturally without pressure.

Shangguan Longyin on the podium, glanced naturally towards Heavenly Bow Empire lounge, and saw that everyone in lounge was wearing a dagger on his head. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and there was a hint of light in his eyes. Looks like a smile. Obviously, he knew who Heavenly Bow Empire came to this time.

The referee Shen said on the stage: “Both sides have a common name.”

Ma Qun is active with his extremely strong muscles, loudly: “Heavenly Bow Empire, Ma Qun.”

The youth of Miou Battle Team was shocked to see the figure of Ma Qun. His height of 1.8 meters was not too short, but it was just able to reach the position of Ma Qun‘s chest.

“Mio Kingdom, Qian Shu.”

The referee said: “The rules of the game are very simple. The two sides can attack freely and can use any weapon. If it is a dominator, you cannot use the Consolidated Equipment and Stored Skill abilities. The opponent can not continue to attack if they lose. understand?

Both sides represent understand. The referee was about to announce the start of the game, but was stopped by Ma Qun. “Referee, wait a minute.”

The referee froze and said, “What else do you have?”

Ma Qun said: “I forgot to wear the armor below, can I wear it now?”

The referee’s face sank, and he said, “Not ready to participate in the game? Hurry up.” Heavenly Jewel competition is allowed to use any armament, and he is not good at blocking it.

The young man named Qian Shu, who was originally a bit nervous about Ma Qun, laughed when he heard this. The vast majority of people participating in Heavenly Jewel competition are equipped with Consolidated Equipment. The requirement of Ma Qun to wear armor does not expose his lack of cultivation? The tension in my heart suddenly went to more than half, and more turned into excitement. If it can bring a good start to the country, it will be a great glory for any team member.

However, the smile on Qian Shu‘s face soon froze.

Ma Qun stood on the stage and took out his armor from the storage ring in front of millions of spectators. Then you put it on yourself neatly.

Not to mention the referee and Qian Shu on the stage, even the gangsters on the podium are watching.

What is the thickness of the armor Ah! more than half a foot, and when the Ma Qun first placed the armor on the competition table, the whole competition table issued a series of bangs with obvious vibration.

How heavy is this armor?

When Ma Qun finished wearing this armor, the hearts of countless people twitched. Ma Qun‘s body is already majestic enough. Putting on this pair of non-dual cavalry equipment is just like a steel fortress. Standing there, even if there is no Aura, it gives an unparalleled and powerful oppression. sense. And Qian Shu standing in front of him is like a little lamb, as if it may be Devour in front of this behemoth at any time.

After wearing the armor, Ma Qun grinned, “No double cavalry is transformed, referee, I can.”

Qian Shu stared at the referee dumbly, “Isn’t he or he a foul? This armor is too big, right?” From the Ma Qun armor, he can feel the strong Senhan Aura, he is very suspicious. Can his own attack break through the opponent’s armor?

Whether it ’s not convulsions in the referee ’s mind, but Heavenly Jewel competition rules are not allowed to wear heavy armor Ah!

“Participants can use any weapon, if you need to wear armor. If not, I will announce the start of the game.”

Qian Shu can only confess his fate. He can be elected by Miou Kingdom. He is also a leader in the younger generation. He barely calmed down his shock and nodded to the referee.

Following the announcement of the referee’s announcement, the first match of Heavenly Bow Empire to participate in Heavenly Jewel competition for the first time in history has officially kicked off.

Qian Shu quickly released his Power Jewel. As a member of Miou Battle Team, his cultivation will not be too weak. Four pairs of Power Jewel appear on the left and right wrists. Physical Jewel is the agile Dragonstone Jade, and Elemental Jewel is the water Attribute’s emperor Sapphire.

The two hands are frozen, and on his left and right arms, they are immediately covered with a layer of armor. This is a pair of two-piece suits. The strong blue light shines. With the assistance of the arm Consolidated Equipment equipment, they each condense. An ice blade with a length of about three feet, facing the shape of a steel fortress like Ma Qun, did not retreat, and the body flashed, and already reached the side of Ma Qun. The ice blade in his hand went straight to Ma Qun and was cut off.

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