Heavenly Jewel Change Chapter 111: Darkness (Hei’an) Seal of Death (Part 2)

Chapter 111 The Seal of Death of Darkness (Hei’an) (Part 2)

Standing out of the circle looking at Zhou Weiqing, Ming Hua was a little dazed. I didn’t see it for a few months, and Zhou Weiqing seemed to be a little taller. Compared with the previous one, his face had a little smile, but his eyes had a little more. Melancholy. He is still the original look, but for a woman like Ming Hua already like mature water *** general, Zhou Weiqing at this time is more attractive than before.

“Are you all okay?” Zhou Weiqing put his arms around Kou Rui’s shoulders, feeling the enthusiasm of his classmates, and finally a smile appeared on his face. At least, the efforts he made at the beginning were not in vain, for several months In the past, the students did not forget his existence.

Kou Rui laughed and said, “Boss, we are so good. Now our civilians are walking side by side across the college, and those nobles of higher grades dare not offend us. We are a Overall, if anyone dares to touch our brothers and sisters, we will go together and fuck. This is what you teach us, unity is strength. “

Yan Zhexi also crowded in front of Zhou Weiqing. “Squad leader, you are finally back. Everyone has lived up to your hopes. Now, all the 29 students in our class, except you and your sister-in-law, the remaining 27 people regardless of Is it Heavenly Jewel Master, Physical Jewel Master, or Elemental Jewel Master? cultivation has all been promoted to more than two realms. Among them, eleven people already have at least one Consolidated Equipment equipment. Three Elemental Jewel Master Stored Skill have reached a skill, the scrolls and gold coins you left have not been spent After that, I will return it to you later. “

Zhou Weiqing was silent for a while, and said, “Let ’s go back to the classroom and wait for me first. I just came back to meet the dean of Cai Cai. I have something to tell you later.”

Kou Rui laughed: “Okay, no problem, we all wait for you in class, even if we want to go to the bathroom.”

Yan Zhexi shouted, “Everyone in the civilian class has it all, turn back and return to work.”

The neat and upright sound sounded. Under the leadership of Yan Zhexi and Kou Rui, the crowds rushed away and returned to the civilian class, but Zhou Weiqing clearly saw that in the eyes of every student in the civilian class, it was revealed * ** Glory.

No one has forgotten me. Unfortunately, I am leaving.

Zhou Weiqing sighed in his heart. He believes that if he is given another two years, he will be able to make these civilian trainees completely reconciled and return to Heavenly Bow Empire with himself. With such a team, it will not be too difficult for Heavenly Bow Empire to become strong in the future. Unfortunately, everything came too suddenly.

Thinking aside, Zhou Weiqing just saw Ming Hua, Ming Hua nodded to him, “You’re back. I’ve heard that, this time you shine on Heavenly Jewel competition.”

Zhou Weiqing smiled indifferently, and said, “I have something to say later, I’ll see the dean first.” After finishing, he pulled up Dou Dou and went straight upstairs.

Looking at his leaving figure, Ming Hua just came to his senses. It seems that I am the teacher, but his tone just now is like ordering a little girl. This guy seems to be more arrogant than before.

At the door of Cai Cai‘s office, Zhou Weiqing raised his hand and knocked on the door.

“Come in.” The voice of Cai Cai is still the kind of noble taste with a bit of laziness. It sounds very comfortable, but it gives a feeling of looking up.

Zhou Weiqing pushed in with Dou Dou and walked in.

Cai Cai is looking at something at her big desk, her brows frown slightly, and she seems to be thinking about something. She is still so beautiful, still so noble and elegant, as if she will never contaminate the worldly Aura.

“What’s the matter?” Cai Cai asked without looking up.

Cai Cai Dean, I’m back,” Zhou Weiqing said.

“Huh?” Cai Cai raised her head subconsciously. When she saw that it was Zhou Weiqing in front of her eyes, she suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

“You are finally back. Did you know that these days, the entire Philippine Empire has been turbulent because of you?” Looking at him, Cai Cai‘s face showed an indescribable complex look.

“Being turbulent because of me?” Zhou Weiqing froze, “Where does this start?”

Cai Cai sighed, came out from behind the desk, pointed to the sofa next to him, and motioned for Zhou Weiqing to sit down.

The eyes of Dou Dou standing beside Zhou Weiqing stared at Cai Cai momentarily, and saw her coming out from behind the desk, and she immediately exclaimed: “Sister, you are so beautiful Ah!

Cai Cai grinned: “Sister? Weiqing, you haven’t introduced it to me yet, is this?”

Zhou Weiqing said: “This is my friend Dou Dou. Come back with me. What happened to Dean Cai Cai, Heavenly Bow Empire?” He almost couldn’t wait to ask what he wanted to know most.

When asking this question, Zhou Weiqing‘s heart was actually trembling. At the beginning, Shangguan Xue’er told him that the final situation was that Heavenly Bow City was under siege. So far, already has passed so many days. It must have happened already. Although already expected a lot in his mind, he still had a little hope in his mind until it was confirmed.

Cai Cai watched Zhou Weiqing silent.

Looking at her eyes, Zhou Weiqing‘s heart sank to the bottom immediately. He knew that the worst situation might still happen.

Cai Cai sighed and said: “Your father and Heavenly Bow Empire Emperor had a chance to escape. If they broke out in the first place, the siege of the Bai Da Empire and the Kalise Empire will not be completely completed. However, they have Did not choose to break through, but co-existed with Heavenly Bow City. “

Zhou Weiqing just felt that his eyes were dark, and he was sitting on the sofa with his buttocks, and his teeth were rattling. Clenched his fists.

Cai Cai said: “Weiqing, you listen to me. It’s not the worst thing.”

“Huh?” Zhou Weiqing widened her eyes immediately when she said that.

Cai Cai said: “Heavenly Bow City already was captured and Heavenly Bow Empire has been completely captured, but your father and the Heavenly Bow Empire emperor are still alive, at least they are still alive.”

“What are you talking about? Are they captured?” Zhou Weiqing suddenly overjoyed, looking at Cai Cai, his eyes became extremely anxious.

Cai Cai shook his head and said, “No, they have not been captured. With your father’s inflexible character, how could it be captured? When the palace was about to be captured, your father launched his life with all his power. The most powerful skill of Darkness (Hei’an) Self-sacrifice Skill. Perhaps because of the pressure from the outside world, at that moment, the Marshal Zhou Shuiniu broke through to Nine Jewel Realm. It also really made him complete the hardest one of Darkness (Hei’an) Self-sacrifice Skill, the Darkness (Hei’an) frozen seal.

Darkness (Hei’an)‘s desperate seal of solidification? A big question mark suddenly appeared in Zhou Weiqing‘s heart, because he had never heard of this skill existence.

Cai Cai explained: “The so-called Darkness (Hei’an) solidifying seal of death is the highest-end existence in Darkness (Hei’an) Self-sacrifice Skill, even if it is a Heavenly King-class strongman, it may not be successful. With your father’s cultivation, the chance of success at the time is at most Twenty percent, it may be due to God ’s care, or it may be the obsession in your father ’s heart that he really succeeded.

“With the Darkness (Hei’an) solidifying seal, your father formed an absolute seal within a hundred meters in diameter of the Heavenly Bow Empire Emperor Palace Host. The effect of this seal is absolutely valid. Within that one hundred meters in diameter, all Everything will freeze, including time, space, and even Life. And the duration is ten years. “

“Once this seal is successful, there are only two ways to break it. The first is to force the seal to be ten times as powerful as the user. In that case, everything inside will be lost. It ’s gone. Another way is to wait. After ten years, the seal will be lifted by itself. At that time, all the creatures in the seal will be in absolute weakness. You must have Divine Attribute’s recovery skills to help them recover. Life strength. In other words, your father left this last hope and dignity for Heavenly Bow Empire with this skill. I sincerely admire your father. “

After listening to Cai Cai, the hope in Zhou Weiqing also burned. At least the father and the godfather have not died yet. The father is there and the mother must be in the seal. No matter what, they are still alive. And his father also fought for ten years.

Ten years, ten years, it sounds like a long time, but for Zhou Weiqing, it is very short. In ten years, he must have enough power, counterattack Heavenly Bow City, reoccupy it, and have Divine Attribute’s Heavenly Jewel Master to help him, in order to save his father and godfather.

“Dean Cai Cai, can anyone in the Bai Da Empire destroy the seal?” Zhou Weiqing asked nervously.

Cai Cai shook his head and said, “No. At that time, your father was upgraded to Nine Jewels from cultivation already. To have ten times his power, at least it must be at the peak of Heavenly King level, or even Heavenly Emperor level. And, this is being eliminated. At the time of the seal, the destroyer had to bear a huge backlash. Not to mention that the Bai Da empire does not have such a master, even if it does, it will never be take action easily. For the Bai Da empire, the Heavenly Bow Empire palace has a diameter of one hundred meters and is not affected by it. Domination is nothing, anyway, you just have to wait ten years, your father and they are all going to die. Why do they have to invite masters to take risks? “

Listening to her, Zhou Weiqing was relieved. Looking at Cai Cai, his eyes reappeared the same glory as before. “Thank you, Dean Cai Cai. This is the most I have gotten these days. Good news. “

Cai Cai shook his head and said: “You don’t need to thank me, I’m afraid you will still hate me later. Sorry, Weiqing, although I am the Philippine Empire Princess, I can’t help you.”

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