Heaven Awakening Path Chapter 781: Yingqiu Research Group

Yingqiu is the area with the largest vegetation area in Chuanping District. This is not an undeveloped surviving area. On the contrary, the original Yingqiu was an inexplicable desert in the fertile soil of Chuanping.

The terrain of the desert is only distributed in the northeast or northwest of continent. In the Chuanping area, which is south and plain, there is such a desert, and the reason for its formation is beyond consideration. After the founding of Dark Arms Empire, the first city owner of Chuanping District started to work on the idea of ​​this desert. For several generations, the desert hills of the past became the largest dense forest in Chuanping in today’s population area.

Now, how to make use of this artificial Yingqiu has become a new subject in Kawadaira, and many Ability related practitioners have been recruited to conduct research in this area.

But right now, Yingqiu is still Yingqiu, and the research team stationed here is not the master who controls Yingqiu. Even if they are compared to those who protect the parliament, who are these research practitioners? Root onion?

I woke up early in the morning, Zhu Qi, a researcher who was washing by the stream, saw five high-headed horses and three hanging tigers suddenly appearing across the stream. Already scared to slip in the wet mud on the bank of the stream.

Five headed horses rushed through the night and finally reached Yingqiu at this dawn, but they were not tired at all. The beasts trained by the five Biology Imitation System expert(s) brothers of the five birds, realm alone, have already been more than ten days Perception Realm. As for the three young tigers that were just raised by the second child, they are also realm of Strength’s Soul linking up, which can be regarded as a school bully in most of Institute of continent. Zhu Qi, a practitioner who slipped in front of her, is no different than realm.

“Who are you?” Zhang Hong, the boss of the middle of five, raised his whip and asked Zhu Qi.

Zhu Qi, who was scared to sit in the wet mud, then looked at the five of them. The five of them were dressed in color, and the waist card loosing when the waist fluttered with the clothes, finally recognized the five. Human identity.

“Five adults!” Zhu Qi hurriedly climbed out of the mud to say hello, followed by introducing herself, “The younger one is the planting division sent to assist in the management of Yingqiu’s seven specialties. /

“Oh, the planter.” Zhang Hong nodded. The planting division is one of the main parts of the Xuan Army’s center, and it is the people’s livelihood plan that builds the country. But in a world that is already very human, such as the monk, the monstrous power of the monk is more important than anything else. An institution such as the Confederate Congress has the same grade as the Department of Planting, but its status is different. Zhu Qi is just a seventh member of the plant division, Zhang Hong is too lazy to even look at him.

“Take us to the station.” Zhang Hong said, five high-headed Malaysians went side by side, stepped into the stream and splashed water, and simply helped Zhu Qi take a bath. Following the three tigers, they walked softly and silently when they crossed the river, but they looked at Zhu Qi as they licked their tongues, making him really worried that he would be treated as breakfast.

“What are you doing? Not quick to lead the way?” Zhang Hong, who crossed the river ashore, saw Zhu Qi still in a daze there, and called impatiently. The horse whip raised in his hand, it seemed to be waving towards Zhu Qi.

“Yes, yes, here!” Wet Zhu Qi turned around in a hurry, ignoring her own washing users, rushed to the front, bent down, and gestured. Compared to the five people who ride on the tall horse, they seem smaller and smaller.

The station is not far from the stream, and it will be here in a blink of an eye. Many people have already heard the sound of horseshoes outside the account. At first, like Zhu Qi, he was frightened by the three tigers, and immediately saw the five men’s suit color and waist card, and immediately showed a sincere and fearful look. The deputy director of the Chuan Ping Zhi Plant Division in charge of this team received the report, quickly drilled out of his account, and hurriedly greeted him. He was an official from Sanpin. What a difference.

“It turned out to be five adults.” The greeted deputy chief greeted the five people. He didn’t know any five bird brothers, and he didn’t know who was higher or lower than him. But as long as it is the person who protects the parliament, don’t care about this, it is safer to be low-key.

“Who are you?” Zhang Hong’s attitude toward the people did not differ much from Zhu Qi.

“Zhu Ping, deputy director of Shimokawa Hira Planting Department.” The deputy director introduced himself.

“Master Zhu is polite.” Zhang Hong jumped down immediately, and finally converged his arrogance and posthumousness. And this is not his fear of Zhu Ping’s position, just because he has some places that use the other side, and be more friendly, better than blowing his beard and staring, he still understands this truth.

“The five adults are polite.” Seeing Zhang Hong suddenly polite, Zhu Ping was upset. Mixed in officialdom, he was an adult, and immediately realized that there was something wrong with the other party. All parties need to cooperate to protect Congress. The thing that can protect Congress in most cases is the extremely fierce fight between practitioners. Everyone hopes that they can act with them as little as possible, but now …

Zhu Ping was helpless, but his face was still full of smiles and polite, waiting to see how the other party asked.

“How long have you been stationed here, Master Zhu?” Zhang Hong asked.

“This trip has eleven days to date,” Zhu Ping said.

“Is there any suspicious character found in eleven days?”

“Suspicious character? No.” Zhu Ping shook his head.

“That’s good. In the next few days, you may need to borrow Master Zhu.” Zhang Hongdao.

“It’s easy to say, it’s easy to say.” Zhu Ping dare not say half a word.

“After the incident is completed, you must also ask for merit.” Zhang Hong is also benevolent.

“Dare to dare.” Zhu Ping was hasty and polite, but in the end he couldn’t help asking: “I don’t know what the five adults are going to do?”

“Someone who wanted to kill Empire is wanted. Master Zhu may have heard of it.” Zhang Hongdao.

“Is … Lu Ping?” Zhu Ping knew, or in other words, Dark Arms Empire does not know that these few wanted persons are very few. In fact, the highest bounty Lu Ping is the most popular.

“Exactly, Master Zhu, how big is this credit?” Zhang Hong laughed.

“Yes, yes.” Zhu Ping replied repeatedly, but his body was already sweating. really! Sure enough, it is a struggle between practitioners, but also such a horrible and brutal opponent. The practitioners in their team are engaged in other types of research. There is no combat type. How can they help with such a murderer? When cannon fodder?

Zhu Ping’s heart is stubborn, but he dare not ask. Looking at his subordinates, all of them are ashamed. Obviously, they have all heard the name, and they are similar to Zhu Ping.

“First find a place for our brothers to take a break, and then get some food. We need to make a good plan. If there is anything that needs the cooperation of Master Zhang, we will speak for ourselves.”

“It is incumbent.” Zhang Hongke said in a crying voice, and then assigned two hands to arrange food and accommodation for five people. At the end, he called Zhu Qi to his side and quietly asked him how he met the five.

“I was washing by the stream, so they came!” Zhu Qi also wanted to cry.

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