Heaven Awakening Path Chapter 711: Identity

Don’t dare to wait until the rebound happens again, Ying Xiao and Leng Qing have already rushed to dodge. Lu Ping‘s Soul Power is fast and strong. Even if it is predicted in advance, it is not easy to dodge in this limited space.

But Lin Tianyi outside Mirror Traceless obviously moves faster than the two. When Lu Ping‘s punch hit Mirror Traceless, his figure was rushing back.

His perceive can’t reach the Soul Power isolated by Mirror Traceless, so when the Lu Ping punch is completely blown, he still does not believe that Lu Ping will recover so fast. But when the fist Soul Power hit Mirror Traceless, he immediately believed.

With the Soul Power controlled by Ju Wujie, he was instantly broken and lost contact with the impact of Lu Ping Soul Power. Although Mirror Traceless can rebound Lu Ping‘s Soul Power, it can’t withstand the impact of Lu Ping Soul Power. When Yingxiao and Leng Qing were still worried about the next rebound, Lin Tianyi knew that only after this rebound, Mirror Traceless would collapse.

He can only retreat.

Whether it’s Leng Qing or Ying Xiao, his strength is not much different from him. He can trap these three people here by relying on strategies instead of crushing strength. Now Lu Ping blasted Mirror Traceless with one punch, but Lin Tianyi‘s Soul Power had very little left. There was no self-confidence to deal with the three. After confirming the power of Lu Ping, he decisively chose to retreat. figure swept backwards, several landings were already in the mist, and turned and ran away.

Mirror Traceless collapsed instantly, as he expected. The yelling and loneliness that are desperately dodging can’t help but be awkward.

“Yeah …” Ying Xiao touched his nose, and looked at the broken Mirror Traceless flashing with a broken light, while the Lu Ping‘s Soul Power punch had passed out unimpeded and burst into the fog , Dissipated in the distance.

“It was broken directly, it seems that you are a little bit fiercer than me.” Ying Xiao said, looking at Lu Ping, only to see that Lu Ping still maintained the position of that punch and did not move. move.

“I still put on you.” Ying Xiao said that he was about to walk over, and took a step. When Lu Ping was shaking, he was about to fall.

A figure quickly fell to Lu Ping, Leng Qing was very skillful to hold Lu Ping.

“Are you okay?” She squinted at Lu Ping.

Lu Ping spit out his mouth, and there was still no expression on his face: “It’s not so good now.”

“I knew it.” Leng Qing was not surprised at all. She has been holding Lu Ping, she can feel that Lu Ping has no strength at all. Suddenly I said, where can Leng Qing believe. Just looking at his persistence, guessing in his mind what he might have calculated.

Looking at the results now, how can there be any calculations! Lu Ping is a hard hit, blasting Mirror Traceless.

Although the power of this blow is terrible, Leng Qing quickly put Lu Ping into the wave of brave people in Yingxiao.

In fact, although Lu Ping has not come up with any strange ideas, this punch is not as innocent as Leng Qing thinks.

Lu Ping saw that Lin Tianyi could not control perceive in Mirror Traceless, so he concluded that he could not control Intense Locked Soul on Lu Ping in this case, and then he desperately gathered another blow. Otherwise, Soul Power bounced back, he was unable to dodge, and it would be enough to die without a Intense Locked Soul to protect that one hundred times.

But after this blow, Lu Ping looks even worse than before. Ying Xiao said that he was posing, but in fact he was overdrawn, and his body was stiff and out of his control.

There are fogs all around, perceive cannot easily penetrate, Leng Qingfei quickly walked around, confirming that Lin Tianyi really left this time. Returning to the original place, I saw that Ying Xiao was holding Lu Ping sitting on the ground, holding a small pot, struggling to search in the pot with one hand, and muttering towards Lu Ping.

“Last time you used up a large can, I scraped it tightly, so there is so much left.” Ying Xiao said, his hand had been pulled out of the small can, holding a handful Thin mud.

“What’s the matter, did you eat?” Ying Xiao looked up and down Lu Ping. This time, Lu Ping suffered injuries both inside and outside. His hundred medicines are just like this, the trauma is definitely not enough, but it can be divided into several mouthfuls.

“Do you know the person just now?” Lu Ping answered unquestionably.

Mirror Traceless, should it be Green Peak Lin Family?” Ying Xiao said.

“Oh.” Lu Ping answered, this was not the answer he wanted to ask. The hundred medicines of Yingxiao are similar to the medicines he used to heal when the tissues were tested in the past, but they are similar in many senses, so he wondered if there was any connection between Yingxiao and tissues. And Lin Tianyi is just the organization person, so Lu Ping asks a little. But Ying Xiao’s answer was obviously not the identity he wanted to know.

Green Peak Lin Family

Lu Ping couldn’t help but think of Lin Tianbiao. In Northern Dipper Institute, in addition to Zi Mu, in fact, Lin Lin Tianbiao dealt with him more. Even if they lived in Fifth Courtyard, there was not much communication between the two. And Lin Tianbiao‘s previous title to this, he also remembered.

Brother … Lin Family is a famous big family of continent. Who is the eldest brother of Lin Tianbiao?

“Forest Tianyi.”

He was thinking, but the indifference that came back was the identity of Lin Tianyi. When she rescued Lu Ping, she also heard Lin Tianbiao‘s claim to Lin Tianyi. The eldest son of the Lin Family generation, of course, has only one person, Lin Tianyi.

“What’s your relationship with him?” Leng Qing’s mind was much more detailed than Ying Xiao’s, and he realized what should be between Lu Ping and Lin Tianyi.

“Enemies,” Lu Ping said.

“Crap.” Leng Qing was unhappy.

How else can you describe the relationship between the two? Lu Ping is also speechless.

“That guy seems to know our Dark Institute quite well.” Leng Qing said to Ying Xiao.

“Really?” Ying Xiao was unaware of this.

“He knows who I am and knows my means.” Leng Qing said.

She accidentally attacked Lin Tianyi and missed. After thinking about it later, Lin Tianyi guessed her identity and means, so she made advance precautions against Yin Lu’s attack. This kind of thing happened in the realm of their Dark Institute, not to surprise Leng Qing so much, but in this realm of Three Great Empires, it is a bit incredible.

In recent years, there has been almost no contact between Dark Institute and continent. Occasionally, they are all junior characters who cannot mix in Dark Institute. The second son of the Qin family, Qin Qi, when the four-horse linking up was first completed, he singled out the so-called Dark Institute to the left. The strength that can truly represent Dark Institute is not so weak.

The Qin family of Dark Arms Empire, together with Green Peak Lin Family, are the top ten families in the continent ranking. However, Qin Yue, the son of Qin, and Leng Qing met each other and learned that Leng Qing’s cloak is the magic soldier “Could and Depth Unknown Location“. However, unlike Lin Tianyi, she did not even see her identity.

The insights of the top families have already reached the top in this continent, but Lin Tianyi has to be on top of this. It seems that there is only one possibility: Lin Tianyi, in the bitter cold north, the forces of Dark Institute are mixed Too.

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