Heaven Awakening Path Chapter 610: Old man

Great wine taste!

Pei Ci frowned. The identity of the person is unknown. Of course, in this time of crisis of Northern Dipper, she certainly did not dare to take it lightly and immediately wanted to hide figure first. As a result, I realized that my body couldn’t move.

It’s alcoholic!

Pei Ci is also an expert(s). She immediately realized that the wine was not simple. The moment she smelled the wine, she was bound by the spirit of the wine. .

Although Pei Ci was injured, he has not yet reached the point of slaughtering. However, after he quickly transported Soul Power, he found that he couldn’t break the **** of this spirit.

The spirit of Qi is the best change among the six spirits. If we talk about destructive power, it is naturally not as bad as Strength’s Soul. But the spirit of Pei Ci, which is currently bound, is very aggressive. It was okay for Pei Ci to not break free before. Now that this struggle is struggling, he suddenly finds that the spirit of the spirit can not stand it, but he clearly increased his strength.

Continued stalemate, Pei Ci could not break free without seeing it, but now she had no chance to give her. A turn on the front wall, the two who spoke before have appeared one after the other. The man in front of him looked a little older. A mopping robe was open-minded, and his long hair was casually wrapped around his head. His body was exuding a strong spirit of wine, and he was extremely shameless. But those eyes were extremely bright. After walking out of the broken wall, they nailed Pei Ci like a knife.

And following her, she was a little girl like a girl. Dressed neatly, but neatly packed, carrying a sword on his back, his expression seemed to be cautious with a little panic.

Looking at the appearance of the two, Pei Ci knew that they should not be Northern Dipper gatekeepers. Otherwise, if you do n’t know yourself, you should always recognize your own Alkaid Peak clothes.

“Who are you?” Pei Ci, who was subject to the enemy, did not mess up, and asked coldly. When looking for Ruan Qingzhu, her expression showed some anxiety and expectation, but at this moment, she has recovered her usual cold look. While asking, Soul Power has been secretly mobilized again, ready to break away from the **** of this spirit.

“Don’t mess around, hurt yourself.” The drunk woman noticed her mind and warned her.

How could Pei Ci be scared by such a threat, and when she was about to break free of the bondage, she unexpectedly hooked her fingers. She made an instant of this struggle, and the spirit that restrained her was released by the other side.

Alkaid Peak?” The other watched Pei Ci’s clothes and began to communicate. She didn’t seem to be good at explaining, so she showed that she was not hostile by doing things like removing restraints.

Pei Ci nodded slightly after stunning.

The woman was immediately relieved: “So I didn’t confess too much. This is still Alkaid Peak! It may just be a little bit off.” She said this while looking back, apparently right The girl explained something.

Pei Ci immediately pierced her: “No, here is the peak range of Dubhe.”

Dubhe Peak?” The woman looked down and looked up at the cliffs around her. The peaks of Alkaid Peak and Dubhe are the head and tail of the Northern Dipper mountain range. Looking for Alkaid Peak to find the Dubhe peak, it can’t be more different. The woman finally couldn’t continue to agree with her sense of direction, so she frankly admitted her mistake: “I really made a mistake, I said why I couldn’t find the gate.”

“What are they?” Pei Ci wanted to confirm their identity. If the two are indeed not hostile, she also wants to find Ruan Qingzhu as soon as possible.

“My name is Chu Min.” A woman with a taste of wine is very straightforward and does not speak at all. After introducing myself, I immediately expressed my intention: “We came to Northern Dipper, we are looking for someone. Lu Ping, should he be here, right?”

Lu Ping?” Pei Ci frowned. It’s not unusual to find someone, but it happened to be the mysterious and weird boy Lu Ping, which made Peici, who had always been cold, a bit curious. But at present, apart from the teacher, she really can’t take care of many others, and can only continue to quickly confirm.

“Who are you Lu Ping?”

“Old man.”

“Is the enemy or friend?”


Pei Ci asked quickly, Chu Min answered faster, frankly, without any hint of avoidance. Although they did not provide any valid proof for their claims, Pei Ci was already willing to believe their identity.

Lu Ping is in Northern Dipper Institute, but I don’t know where he is now. If you want to find him, please be careful.” Pei Ci said.

“Be careful?” The little girl behind Chu Min didn’t say a word. When she heard Pei Ci say that, she was puzzled.

“The seven yuan relief team has been demolished. Northern Dipper seems to be in big trouble.” Chu Min laughed.

“Yes.” Pei Ci nodded and couldn’t help but glance at Chu Min again. This woman who looks a bit sloppy and drunk, does not seem to be as rude as her image, and she is also very careful and keen.

“At this time, I came here alone, do you want to run, little girl? It’s not good.” Chu Min then frowned.

Pei Ci didn’t answer, just glanced at Chu Min coldly. At this glance, it was as if Chu Min had a frank answer before. Although there was no effective explanation, it immediately gave the other party insight.

“Okay, sorry.” Chu Min apologized quickly: “Since ancient Yaoguang guarded the mountain gate, how can the Alkaid Peak gatekeeper escape? I was wrong.”

“Yes.” Pei Ci nodded, agreeing. She never said much to these two, she didn’t feel that there was anything more to say, and after turning, she turned and was ready to go to Ruan Qingzhu.

“Wait girl, I’ll ask you one more thing.” Chu Min suddenly called her again.

Pei Ci stops and waits for Chu Min to speak.

“I heard that Yaoguang scholar is Ruan Qingzhu?” Chu Min asked.

Pei Ci stopped turning and turned back, looking at Chu Min a lot more seriously.

“Do you know my teacher?” Pei Ci said.

“Oh? So clever?” Chu Min was also surprised, “I know her many years ago.”

Not only the Lu Ping‘s deceased, but also the teacher’s deceased, Pei Ci owed him a gift to Chu Min. Then I answered the question before Chu Min: “The teacher has been Ren Yaoguang scholar since the age of 40, but before this time Seven Stars Joint Examination, he has been deprived of scholar status.”

“Why is this?” Chu Min asked.

“Because she gave the Lu Ping freshman the qualification of the very important Seven Murder Hall Inheritance.” Pei Ci replied. Her words were impartial, but she just talked about the matter without bringing any emotions.

Chu Min‘s eyes widened. Although she has been silent for many years, many of the rules of Northern Dipper Institute are not a day or two. The rules inherited by the Seven Murder Hall soldiers have been heard for a long time. Naturally, it is very clear how bold the move of Ruan Qingzhu is. But she was not surprised, because she knew of Ruan Qingzhu and did not feel surprised to do such a thing Chu Min. She was surprised just because Ruan Qingzhu was actually Lu Ping. Where does this Lu Ping go?

In Borrowing Wind Institute, finally Institute is flattened and Headmaster hangs.

Have been to Illuminating Sky Institute, and finally Chu Min this Chief Scholar left his sleeve and left. He is still wanted by Dark Arms Empire. And Lu Ping only intersected Illuminating Sky Headmaster, and finally resigned.

Until now, when he came to Northern Dipper Institute, he still couldn’t stop his energy. Dignified Yaoguang scholar, a figure in the pinnacle of the world, even because he was erased from scholar status.

This one is really shameful!

Chu Min thought so, but couldn’t help laughing. Of course, she became more and more curious about how Lu Ping affected Ruan Qingzhu. Immediately asked again: “Then why did she give the qualification to Lu Ping?”

“Sorry for being rude. The junior must now find a teacher as soon as possible, so they can’t communicate with their predecessors here more.” Pei Ci was not prepared to continue talking here.

“Oh? Are you looking for her? Where did she go?” Chu Min asked again.

At first glance, Pei Ci didn’t explain that he was afraid to go. He quickly said that Ruan Qingzhu was shot down the cliff.

“I haven’t found it three times? Of course, because she didn’t fall at all?” Chu Min said.

“Did not fall?” Pei Ci looked up and quickly looked up, but the clouds and mist were over the valley, and he couldn’t see anything at all. Looking up at Chu Min, he waved his hand, and a strong wind rolled straight up into the sky, but he forced the unknown cloud layer to open up a lot. Pei Ci’s eyes were sharp, and at a glance he saw a green pine branch growing on a mountain wall. Ruan Qingzhu really hung there.

“Teacher.” Pei Ci shouted aloud, but listening to the sound of the wind in her ears, it was much sharper than before. When I reached the mountain pine, I heard a click, and the thick branch of the bowl was cut off immediately, and the Ruan Qingzhu hanging on the branch immediately fell straight down.

Chu Min is so imposing that she can be surprised by Pei Ci. She sees the point and picks up quickly. Chu Min turned to the girl and said, “Ziyan, catch it.”

“Yes!” The girl was Q2 Sang’s backsword maid Ling Ziyan. Gu Youdao Heavenly Deception was faked and brought back to Borrowing Wind Institute. After the Institute accident, it has been following Chu Min.

Today she still carries her sword, but she no longer carries it for anyone. Although the sword is ordinary, it is truly a sword of her own.

After responding to Chu Min, Ling Ziyan stepped forward. Pei Ci did not perceive to her to perform what Ability, but just saw her in a very weird, not ugly posture, stepped on the mountain wall.

The ugly pose is very effective.

She seems to be walking on the steep mountain wall in the land of Pingchuan. After a few steps, I met the falling Ruan Qingzhu. With both hands stretched out, dragged gently, turned around, and walked back from the cliff to the ground like Lu Pingchuan.

“Teacher!” Compared with this eccentric movement art, Pei Ci still cares about Ruan Qingzhu, and rushes to check the Ruan Qingzhu injury.

“Since the other party will let her hang on the tree and don’t want to kill her, shouldn’t it be a fatal heavy hand?” Chu Min said.

Is it Rule Gate Lord

Pei Ci is a little stunned.


You must think it’s going to be broken again! Actually not! (~ ^ ~)

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