Heaven Awakening Path Chapter 56: Three sentences

Everyone’s eyes look towards the drunk woman stepping into the Headmaster room. Wen Yan and Chen Chi happened to stop in front of her. At the moment, they involuntarily gave way, and neither of them noticed this.

The woman did not move forward, she stood still after stepping in. She glanced around the room. Wen Yan, Chen Chi, and even Headmaster Yun Chong failed to stop her eyes. Her eyes finally fell on Xifan and Moline.

“Are you Chu Min teacher?” Xifan said.

“I’m Chu Min.” The drunk woman replied.

“We are students of Gorge Peak Region Borrowing Wind Institute. Headmaster has a letter for you. He wants to ask you to help us practice and participate in Ambitious Spirit Region Soul’s Great Convention one month later,” said Xifan.

Soul’s Great Convention?

When you hear this noun, Wen Yan, Chen Chi, and even Yun Chong are all moving. Wen Yan and Chen Chi were still surprised, but Yun Chong had already smiled slightly, the smile was full of disapproval.

These children may have good qualities and potential, but with their current realm, it is still naive to want to participate in Soul’s Great Convention one month later. It sounds like they mean Borrowing Wind Institute Headmaster. The Gu Youdao is really innocent for more than two decades. At first Institute dared to say that Surpass the Great Four was needed in the backcountry, but now sending a few single soul Sixth Heavenly Layer realm students will participate in Soul’s Great Convention. The origin of Four Great Institutes, actually this insight, this identity should not be false?

Yun Chong seems to have heard a joke, but soon he smiled away: “A month later, to participate in Soul’s Great Convention? Have you seen Soul’s Great Convention of Ambitious Spirit Region? Do you know what level of confrontation? Do you think Is this still Great Examination in Institute? With your current realm, I can guarantee that even Soul’s Great Convention will not survive. One month … Do you think one month is enough to change this? “

“Your quality is good, you have studied in Illuminating Sky Institute for two years, maybe one year, you will do something on Soul’s Great Convention.” Yun Chong said.

The two did not answer. They know that Yun Chong is telling the truth. Their current realm and participation in Soul’s Great Convention is really something beyond their control.

The two looked at each other, and Molin shrugged, with an indifferent expression on his face. He joined Borrowing Wind Institute with ulterior motives. Of course, he was not enthusiastic about the arrangements of Gu Youdao, but just casually cooperated with it. But Xifan is not the same. He is very serious. After seeing Molin’s indifferent attitude, he seriously showed his attitude: “One month, I want to try.”

Look for death!

Yun Chong didn’t say it, but what his eyes showed was exactly that.

Xifan and Moline looked at Chu Min together.

Soul’s Great Convention …” Chu Min was drunk, but she couldn’t see how drunk she was. She looked like she just remembered the meaning of the word Soul’s Great Convention.

Chu Min, what is your attitude?

Everyone is watching her, but she has turned around.

“Follow me,” she said.

What is this? Everyone was embarrassed, Chu Min had already carried Su Tang with one arm, and continued to drag Lu Ping with one hand, leaving the room Headmaster.

“Hmm …” Xifan and Moline looked at each other again, look at each other in dismay. The two of them, one with inconvenience and one were still tied. As a result, Chu Min came and only three words were spoken.

I’m Chu Min.

Soul’s Great Convention

Follow me.

Go, how do you go? They looked at Yun Chong.

Yun Chong‘s thoughtful look seemed to care little about the two of them, and waved without looking. Wen Yan stepped forward to unlock Moline. Morin’s expression was not so relaxed, he looked at Xifan with a bitter face: “Don’t you want me to carry you?”

Xifan showed a helpless expression, and Molin clenched his teeth and said, “Come on!”

“Farewell.” Xifan did not forget to say nod to a few people before climbing to Moline’s back. Moline staggered and walked out of the Headmaster room carrying him.

In the Headmaster room, Wen Yan and Chen Chi are reluctant to leave. They still have a question mark in their stomachs, especially curious about that woman.

Headmaster …” Wen Yan said. Chen Chi was with her. The guy was slow, waiting for him to ask when.

“Who is that woman?” Wen Yan asked.

Yun Chong did not answer her, and asked, “How did she appear?”

“Oh!” Wen Yan reacted. She had not reported to Headmaster how Chu Min met the intruder.

She carefully described the situation at that time. Yun Chong listened very carefully, but in the end he caused his biggest concern, not Chu Min, but a detail about Lu Ping.

“What kind of chain?”

“It just looks ordinary, black chains …” Wen Yan had already described it in detail before, and there was no supplementary description. The strangeness of the chains, but she couldn’t see anything. Something special.

“Is it …” Yun Chong thought of a possibility, but if that was the case, how could Soul Power appear, which is totally contrary to logic.

That young man is probably the most interesting. Yun Chong thought. But Wen Yan and Chen Chi‘s curiosity at this time is all on Chu Min, especially one person seems to be able to answer them.

“Teacher Chu Min, because of some things many years ago became a little depressed, if she can cheer up again, for us Illuminating Sky Institute …” Yun Chong said only half, then lost in thought. Wen Yan and Chen Chi were also interested. Without endless questioning, they left the Headmaster room silently.

Yun Chong pondered for a long time, got up, walked out of the Headmaster room, and looked out of the corridor window. He was seeing Chu Min with the four intruders walking towards the library, and the figure gradually disappeared. Among the trees.


Across the long corridor, Chu Min led the four people into a small cabin. As soon as the door was opened, the smell of wine rushed towards them. Chu Min dragged Lu Ping into the room, and it hit the ground with wine bottles rolling around.

Moline followed him panting heavily, his waist almost couldn’t straighten up, and he didn’t know where he had such great perseverance. He could carry it with Xifan. He couldn’t wait to put down Xifan, but when he looked at the hut, he couldn’t even find a place to stay.

Chu Min was very casually stunned, Lu Ping was suddenly thrown to the corner, made a bang, knocked over a pile of books twisted and twisted, cracked, and buried the Lu Ping half. Su Tang, however, was put on the small bed in the room by her, and she was not as rough as Lu Ping.

“I can’t do it anymore …” Molin finally couldn’t hold on at this time, he couldn’t care so much, he threw Xifan directly to the ground, and he sat down aside, leaning against the wall, panting and sweating.

Chu Min turned back to the two, Xifan had already taken the letter and handed it in: “This is the letter from Headmaster to you.”

Chu Min took it, but it was “into a group, just throw it like Lu Ping and throw it somewhere.

Soul’s Great Convention?” she said calmly, “When did Gu Youdao become so unmotivated? Didn’t he claim to Surpass the Great Four twenty-four years ago?”

(It’s short, I tried my best, let me sleep for a while …)

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