Heaven Awakening Path Chapter 1: Talent and waste

Lu Ping, get up to bed.”

“Sleep for another five minutes.”

“Get me up!”

Wow! The sun shines on the whole body of Lu Ping.

“Ah !!!” The scream rang through the sky suddenly, completely shattering the sleepiness of Lu Ping. After that, Su Tang shouted from the door: “What conditions do you play naked sleep?”

“What else do you need to doze?” muttered Lu Ping, finally. When this station reached the ground, the small room suddenly became more crowded. Lu Ping watched the broken door that Su Tang was angry when he took the clothes on the bedside to wear.

Crunching, crunching, the door shook tremblingly, Lu Ping closed his eyes unbearably.

咣 …

In the end, the door fell down and leaned poorly on the wall.

“It’s a monstrous strength woman.” Lu Ping sighed, but didn’t bother the door at all. She put her shirt on her shoulders, and she just opened her window and flipped out.

The sky is blue and the sun is shining. There is a flower garden outside the window of the hut, exuding bursts of fragrance. Lu Ping walked in this fragrance, looked around, and finally shined.

“Here it is!” Lu Ping stepped forward cheerfully, bent over and picked up the watering pipe for watering the flowerbed, and sprinkled it politely on himself.

The cold mountain spring from Lake Gorge Peak refreshes Lu Ping for a while, driving away the last drowsiness. After washing like this, Lu Ping tossed the water pipe aside, screamed, and hit his eardrum again.

Lu Ping !!!” The horticultural master Mo Sen, who is responsible for the Borrowing Wind Institute twenty-two piece of garden forest scene, stood angrily beside the flowerbed.

“Oh, it’s Teacher Mo, early!” Lu Ping didn’t seem to notice Mosen’s anger at all.

“My Dormant Fire Lotus!” Mosen growled, and the six souls totaled seventeen Heavenly Layers and the strongest of linking up. The released murderous intent felt even the insects in the flower garden, and the lush forest on both sides of the boulevard behind him was even more Startled countless birds.

Lu Ping still looks unconscious, and asks in amazement: “Where?”

“Under your feet …”

“Ah?” Lu Ping lowered his head and moved his feet. Sure enough, he saw a Dormant Fire Lotus with buds waiting to be put on him. This Dormant Fire Lotus was originally a very precious variety. It was not easy to transplant from water to land, but now it has been trampled into a bun by Lu Ping.

“Get out of here.” Moson saw the bun-like Dormant Fire Lotus, and was so distressed that he couldn’t even care about being angry. He hurried into the flowerbed and lay down in front of Dormant Fire Lotus, carefully checking it rhizome.

“Is it okay?” Lu Ping squatted over and looked at it.

“Disappear, or die!” Moson’s murderous intent is ready to go.

“I disappear.” Lu Ping stepped back quickly. Borrowing Wind Institute On the famous tree-lined avenue, Su Tang was rushing to face him, and Lu Ping raised his hand to say hello.

“You …” Su Tang stunned, didn’t understand how the Lu Ping appeared in front of himself, but turned his eyes to the hut, and saw Teacher Mo Sen’s **** lying on the ground pitifully and suddenly understood. .

Glancing at Lu Ping fiercely, Su Tang quickly walked to Mr. Morson.

“Mr. Morson, he didn’t do it on purpose. Is there anything I can help you with?”

Mosen stood up, exhaling the dirt on his body first. Dormant Fire Lotus‘s rhizomes are intact, and his anger can be considered to be mostly lost. After all, this is not the first time, and he is really a little numb. If it wasn’t for the precious Dormant Fire Lotus being trampled this time, he might not even have the energy to ignite. Lu Ping and First Path pass through the flowerbed. It is not only this strain of Dormant Fire Lotus that trampled the broken grass, but the other Mosen did not look at it.

For Su Tang’s explanation, Mosen is very helpless. That stinky boy, of course, wasn’t intentional. He didn’t even care about it at all. Where did he do it on purpose? It’s just hard for a good boy like Su Tang to clean up the mess for the guy who can’t help the wall.

Not worth it!

Mosen really feels worthless for Su Tang. Not only him, but Borrowing Wind Institute up and down, probably only those who are jealous of Su Tang can be happy to see her being dragged down by Lu Ping. If there is no Lu Ping, if Su Tang can practice more wholeheartedly, with her talent, realm at this time …

Huh? realm?

Thinking of this, Mo Sen faintly noticed what had happened, and he had already circulated with the rushing soul Soul Power of Yingbao linking up.

Sixth Heavenly Layer? Strength’s Soul Sixth Heavenly Layer! Your Strength’s Soul has broken through to Sixth Heavenly Layer?” Morson was almost incoherent. Sixth Heavenly Layer, this is the pinnacle of single soul practice. Su Tang is only fifteen years old, and it has only been three years since he started training in Borrowing Wind Institute, but now he has trained Strength’s Soul to Sixth Heavenly Layer, which is unique in the history of Borrowing Wind Institute school. As for Mosen himself, he reached the Sixth Heavenly Layer realm with great ambitions. It took him almost seven years to finish this, and he has been much better than many people, making him proud. But now compared with Su Tang, he is more than doubled behind Su Tang, and he remembers that he was attentive to training at that time, and no one like Lu Ping had trouble going to a psychological meeting.

“Amazing! Strength’s Soul Sixth Heavenly Layer, you actually reached it so quickly!” After seeing Su Tang nodded and confirmed, Mo Sen finally recovered from the shock. Just at that moment, he suddenly made up his mind. Such outstanding aptitude and talent, really can’t see it being consumed.

“Su Tang, answer me a question.” Mo Sen’s expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

“Yes.” Su Tang looked a little strangely at Mo Sen’s solemn expression, but he didn’t show it, he just respectfully responded.

“If one day your father and mother fall into the water at the same time, you can only save one, which one do you save?” Moson said.

Su Tang Yiyi.

“I know you are an orphan, this is just a hypothesis,” Moson said.

“But this question …”

“This question is a jerk, isn’t it?” Mosen said, his eyes turned, and he deliberately narrowed the Lu Ping standing by the road over there, “but have you ever thought about our lives, sometimes You will inevitably encounter such a cruel choice. You have no way back. You must give up. Hesitation or ambiguity will only lead to more unfortunate results. “

Su Tang is silent. She already understands why Teacher Mosen asked such a question.

Abandonment, a cruel, but abandonment must be made.

Su Tang knows what Mosen is suggesting. Since entering Borrowing Wind Institute for three years, from the mentor to the classmates, too many people have advised her to stay away from Lu Ping, because Lu Ping is so useless, Su Tang is so smart and excellent, Lu Ping will be her burden Increasingly burdened.

But in fact, you are all wrong! And even if you imagine it, you will never abandon Lu Ping for your future. Su Tang does not hesitate.

“Your life is bound to be different from the moment you enter Borrowing Wind Institute.” Moson continued, instead of deliberately lowering the volume, he intended to let the Lu Ping behind him hear it. He knew the relationship between Su Tang and Lu Ping. The two children were orphans who had been dependent on each other since childhood. They were brought back to Institute by Headmaster who went out three years ago.

There are more than 400 Institute in the entire continent, and each one is a cultivation school that can change a person’s life. Institute itself has a very strict selection mechanism. Anyone who has the opportunity to enter any Institute will work hard. No matter what the ultimate achievement is, he will eventually push his life to a new height. However, Lu Ping is an exception. After three years of admission, the two regular annual Great Examinations have not passed, and the grade has been repeated for two consecutive years. So far, it is only a first grade student. According to institute regulation of Borrowing Wind Institute, students who failed to pass Great Examination for three times will be expelled from Institute.

Borrowing Wind Institute This school rule is already very kind and forgiving. Change to any other Institute, Lu Ping guys who are severely academic, will be expelled within a month. At the moment, the third annual Great Examination is approaching. After Mosen ’s rush to linking up, you can see the presence of Soul Power. You ca n’t see the possibility of passing through Lu Ping.

Lu Ping was expelled from Institute, what about Su Tang?

Intuition has given Mawson the answer. If Su Tang were to make a cruel abandonment, she would leave it, not Lu Ping. From the eyes of Su Tang, Mosen has already seen this determination.

This makes him appreciate Su Tang even more. Although Su Tang’s distance from Lu Ping is the result he is very willing to see, but if this is really Su Tang’s own choice, he will really have some disappointment.

Now what he sees from Su Tang is not just talent and hard work, but also good character.

All of this, he hopes that Lu Ping can also see it. He hoped that Lu Ping came to think about how much Su Tang had sacrificed for him, and he hoped that Lu Ping would think about what he should do to be good for Su Tang.

Moson turned around and stared directly at Lu Ping by the tree-lined road. At this time, Su Tang also realized that Teacher Mosen’s words were all told to Lu Ping. She smiled, hid behind Mosen, and secretly made a face to the Lu Ping on the side of the road.

“Hmm!” Lu Ping nodded very hard. “Mr. Mosen taught it. Su Tang, did you hear it? You must continue to redouble your efforts, only then, when you face this cruel **** choice Only then can we have the strength to make the perfect choice, and we will never give up no matter what! “

Mosen’s expression froze instantly. The solemn face of Lu Ping seemed to him like a devil. He was wrong. He actually had an illusion about the character of Lu Ping. This shamelessness has dragged Su Tang for three years, and he only knew that the guy who had learned what he had given away had already decided to entangle Su Tang? He built his hopes on the destruction of Su Tang, an outrageous and shameless vampire and parasite.

murderous intent!

This time, Mosen really raised murderous intent in his heart. Does this mean guy really think that everyone can do nothing about him? No, that’s just because there is always a glimmer of hope for him. But now in Moson’s view, Borrowing Wind Institute‘s tolerant school rules fall on this guy is simply a waste, such scum, there is no need to survive.

murderous intent, it was barely visible. This time, the insects and birds were not alarmed.

Because this time, Morson is really determined, not just venting his anger. murderous intent was quickly hidden by him, but he did not intend to start immediately. For Su Tang, he was determined to give Lu Ping a more decent way of death.

“Okay, you go.” Mosen waved his hand and motioned for them to leave.

“Mr. Mosen, the way from the window to this side …” Su Tang mentioned the matter again.

“Wait until he can pass this Great Examination!” Moson said.

“Okay, thank you Teacher Morson.” Su Tang jumped out of the flowerbed happily. Mosen watched her and Lu Ping gradually walk away, turned back, and watched the Dormant Fire Lotus stepped into a bun at the foot. With a wave of his finger, the flower buds had rolled away from the flower stems, leaving only the incisions and seeping fire The ordinary red stem juice, like blood, dipped into the soil.

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