Heart Protection Chapter 103:

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South of the green hills, the forest is vast, with towering trees everywhere, and the forest below is almost completely shaded from sunlight. Yan Hui couldn’t find the trace of the legendary magic cave in the air, so he had to enter the forest and searched for it against the ground.

Yan Hui was in a hurry to find it. It was when there was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, but when I heard a loud noise in the distance ahead, the earth shook, and the geese looked back and went there immediately. When I found it, the earth trembled even harder before I went out, as if something that caused vibrations in the distance was rushing here, almost making the geese untenable.

Suddenly a piece of land in front of me was suddenly arched up, the root of the big tree fell over, and the whole tree was pushed out from the ground, but seeing a huge black monster turning around from below, the geese looked back intently , Is actually a Hydra!

It’s just that three of his nine heads are missing. He is covered in blood, and each snake head is spitting out letters in pain.

With a turn of his head, the six surviving heads stared at Yanhui. Then there was a neigh, and the Hydra came back straight at the goose.

Open your mouth and swallow the goose back.

Yan was shocked when she returned to the beginning, she immediately calmed down, her feet stood firm and her inner breath was gathered, and the demon-enchantment mental technique she had learned rotated in her body for a week, and she waved a fireball and slammed it straight at the Hydra.

Hydra didn’t avoid it, one of the heads swallowed the goose back to the fireball abruptly, and the other head had already jumped in front of the goose back in a blink of an eye, his mouth widened, the blood basin widened, the fangs were thick, and the mouth was thick. The fishy smell is vomiting.

The geese looked back and the light condensed. It was just when they were about to fight to the death. Suddenly, they saw a flash of fire above their heads, and a figure carrying the momentum of thunder like a falling star, from top to bottom, a sword pierced through the snake’s head. , Pierced its open mouth with a sword, and sealed it for life. The incoming person stood in front of the geese, and the whole body vibrated with a demon, and immediately pushed the snake demon ten feet away.

When Yan Huishang was stunned, he saw a flash of blood in Tian Yao’s eyes, and Fei Shou chased it out, and fought with the Hydra at a distance of ten meters away. The Hydra was entangled with venom, with six heads. When he kept waving, he finally had a chance to bite Tian Yao, put him in his mouth, and swallowed him with the sword.

The geese turned back to his mind, just when he was going to save him, he saw a fire burst out of the abdomen of the hydra, and the hydra screamed miserably, and it was blown into the sky. The powder disappears completely.

In the dust, everything on that side looked extremely vague, and only a long sword flashed light in it.

“Tian Yao…”

The geese returned to a lost step, but heard the sound of footsteps in the dust, and stepped out calmly, breaking through the dust. Tian Yao stepped out with blood all over, and his left hand dropped weakly. The blood ticked down along the fingertips, and the fire sword in his right hand gradually faded, and there was a little light in the palm of his palm.

It is the inner alchemy of Hydra.

Where can Yan Hui have the mind to care about Neidan, she hurried to Tian Yao, and said anxiously: “How hurt?”

Tian Yao didn’t speak, until Yanhui stood firmly in front of him, he leaned forward slightly, Yanhui subconsciously reached out and hugged him, supporting him to stand. He heard Tian Yao’s heavy breathing, and the tip of his nose could smell the **** smell of his body and the stench of snake venom, but Yan Hui didn’t even notice it, she just…


Very distressed.

The reason why Tian Yao would come to take the inner alchemy by himself. If it wasn’t for his own inner alchemy, why would Tian Yao need that? If he had his own inner alchemy, Tian Yao wouldn’t be like that.

He should have been a man who travels in the sky, and the world is shocked when he gets angry.

“Yanhui.” Tian Yaojier smiled softly in Yanhui’s ear, “You’re here again.” He raised his hand and touched her head, three-pointer and three-pointer with emotion, there are more hidden He said, “Don’t work hard for me. I will protect you.”

The head on his shoulders sank slightly, and Tian Yao actually fainted.

The Yan replied for a moment of silence, patted him on the back hard, and his throat choked: “Take care of yourself first, let’s talk about it.”

On the shore of the clear water, Yan Hui washed Tian Yao’s face first, then stripped off his coat and washed him in the water. Her face was washed “crushing”, and Tian Yao woke up behind her.

He opened his eyes slightly and saw that the goose was back in the sun, only focusing on washing the clothes in his hands. The occasional splash of water fell on her face, and she raised her hand to wipe it off, with a natural expression and no decadence. There was no loss of consciousness, and there was no grief that Ling Xiao lingered after he died.

For a while, he seemed to have an illusion, as if they were just an ordinary couple in this vast world. It’s best to go back to the most worrying thing every day is that I don’t want to wash the dishes today, and I don’t want to cook tomorrow, and live a normal, slightly lazy life…

The gaze behind Xu Shi was too hot. Yan turned his head and looked back, then froze for a moment, then asked Tian Yao: “What are you doing? Why are you looking at me with such kind eyes? It’s so irritating.”

Tian Yao coughed: “Why do you want to wash my clothes?”

“You were swallowed by the hydra, and then fried out again. It smells like… you can add some water to fertilize it. If you don’t wash it for you, how can you carry it back?”

Tian Yao nodded and fell silent.

The goose picked up the clothes and twisted them back, and then hung them on a branch on the side. Thanks to the hot weather here, it should not be long before they can dry the clothes. She finished her clothes and sat down beside Tian Yao.

Yan Hui’s arm touched his arm lightly, and did not speak, just sitting quietly, listening to the stream, watching the occasional birds fly by in the sky.

Tian Yao didn’t hold her back in the end, and asked: “Why are you here?”

Yan Hui said: “I dreamed of Master and Senior Brother in my dream. That was when they took me back to Chenxing Mountain. That was the luckiest time in my life. Master was carrying me on his back. Senior Brother was afraid of me. I missed home, so I was teasing me with jokes that weren’t funny.” The Yan said back and laughed.

Tian Yao’s eyes drooped, but he still smiled in line with this Yan Hui’s words.

“I really hope that road can go on forever, never ending.” The geese paused, his arm tightened against Tianyao, “But someone told me that Tianyao was bullied, and then I just Woke up.”

Tian Yao was taken aback for a moment, and when he realized the meaning of this sentence, his eyes lit up and he turned to look at Yan Hui, but Yan Hui’s head tilted and leaned on his shoulder: “The last half is a compilation I came to lie to you, there is no such thing.”


Listening to the goose speaking back, his mood is really the same as driving a cloud when he was seriously injured…ups and downs…

Feeling that Tian Yao’s body was a little stiff, Yan Hui laughed like a kid who had succeeded in a prank: “However, when I think of you still waiting for me to come out of my dream, I never want to do that again for a moment. Dreamed. When I thought that what I did would hurt the dragon named Tian Yao, I felt really irritating.” Yan Hui stretched out his hand, grabbed Tian Yao’s hand, and said with his fingers interlocking. : “Obviously I said I would protect you.”

“Goose Back…”

“Listen to me first.” Yan replied, “The past ten years with the master are vivid, and any one of those memories can make a big part of my heart collapse. For me, Ling Xiao It is the ten years in my heart. He is my master, the person I admire, the person I admire, and such a person has lost his life for me… In the past two days, I was immersed in pain and grief, and I couldn’t get out. “She paused, sat upright, and looked at Tian Yao, “But I know that one day I will come out.”

Humans are such strong animals, wounds will heal, and pain will pass.

“I can walk out of the haze by myself, but it will take some time. Tian Yao, would you like to stay with me during this time?”

If Tian Yao’s best time in this life was when she met her in the end of the road, then when the geese returned to the best time in this life, it was probably when there was nothing, there was still Tian Yao.

Tian Yao didn’t answer after hearing this for a while, until Yanhui began to wonder if Tian Yao was distracted when she was just speaking, Tian Yao slightly bends the corners of her lips, and actually… laughed.

Yan Hui looked at his sincere smile and suddenly became a little speechless: “Did I… just tell a joke…”

“Very cute.”


So Tian Yao said it again: “Yanhui, when you say this seriously, you are very cute.” It will make his heart move, and it will make him lose consciousness.

The geese was also taken aback when she heard the words. She coughed and concealed her blush: “Let’s talk, what did you just want to say?”

“You took my injured hand.”

Yan Hui was dumbfounded, and then he lowered his head, only to realize that it was his injured left hand that was interlocking with Tian Yao’s ten fingers. She felt distressed and embarrassed, so she quickly wanted to let go: “It hurts you. I mean, can I know if you are hurt…”

He didn’t finish speaking, and didn’t pull his hand away, but Tian Yao pulled the goose back with the injured hand, let her fall into his arms, and then reached out and hugged her.

The Yan Hui was stunned for a long time, and then his cheeks slowly burned.

Although she and Tian Yao said they liked each other, they rarely did intimate actions. They seemed to be accustomed to the way of being friends. They didn’t talk about hugging or even holding hands.

The current situation is like this. They didn’t even bother to think about what’s wrong with the relationship between the two of them. It wasn’t until Tianyao embraced that Yanhui realized that she and Tianyao had a good life on weekdays. Too innocent…

Tian Yao’s hug the geese back to his chest is not like the suffocating hug on the night of the full moon, nor is it like the surprise intertwined after mistakenly thinking that the geese died last time, but only gently hugged her, the pulse is long Love is like a trickle, this is the warmth they two have never had before.

“Goose answered, you asked the wrong question.”

The wild goose froze for a moment: “What?”

“I am willing to do anything for you, as long as I stay with you.”

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