Haunting Spectre Road Chapter 1:

The months of boring internship period finally passed. He Jianfei is really glad that he can sustain it. You can take a good rest after returning to campus. When I was about to return to the dormitory, the road to the dormitory was crowded with people. He Jianfei hurriedly asked the person in front of him: “What’s the matter?” The person in front told him that the school road construction was just in time for freshmen to sign up today. That’s why there is a big traffic jam.

He Jianfei looked at the two bags in his hand, one left and one right, and then looked at the crowd in front of him for ten minutes without moving a bit. To be so exhausted, he had to get down on the ground. Suddenly I remembered that there was a path beside the tennis court that could be covered up, hehe, squeeze in before these freshmen knew.

Be careful to make sure that He Jianfei left the brigade and the crowd of traffic jams went northwest alone. At this moment, he found that the people around him were staring at him. He Jianfei murmured as he walked, “Look at what I am doing? Haven’t you seen a pretty boy?” After a short while, he didn’t feel like it. Those people looked at him clearly as if they had discovered rare animals like dinosaurs.

He Jianfei, who was perplexed, found another puzzling place where his path was empty. No one can touch it. Although this road is rarely known, it will not reach the secret passage of He Jianfei alone, especially the lovers will definitely open it here. Does the school crack down on love?

I have walked out of this path unknowingly while thinking. There was a student sitting on the fence of the flowerbed to cool off. He Jianfei is happy to be abnormal, which shows that this road is not abnormal. Unexpectedly, when the student saw He Jianfei walking out of that road, he turned and fled with a scream “Wow” as if he had seen a ghost. He Jianfei yelled: “Stop!” The student rushed as if he dropped the big Baofei and stopped the student from walking. “I want to ask why no one takes that path?” The student trembled. “Are you a man or a ghost?” He Jianfei knew something weird and busy when he heard it: “I have been doing an internship outside for a few months, and I don’t know what happened in the school. I hope my brother will tell me.”

The student was relieved when he saw He Jianfei speaking courteously and down-to-earth. He looked at He Jianfei up and down, and said, “Fortune telling, do you know the name of the road just now?” He Jianfei said: ” That’s just a path that doesn’t seem to have a name.’ The student nodded and said, “It was previously unknown, but now everyone has given it the nickname’Brother Dao’. “He Jianfei was surprised: “Why is it called such a strange name?” “

“The origin of this nickname can be traced back to three months ago. A female doctor of our school was mad because she was abandoned by her boyfriend and was mentally unbearable. She had two rows of white Sensen teeth all day long. Biting everywhere resulted in seven people being bitten. One of the arms was torn off in one piece and he was still lying in the intensive ward of the hospital. The school finally alarmed the school. The school notified his family to take it back. Who knows her family is better than her. Her boyfriend was even more cruel to see her crazy and left her here. There was no way that the school called all dozens of security guards to twist her into a small wooden house and lock her up. But the crazy woman bit the security guards when she saw someone. I didn’t dare to step forward and were not allowed to use electric batons. Later, I don’t know who came up with a bad idea to find many long-handled big iron scorpions, and he just dropped the crazy female doctor to the ground and dragged her desperately. Maybe it’s painful to yell crazy. She screamed miserably and sharply. Several girls were scared and crying on the spot. Some timid boys didn’t dare to watch it again.

The female doctor struggled with her hands, desperately digging the dirt on the ground and wanted to climb forward. The skin was damaged in many places under the friction of the iron 笊子, but she just crawled forward as if not afraid of pain and kept going crazy. Called, called, called, called a security guard panicked and let go. At that time, she couldn’t bear the pain anymore, so she took the opportunity to bite her pulse with those two rows of Aomori’s teeth…” The student said vividly, He Jianfei said with a horror: ” You… have you gone too? How can it be so lifelike? “The student gave him a blank look and said, “He stood at the forefront when the female doctor my senior told me was built.” “

He Jianfei said: “Then what does this have to do with ‘Brother Dao’?”

“Later, the crazy female doctor died naturally. Less than two days after her death, there were rumors that the female doctor was actually not committed suicide by biting her pulse. She was already alive before she could bite her pulse. People who died tragically through this painful process will never reincarnate and turn into ghosts after death. Originally, the spread of this rumor was also used to it. But strange things appeared on the third night. A boy who went to self-study at night hit the place and passed by. A boy somehow went crazy and danced. He was talking nonsense,’a long girl in white is sitting on a tree’, and then he fell to death all over his body. This accident has caused a great impact on the campus. Fortunately, our current student council chairman is very capable. Did you know that the students secretly call them the’second two’ on campus. After running for a long time, I finally managed to turn the tide and settle the people’s minds. He Jianfei Said: “Then it’s over? “The student sneered: “What do you think? On the third day of the accident, another girl died on the “Brother Way”. The weird thing is that she tried her best to write a big blood word “Brother” on the ground before she died. This time the student union can no longer control it. The rumors of “Brother Dao” flourished and became more and more outrageous. “Brother Dao” became the biggest forbidden area on campus.

The ‘Brother Way’ incident made the whole school panic. But we also thought it was just a rumor, so we asked the police to deal with the murder while calming down. It wasn’t until a person in the Student Union showed a new poem written in blood on the wall next to the “Brother Dao” one morning that we knew that the “Brother Dao” incident was really related to the female doctor. Because according to students, female doctors will read some inexplicable words and sentences upside down when they are crazy, and those words and sentences are exactly the poem written on the wall. He Jian asked hurriedly: “What is the content? “

Don’t go to school here

Do not walk near the cherry blossom stand.

It’s inevitable to have no part in it

How can love and hatred blame him.

On the “Brother Road”, there is a small shelf set up to facilitate the growth of vines. I don’t know when there was a cherry blossom blooming on it. “

He Jianfei was in a cold sweat and only listened to the student saying: “The student union therefore blocked the entire road from passing through. Anyone who forced to pass will be treated as a violation. Now report your name.” He Jianfei hurriedly argued. Said: “Your student union has to be blocked and must be blocked. No one reminded me just now that it is not forcibly passed!” The student coldly said, “So you are picking the student union’s fault. We are afraid that we will not pull the blocking line. Enraged the ghost. But your situation is special. I will report to the chairman for leniency. Also, people who enter the’Brother Road’ at night have always died, no life, no return. You are the first to come out without incident. Review why you are okay.”

What is the problem? ! He Jianfei was speechless with anger. He wears a necklace of relics. Don’t say that a female doctor is even a hundred female doctors and can’t get close to his body, but how can this tell people? I had no choice but to say: “My name is He Jianfei. As for the reason why I can’t die, maybe the female ghost can’t bear to see me as handsome and kind. I guessed too.” The student exclaimed, “What! Your name is He Jianfei?! He Jianfei said in a huff: “What are you making a fuss about? Don’t tell me that He Jianfei is already on your list of dead people.” The student hurriedly smiled and said, “No. It’s not like this. The senior has misunderstood it. It’s not just the senior. Is everything all right?

Now it’s late at night. Seniors are exhausted from the journey. Go back to the dormitory and rest. “

There has been a 180-degree change in attitude before and after. He Jianfei couldn’t help but wondering tentatively: “Isn’t it used for review?” The student laughed: “Look at what the senior said is for you. Of course.” It’s best not to be deducted from the name. Although he has many doubts, He Jianfei still lifted up two big bags and evacuated like a flee for his life. Still thinking about it, he can’t figure out why He Jianfei can pass through three words. The reason why the blockade is not reviewed.

In a short while, He Jianfei went downstairs to the dormitory and encountered a third strange thing. His dormitory was brightly lit and there were at least a dozen people standing outside, and all of them were wearing red badges-student union work cards. He Jianfei was furious: Okay, let me go. It turned out to be a report to the brigade. At this time, a person walked out of the dormitory and said to the people standing in the corridor: “Spread away, so many people are standing here, don’t be scared that he dare not come up.” He Jianfei listened to the sound familiarly and carefully observed that it was the student union. Former chairman He Ming was overjoyed to have him in everything to discuss and hurriedly said hello: “Why are so many people here?”

He Ming saw He Jianfei smiled and quickly let him into the dormitory and said: “Why are you so late? I have been waiting for you for a long time.” He Jianfei noticed that there were two boys sitting in the dormitory when He Jianfei came in. He smiled and stood up and said: “Thanks for your hard work.” He Jianfei asked He Ming in a daze, “Who are these two guys?” He Ming smiled, “The guy sitting on the left is the current chairman of the student union, Gong Yong, and the guy on the right is the vice chairman. Liu Canli and the others are here to visit you.” How could He Jianfei expect that these two men’s names were so big that he remembered that he had accused them of being a “guy” before and quickly apologized and asked, “I wonder what the two of you are doing?” Liu Canli saw He Jianfei’s Attitude came a big turn, I couldn’t help but laughed out loudly: “It’s nothing. Thirty kilograms of **** was found in the senior’s dormitory just now.” “What?!” “Boom” two loud sounds. The packages landed one after another. Gong Yong stood up and smiled: “Canli loves to joke, seniors, don’t mind. In fact, this time I came here to ask for something.” He Ming and He Ming know how to go out and say: “I will help you.”

The moonlight outside spreads endlessly like water, and the faint whispers of insects and birds on this quiet campus seem to be endless scrolls. However, behind this quietness, I don’t know how many secrets are hidden that lasts forever.

“The legend of’Brother Dao’? You say it is true? Oh my God, I thought it was a boring legend!” Gong Yong said indifferently: “The legend heard by seniors is true. We are helpless. Only then come to seek help from the senior.” He Jianfei categorically said: “Chairman still think about whether it is a prank. That female doctor, no matter how strong her hatred is, she is just a new ghost who comes out to scare people. It can be said that she has no such power to take so many lives. The upper body is even more absurd. It depends not only on the spirit of the ghost, but also on many complicated conditions. Does it mean that the upper body is the upper body?” Liu Canli said : “Is there no exception?” He Jianfei said: “Yes! One is to steal the two treasures of Buddhism and Taoism to absorb the essence and the other is to absorb a lot of grievances to increase mana. However, both of these are difficult to achieve on campus.”

Gong Yong said: “But what if it is not the female doctor who is responsible?” He Jianfei said in a daze: “What?” Gong Yong said: “This is far from what the senior thinks. What you hear is only legends and a lot of inside information. We stubbornly didn’t dare to disclose it.” He Jianfei said, “Please tell.” Gong Yong said, “At the beginning, we were half-trusted as to whether we were tricky. The freshman student named Xu Chuan happened to be a disciple of the Jiuhua Mountain lay family and we commissioned him. I found out about this~IndoMTL.com~ He didn’t see the so-called white-clothed girl sitting in a tree for two nights; the only thing he noticed was an abnormal aura in the library.” He Jianfei continued: “He If you can’t find it, it proves to be a rumor?” Gong Yong said, “I thought it was like this, but after three days, Xu Chuan and his friend and a group of five people went to the brother Chu Ye to talk about the night and gave birth to three people unexpectedly at the place of “Brother Road” He died in shock and Xu Chuan went crazy for some reason.” This speech whispered from Gong Yong’s mouth to be extremely plain, but it stirred up waves in He Jianfei’s heart. Involuntarily stood up and exclaimed: “Crazy?” Gong Yong nodded and said, “Yes. The shocked one finally survived the rescue, but he doesn’t know what happened. This is the real reason why we came to the senior. .”

He Jianfei sat listlessly in the chair and said nothing. In fact, Gong Yong and Liu Canli did not know the real reason why He Jianfei was so surprised by Xu Chuan. As long as you have a certain cultivation base, it is easy to take a human life, but to drive a person crazy, especially a person in the magic world, you must have a cultivation base of more than 100 years. The only one who can do this is her-Donglou! Dong Ou Dong Ou, I have paid such a great sacrifice for you, even the sound of the sound is also given to you. Why do you still refuse to let go and refuse to reincarnate?

Liu Canli asked He Jianfei with a strange expression: “Senior, are you okay?” He Jianfei raised his head and said indifferently, “I’m tired. Then I will take some time to see the Xu Chuan classmate who will be in shock tomorrow. Bring it here. I have something to ask him. Don’t worry, leave it to me about the “Brother Way”.” The two got up and said, “Then don’t disturb the senior’s rest.”

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