Half-Yokai Cultivating the Path of Immortality Chapter 444: Wing Gan

Chapter 444 of the Half-Demon’s Journey to Raising an Immortal: Whale Gan

In the Black River, the current was swift, and a three-foot-long baby black whale floated down the water, falling like fists.

Lu Tong stood in the middle of the river, pumping his fists to resist again and again.

Bend your elbows, raise your arms, twist your waist, throw your shoulders, and extend your elbows.

Three days have passed, and after thousands of collisions, when punching, mana flows on the surface of the fist, and a layer of black water is wrapped in it when it passes through the water.

One punch after another, black water piled up in layers.

Gradually it turned into a round glove, like a foot-long black whale.

The black water is as solid as iron.

The punch speed is getting slower and slower.

After a few more punches, Lu Tong’s movements stagnated, and the black water accumulated outside his fist collapsed, revealing his fist again.

“Have you ever learned boxing?”

Ahead, a hundred feet away, the old whale sat cross-legged on its head.

Lu Tong raised his hand and punched the “Chaosu Guishan Fist”. The punch mark fell into the water, defeating several small black whales in succession, and said: “The boxing skills before Cheng Dan were not as good as the ‘Torrent’.”

There are four boxing techniques in the martial arts hall: Flood, Dirty, Disaster, and Heaven.

You can only learn torrent by spending money.

This punch is like a torrent, and nothing can stop it.

He has a lot of gold. In addition to the torrent, he can also learn “dirty”.

Lao Jing smiled and said: “Disasters are better, do you want to learn from them?”

“Will you teach me?”

“Of course, I haven’t encountered a disciple like you in ten years. If I finally encounter one, of course I can’t miss it.”

Lu Tong stroked his wet beard and said with a smile: “How much does it cost?”

“How many do you have?”

Lu Tong turned his hand and took out a small box and said, “That’s all.”

The box opened, revealing small gold ingots the size of twelve taels.

In the underworld, gold is easier to earn than in the mortal world, but it is not free. Wei Hu has almost spent all the gold he saved.

Old Jing shook his head and said: “Forget it, learning boxing will consume your body, you can save it to buy healing elixirs.”

To learn boxing, you must first take a punch.

Sansheng Martial Arts School goes one step further, with powerful and heavy punches that can cause injuries when receiving punches and injuries when punching out.

Punch with all your strength.

Every time it is swung, the skin, flesh, tendons, bones, etc. shake violently and collide with each other at the same time, causing considerable damage.

Lu Tong does not need elixirs.

But in order to conceal his identity, he still bought a lot of healing pills.

He put away the box and asked: “Besides gold, is there any other way to learn ‘disaster’?”

“Register your name, enter the gym, become a disciple, and learn boxing.”

After finishing speaking, Mr. Jing smiled and said: “Of course, you are already a great monk of the Golden Elixir. No one in the hall can accept you as a disciple. If you serve in the hall for ten years, you will have a chance to obtain the true inheritance.”

Lu Tong shook his head.

It doesn’t matter if you register your name or enter the library, you can even become a disciple.

After all, Wei Hu is a monk from the underworld. He doesn’t care about the rules of the Three Saints Martial Arts School or the pursuit of Jingxiu Immortal Ship. He can get away with the boxing skills.

But ten years is too long.

“What else?”

“In exchange for the method, go to Qianxiu Tower and hand in the method. I have never seen the boxing technique you just performed. The fist seal is as solid as iron, which can be exchanged for filth. In addition, your footwork can be exchanged for Disaster.”

Lu Tong still shook his head.

Many of the methods of the underworld are related to immortals and powerful people. Once the rumors are known to the underworld, life will be worse than death.

“What else?”

“No more.”

Lu Tong sighed and did not ask any more questions.

There are other ways.

If Mr. Jing doesn’t pass it on, you can let others pass it on.

Gold and magic methods can be exchanged for “bad disasters”, but the opportunity to go to the underworld is more valuable than these things.

He looked back.

In the Black River, some figures were soaking in the water and practicing boxing.

Some young people are also pumping water with their fists and learning “torrent”;

A few elders were wrapped in a giant whale in black water. The giant whale swung its tail and rolled up a large wave of water, and they were learning to “dirty”;

There are also two foundation-building realms.

A man was stepping on the water, slowly waving his arms, punching his fists, and very slowly extending his fists. A huge whale mouth followed the fists and took a bite forward.

Both of them will be “disasters”, but unfortunately they are both male cultivators.

Another three days passed.

Lu Tong sank into the water, and every time he punched he would stir up a stream of water, and after using his magic power, it would stir up huge waves.

After a long time.

Not far away, a figure left in the river.

After he caught a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye, he immediately put away his fists, jumped out of the river, and chased the figure in front of him.

“Junior sister, please stay.”

A tall female cultivator in front turned around.

Thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a lion head. Although she is a female cultivator, she looks very majestic.

“I met my senior brother.”

Lu Tong nodded, looked up at the female cultivator who was taller than Wei Hu, and said, “What do you call junior sister?”

“Whale Gan.”

He nodded.

Jing Gan is also a “disaster” and the only female cultivator I have met in the past few days.

“My brother’s surname is Wei and his name is Hu, and my junior sister is a local monk on the fairy ship?”

“I’ve met Senior Brother Wei. I’ve been here with my parents since I was a child, so I’m considered a local. What’s wrong, Senior Brother?”

Lu Tong smiled and said: “I just arrived at the Immortal Ship not long ago, and I am not familiar with it. I want to find someone to take me around. I don’t know, can I trouble my junior sister?”

“Where do you want to go, senior brother?”

“Everything is fine. You come and order, see the scenery that is not found in other places, and eat some local specialties.”

A smile appeared on Jinggan’s face and he said: “Brother, my family has opened a tavern, and the wine and dishes sold are only found in Jingxiu Xianchuan.”

Lu Tong smiled in his heart and stretched out his hand to stroke his beard.

For outsiders who moved here when I was young, selling local wine and food is definitely not authentic.


Jing Gan nodded in agreement, then stopped suddenly after taking a few steps, with a look of hesitation on his face.

“Senior brother, my house is just a tavern, and few big monks come here. Otherwise… I will take senior brother to Shenwu Tower, where all the big monks go.”

“No need.”

Lu Tong did it for the sake of the whales, not for the food and wine. He smiled and said: “I’m tired of eating in big restaurants, and the small pubs have a different taste, so I’ll go to your house.”


The two walked out of the martial arts hall and stopped outside a ball of white clouds that were ten feet thick.

Jing Gan took out the jade talisman and injected it with magic power. Soon a long ladder stretched out from the white clouds, with a boy standing on it, saying: “You two, please climb up the ladder.”

Wing Gan stepped aside. ~IndoMTL.com~ Lutong climbed up the wooden ladder.

Wing Gan followed him up the stairs and said: “Go to Youbao Tavern.”



Outside the grove, there are six tables in a tavern.

Lu Tong glanced at it and couldn’t help but feel a little familiar.

Youbao Tavern is small, shabby and clean.

It is very similar to Liangyao Teahouse many years ago. At that time, he still had a pair of horse hooves and sat at the counter all day long, while Dahan slept on the table in the corner.


Wing Gan shouted.

A white-haired old man stood behind the counter. He also had a lion face and looked very much like Jing Gan.

“Gan’er, come back…”

Before the old man finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment when he saw Lu Tong. He left Jing Gan behind and quickly walked out of the counter, smiling and saying: “Senior, please come in quickly.”

Lu Tong nodded.

Jing Gan tugged at the corner of the old man’s clothes and said, “Dad, this is a senior from the martial arts school. He came from out of town and wants to try Jingxiu’s specialties.”

The old man glared, smiled more eagerly, and bowed down a little.

“Okay, please sit down quickly. Gan’er, take your senior brother to sit down. I’ll call your mother and ask your mother to sit in a ‘Phoenix Armor’. Senior, please sit down for a moment…”

The old man said, laughed, and stepped back.

Lu Tong walked to the table and sat down.

Jinggan poured a cup of tea, looked a little embarrassed, and said: “Brother, we don’t often have great monks at my house.”

“It’s okay.”

Lu Tong picked up the tea cup, blew in the hot air, and said, “I didn’t expect your father to be so old.”

“Well, I was born late.”

He sighed softly, took a sip of tea, put down the cup, and said with a smile: “Master, I will try your phoenix armor later.”

“Senior brother, it is actually a turtle covering a dove.”

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