Half-Yokai Cultivating the Path of Immortality Chapter 443: 3 Saints

The Half-Demon’s Journey to Raising an Immortal Chapter 443: The Three Saints

A thousand-foot tower stands on the water, looking like a needle from a distance.

There are many colors on the needles.

Some are blue, the building is a water area; some are green, the building is a forest; some are red, pink, and purple, the building is a sea of ​​flowers; some are yellow, the building is a desert…

A monk with a big belly and a beard landed outside the entrance of the tower.

Lu Tong looked up.

There is a plaque hanging on the hundred-foot-high door, which reads “Jingxiu”.

The two big characters are surrounded by small characters: Qianxiu, Pinglun, Sansheng, Golden Seal, Dajian Spear…

Each one is a martial arts school.

Looking at the numerous names, he only had one thought in his mind

How would Wei Hu choose?

Golden elixir great monk.

Many martial arts gym owners do not have such a high level of cultivation.

As an underworld monk, Wei Hu is looked down upon by ordinary monks of the same realm, so he will definitely not choose someone inferior to him. Also because of the underworld, I also have scruples in my heart and will not face Master Yuanying directly.

Most of the time, it’s the same as choosing the Qi Weifang, choosing one from the most powerful one without Nascent Soul Master in charge.

Lu Tong raised his hand to stroke his beard and looked at the most prominent names.

Although the countless small characters are the same size, at a glance, some of them seem to be shining, which is particularly eye-catching.

Thus, although it is my first time to board a ship, I already know a lot about the many martial arts schools on the fairy ship.

When Wang Qiu was on the Jingxiu Immortal Ship, He Fei took a lot of care of him. After returning to the clan, he carefully recounted all his experiences on the Immortal Ship.

Among them:

Qianxiu, the inheritance of the master of the fairy ship;

Minglun, majoring in marksmanship, is the martial arts hall of an old Yuanying. Wangqiu went to the hall to practice before;

Three Saints, the martial arts gym where He Fei is located, Wangqiu has also visited. He specializes in the fists and kicks of three kinds of beasts: crane, whale, and fox. It is also left by Master Yuanying, but the Master has not come back for many years.

Jinyin, the owner of the hall is a great Jindan monk who is good at boxing and palm.

Wang Qiu also learned Da Jian Qiang, and he is still a registered disciple of the martial arts school…

Lu Tong quickly had an idea and stepped into the building.

One floor, nearly a hundred feet high.

The interior is crisscrossed with ladders shining with mana.

At first glance, there are at least hundreds of them, ladders upon ladders, ladders upon ladders, and nothing else.


With a soft sound, a ladder moved in front of him.

A young boy in a brown shirt stood on the ladder, cupped his hands and said: “Senior, please climb up the ladder.”


Lu Tong took a step forward, walked to the ladder, glanced at it twice, and asked, “What kind of magic weapon is this ladder? It looks a bit mysterious?”

He wouldn’t ask about gossip, but Wei Hu often inquired.

Wei Hu entered the mortal world and was curious about everything.

The two of them went to Xiangdingxuan for dinner before, and it was only through Wei Hu’s inquiring that he learned about the mystery of the cooking cauldron.

The young man looked respectful and said: “The sky is ten feet long. Each ladder is three feet long, a total of three thousand three hundred and thirty-four. If you connect them together, you can reach the sky.”

“Immortal treasure?”

“The juniors don’t know. Where are the seniors going?”

“Which is the best martial arts gym here?”

Lu Tong knows this very well, the best is the most conspicuous.

But Wei Hu didn’t know.

What Jing Xin said about forgetting was as mysterious as it was mysterious. He couldn’t forget it, so he could only try to “pretend to be stupid”.

The young man said: “Seniors, there is no most powerful, only the most suitable. Except for Qianxiu, Minglun and Sansheng, all of them have their own strengths.”

Lu Tong stroked his beard and said with a smile: “So, Qianxiu, Minglun and Sansheng are the best.”

The boy didn’t dare to answer the question.

Lu Tong asked again: “Which boxing method is the most powerful?”

“Senior, each has his own subtlety. Qianxiu has many changes, but the Three Saints are more fierce.”

He smiled and said: “Let’s go to the Sansheng Martial Arts Hall.”


The boy took out the compass and played with it. The free ladders around him moved over and connected to each other, forming a long ladder with no end in sight.

“Senior, please climb the ladder.”

Lu Tong climbed a step.

The steps under my feet shook slightly, and the next moment they flew up, passed three steps, and landed on the stairs again.

The servant’s voice came from behind.

“Senior, the stronger your footing is, the faster you will climb.”


Lu Tong nodded, landed heavily, and flew out of the twenty-six steps the next moment.

After a cup of tea.

Lu Tong climbed the last step.

There is a three-foot-high archway in front, with “Three Saints” written on it. There are three stone statues under the archway, a white crane, a black whale and a red fox.

The white crane is flying in mid-air, holding a pair of cloth flags in its mouth, embroidered with “Bai Ri Ceng Chen” and “Leading the Nine Heavens” respectively;

Black Whale was lying on the ground, with two iron tablets erected beside his lips, which were engraved with “torrents and filth” and “disasters”;

Red Fox squatted on the ground, with two lines of ink written on his legs, which read “in the middle of a square inch” and “in the middle of three passes”.

Two disciples stood in front of each statue.

Lu Tong looked at the six disciples, each with sharp features and vigorous energy, and couldn’t help but secretly thought: After all, this is the martial arts hall left by the real person, and it has more sect atmosphere than the Barbarian Tiger Sect.

He walked up to the other side of the six people and asked, “Who should I learn boxing from?”

In front of the black whale, a big man in black robe said: “Senior~IndoMTL.com~The white crane is good at kicks, the black whale is good at fists and kicks, and the red fox is good at weapons.”

Lu Tong walked over and asked: “I want to learn boxing, what are the conditions?”

“Senior, please follow me.”

The two passed the archway, crossed the square, passed a bluestone bridge, and walked to the end of a black river.

A stone statue of a whale head.

The huge whale head, ten feet wide, opened its mouth and spit out billowing black water, turning into a river.

A shirtless monk sits cross-legged on the whale’s head.

“Old Jing, this senior wants to learn boxing.”

The shirtless monk opened his eyes, stared at it, and said, “What do you call me?”

“Wei Hu.”

“Why come to Sansheng Martial Arts School to learn boxing?”

“I heard that your boxing skills are very strong.”

The shirtless monk smiled and said: “Did that person tell you that it is also difficult to learn boxing here.”

“I told you. You only teach those who are destined, and the price is extremely expensive.”

“Not bad.”

The shirtless monk nodded and said: “Most people can’t learn our boxing skills, so if you teach them, it will be in vain. There are still poor people who can’t master them, and if you know them, it will be in vain.”

Lu Tong smiled.

When Wangqiu came back that year, he went to visit Mr. Hu, and he gave exactly the same words.

He turned over his hands and took out a box, threw out a burst of magic power to sweep open the lid, and said: “Fortunately, I am not stupid, and I am not short of gold.”

In the box, a small half box of gold was dazzlingly bright.

The shirtless monk glanced at it and said, “You’re late. We don’t accept gold now, only jade pills.”

Lu Tong had already expected it. He took out a box again and swept it with his hand. The lid opened to reveal a box full of gold.


The shirtless monk laughed a few times, stood up straight, and said: “It’s refreshing!”

Lu Tong glanced at it and immediately looked away.

It turns out that Mr. Whale is not shirtless, but naked.

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