Half-Yokai Cultivating the Path of Immortality Chapter 393: Drama

Behind the canyon, a thick smoke formation enveloped the foot of the mountain.

Inside the array.

Lu Tong sat on a stone and asked the musicians and dancers: “Can you sing?”


A group of people each grabbed an ingot of gold.

Twelve taels of gold.

It used to take two years to make money, but here it only took less than ten days. And every day is very leisurely, just singing to the empty tables and chairs for a short time.

The cool gold suddenly drove away the fear and worry in my heart.

Lu Tong smiled and said: “You don’t have to know how to do it, just shout it out. Those guys have never heard of a play in their lives, so they can’t tell whether it’s good or bad.”

“To whom?”

Asked an older oval-faced woman among the dancers.

“Are you the boss?”

“Well, they were all left behind by my husband’s family during his lifetime, and they have been following me to earn a living.”

“What’s your name?”

“Qiaozu Niang.”

Lu Tong nodded and said: “There are some people hiding in the mountains opposite. They are rich but ignorant. The show is for them.”

“How old are you? Male or female?”

“Most of them are men, all of them are vigorous and in their prime.”

“I remember a play called “The Forest of Killing Swordsmen”, which tells the story of a young monk who eradicated a group of knife bandits.”

“What else?”

“There is also a play called “Broken Marriage,” about a street monk who snatches his childhood sweetheart’s wife from a rich man.”

Lu Tong doesn’t think it’s good.

The wolf beast is similar to a knife bandit. Singing “Forest of Swordsmen” to these guys is not like opening the door to attract customers, but more like provocation.

The second one is not as good.

He thought for a while, his eyes brightened, and said: “Change it, combine the two into one. Change it to a street cultivator who became a knife bandit. After going through hardships, he became stronger and finally rushed into the city to **** back his childhood sweetheart. .”

“Is this okay?”

“Okay, definitely okay.”

“I’ll try.”

Lu Tong thought for a moment and said, “Add a few more things. The original leader of the knife bandits was a demonic beast who prevented the casual cultivators from going down the mountain. The casual cultivators had no choice but to kill the big demon first, and then went down the mountain to **** back the Taoist companion. .”


“What’s wrong?”

“If you change it like this, the play will be messed up, and the duration and score will not match up.”

“It’s okay, I dare to change it, but they can’t tell the difference between good and bad.”


A loud piano sound sounded like tears and resentment.

“At the end of the moon, I vowed to each other in my ears, saying that I am the only one who belongs to me in this life. Now, my little sister is about to fall into the mouth of a jackal. Brother Afei, where are you?”

On the high platform, a woman who looked young was lying on the ground, crying with tears in her eyes.

At this time, a deep roar sounded:

“Twelve ounces of gold for one person!”

“Close the door and let out the fog!”

A billowing white mist rose, swallowing the tables, chairs, screens, high platforms, and the female nuns on the stage.

Canyon side.

Lu Tong picked up the empty golden tripod, entered the mist, took out a handful of broken silver and scattered it, saying: “Let’s scatter, go back and rest, and continue singing tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Master!”

The musicians and dancers left one after another.

Lu Tong threw the cauldron to the ground, sat directly on the cauldron, took out a jar of wine and took a big sip.

Shanli walked to the side and said: “It still needs some heat.”

Good etiquette and kindness, they live up to their names. The two of them are very smart. Although they don’t know their real plan, they have already guessed that they are seducing the wolf beast.

After Lu Tong sat down, he was still a few heads taller than Shanli. He shook his head and said, “It’s okay. Take your time. Hard bones need to be stewed slowly over low heat.”

Shanli nodded and said: “Shanyi knows a kind of colorful swallow dance. She has taught Fellow Daoist Li, and Fellow Daoist Li is willing to contribute.”

“That kind of double-flying swallow dance?”


“This fire is really strong.”

Lu Tong finished the wine jar in two gulps, threw the jar into the canyon, and asked, “Li Rennu is willing?”

“She took the initiative to speak.”

On the high platform, Li Rennu was walking around the platform, as if he was familiar with the size of the platform.

“Forget it.”

Lu Tong shook his head, stood up, put away the cauldron, and said: “Too much is not enough. If it is too much, it will make the wolves and beasts afraid. Wait a little longer.”


A few days later, at noon.

A group of people and monsters were sitting around the tables and chairs, eating, drinking, and laughing. From time to time, some people sang songs and some danced swords. It looked very lively.


A shout came from the other side.

The laughter at the table suddenly stopped, and several people’s eyes lit up at the same time, and they started drinking again the next moment.

Lu Tong walked to the edge of the canyon in two or three steps and said, “What are you doing?”

Across the canyon stood a wolf beast.

His hair and beard are messy and his clothes are in tatters. He is clearly at the Foundation Establishment stage, but he looks like a beggar from Yunying City.

“Do you have any wine? Let me have a jar.”

“One tael of gold for a small pot and ten taels of gold for a large altar. Do you want the bigger one and the smaller one?”

“Come to a big altar.”

The wolf beast directly threw an ingot of gold.

Lu Tong took out a jar of wine and threw it back.

The wolf beast caught the wine jar and looked at it carefully in front of his eyes, as if he couldn’t believe that he had bought it so easily.

Lu Tong rubbed the gold, threw it into the golden cauldron, and said: “Don’t worry, it’s not poisonous. It’s a serious heart-burning wine. Come and drink it next time.”

The wolf beast didn’t say a word and turned around to leave.


A few hills away.

In a mountain col, a layer of straw mat was spread on the rocks. Many wolves and beasts were sleeping on the ground, lying on the straw mat to rest.

Not far away, countless exquisite tables, chairs, beds, tables, bookshelves, scrolls, bottles, etc., were randomly thrown together ~IndoMTL.com~ and piled up into a mountain of garbage.

The wolf beasts in the demon city have been living in the cracks.

He has strength, gold and silver, and when he killed, he also snatched many women, craftsmen, teachers, books, etc. from outside the mountain, everything.

It’s a pity that I don’t dare to enjoy it.

I don’t even dare to dress up neatly.

In Yu Linfeng’s eyes, wolves must be dirty and stupid. They are obviously human, but they must not be human.

On a bare stone pillar, there is a huge bird’s nest nearly ten feet in diameter.

In the bird’s nest, several handsome men and beauties huddled.

A thin wolf with red hair sat on the edge of the bird’s nest, staring at a precious mirror.

In the mirror, a burly monk nearly ten feet tall stood on the edge of the canyon and looked straight ahead. It seemed as if the two of them were looking at each other through the mirror.

A wolf beast landed under the stone pillar, held up a jar of wine, and said: “Boss, I bought it, a jar of ten taels of gold.”

“Is it poisonous?”

The wolf beast below opened the wine jar, smelled it, and said: “The wine is very strong, it should not be poisonous.”

The skinny wolf put down the mirror, stretched out his arm and pulled out a handsome little man with a peach-blossom face and peach-blossom eyes from the bird’s nest, and threw it away.

“Give it to him.”


Xiao Yulang trembled and drank the whole jar, shook it on the spot a few times, and fell down.

“Boss, he’s not dead, he’s drunk.”

The skinny wolf picked up the mirror, stared at the four characters “Liangyao Restaurant” in the mirror, frowned and said: “You don’t really want to make money when you open a tavern, do you?”

“Boss, the guy down there can’t hold it anymore. He wants to drink and listen to a show. He listens to half of it every day, and he can’t get up or down. That little girl is so annoying. Many guys are holding it back. I’ve been beaten for the past few days. Several times, two people died…”

“Tonight, you go over and test it.”

“Ah, boss, I…”



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