Half-Yokai Cultivating the Path of Immortality Chapter 320: affection

Inside the cave, the black wind swirls endlessly.

Lu Tong lay in the wind, eyes slightly narrowed, arms spread out, turning around and around with the wind.

“Zhufeng Xuan Gong” says that all things have spirits, and the wind also has spirits.

He never felt it.

It wasn’t until I encountered this black wind that I finally noticed it.

This wind is full of resentment, despair, anger…

He recited the method silently in his mind and emitted the magic power. The black wind, hair, bones, etc. around him turned into various living creatures, devouring the magic power one after another, as if they were preparing to come back to life for revenge.

The night is over and the sun is shining.

A reddish light lit up on the horizon, and Lu Tong was still lying in the wind. The long and short hair around his arms were entangled with each other, faintly forming a long knife.

At the same time.

Three bells rang on Zhiming Mountain, and a figure in black hurriedly walked through the forest path, climbed to the top of the mountain, and entered a small white bamboo building.

Inside the building.

The man in black bowed his hands and was about to speak.

Cuiwen raised his hand and said: “Sit down. If you dare to take the initiative to intervene, you really have some support.”

The man in black sat on the edge of the chair, lowered his head and said, “Master, I am defeated.”

“No problem.”

Cui Wen’s expression remained unchanged, and he threw out a book of exercises and said: “Take this “Empty Sword Sutra” for practice. Once you have mastered the Empty Sword, if Lu Tong obediently enshrines it in Zhiming Mountain, then you don’t need to pay attention to it. If so, If he doesn’t keep his word, you come to him and teach him a lesson.”

“One move.”


“He only made one move. Even if the disciple learned the empty sword, he… would not be his opponent.”

The man in black buried his head deeply.

Cuiwen’s eyes were stunned for a moment, and he sat motionless on the chair. After a long time, he moved his lips and murmured: “It’s so powerful. This time it’s really unpredictable.”


Madame Ninth, Guanshi Hu, and Hu Lian all worked together at the same time. “Meng Dahe practiced evil methods and captured the Qi Sect Immortal to kill this beast” spread throughout the city.

He did many bad things and killed countless people.

The past stories of people who disappeared nearby or who were looking for relatives in other places were uncovered one after another, and all the things that had no beginning or end were all dumped on the head of the Mengda River.

Every grain store posted notices at the same time. The low price of grain in Yunying City has nothing to do with Meng Dahe, but is a gift from the Immortal of Yiyi Sect. He also promised that food prices would remain unchanged in the future.

In just a few days, Meng Dahe changed from a good person praised by everyone to an insidious, vicious old evil cultivator with a human face and an animal heart.

The gate of Meng Mansion was sealed.

The door and surrounding walls were full of vegetable leaves, eggs, smelly swill, etc.

Only one corner of the backyard was free of debris, and instead was guarded by several grain store guards.

Madam Ninth walked into the cave carrying a lantern and whispered: “Lu Tong?”

There was no response except the whine of the wind.

Some fear arose in Madam Ninth’s heart, she gritted her teeth, used her magic power to draw out a flaming whip, and shouted loudly: “The surname is Lu!”

The wind suddenly stopped and then blew out again.

Lu Tong walked out on the wind, with two wind knives hanging behind his back. With each step, the wind knife changes direction and position.

Mrs. Ninth’s eyes widened and she said, “What’s wrong with you?”


Lu Tong frowned.

Mrs. Ninth took out a mirror and handed it over.

He took it and took a look.

In the mirror, the gold threads and gold foil on his face were messed up, and his long beard was all over his face. Between the long beard and the golden thread, a pair of eyes are very cold, full of hatred.

Lu Tong closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

I have been sleeping in the wind for the past few days. With the practice of “Zhufeng Xuan Gong”, the wind gradually comes to life, and the sounds of crying, killing and resentment come out of my mouth.

Unconsciously, a layer of haze has enveloped my heart.


With a long breath, the two wind knives behind him collapsed and turned into wisps of breeze.

He opened his eyes and walked out of the cave.

“What happened?”

“Someone wants to see you.”


“Guanshi Hu, Hu Lian, Ji Yan. There are also the Zhen family and the Baili family. They don’t know where they found out about it, and they also want a piece of the pie.”

The sun is shining brightly outside.

Wan Yi and Wan Xi sat in the shade to rest.

Lu Tong jumped onto the rockery, sat on the stone, and said, “What else did you say?”

“Guanshi Hu said that Zhimingshan has decided on a new first wife, and he will be replaced at the end of the first year. Hu Lian said that cooperation will benefit both parties, and the good news will not let us down.”

The warmth in the sun dispels the gloom in my heart little by little.

He rubbed the hair on his arms and asked, “Guanshi Hu, what does he want to do?”

“I guess, since his backer has fallen, he is sending a favor. Anyway, we will know the news sooner or later.”

Lu Tong smiled and looked up at the guard standing outside the wall.

Madam Ninth saw the intention and said: “One of our own. The old man who has been with us since the Yan family has just been transferred to the grain store a few days ago.”

“How’s Hu Lian’s investigation going?”

“It’s difficult to handle. Hu Lian used pills to bribe many people. This thing is more effective than money. If you try to touch him, it will definitely break your muscles and bones.”

Lu Tong lowered his head and thought.

The poor salary specifically explained that things must be done cleanly and Yin Qing cannot be seen in trouble. And Hu Lian couldn’t be willing to be a manager, leaving him behind would cause trouble sooner or later.

“Short-term pain is better than long-term pain. Let’s meet first and ask Hu Lian to come over. If that doesn’t work, prepare to kill.”



Sunset and dusk.

In front of the rockery, a tea table was set up.

Lu Tong sat on the rockery, basking in the sunset, waiting for Hu Lian to come over to meet.

A bald old man on crutches fell from the sky and stood at the gap where the monk in the hat was knocked down.

Lu Tong immediately stood up and walked over quickly.

“Senior Brother Chuiwen, please don’t blame me if you miss me from afar!”

Cuiwen looked up and down, nodded and said: “I underestimated my junior brother.”

“Brother, why did you say this?”

Cuiwen shook his head, jumped up, and jumped in front of the rockery very dexterously.

The two sat opposite each other.

Lu Tong boils water and makes tea.

Cuiwen looked at the kettle quietly, and when the water boiled, he suddenly asked: “What is your plan?”

Lu Tong had just taken out the tea leaves and was about to wash the tea. He stopped and said, “What?”

“It took a lot of planning, but it only cost tens of thousands of taels of silver. With your strength, you should look down on this thing.”

He was silent for a moment ~IndoMTL.com~ and said: “Brother, if I had asked earlier, I would have mentioned the business of Tu Liang Store. Dahe Grain Store is located in all major cities. This family fortune alone is worth a lot of money.”

“There is truth among the lies. This lie is quite good. What now?”

Lu Tong raised his head and said, “It’s a matter of affection.”

“What kind of affection?”

Cuiwen took out the teapot and tea leaves, lifted the kettle and started making tea.

Lu Tong put away the tea leaves and said: “Senior brother, I don’t know something. This time I am running for senior sister Yinqing.”

Cuiwen poured the water and shook his head with a smile. It was obviously another unexpected thing.

Lu Tongtong: “I have a close relationship with the Yiyi Sect, especially with the Baorong Mountain lineage. It’s a pity that several old friends have left one after another. I urgently need something to repair our relationship. What happened at Zhiming Mountain, Yin Senior Sister Qing has no shortage of gold and silver, she only wants fame. I will work hard for Senior Sister and exchange my hard work for some credit.”

“So, this is my blessing?”

Compared with when he arrived, Chuiwen was much more relaxed.

Everyone has their own needs, which makes people feel at ease.

Lu Tong smiled and said slowly: “It’s senior brother’s blessing, and it’s also my blessing.”

“I’ll give you another blessing, do you want it?”

“What blessing?”

His eyes brightened slightly.

The old golden elixir monk is also a great monk, especially the first master of Zhiming Mountain.

Cuiwen raised his head and said with a smile: “Come into my door.”


Lu Tong had a troubled look on his face.

“If you are not a disciple, how can a dying person accept you as an apprentice?”

Cuiwen curled his lips and said: “Be my student, since you want to renew your relationship with Yiyi Zong, I will help you. I don’t like to make friends, but after staying in Zhiming Mountain for hundreds of years, There are quite a few students.”

Lu Tong immediately stood up without any hesitation and bowed down deeply.

“Student Lu Tong, meet the Master!”

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