Gundam Seed: Final Destination Chapter 711: : Aslan defected

“Keep guard at the door! Now start searching the rooms and nearby areas!”

Armed soldiers yelled and ran down the aisle.

It seems to be the security guards of the base.

Meiling Hawke was about to walk back to the dormitory dormitory. Seeing this, she hurriedly leaned against the wall to let the group pass first.

“It’s best to capture them alive, if you have to, shoot them on the spot!”

Mei Ling felt that this sounded terrible.

I don’t know what happened?

After they left, Meiling hurried back to the room.

Outside the window, the shaking searchlight cuts out the deep night.

She sat down at the desk and turned on the computer.

“What’s the matter? What’s the situation—?”

She connected to the intelligence center of the base, browsed the security alert information, and wanted to see if there was any latest situation that had been announced.

At this time, the door of the room opened a crack, and a figure moved in through the crack without a sound.

Meiling was startled, and she jumped up in fright, but saw the man’s wet black hair, straight face, and red clothes——

“Mr. Aslan…?”

The subconscious cry was overwhelmed by the quietly covered palm.

The faces of the two were so close that Meiling could even see her own face in Aslan’s green eyes.

“…sorry, I just want to leave. Please…be quiet.”

There was a sharp light in his eyes, but his tone was very calm. Meiling couldn’t help but blush, and nodded her head hastily.

Then Aslan moved his hand away.

In his other hand he held a rifle.

Her heart was pounding, the object of her admiration was so close to her, and she made such a bold and sneaky move, Meiling’s brain was in a mess.

She whispered puzzledly:

“Are you… being hunted? Why…”

A hero of the previous war and FAITH will be hunted down?

Seeing Aslan spit angrily: “You can ask Lei later.”


Meiling was stunned, why did she mention Lei’s name at this moment?

Aslan went to the window and peeped out.

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

“Security Department, we need to check the room, open the door immediately!”

Meiling was startled again when she heard the roar outside the door.

Aslan’s face darkened, and he lowered his voice to order her: “After I go out, you scream, saying that I threatened you with a gun.”

“Huh? Then…”

Seeing Aslan running towards the window, Meiling hastily grabbed him.

She suddenly remembered what she heard in the corridor just now – shoot as a last resort…

Go out now and you’ll be found!

But the security guards are already outside the door.

What to do?

Meiling’s mind turned quickly—what should I do? How to do……?

“Come on!”

With a flash of inspiration in her mind, she immediately grabbed Aslan’s arm and pulled him into the bathroom.

“Hello! Is anyone here?”

The security guard outside the door got impatient.

“Ah, here we come!!”

Meiling responded sweetly pretending to be panicked, but at the same time turned on the shower faucet.

Aslan asked suspiciously, “What are you going to do…?”

“Shh! Let me handle it!”

Meiling pushed him behind the shower curtain, then took off his uniform abruptly.

She caught a glimpse of Aslan blushing in bewilderment, but now was not the time to worry about such little things.

She dived under the shower head.

Aslan is being hunted.

If I don’t handle it well, he’ll be shot!

After wetting her hair, Meiling immediately wrapped her body in a towel and rushed out of the bathroom.

The timing is too coincidental.

As soon as she opened the door, she just saw the security guards raised their feet, ready to break in.

“Yeah! You… what are you doing! I hate it!”

Grabbing the towel tightly around her body, Meiling lost her temper preemptively.

The security guards standing outside the door were all big men. When they saw a young girl in scanty clothes, they froze there instantly.

It just so happened that Luna Maria arrived at this time, and when she saw this scene, she raised her voice an octave: “What are you doing!”

“Ah, sister!”

After Meiling met her backer, she immediately cried to her sister.

“Because they were taking a shower just now, but they kept knocking on the door.”

“Okay, okay, hurry up and put on your clothes!”

Luna Maria relieved her sister, then glared at the security guard.

“What about you? What do you want to do? What are you doing so noisy?”

“Well, not…”

“What do you want to do with my sister? What do you guys want to do?”

At times like this, Meiling thanked God for making her sister an elite in red and giving her a strong and pungent personality.

Seeing her sister questioning sharply, the security guard looked confused. She knew that someone had cleared up the deadlock outside the door, so she gently closed the door and locked it.

Finally passed.

As soon as she was relieved, Meiling suddenly felt weak in her knees and fell to the ground on the spot.

It was only at this time that the sense of panic hit her, and she couldn’t help but shiver and tremble, sobbing and crying.

The bathroom door opened, and footsteps approached, but how dare she look up; thinking that she was naked in front of the person she admired, her face was almost boiling hot.

When she was feeling ashamed, a light and soft bathrobe was draped over her body.

The gentle touch made her raise her eyes reluctantly, and saw Aslan’s concerned smile right in front of her.

“Thank you…but why?”

Why? Why can I do such impulsive things?

Meiling choked up for a moment, and could only shake her head.

“I…don’t know…”

Maybe because I like it.

I like him who is strong, smart, and capable of everything—but always shows a sad expression.

“However, you saved me… I’m sorry.”

After finishing speaking softly, Aslan stood up.

——He’s leaving!

Meiling hastily stretched out her hand and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Aslan stumbled and turned around in surprise.

Meiling thought to herself, she can’t just let him go away, after finally getting through the crisis just now, she must find a way to let him leave safely…

“To… to the hangar –“

Meiling blurted out the thoughts in her head, but Aslan was confused.


“Wait for me…”

Momentarily forgetting that she was still trembling just now, Meiling jumped up and rushed to the desk, typing on the keyboard suddenly.

“First hack into the mainframe of the base… and then find a place to make an alarm…!”

Aslan, who was staring blankly at the side, finally showed an expression of sudden realization.

As an operator specializing in communication technology, Mei Ling never thought that her expertise would come in handy here.

Now her mind is only thinking about saving Aslan, and she has no time to think about guilt. As for the possibility of him doing something bad, Mei Ling didn’t think about it at all.

A few minutes later, she successfully hacked into the base host and activated the port’s siren.

A sharp alarm bell came from outside the dormitory, and footsteps ran past in the corridor.

The sudden sound of the alarm sent the base boiling.

When Thalia rushed to the dormitory, Durandal’s room was already covered in noise.

“I have ordered Zhen and Lei to move out. The most important thing is, can you find a way to prevent the commotion from expanding?”

Through the passing soldiers, Thalia entered the office.

At this time, a soldier entered the door from behind Thalia and ran towards a non-commissioned officer in a panic.

“Report to the captain! We found the terminal that invaded the host.”

He didn’t notice that Thalia was also there, but hurriedly reported: “It’s the crew of the Minerva—the computer in Meiling Hawke’s dormitory.”

There was an uproar among the officers, and Thalia was even more shocked.

——Meiling? She has something to do with this too?


Noticing Thalia, Durandal glanced at her quickly, then immediately turned to the soldier: “——What about her?”

“Not in the house, still looking for it.”

After the soldier finished answering, Durandal asked Thalia again with his eyes.

Thalia shook her head.

Meiling and the others should be living in the dormitory tonight.

Could it be that she used the computer in the room to hack into the mainframe of the base?

But seeing Durandal pondering for a while, he picked up the phone and dialed out.

“Ray, when you were hunting Aslan, did you see Mei Ling Hawke?”

It turned out to be Ray who was tracking Aslan.

Then Lei immediately replied: “Meiling Hawke and Aslan are together, and they are now.”

Thalia gasped.

Durandal asked again suspiciously: “With Aslan?… Has she become a hostage?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

Lei’s tone was flat, and he explained smoothly: “He covered Meiling, shot down my gun, and then reached out to Meiling before climbing into the cockpit of the Savior Gundam, and Meiling immediately ran away with him.”

“If she was a hostage, she should have escaped from Aslan at that time, but the land didn’t ask me for help—I think there should be surveillance video in the hangar.”

——Meiling…run away with Aslan?

Thalia was completely confused. She didn’t even know why Aslan had escaped.

Meiling Hawke is also one of the bridge crew members. Thalia can’t imagine that she will invade the main engine of the base and escape with Aslan.

Despite the confusion in her side, Durandal’s conversation with Ray continued.

“You mean, she is not a hostage held by Aslan?”

“No, she’s not.”

Lei answered simply.

“She is an expert in intelligence and communication. If she is allowed to escape, I don’t know how many secrets will leak out. It is not clear what happened, but I think it is necessary to prevent them from escaping——ask for permission to shoot down.”

The situation developed too quickly and suddenly, Thalia felt that she was blocked from the truth, so she hurried forward and interjected: “Ray! Wait a moment—”

But before she could finish speaking, Durandal replied directly with the communicator: “Really? I know. I trust your judgment.”

When he said that, there was no trace of hesitation on his face.

“Allowed to fall.”


Thalia couldn’t help staring at his handsome face.

Durandal just looked back calmly.

Unable to bear the pressure, it was Thalia who looked away first.

“Thank you.”

Lei replied indifferently, and cut off the communication.

“Have you heard it all? Really—Heine, that’s how things are.”

“But…how could…!”

The conversation between Lei and the speaker made Zhen really hold his breath.

You can already see the red mobile suit flying ahead.

And not only Aslan was sitting in that machine, but Meiling was also sitting there.

They were classmates in the military academy, and later she worked as a mobile suit controller, and——she is Luna Maria’s younger sister.

If what Ray said was true, she was an accomplice in Aslan’s escape.

——How is it possible! how come?

Even if it was Aslan’s escape, Shin Asuka still couldn’t figure out what happened.

Gaining the deep trust of the speaker, and being awarded the latest fighter…

It’s not that I don’t believe Lei’s testimony, but that there must be a misunderstanding.

Ignoring the entanglement in Zhen Asuka’s heart, Lei calmly gave instructions: “Heine, you go around from the right, and Zhen Asuka and I outflank it.”

“Got it.”

Heine didn’t have too many mood swings, he just said lightly.

“… Thunder!”

Knock down——If you want to knock down Aslan and Meiling, you really can’t do it yourself!

Seeing that Zhen Asuka hesitated, Lei reprimanded him and said: “Aslan’s defection is already a fact, and he must go to Aub due to his relationship with Aub, and with Meiling’s grasp of What if this incident destroys the peace wishes of the speaker and others!?”

Zhen·Asuka suddenly woke up.

——I have been thinking, after this war is over, I will create such a world.

He thought of Durandal’s ideal.

A world where happiness is available to everyone.

There is no war, only peace.

No one will ever be a victim of war like your own family.

After hearing the speaker’s words, Asuka secretly vowed to do everything in his power for his goal.

He also believes that only in this way can he live for his family and Stella.


“How can they be allowed to betray at this critical juncture?!”

Lei’s voice urged.

“…Damn it!”

Shin Asuka bit his lip and activated the jet propulsion.

The speaker’s ideals and his own hopes – he can’t let them go to waste.

So, there is only one battle left.

Even if the opponent is Aslan Sara.

But why did it happen like this…!

The light beam passed the Savior Gundam and shot into the sea.

In that fighter plane are Aslan and Meiling.

– I think you can do it.

He is the first person who recognizes himself—

Why? Why is he betraying everyone?

Why do you want me to do this?

“Why are you doing this!”

The unwillingness in his heart turned into anger, and Zhen Asuka shouted and activated the radiance carrier.

“That’s right.”

Heine smiled lightly, and the orange-painted Destiny Gundam also raised the beam saber in the form of an MMI-714 Arondette at this moment.

The gun muzzle on the back of the legendary Gundam is flipped.

Countless beams of light staggered and staggered, forcibly intercepting the Savior Gundam.

Beep beep——

A piercing siren sounded in the Savior Gundam.

As he turned his head, a huge beam saber rushed towards him in the dark night.

“Really, Heine, stop!”

One left and one right, Aslan raised the shield to block the beam saber while driving the machine, and at the same time raised the gun and continuously pulled the Destiny Gundam No. 1 machine driven by Asuka: “Have you also been brainwashed!”

The bullets from the beam gun bounced off in front of the high-altitude white-gray machine.

It turned out that Destiny Gundam No. 1 blocked it with the light shield emitted by its left arm.

The savior Gundam could also hear the communication just now—including Ray and Durandal’s singing together leading to the conclusion of Unforgiven.

The order that even Meiling was to be shot down together meant to silence her. To Aslan who knew the truth, all this was just a farce.

Facing Aslan’s call to the real Asuka, Lei still blocked it with a calm tone: “Your useless Aslan, you are desperate!”

Six beams of light shot out from around the disc on the back, almost hitting the Savior Gundam.

Destiny Gundam No. 2 also swung a knife at this moment, almost beheading the Savior Gundam on the spot.

“Ray! Heine!”

Anxiety tore at Aslan’s nerves.

Although the Savior Gundam is a new type of machine, it is completely inferior to the most advanced Destiny and Legend.

Aslan glanced to the side, and saw Meiling clutching the back of the chair with a pale face, he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.

“Don’t run away! Surrender!”

Zhen Asuka’s cry was full of impatience, and also mixed with a hint of prayer.

“Don’t betray us! Come back to the base!”

From the point of view of Zhen Asuka, who knew nothing, the situation in front of him probably looks like Aslan’s defection and defection.

No! ――Aslan felt a helpless sense of annoyance and crisis

Zhen Asuka and the others have completely fallen into the manipulation of the Speaker and Lei.

Zhen Asuka has already obtained the most advanced body, follow their instructions to eradicate all enemies.

Then, he will live a life like a weapon part, just like a joint enhanced person: “Damn…”

Aslan drove the Messiah Gundam to dodge the successive beams of light.

While turning around, he raised his shield to block the Zhanjian knife, and at the same time drew out the beam saber and rushed towards Zhen Asuka: “I will never go back and wait to die!”

Aslan knew very well that returning to the base was a dead end. For the speaker, he is already a useless chess piece, and knowing all his deceptions is undoubtedly a dangerous existence.

Not to mention Meiling, she will be silenced before a fair trial.

“What the speaker and Lei said may sound right and pleasant! But sooner or later their arguments will kill everything in this world!”

When all chaos gets a clue, all mysteries and doubts become simple and clear.

“Don’t confuse people here! Since you don’t want to go back and wait for death, then fall here, Aslan!”

The intercepted Heine’s eyes turned cold, the wings on his back spread out, and when the muzzle flipped, a high-energy beam suddenly shot out and chased straight towards the Savior Gundam.

Legend has it that Gundam also flipped the dragoon muzzle on its back at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, countless light beams staggered, covering the Savior呲呲——问隆——

The rays of light scattered by the beam particles and the flames of the explosion of the machine lit up at the same time.

In the cockpit of the Red Savior Gundam, Aslan’s eyes were as sharp as knives, and the whites of his eyes covered them with light blue.

In Meiling’s frightened call, the savior Gundam, who had lost his left arm and shield, turned over and rushed out of the smoke.

I bumped into the disordered Zhen Asuka head-on.

“Get out!”

Aslan’s roar brought Asuka back to his senses.

While raising his head, he still dragged the flame savior Gundam and pulled out the beam saber.


The beam saber fell, Asuka’s pupils shrank, and the beam shield popped out from his arm.

The moment the two collided, the Savior Gundam’s trend continued unabated, and he raised his legs and kicked Destiny Gundam’s chest.

Destiny Gundam No. 1 was kicked straight away.

Beep beep——


In the rear, Heine’s roar sounded at the same time as the shrill siren.

Turning around, the “Arondette” beam saber fell head-on.

On the left, Legend Gundam also rushed to him.

The suffocation of death hit Aslan’s nerves, but he was so calm.

A look of coldness flashed in his eyes, and the plasma converging beam cannon on the back of the Savior Gundam flipped and shot out towards Heine’s body.


The colorful beam shield lit up, blocking the beam cannon close to the face.

Legend has it that Gundam also came to the Savior’s side at this moment, holding the beam saber high in his hand.

Bang bang bang——

Suddenly, several light beams flew from afar.


Ray Za Barel drove the machine sideways and raised his hand to catch the beam cannon that flew suddenly.

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