Gundam Seed: Final Destination Chapter 675: : Please save Stella

“Is this…or is there no way?”

When he walked to the passage in front of the infirmary, Zhen Asuka heard the captain’s voice, and quickly hid behind the wall reflexively.

The captain is talking to the military doctor in the infirmary.

“Yes, judging from the current situation, everything is just a matter of time.”

A second later, Zhen Asuka realized the meaning of this sentence.

They were talking about the death of Stella…

It’s okay not to think, this thought made him tremble all over.

Zhen Asuka tried his best to hold back, leaning on the wall to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

The voice of the military doctor continued: “It would be best if we could hold her out until we handed her over. If not, it would be inappropriate for us to prolong her life signs like this… This will only make the research It is more difficult for personnel to obtain correct information, even if an autopsy is required…”


——As soon as he heard this word, Zhen Asuka’s almost stagnant thoughts started to move.

He said anatomy? What nonsense are they talking about!

“What the council wants is **! If that kind of sample data, isn’t it enough for us to collect in the research institute?”


Zhen Asuka finally understood.

The reason why the military doctor continued to treat Stella was not to save her life.

On the contrary, he suggested not to keep her alive just now, because it would make it difficult for researchers to obtain information.

He even said that it would be better if Stella died! Just to get information?

“Anyway, you continue to maintain her life for me, and I still hope to extradite her alive as much as possible.”

He heard the captain draw conclusions.

It’s just that the captain can only see Stella as a sexual specimen, not a human being who can cry, laugh, and suffer like them.

“Yes… I see, I will try to try…”

“Yes, please.”

The captain turned to leave, but stopped again.

“By the way, about Noel—”

“Don’t worry, my assistant and I haven’t talked to anyone!”

The medical officer seemed to be frightened, and his tone became serious.

“I don’t mean that, what I mean is, since this girl named Stella was strengthened based on Noel’s body genetic data, can you find a way to relieve it from him? Let her last us Arrived at the Gibraltar base.”

The captain asked in a searching tone.

“Speaking of which, I seem to have heard somewhere that Captain Noel had some problems with his body, which were later resolved at the genetic research base. However, this is just a private rumor and there is no evidence.”

The answer from the medical officer also shocked Zhen Asuka.


“Well, I heard that Captain Noel’s gene has a congenital defect, and he has to take medicine all the time to stabilize it—maybe this is why he participated in this research.”

The medical officer replied with a guessing attitude.

“You mean, Noel uses the technology of the earth to solve his own problems, and the United Earth uses his body genes to create enhanced humans?”

The captain’s tone was a bit stunned.

“I can only say that there is such a possibility, provided that the rumors are true.”


Zhen Asuka can no longer listen to the words that follow.

He now feels as if he is in a dream.

“By the way, will Zhen Asuka come over soon?”

At this moment, he suddenly heard his name.

“Yeah, come every day.”

After the military doctor finished answering, he sighed and said, “I don’t know why he cares so much about that kind of person.”


The captain left without saying anything.

Zhen Asuka heard the door of the infirmary close, but his legs seemed to be nailed, and he could only stand where he was, unable to move.

Before, he never thought about what would happen to Stella after she was rescued.

He was afraid of her death at the time, but she is not far from death now, and even if she can continue to live, she can only be an experimental subject in this life.

When the mothership arrives in Gibraltar, she will be taken away from her side and sent to a research unit somewhere, as a biological specimen of a strengthened human being, and will be a research object for scientists for the rest of her life.

She will be tied to the hospital bed forever, and she will never be able to look at the sky, see the sea, dance or laugh again.

This kind of thing…!

True Asuka clenched his fists.

It’s different from what the United Army did to her!

Suddenly, Zhen Asuka had a flash of inspiration and thought of the conversation the captain had just had.

Looking quietly at Stella lying pale on the bed, Zhen Asuka made a decision in her heart.

ms contain library.

Noel and Aslan are conducting routine debugging on the trial model Destiny Gundam.

Aslan’s fingers were jumping rapidly on the keyboard, while Noel stood aside and said something.

This is the picture that Zhen Asuka saw after entering the ms storage warehouse.

“Really, why are you here?”

Luna Maria is also here at this time, but she is still wrapping her head and hanging her arms.

Zhen Asuka was not in the mood to pay attention to her at all at this moment, and after a hasty glance at her, he walked straight towards the direction of the trial-type destiny.

“Captain Noel!”

Under Luna’s astonished eyes, Zhen Asuka stood below and shouted at Noel.


Noel turned his head and looked at Zhen Asuka standing below and couldn’t help but be astonished.

“Can you come down for a moment, I have something to ask you.”

Zhen Asuka asked very politely.

Noel blinked blankly, what the **** is going on?

Aslan also looked astonished.

Luna and the others looked at Zhen Asuka in confusion.

Since Noel came to the Minerva, Zhen Asuka has rarely looked for Noel.

“I’ll leave it to you, I’ll go down and have a look.”

Although Noel had doubts, he still stood on the elevator and fell down.

Soon, the lift descends to the ground.

“Tell me, what’s the matter.”

Noel asked bluntly.

Zhen Asuka looked around and pointed to a corner not far away: “Can we go over and talk?”

“Ah, yes.”

Noel was completely fooled, but he still agreed, after all, this guy can’t do anything to himself.

Soon, the two came to a corner under the astonished eyes of Luna and the others.

“Say it, you—”

“Captain Noel, please save Stella!”

Before Nuoer finished speaking, Zhen Asuka lowered his head and begged Nuoer.


Noel looked at Zhen Asuka with a dazed expression, wondering what the **** is going on.

“Stella may not be able to make it to the Gibraltar base.” Zhen Asuka replied.

“Wait a minute, what does it have to do with me that Stella can’t make it to the Gibraltar base? If you want to find it, you should also find a medical officer. I don’t know how to treat illnesses and save lives.”

Noel hurriedly stopped the real bird Is it alright? Is it really okay? ? “

Zhen Asuka suddenly raised his head when he heard the words, and fixed his eyes on Nuo Er.

Noel just wanted to deny it, but looking at Zhen Asuka’s firm and red eyes, he couldn’t say anything about denying it.

“The enhanced human experiment was conducted using your genetic sample as a basis, and you also solved your own physical problems through the enhanced human experiment—”

There are no doubts in Zhen Asuka’s sentence, only indescribable certainty.

“Who told you this?”

It’s all about this, it doesn’t make sense to deny it or not.

But Noel is very curious about who told Zhen Asuka about this, and it is impossible for Zhen Asuka to discover this matter with his mind.

Could it be – Durandal?

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