Gundam Seed: Final Destination Chapter 661: : enter the laboratory

Zhen Asuka and Lei came to a basement.

The turbid air came oncoming, mixed with a musty smell, and a chemical stench coming from nowhere.

Light dimly illuminates the long passageway from the stairway.

For a building that has been abandoned for a long time, this place is surprisingly tidy.

There was a door next to the starting point of the aisle. Lei stretched out his hand and pushed it lightly. He formally raised his gun and pointed towards the door, but quickly put down the gun and walked in.

There seemed to be no one in this room, only the thick darkness filled it.

The light from the door shines in slightly, and the equipment in the room can be recognized roughly.

Lei walked a few steps into the room and stopped suddenly.

Hearing him take a short breath, Asuka reflexively fumbled for the switch by the door, and with a snap, the light turned on.

Does this kind of ruin still have electricity?

Zhen Asuka was suspicious, narrowing his eyes to adapt to the light.

“What is this here for…?”

He saw equipment such as large computers and measuring instruments, as well as an operating table with an operating light, and a tube of slender glass containers behind.

Those cylindrical transparent tanks are floor to ceiling, and the liquid seems to be soaked with disgusting objects.

Before seeing what those things were, Zhen Asuka first noticed Lei crouching on the ground with his body curled up.


Zhen Asuka hurried to him, and saw him half kneeling on the ground, clutching his chest, short of breath.

“Ray… what’s wrong with you, Ray!”

Zhen Asuka hurried forward to help.

At this time, Lei seemed to be having difficulty breathing, his face was pale, and his expression was pained—maybe fear? And twisted.

Zhen Asuka was so frightened that he quickly supported him.

Seeing that Lei’s situation was getting more and more unstable, Zhen Asuka dragged Lei out of the institute.

After jumping into the cockpit, Zhen Asuka hastily opened the communication channel with the mothership.

However, it was also at this time that Lei vaguely noticed a few figures shaking in the distance. When he tried to see clearly, his vision gradually fell into darkness.

“No, I’m really not uncomfortable…”

When Lei opened his eyes, he heard the voice of Zhen Asuka arguing with the mothership military doctor from outside the curtain.

“That’s what I said, but it’s better to be careful. Although no toxic gas or virus has been detected in that building and its surroundings, but…”

Speaking of this, the military doctor paused for a while, probably checking something, and then continued: “…It’s always hard to say this kind of thing.”

Zhen Asuka had no choice but to accept the examination obediently.

“Speaking of which, the captain is too careless, how could he just send you two to scout that kind of place…”

The military doctor seemed to be dissatisfied, but he heard that Asuka immediately protested: “When we went in, we checked around!”

Yes, Ray was alert when he entered the house—

It’s just that I never expected that there would be those things in the house…

Recalling the scene he saw at that time, Lei, who had regained his composure, suddenly felt his heart tremble, and the irregular throbbing reappeared.

The hazy reflection on the surface of the operating table, the smell of formalin…and the soaking stuff shrunk in those glass jars…

The ruins reminded him of the distant past.

Emotions that had long been put to the back of my mind came to my heart again, like a beast that gnawed at people’s hearts.

He tried his best to restrain himself, trying to pull this emotion out, thinking about the person who took him away from that place, and another person who always smiled kindly at him—

Thinking of him, and——Gilbert…

When that fair and correct face and smile appeared in his mind, Lei immediately felt relieved.

Ray opened his eyes again and sat up from the bed.

Zhen Asuka, who had just finished the inspection and was still arranging his clothes, immediately turned his head in surprise.


Seeing that he was looking at him with concern, Lei nodded to him, then turned to the military doctor and said, “I’m sorry. I’m fine now, thank you very much.”

The military doctor also looked worriedly at Lei Liluo putting on his uniform, and responded, “Really? Do you want to lie down again?”

“No, I’m really fine.”

After Lei Langsheng finished speaking, he turned and left.

On the other side.

At this moment, the Minerva has landed in the institution that Zhenhe Lei had scouted.

The searchlights shone on the building, casting busy figures of soldiers.

Noel and Aslan also followed the mothership to the open space in front of the institute.

“The internal inspection has ended, all self-explosive devices have been removed, and no signs of biochemical abnormalities have been found.”

After the pre-adjustment in the unknown organization was completed, the soldier in charge of inputting the data reported to Thalia.

“Okay, thanks.”

Having said that, Thalia is also somewhat puzzled.

Arthur turned his head to think, and looked incredible: “So…how can I explain Lei’s abnormal condition?”

When she heard Zhen Asuka’s panic-stricken report, Thalia first thought of biochemical pollution, so she assumed that this place was indeed the military development base of the coalition army, just as the headquarters had expected.

For a thorough investigation, she ordered the mothership to move here.

However, they did not detect any adverse substances sufficient to affect physiological conditions.

Nothing like poisonous gas, virus or radiation, and no contamination found.

The medical officer who examined Lei Hezhen also reported that there were no such signs on the two of them.

They are safe and sound, always lucky.

However, the original forecast of the headquarters did not deviate.

There are self-explosive devices everywhere, and they seem to be used for other purposes besides military.

After the risk factor was removed, personnel launched a formal large-scale detailed investigation, and soon reports came from all over the facility.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Aslan came to Noel’s side and asked.

He found that Noel’s expression had been a little strange since he came here.

“Huh? It’s nothing, it’s just a little strange.”

Noel shook his head upon hearing this.

This should be the extended human laboratory of the Phantom Pain Force, so your genetic data is also in it?

Since the problem of the body’s genetic breakdown was solved, Noel didn’t pay much attention to these things, and he suddenly thought of this after hearing the news.

But all of this has nothing to do with me.

After hearing the words, Aslan didn’t say much.

After confirming that there is no danger inside the base.

Thalia and the others walked into the laboratory together.

Following the path Lei and Asuka walked, everyone soon came to the basement.

Entering the room, Noel frowned subconsciously.

The smell in the aisle kept stimulating their sense of smell.

Bloody, rotten meat smell, weird chemical smell…

Even Aslan couldn’t help frowning, the smell was very good.

The light in Noel’s hand moved across the floor, only reflecting patches of thick stains—

And those things that are overlaid on top of the stains.


As soon as he saw the scene under the light of the flashlight, Arthur retched his throat.

Standing behind Aslan, Zhen Asuka let out a muffled groan.

Thalia, who has always been shy of men, was also speechless, and Aslan was also completely stunned.

Under the flashlight, two corpses overlapped and fell together. One of them was a child who seemed to be about ten years old. His eyes were puddles of blood, and his thin hands and feet were turned into strange angles, stretched and lying on his back. on the ground.

The other is an adult man his head is pressed on the child’s feet, his white clothes are stained with blood, he stares blankly at the door, the wound between his muscles is like his second Opening his mouth, he seemed to show a strange ridicule to everyone.

After watching for a while, Aslan saw what the two of them would not let go of until they died.

The child held a blood-stained scalpel in his small hand, while the man held a pistol with black light shining tightly.

Suddenly there was a hoarse cry from above the head, which startled everyone, and quickly moved the light of the flashlight up to see, it turned out that a few crows broke in somehow.

Arthur let out a sigh of relief.

It was only after they regained their senses that they cheered up and searched around the room while proceeding cautiously.

The computer screen, which was too late to turn off, was the only light source in this room, weakly illuminating the corpses that filled the room.

There were adults as well as children. Judging from the analysis of the corpses, they should have died within a day or two.

The adults all wore researcher-like white robes with identification cards pinned on them, while the children all wore plain robes of the same style.

Originally thought that all this was caused by external attacks, but when they saw the murder weapons lying on the ground in their hands, the reason why the base was destroyed became more complicated.

It doesn’t look like they are defending against foreign enemies, but more like killing each other.

But there are indeed traces of foreign enemy invasion outside.

For a while, they didn’t know what happened to this place.

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