Gundam Seed: Final Destination Chapter 585: : Respective changes

The giant light gray ship breaks through the waves and sails towards the small island in the distance.

After passing through the well-ordered long wharf, the giant ship slowed down and drove into the harbor until a large open gate appeared in front of it, and the giant ship slowly turned.

Inside the gate is a wide dock, the broadcast announces the arrival of the giant ship, and the operators are running around.

A group of people who were obviously not dock operators stood on the edge of the pier, watching the scarred warship slowly approaching the shore, a middle-aged man in the front row murmured worriedly:

“Zavot’s newest battleship, the Minerva… the princess chose to return home on such a troublesome thing at this juncture…”

Unat Loma Shenglan is one of the heads of Orb. He is slightly fat and slightly bald. He is wearing a purple chief’s uniform.

There is a pair of disproportionately big orange glasses hanging on Fu’s face. He is currently the prime minister and is responsible for assisting the young Kajiali.

A young man standing next to him replied after hearing the words: “What can I do? Father, besides, how could Kajiali think that such a thing would happen?”

Although it was just a few words to smooth things over, the tone of voice contained a sense of contempt—he is Yona Loma Shenglan, the son of Unat, and one of the cabinet staff.

Yuna is also dressed in purple, tall and well-proportioned, but his expression reveals a certain self-righteousness and pampering that are unique to children from rich families.

He said to the father next to him: “Besides, it is the ship that escorts the head of state to return home. We can’t show the slightest negligence at this time!”

In Orb, the authority of the chiefs remains rock-solid.

This country composed of the South China Sea Islands established a parliament as a decision-making body when it entered the ranks of modern countries. Although the sovereignty is handed over to the whole people, the head representative who symbolizes the head of state has always been held by the largest head of the Ashar family.

Orb’s technological level can be called the highest in the world, and at the same time, it is one of the trade transfer stations between the universe and the earth, and the country prospers because of this.

Hearing the words, Wunat looked up at the Minerva, and echoed his son’s words meaningfully: “It is true, at least at this time…”

Because of his status, Noel did not go ashore with Thalia and the others.

But after the battleship entered the maintenance dock, he walked out of the lounge of the battleship.

At least for now, he is still a war criminal belonging to a natural person in a sense, and rashly appearing on Zaft’s warship will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles.

After asking for a car from the Minerva.

Noel left the dock and drove towards Lux’s residence.

To be honest, he doesn’t know why he went to find Lacus, but now he seems to have to go to Lacus, and he only wants to go to Lacus.

No reason, just the thought.

At the same time.

It is thousands of miles away in Eurasia.

Kira and Fleur are doing disaster relief work at this time.

The Lord Angel, which was full of supplies, landed in a ruin.

After distributing the materials, Kira took part in the rescue work by driving the engineering rescue Resata MS, which was the only job he could do.

I have to say that MS can still play a very important role in this kind of rescue mission.

Especially under the operation of a driver of Kira’s level, it is much more convenient than the previous disaster rescue.

The rescue work continued until dusk.

Kira, who was physically and mentally exhausted, docked the aircraft near the Lord Angel.

[Help each other and overcome difficulties together, compatriots on the earth, please be strong——]

Durandall’s speech came out slowly through the communication broadcast of the adjuster.

It has to be said that the adjusters have made great efforts to rescue the earth, and almost every disaster-stricken place has the adjuster’s rescue force.

However, listening to Durandal’s speech, Kira didn’t feel any warmth in his heart at this time, but only cold anger.

In fact, Kira is not such a person at all, he has his own ideas and actions.

However, his environment has changed.

He is surrounded by natural people, hardly a single adjuster.

At the same time, those natural people also accepted him as an adjuster.

Whether it is the Atlantic Federation, or the Eurasian Federation, or those ordinary natural people, this allows Kira to find a familiar sense of belonging.

Actually, the most difficult thing for Kira to accept in the first war between the adjusters and the natural person was not the hostility with Aslan.

It’s the collective that can never be integrated, the hostility of natural people makes him unable to find any sense of belonging, as if he is always alone and struggling in pain.

But he had to set foot on the battlefield to fight with his best friend. Finally, with the help of Lux, he regained his strength and determined the way—to fight to end the war.

Now, he has found his home, and also his location – the earth.

As the Eurasian Federation, which does not reject adjusters so much, it accepted him as an adjuster.

And he was regarded as a hero, the children loved him, the soldiers worshiped him, the politicians accepted him, and the people praised him.

Even the people of the Atlantic Federation no longer maintained a hostile attitude towards him, but accepted him as a friendly army.

Unknowingly, Kira also regards herself as a part of the earth.

In other words, he was originally a part of the earth, but now he just returned to the earth.

Of course, if it’s just a matter of the above position, Kira might not be too angry.

What really turned him off was the video provided by Sears Satie.

The one who pushed Junius off the earth—yes.

It was the one who crushed Junius, but it was also the one who pushed Junius off the earth, and the first one to actively rescue the natural person was——

It’s hard not to wonder if it’s a show, at Shirs Satie’s point.

Even Hills Satie had guessed everything that would happen after Junius fell, and even guessed what would happen when she was connected.

I even know what attitude I will use to face the United Earth, and even the reasons have been stated, for example-those people are not strictly speaking, they are just deserters.

Of course.

It’s just that, Kira doesn’t have too much anger towards him. What really makes him unacceptable is that most of the dead are innocent people.

If it is only aimed at the army, he can barely accept it.

But why would they affect these innocent people?


When Kira was looking at the refugee camp in the distance, Frey came to him at some point.

Hearing that, Kira turned back to look at Fleur, looking at her tired face and eyes, Kira wiped the stains on her face with his hands, and his eyes felt distressed and emotional.

Since leaving Orb, he has seen another Fleur.

Flei used to be like a rich young lady, she was clothed in rich clothes and rich food every day, and her ten fingers never touched the spring water.

But now, she has really changed.

During the war, she called for peace in the war and did her best for peace. Even though she was threatened with death several times, she still did not flinch.

When the Eurasian Federation rebelled, she not only had to give speeches to appease the anger of the people, but also ran around with the Lord Angel to stop the battlefield.

Now, after the disaster strikes, she continues to be on the front line of disaster rescue.

As the person who has been watching her, Kira knows very well that Fleur is not just for show, but is really participating in the rescue from the bottom of her heart.

Even without those reporters, without those spotlights, she is still participating in the rescue.

At the same time, she not only has to go around to raise supplies, but also to give speeches to appease the public, and to discuss the right attitude with those politicians.

Under her arguments, the Atlantic Federation gave up the idea of ​​going to war directly with China, and turned to the next best thing, hoping to hand over the people involved in this incident.

Although the final answer to this option has been revealed in advance by Sears Satie, it is at least a hope, isn’t it?


Noel drove down Coastal Drive.

The evening sky has been dyed blood red, because of the dust, if you want to see the cloudless clear sky again, I’m afraid you have to wait for a long time.

Below the road is a whole piece of sandy shore, and the waves beat the shallows regularly.

Seeing several figures in the shallows, Noel slowly slowed down the car.

Among the playful little figures, there was a figure stroking her long pink hair. Seeing her laughing, the cloud in Nuoer’s heart due to Junius dissipated a lot.

A moment later.

The girl with long pink hair found Noel standing on the edge of the road.

She said something to the woman with long black hair, and after handing over the children to the other party’s care, the girl walked slowly on the beach in the sea breeze.

“The God Comes Down”

Lax came to Nuo Er’s side, did not ask any questions, but stood quietly aside while holding her hair blown by the sea wind.

“It’s time to start a war.”

A moment later, the thousands of words in Noel’s mind merged into one boring sentence.

“Yes.” Lux nodded, without denying the answer to this question.

“Do you know, I actually have a chance to prevent Junius from falling.” Noel asked back.

Lax turned her head to look at Noel when she heard the words.

Looking at Nuo Er’s erratic eyes, Lacus reached out and gently smoothed the wrinkles between Nuo Er’s brows.

Noel looked down at Lacus, and said calmly: “I have been thinking about the meaning of my appearance in this world for the past few days.”

“War, peace, new humans, adjusters, natural people—”

“I saved no one and saved nothing.”

“I have changed nothing and gained nothing.”

“I seem to have been drifting with the tide since I appeared, and I have been ignorantly moving forward with the torrent of this world.”

“I want to change, but I dare not change. I want to move forward, but I am afraid to move forward.”

Speaking of which, Noel paused, looked at Lux’s face and said with a smile: “Tell me, what is the meaning of my appearance in this world?”

Ever since the problem of the genetic breakdown of his body was solved, Noel actually thought that his mission should end like this.

From the beginning to the end, he regarded himself as an ordinary person, an ordinary person with no characteristics.

It was just unfortunate that she was chosen by fate to come to this world, and then unfortunately became a test product of a certain plan.

So he doesn’t want to change anything, and he doesn’t want to gain anything, he just wants to live simply.

After all, this world didn’t have much to do with him from the very beginning. He has always been an alien in this world, whether it is soul or body.

But as he struggled, he changed from an ordinary person to the Red Death, to ZAFT’s hero, and even Lux’s boyfriend.

Actually, Noel was really relieved when he shed his ZAFT uniform.

The world is back to normal, and the aliens disappear.

Just wait quietly for the world to follow its original path to the end.

Then he can spend this perfect life quietly with the glory of the ZAFT hero and the name of Lux’s boyfriend.

But Junius’ fall, Sato’s final farewell, all these things caused ripples in Noel’s heart.

If he is just an ordinary person, then all this doesn’t seem to matter, after all, he is just an ordinary person.

But he is not an ordinary person now, out of the category of ordinary people.

He had the opportunity to prevent the tragedy from happening, but he let it happen.

Yeah, the world is back to normal, and everything is moving along its original path.

War, then peace—

Then what does all this have to do with me?

What is the meaning of showing up?

“Has Noel suddenly started to yearn for philosophy?”

After making a joke with a smile, Lux stretched out his hand to Noel’s arm and said with a smile: “Actually, the answer to this question has never appeared, or we just don’t know why we exist, so we will Exist.”

Noel fell silent after hearing the words.

Seeing that Nuo Er didn’t, Lux suddenly became angry, and said: “It’s been so long since you came to see me, is it just to ask me this kind of question?”

“Ah… I can’t find anyone to talk about this kind of problem.”

Looking at Lux’s somewhat dangerous expression, Noel hurriedly replied.

“Really? Then I’m really honored.” Lux narrowed her eyes slightly upon hearing this.

“Ahem, it’s getting late, let’s go back to eat first, don’t keep them waiting.”

Seeing this, Noel hurriedly changed the topic.

Lax’s black-bellied attribute is a little bit higher.

“It’s true that people’s hearts are changeable.”

Lax shook her head when she heard the words, and said with a melancholy expression: “Noel is no exception.”

“No, I came to look for you as soon as I arrived in Orb, how can I say that people’s hearts are changeable?” Noel hurriedly replied.

“Then ask me the meaning of existence?” Lux asked back.

“…I’m sorry I was wrong.”

If you make a mistake, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand at attention.

“Then do you know where you went wrong?” Lux continued to ask.

Noel was stunned. If he hadn’t been sure that the Lacus in front of him was real Lacus, he would have thought that Lacus had passed through.


Just when Noel didn’t know what to do, there was a sudden sound of a whistle from behind.


“Lax, Noel?”

“Aslan, come and play too.”

Seeing this, Noel hurriedly smiled and waved at Aslan, with an enthusiastic expression.

Seeing this, Lacus hugged Noel’s arm with a little strength, smiled and squinted at him.

“Ahem, what, the weather is really nice.”

Noel said awkwardly.


Aslan looked at the two with a confused face.

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