Gundam Seed: Final Destination Chapter 572: : Junius falls (1)

The ejection runway of the Voltaire ejected MSs into the dark space one after another.

Flying towards the wreckage of Julius 7 with the large engineering machine launched from the mothership.

This kind of engineering machine with three legs on the base and an auger in the center is called a meteorite breaker, and it was originally a tool for blasting asteroids.

It’s the best way to disassemble Julius VII these days.

“Hurry up! Otherwise our Captain Meier will be angry again.”

Diyaka called out to the troops, and flew ahead in the ZGMF-1000/A1 artillery Zaku Warrior.

Actually, according to Diaka’s current status and identity, he can be accepted to drive the Zaku Phantom.

However, the phantom of Zaku is not suitable for Diaka’s fighting style.

But you said that you asked the MS R&D department to develop a MS for him, and his status is not up to standard.

So in the end Diaka simply chose the Zaku Warrior with the EX-A1 ​​gunner backpack.

The M1500 Otter Hughes high-energy long-distance beam cannon equipped on its back has high attack power, enough to sink a warship with one blow.

The downside is a slower rate of fire, but that’s not a big deal for Diaka.


The artificial land of Julius VII is gradually approaching, like a giant jellyfish swinging its tentacles.

Looking at the jellyfish that kept moving towards the earth, Diaka couldn’t help but see the face of a certain girl in his mind.

She should be on the earth now, if this big jellyfish falls to the earth, it will fall on her head——

Thinking of this, Diaka felt anxious all over.

“If you want to fall, you have to ask me if I agree with you!”

Diyaka was speaking.

The first teams have landed across the frozen landscape and will soon be installing meteorite breakers.

“Speed ​​up, we have to be in—”


Before Diaka finished speaking, two Gates Rs that were working suddenly exploded.

At the moment when the light beam appeared, Diaka jumped backward conditionally.


“What happened?”

Before Diaka reacted, the alarm bell suddenly rang in the cockpit.

Diego quickly inspected the surroundings, and saw a group of mobile suits not belonging to his own unit jumping out from all directions, and pulled the trigger on them without hesitation.

Bang bang bang——

Diaka is not a human being. Seeing that he was being attacked, he raised his hand and pulled the trigger on the invading ‘friendly’ MS.

A high-speed mobile Keen couldn’t dodge, and his thigh was melted by the beam cannon.

“This guy——”

Diaka couldn’t help being stunned watching the opponent’s operation.

This distance actually reacted?


However, without waiting for Diaka to be puzzled, the successive damages of his soldiers brought Diaka back to his senses.

Seeing that the team he led soon suffered several machine casualties.

“Retreat! Retreat now!”

Diyaka fired back with a beam cannon while giving the troops an order to retreat.

These Gates R bodies are not equipped with weapons at all, and they are completely unable to resist, and can only be slaughtered.

There is no option but to retreat in this situation.

And these guys in front of them are not ordinary soldiers.

“Fire Gates’ rifle now! Diego, hold on to the meteorite breaker!”

Yin Zac, who received the battle report, called Diaka from the mothership, his voice mixed with noise.

“——I will also be dispatched immediately!”

“Damn it!”

After hearing this, Diaka was anxious and angry, and couldn’t help cursing.

Who are these guys? Why get in the way of engineering? Any time soon, Julius VII will fall to the earth.

The people who will live on the earth at that time – and the girl…

Thinking of this, suddenly a chill ran up his spine.

――Could it be these people…?


Battleship Minerva——

【The MS will be dispatched in three minutes, all drivers please stand by on the landline! 】

[Repeat once, the MS will be dispatched in three minutes, all drivers——]

A control announcement sounded in the hangar, and Aslan, who was dressed, flew towards a moss-green mobile suit.

The feeling of the driving suit wrapping tightly around the body is nostalgic.

Luna Maria was talking with the technicians in front of the red Zaku, and when she saw Aslan’s outfit, she immediately showed a surprised expression.

Although Aslan already knew how to operate it, Mander Elwes, the technical director of the battleship, came over to explain the machine to him.

Besides Aslan, there is another one who doesn’t know much about the body.

“You are still here.”

Noel couldn’t help but feel dazed looking at Aslan who was wearing the red driving suit again.

Think carefully, how long has it been since the two of them have truly fought side by side——

“Are you attacking too?”

Aslan looked at Noel and couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.

Maybe it’s because of my understanding of Noel.

Aslan looked at Noel, who was wearing a mobile suit in front of him, and felt relieved.

“Please, if you really can’t find a topic to chat, you don’t need to chat. You are an outsider who wants to attack. Can I do it if I don’t go out?”

Noel cried stupidly at Aslan’s question.

Could it be because Aslan and Kagali have been together for too long and their brains have been assimilated?


Aslan smiled dumbly upon hearing this.

Listening to Nuo Er’s poisonous tongue, a feeling called nostalgia slowly enveloped his heart.

“That guy knows Captain Noel?”

Luna Maria has not known the true identity of Aslan until now.

In other words, there are only a few people who know and confirm the true identity of Aslan.

So seeing Noel and Aslan chatting so happily now, Luna Maria couldn’t help being a little surprised.

“I’m not sure, but that guy’s driving ability is said to be very strong, and it should be possible to know Captain Noel.”

“Hey…is it very strong?”

“Besides, one more plane is one at this time.”

“Is this really the case…”

Luna Maria looked at Noel and Aslan with subtle eyes when she heard the words.

[MS will be dispatched in one minute…]

The sound of dialing the control rings.

Ray Za Barrell’s landline ZGMF-1001/M instantly launched the Zaku Phantom, which was slowly transported to the ejection track by a bridge crane.

Aslan and Noel also left and sat in the cockpits of their respective bodies, and started to activate the bodies.

At this moment, the controller suddenly changed his words, and his voice became flustered.

【——Stop dispatching! The situation has changed! 】

Noel’s eyes froze slightly when he heard the words.

Aslan raised his head suspiciously.

However, the following news surprised him even more.

【——On Julius 7, Team Mel is fighting an unknown object! 】

“Yin Zac…?”

Aslan was stunned.

【Each crew immediately replaces their MS equipment and uses it for combat against MS! 】

The voice of the control broadcast continues to sound.

But Aslan fell into doubts.

Is Yin Zac here? And still in combat? Who is that unknown object?

Questions came to mind one after another, and at this time a new report came An unknown warship was discovered—coordinates Green 25δ! 】

Because it is impossible to identify the Gadi Lu class battleship as belonging to the Earth United.

Under the instruction of Durandal, Zaft classified it as an unknown warship.

Although many people know the information and origin of this unknown warship.

“What’s going on? What happened outside?”

There are too many situations that are difficult to grasp, and Aslan couldn’t help asking the controller anxiously.

“I don’t know! However, the mission of this ship to support the Meier team remains unchanged! All the machines that have been refitted, please dispatch immediately!”

Meiling Hawk could not give a perfect answer to Aslan’s question.

Meiling’s answer made Aslan feel a little hesitation.

But it was replaced by more worries.

Juer Team——Is Yin Zak all right?

Aslan knew his skill, so he couldn’t avoid worrying.

The refitting operation is progressing steadily.

The communication line was suddenly opened, and Luna Maria’s face appeared on the screen and said provocatively: “The situation has changed…it’s dangerous—do you want to give up?”

Because of the matter at the elevator entrance, Luna Maria was a little upset with Aslan.

In addition to Noel’s attitude——

You must know that Captain Noel has basically never had any conversations with them since he boarded the ship.

Even if you met by chance, you just nodded politely and left, not even giving you a chance to chat.

This made Luna Maria, who had always admired the strong, feel a little depressed.

And this guy in front of him can actually chat and laugh with Captain Noel——

Listening to Luna Maria’s tone of voice, Aslan gave her a displeased look, you narrow-minded guy.

“…you talk too much nonsense.”

After Aslan finished speaking, he cut off the communication immediately.

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