Gundam Seed: Final Destination Chapter 483: : Mecha is a man’s romance

“Noel, are you okay?”

Lax felt Mina Sahak’s sincerity, and there was not much estrangement in her heart.

“It’s not bad, after all, it’s the life he’s always wanted.”

Mina Sahak thought for a while and replied.

“Actually, he is the most injured person among us.”

Recalling Noel’s experience, Lacus faintly resisted in her heart, resisting letting Nour get involved in this war.

What kind of result is needed to soothe everything Noel has suffered in this life——

Peace, tranquility——

This is such a small ideal, but it was beaten all over for various reasons.

Recalling Noel’s painful and hideous appearance in the middle of the night, Lux felt a twinge in her heart for no reason.

This is also the reason why she wanted to follow Nuo Er, but she dared not go forward.

She has been involved too deeply in this battle situation, and the responsibilities on her shoulders make her unable to escape, so she can only move forward with her mission.

Noel has endured too much, and the final peace should not be destroyed by human wars.

“Then you should stay with him.”

Mina Sahak tilted his head subconsciously to look in the direction of East Asia while speaking, and said: “Once this false peace is torn apart, he will fall into a deeper hell, and then—”

“Is there really no other way?”

Lax asked subconsciously.

What Mina Sahak was worried about was also what Lux was worried about.

Noel has been enduring something, if even the final peaceful life cannot be guaranteed, then——

“There are many people who are greedy for the power of the red death god.”

Mina Sahak replied concisely.

Even she is envious of Nuo Er’s power. To put it bluntly, if Nuo Er can join the Heavenly Pillar.

She doesn’t have to do these things at all.

The existence of Nuoer alone is enough for the Heavenly Imperial Pillar to gain enough status and the right to speak.

The current Celestial Pillar is more of an existence status, it is a ms military factory and a foothold leading to the universe, it is a status similar to logistics supplies.

But if you can get the power of Noel Cassia, match it with the power of the Heavenly Pillar itself.

The right to speak of Yuzhu of that day will be greatly increased. With her understanding of the current situation, she can’t say how much benefit she will get, but it is enough to guarantee the existence of Orb.

“Actually, I wish he could stay with you more.”

Lux replied.

“It’s a pity that the person involved is unwilling.”

Mina Sahak was angry at the thought.

My mother treats Nuo Er well, she is really—


“Ah Choo—”

In a remote town thousands of miles away.

Noel rubbed his nose and said, “That smelly shameless misses me—”

“It may be a beautiful woman~”

The little neighbor girl Louise Corleone who was sitting across from Noel replied with a smile.

“Eat your meal, and return the beautiful women, just don’t be those terrible guys.”

Noel shuddered subconsciously after hearing the words and going through his mind for a while.

If Lux and Mina are okay, if it’s Durandal and the others—

Hiss——Tongyan Wuji Tongyan Wuji!

“Speaking of which, Noel, you have been back for so long, do you plan to keep farming at home?”

The man Sier Corleone sitting beside the little girl asked.

As neighbors, Corleone and others know Noel the most.

A good boy who is hardworking, conscientious and helpful – this is their unified cognition.

Work diligently and conscientiously, get up early every day to work in the fields, and sometimes help neighbors.

So they have a very good sense of Nuoer, so that Nuoer has basically integrated into it after only a little over two months.

“I have no other plans at the moment, so let’s do this for now.”

Noel laughed.

Actually, there are many people recommending jobs to him these days.

If there is no such fatal genetic collapse, this may be a good choice, but unfortunately——

But then again, if there wasn’t this fatal genetic breakdown, maybe I wouldn’t have left.

“How can this be!”

Sir Corleone’s eyes suddenly narrowed when he heard the words, and he said with a high voice: “What’s the matter with you, a young man, who spends his days farming at home, don’t be like that trash of mine!”

“Ah—Luo Duo is actually pretty good.”

Knowlton was speechless.

The waste in Corleone’s mouth is called Lodo Corleone, and the relationship between the two of them can be known from the name.

“Not bad? I’ve been angry with you all day long, learning to drive with that **** ms, it’s really – Louise, where is your brother?”

Sire Corleone became angry at the thought of his own evil.

I don’t know if it’s because I watched too many war movies since I was a child, so I like to dance with knives and guns.

Of course, it’s okay for a boy to like this thing, after all, he once liked it too.

But the problem is that after it was reported that a natural person can drive a mobile phone, this cheating thing went to the military academy for self-examination, and wanted to be a mobile phone driver.

Grandma’s, he’s the only one in Corleone’s family, what if he belches a fart by accident.

Fortunately, he has not used ms now that the war is over, otherwise——

Now the war has finally stopped, and his kid has graduated and returned home. As a result, he is now tinkering with civilian mobile phones all day long, and even took away his own coffin board.

It’s fine to take it away, he still—

Anyway, it’s an evil!

“He was tinkering with his machine, the Decepticon, at the farm.”

Louise replied after lying on the table and eating a mouthful of food.

“Still messing around? I think he is possessed by a demon, no, I have to beat him up to vent my anger!”

Speaking of this, Corleone slapped his chopsticks with his backhand, got up and took the lunch box his wife had just prepared, and left angrily.

Today we must let this wicked person know what father’s love is like a mountain!

“Eh… is your brother okay?”

Noel couldn’t help being stunned when he saw Corleone who said to leave, his temper seemed a little hot.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, daddy just talks casually like that.”

Louis didn’t care about this at all, and instead used some unskilled chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat for herself.

“Really or not?”

Noel was stunned, it didn’t look like a joke.

“Do you know why my dad is so angry with my brother for buying civilian ms, but he still gives the money to my brother?”

Louis Corleone asked rhetorically while chewing on a piece of meat.

“Isn’t it because civilian ms can farm and make money?”

Noel is indeed a little curious about this question.

After all, although civilian ms is not as expensive as military, it is not a small fortune.

Especially for ordinary families like Corleone, the purchase of civilian ms is enough for them to spend most of their life savings.

“This is also a reason, but it is more because he wants to open it himself.”

Louis Corleone replied: “Then my brother won’t give it to him.”

Noel was stunned, this reason——so powerful.

“Mecha is a man’s romance——”

Louise Corleone replied.

“Who did you hear that from?”

“My dad.”



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