Guardian Chapter 133: Apple, girl, Yuanying

Chen Feng asked himself frantically.

If the soul smoker is really Chen Ping, the master of constriction.

Then the three-person group of Soul Rehabilitation who has not yet reported it is very likely to be targeted by him.

Thirty soul soldiers, in Chen Ping’s eyes, are excellent “materials.”

Chen Feng suppressed his doubts and went to Huan Hong, knowing that Master Lian Rong had a soul-extracting technique.

Huan Hong shook her head and said that she would not. When the master taught, there were only “medical beauty” fingering, soul-leading cause and effect, and dough-making people. As for the explosion of the dough with the Qi of the demon pill, she had figured it out. means.

Huan Hong’s words gave Chen Feng the last hope that Chen Ping shown in the Yin and Yang Booklet was just the same name and surname.

However, these resentful souls all settled the city to the border.

And that direction.

If you circle a straight line, it is exactly in the direction of Luwei Town.

The three-person group of Soul Slayer who has not yet reported, the direction of the soul is also within the straight line of that range.

The suspicion of Chen Ping shown in the Yin and Yang album is Chen Ping in Luwei Town, and it has deepened again.

The plan to pay a memorial ceremony to Luwei Town a few days later had to be advanced.

Huahong couldn’t wait. The Lord Gu eagle died on the Four Sacred Mountains, and the King Gu was far away in Kyoto. The trip to Linshan Mountain was a golden opportunity to sneak back to Linshan Mountain and rescue the fox with the technique of Master Convergence. For Huanhong, this kind of opportunity is hard to come by.

Chen Feng is also interested in this.

By the way, you can also look up the truth that the three-person team hasn’t reported back for a long time.

Chen Feng told Cao Guangxiao his thoughts.

Cao Guangxiao refused in his heart, saying that Qiu Chen, the soul master, came three in total. Chen Feng went away and it took only a few days. The backlog of resentful souls may rise again, but he thought about the efficiency of his soul calling. , Relieved again.

What’s more, Luwei Town was originally Chen Feng’s hometown, and he was only a normal person who died. It is reasonable to go to the memorial ceremony this time.

Furthermore, Cao Guangxiao also wanted to find out why the soul-suppressing team did not return. He wanted to send two groups of troops to Chen Feng to move forward together, but Chen Feng refused.

Thinking of Chen Feng’s mysterious skill, Cao Guangxiao stopped talking, and when he wanted to tell him to be careful, he finally turned into a cold sentence, “You still wear a sinful body, go early and return early, otherwise you will not be punished severely.” .

Wear the body of sin?

Then you still let Chen Feng go out of the city without even sending a guardian?

Cao Guangxiao, ah, Cao Guangxiao, what do you say is severe punishment and not lending money? You can just say that you are worried about Chen Feng’s safety.

Two horses and two horses, light and simple.

Chen Feng and Huanhong found out that the city gates were under martial law before they left the city. Not only did they need to conduct a full body search, but also control the numbers. It was much stricter than when they entered the city the previous day. The armed Tanzhou sergeant, it seems that the rebellion of the Jigu Sect and the assassination of the generals caused Dingcheng to enter the stage of full military control.

There are not many people going out of the city, it can be said that there are almost none. At this time, who is willing to go out of the city.

The people entering the city were squeezed into a huge crowd. The city guards stopped their guns and some people dared to take their heads. The Tanzhou army behind them drew their swords and beheaded them.

Several heads of people fell to the ground, which also deterred the refugees who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to storm the city.

Not everyone can enter the city. Those who want to enter the city with no status are the second one. Look at their worth. At this time, those who can enter the city are all wealthy people. .

A large number of poor refugees are just fleeing and avoiding disasters.

Since I can’t take refuge in the city, I don’t want to go far if I set up a temporary residence outside the city wall.

After all, there are heavy soldiers in the city, and Ji Gujiao hasn’t been able to attack for the time being. Below the city wall, above the high wall, the dazzling spear and the arrow reflecting the sunlight, this time turned out to be synonymous with a sense of security.

The state government is also happy to see the result, and it has also transported craftsmen and materials to help build it. As long as it does not enter the city, the state government’s compassion for the people like a child can give unlimited charity.

The Liumin camp even has a recruiting office for the Tanzhou Army.

There are more refugees than the city gates squeezing into the city.

You can eat enough as a soldier, your family can enter the city, and you still have two taels of silver if you die in battle. For the refugees, it’s worth it.

During the chaos, the most worthless thing is human life. The refugees died in battle, which is not worth the amount of salaries paid by the soul master and the landlord in January.

In addition, the Liuminying camp is not only equipped with medical officers, but also a large porridge shed that is installed every day.

The status quo of not having enough food, dying of hunger, and refugees is also the status quo of the entire population of Tanzhou.

After a while, the chaos will continue, I am afraid it will be the stage of starving to die, changing children and eating, and adding new tombs on the side of the barren tomb.

There is chaos in the world, and leopards can be seen inside and outside the small city gate.

The inner city is singing and dancing, and the wealthy family Zhumen smells like meat and wine.

The outer city is withered everywhere, and the poor people can’t eat enough.

At the gate of the city, there are also layers of deliberate little ghosts.

A city gate is like a ghost gate.

Going into the city is heaven, and going out of the city is a ghost.

Chen Feng and Huan Hong are leading the horse slowly, walking among the “ghosts”.

For others, getting in and out of the city gates is very difficult.

For Chen Feng, it was simple enough to ignore the existence of the gate guard.

Dreaming into the magical skill, the gate guard didn’t even know that he had let the passage open.

“Brother and sister, stutter.” The half-old girl has a weak voice and unkempt face, all over her body, only her eyes are still bright.

She stopped Chen Feng and Huanhong from going, and knelt on the ground with a thumping sound. First, the three bangs knocked their heads, and then raised her head and looked at the two eagerly.

Huan Hong’s nose was sour, thinking of what she had experienced when she fled, and empathizing with her, she pulled her up, took off the package on the horse’s back, took out the dry food and handed it over.

I was about to plug the silver again, but Chen Feng held his hand to stop it.

Chen Feng shook his head and whispered: “Just give it to food, give it to the silver, you want to kill her.”

Huan Hong suddenly appeared.

The refugees all around saw the girl begging for something, so they swarmed and rushed up.

They are not grabbing Chen Feng and Huanhong, but want to grab the steamed buns in the hands of girls.

Chen Feng pulled the girl back and stood in front of her without speaking, biting her cheek, staring at the refugees.

The refugees did not dare to look at Chen Feng, their fearful eyes were full of dodging, and their bodies couldn’t help but squat down.

Chen Feng sighed inwardly, divided all the dry food in his package, and saw that the attention of the refugees was on the buns in his hands.

Chen Feng turned around, blocked his body, and stuffed an apple into the girl’s cuff.

The girl was visibly taken aback, clutching her cuffs, looking up at Chen Feng and blinking.

The girl’s eyes at this moment seem to be full of stars.

“Eat quietly, don’t let people find out.” Chen Feng plucked the grass roots from the girl’s head, smoothed her hair, turned around and broke a bite, “Damn it, Dashun.”

Great disrespect.

But who cares.

Chen Feng no longer stays, and leads the horse with Huanhong.

The girl looked at Chen Feng’s back for a long time, until no trace was seen.

She took out the cuffs of the apple and wiped it, sniffed the fruity scent intoxicatedly, and bit a bulging bite. The juice bursts and the fruity aroma is tangy.

At this time, you can still eat fresh fruit, which is rarer than meat.

After all.

Human flesh.

It’s also meat.

The vagrants around, the madness in their eyes turned into swords, and the vagrants who had just received Chen Feng’s dry food were the closest, and the fruity smell made them completely lose their minds.

Like crazy, pounce on the girl.

In their eyes, a girl is an apple.

Eating her is equivalent to eating an apple.

The girl ate the apple in three bites, her cheeks were bulging, her eyes widened without swallowing, she kept her mouth full.

She twisted her neck.

The ten fingers are relatively crossed, and the wrists are moved a few times in a wave-like ups and downs.

A shadow appeared abruptly between her hands, index and middle fingers.

Shadow dagger style, no entity, like the soul of a dagger.

Faced with the vagrant who rushed frantically.

The girl’s eyes are calm, her cheeks are bulging, her arms are waving, strolling in the garden is like walking in the garden.

In the garden.

The blood-colored fog and rain, like spray-like watering pillars, strangely form two arch-shaped semi-circular blood fences.

Behind her.

The refugees who don’t know how to cover their necks, still have craziness in their eyes, and maintain a forward posture.

The girl’s fingertips, Shadow Blade.

Waving like wind, cutting like rain.

Without a trace of movement.

The girl bulged her cheeks, walked slowly, strolling leisurely, keeping a steady pace, not hurriedly or slowly.

Until no more refugees rushed up.

“It’s killing someone.”

The screams of horror sounded, and the tumultuous crowd fled in all directions.

The girl waved her hand and hummed, not knowing what she was humming.

She started chewing with her cheeks bulging.

Perhaps because she ate too quickly, she choked, and the urge to cough made her hold back very hard.

So that, the girl hurriedly covered her mouth to prevent apple pomace from spraying out of her mouth.

She blushed, and when she heard the guards rushing over from the gate, a dark shadow slowly appeared on the soles of her feet.

The girl didn’t look at the direction where Chengwei rushed from start to finish.

She looked at the direction Chen Feng had walked in the distance, and mumbled “The apple is good, I haven’t eaten it for almost a hundred years, even if I count the sleeping time. Um, your life, that’s it.”

She is like sinking to the bottom of a quagmire, slowly sinking into a shadow.

The shadows flashed into dots of light.



Chen Feng and Huan Hong followed the direction of the soul-suppressing agent’s trio.

The scene of defeat along the way can be seen everywhere.

I even encountered a small group of rebels of the Jigu Sect who were defeated and run around.

Chen Feng, in line with the principle that you don’t mess with me, I don’t bother to touch you, you want to mess with me, and I will send you a permanent tour of Yin and Yang booklet, and just shuttle straight.

Along the way, it is also called a small profit for the soul.

Two rides fast and whip.

The sunset is sinking, and the sky will be dark.

The two stopped at a place called Wuliyuan.

This is also the ultimate mission village of the trio of the Soul Envoy.

The soul-suppressor is not aimless.

As long as the place where the moth is disturbed, the soul-suppressor will appear.

They have their own set of grievance hunting skills, which are similar to the hounds’ smell.

Wuliyuan is ruined.

There are traces of burning.

The houses in the village collapsed and were burned to the ground.

Judging from the burnt traces, a long time has passed, and it should have occurred before the Jigu Sect rebellion.

In the dilapidated villages, moss has grown, and there are traces of weeds infested by the refugees.

The two looked for a broken wall and windshield.

There is a pile of ashes in the corner of the wall.

Look at the color and freshness of the ashes. Not long ago, even last night, some people stayed here overnight.

It’s hard for Chen Feng not to think that this is the trace left by the soul ambassador.

Because there are still fruit pits beside the ashes.

At this time, in this direction, who can eat fresh fruit, besides the three-person group of the Soul Envoy, who else can there be?

“Chen Feng, come to see if this is a secret word left by them.” Huan Hong opened a piece of stone for sitting on, and pointed to the square block on it, with different patterns and certain rules. Style symbol.

This codeword is not the codeword of the Guardian, but the codeword of Cao Guangxiao’s team.

It borrowed the version of Fighting Landlords invented by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng internally translated the pattern into a universal version. He was silent for a moment and said: “One club, five diamonds, four spades, and two hearts One stayed behind, and the two chased north.”

“Fifth-Rank Yin Ling? I’m afraid it is the birth of spiritual wisdom.”

“Well, we divide the Wraith Soul into the Wandering Soul, the Shame of Shame, the Ghost, the Sha Sha, the Shame of Shame, the Yin Ling, the Ghost Cultivation, and there are higher levels of existence, but the sun is not visible, and most of them are in the underworld. Haunts, such as those ghosts, we call them ghost repairs, and they have more detailed divisions.”

“Fifth-Rank Yinling, logically speaking, three soul-suppressors, 30-strength spirit soldiers, and methods for ghosts, shouldn’t be impossible to deal with.”

“Since we are pursuing north, let’s find out this direction first.”

Chen Feng also didn’t shy away from being red, two torches appeared out of thin air in his hand, and the fire fold was lit.

Huan Hong was taken aback for a moment, and was relieved to think that Chen Fengneng had become alive that night in Zuixinfang.

She took the torch and was about to take a step, so Chen Feng grabbed it.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and said: “No need to look for it, my colleague is here.”

Huan Hong was surprised to say how you knew, and then he found out that there was something in Chen Feng’s words. He didn’t use the wording of a colleague who came or came back, but came up and took a closer look, and he felt shuddering.

It is indeed coming up.

Night fell.

The sound of breaking the ground came.

The puppets are everywhere, breaking out of the ground, looking at the dress, most of them are the aborigines of Wuliyuan.

The strength is average, the iron corpses are mostly, and the bronze corpses are few.

The three silver corpses at the top of the line are not the three soul calmers who have never reported.

Chen Feng knew at a glance that this was definitely the secret method of refining the corpse of the corpse-backer.

Three silver corpses could be refined overnight.

The proficiency of the secret method of refining the corpse is definitely not under Chen Feng.

It’s no wonder that the three spirit townsmen are drinking hatred here.

Soul soldiers below the level of resentful spirits have no disadvantages against ordinary living people, and they are equivalent to immunity against the soulless and wise corpse puppets.

This Wuliyuan turned out to be the burial site of corpse puppets.

The buried person also used a fifth-grade Yin Ling as a “tomb guard”.

With such a scale of cemetery and the specifications of the tomb-keeper, the figure behind the corpse-back is not small.

“Don’t move here.” Chen Feng pressed Huanhong, but he passed the corpse puppet, rushing to the place where the moon will rise.

On the half-collapsed roof under the silvery white, there stood a “cemetery guard” in a plain-clothed yin spirit.

“So much, I…” Before Huan Hong finished her words, she was startled and dark in front of her eyes.

Two figures fell out of thin air.

One tall and one short, one strong and one thin, one male and one female.

The woman turned her head to squeeze a rusty smile at Huan Hong.

With a smile, Huanhong buzzed his head and found two **** fangs that were gradually growing.

“The corpse…the corpse…stiff…stiff…” Huan Hong pointed to the backs of Da Mao and Er Mao, and she squatted.

It is also a silver corpse. The man and woman who appeared out of thin air are much more flexible than the three silver corpses of the soul-suppressor.

Er Mao, also knows to “laugh” at Huan Hong.

Although I don’t know why, I’m so scared.

Two violent roars.

Huanhong’s brain is a paste.

I saw a magnificent two VS Hundred, side-to-side massacre scene.

It’s also a corpse puppet.

It’s not even a star and a half.

Da Mao holds a broken blade in his hand, and there is always only one movement.

Chopping up and down, chopping wood, chopping wood…

A pair of scissors in Er Mao’s hand will always only have one movement.

Open and close, cut flowers and cut flowers…

The difference between intelligent creatures and non-intelligent creatures.

It lies in the use of tools.

Da Mao and Er Mao, both corpse puppets, have already learned to use tools to “cleave wood” and “cut flowers”.

If Liang Mao could speak, he would definitely point to Wuliyuan’s corpse puppet and say, “Of those present, one of them counts as one, it’s all rubbish.”


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