Great World of Magic Cube Chapter 1739: Learning

PS: Thank you “♂Dreamman♀” for your precious monthly ticket, and “Secret Potato” and “Hehe a God Word” for their rewards.

In Liangtang’s large room, Ito Cheng sat leisurely on a sofa and looked at the front quietly.

A dark-colored **** is suspended in front of him, and he is doing a regular rotation, as if he was thinking of someone showing something.

“Hoo~eventually is done. It is really thanks to the collective efforts of the men.” Ito Cheng exhaled long, whispered to himself.

This is a chess piece that represents the king in chess, at the same time is also the core of the system that he made of four different chess pieces, the root of all connections! With the help of the Magnet Research and Production Department of the Magic Cube world, with the assistance of the Magnet Quantum Computer, eventually gave the most reasonable manufacturing plan yesterday, and it was delivered into the self by the power of Magic Cube. Study and study Ito Cheng in the mind.

Then it took half a day to be made by Ito Cheng.

Correspondingly, the finalized chess pieces of the Chinese chess series and the Chinese chess series are also used as tasks to be sent to the magic item production department of the Magic Cube world. They will be mass-produced and cooperate with the Magic Cube world center management The committee’s new round of policy publicity was distributed to all the worlds together to prepare for games like the High School DxD world ranking game.

Ito Cheng reached out and grabbed the king chess that was spinning in front of him.

In an instant, a deep dark mysterious black light seems to break away from the constraints and obstacles, blooming along the fingers of Ito Cheng, and revealing the darkness of room in the bright hall.

Then, after more than ten seconds, the light slowly disappeared disappeared. Ito Cheng slowly opened his tight palm.

Only at this time, where is the shadow of the king chess in his palm? Only the palm lines with clear lines appear in the air.

“Boom boom.”

At this moment, a gentle knock on the door suddenly sounded.

“Come in.” Ito Cheng lowered his palm and raised his head to drink lightly.


The door opens. A maid came in from behind the open door.

“Master, Miss Rias invites you to the lobby.” The maid bowed to the salute.

“I know.” Ito Cheng nodded. He stood up from the sofa and walked towards the door.

“Bang.” After she walked out of room, the maid standing sideways at the door took the door.


“Hahahaha, Ito Cheng, you eventually came out.” A hearty laugh burst into the ears of Ito Cheng who had just entered the hall.

“Serraog? Why are you here?” Ito Cheng turned his head to look at the laughter. Surprised.

In the middle of the hall, Serra Og, dressed in a casual suit, stands in front of a sofa and looks at him with a smile on his face. As the owner of Rias, sitting on the European-style sofa on the side, drinking black tea elegantly, under the care of Himejima Akeno as her [queen], she smiled and looked at everything in front of her.

“Aren’t you forgotten? We had a good talk that day. You have to find a time to take a look.” Serraog said with raised eyebrow.

“Oh, look at me.” Ito Cheng heard the words and immediately recalled the agreement he made during the chat at the newcomer’s meeting that day. He raised his hand and patted his forehead. His face apologized.

“Recently thinking about the problem of new pieces, I have forgotten that there is still such a thing, sorry. Sorry.”

“New chess piece? Are you also going to participate in the invitational tournament?” Serra Og surprised.

The so-called invitational competition is a large-scale competition organized to celebrate the signing of the tripartite peace agreement. It’s just that compared with the previous noble games in which pure demons participated, there are more participants this time. Not only demons, but also other fans from other forces invited by the fallen angel governor to participate, it can be described as a scene grand.

“This is not decided yet, maybe it will be.” Ito Cheng smiled lightly.

“If you can participate. It’s best. I’m looking forward to be able to defeat [Two Heavenly Dragons] under the eyes of all eyes.” Selaog said half-jokingly.

“I hope that you will still have this confidence after the discussion.” Ito Cheng said with a chuckle.

“If you are going to participate, let’s just discuss this time. Keeping my opponents to a certain degree of mystery is also the fun of the game. Isn’t it?” Serraog smiled.

“It seems like I will definitely participate.” Ito Cheng laughed.

“Why not?” Serraog asked rhetorically.

“Are you so easy to find as a dependent? You need to know that I don’t want to overcharge.” Ito Cheng said angrily. Then the expression changed, and a sly expression that all men understood appeared on his face. “Moreover, I want to leave the position of my family to my harem.”

“Er…” Serraog said.

“Unfortunately, Rias is the king himself. Akeno, Koneko, and Xenovia Quarta are all her dependents, otherwise I really want to transfer them all to my dependents.” Ito Cheng regardless of Selaog, use a pair Regretfully said self-servingly.

“Humph.” Hearing Ito Cheng‘s blatant desire to warp his corner, Rias immediately gave a cold hum.

“Hehehehe…” Akeno made a habitual laughter.

As for Koneko and Xenovia Quarta. One seemed to be entangled with Kuroka upstairs, and one was training Gaspar with Yuuto Kiba, and was not in the lobby, so he could not express any opinion.

“Never mind, since that’s the case, then I still have to learn from each other. Let me see how powerful this generation of Red Dragon Emperor who has obtained the name of [Two Heavenly Dragon] is.” Serraog shook his head and said .

Rias, can you help us arrange the venue?” Serraog turned to look at Rias in the tea.

“Of course.” Rias smiled.

Then put down the cup in his hand and stood up from the sofa.

“Please follow me.” Rias greeted.

Speaking, he turned and walked out of the house. Ito Cheng and Serraog didn’t hesitate, they quickly followed.

Under the leadership of Rias, the people walked out of the mansion and made three rounds and two rounds to a very empty site.

“… Yeah~~~~~ No, no! Let me go.” In the venue, Gaspar, who was chased by Xenovia Quarta throwing volleyballs, fled around with a soft voice Shouted.

“No, today’s training has not yet been completed. Hurry up!” Xenovia Quarta retorted unkindly.

“Senior Yudou. Help!” Gaspar asked another male on the court for help.

“For the minister, Gaspar, you will be wronged.” Yuuto Kiba said softly.

“Ah~~~~~ I hate it!” Gaspar yelled.

“Pappapa…” At this moment, a clear applause rang out, running Xenovia Quarta, Yuuto Kiba and the whole field, that is, not activating the artifact to increase the proficiency of Gaspar’s attention. In the past.

“Minister.” Yuuto Kiba and Xenovia Quarta shouted in unison.

“Minister~~~” cried Gasparghe.

“Okay, stop now, come here.” Rias standing on the side said softly.

Speaking. Xenovia Quarta lost the ball in his hand and walked to the position where Rias was with Yuuto Kiba. As for Gaspar, she ran beside her as soon as Rias appeared.

“Selaog, how do you see here?” Rias turned his head to look at Selaog at his side.

The venue is very large, comparable to a large stadium. The ground is level, like a small plain. The ground is solid and hard, and only a thin layer of sand covers it. Surrounded by a stretch of mountains.

“Yes.” Serraog smiled.

After that, he walked into the venue in strides.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng also stepped into the venue. The two stopped at a position three or four meters apart and looked at each other.

Selaog took off the top of his casual suit, revealing the white shirt inside, and dropped the suit on the ground near Rias. All around, disperse began to emit a strong spirit.

“Come on. Let me take a look at the strength of [Two Heavenly Dragons].” Serraog said loudly.

The words fell, the whole body rose, and exaggeratedly pressed against Ito Cheng.

On the opposite side, Ito Cheng smiled slightly, and the cloud on his face was breezy, not affected by Seraug’s momentum.

“I’m here!”

Selaog tiger roared, and in a muffled sound, his body suddenly turned into an afterimage and rushed to Ito Cheng. He punched Ito Cheng on the cheek. Ito Cheng raised his arm, blocking the fist.


The loud noise exploded around the two of them in an instant, and then a visible air shock wave rolled the dust and rushed to the surroundings.

“Huh? It’s worthy of the two-day dragon. There was no change in my fist.” Selaog, surprised by the posture of his fist.

Although he was born in the Baal family, he did not inherit the unique destruction power of the Baal family, so he was called a defective product by his father and relatives in the Baal family. It is a contemptuous existence, so I was treated unfairly since I was a child, and was even dispatched to the poorest marginal area of ​​Baal collar. I lived a miserable life like a general demon.

But that’s all. The mother of Selaog, who was born in the lion family Wabula, did not abandon him. He urged him with a strict attitude cultivation, until Selaog gained powerful [power], returned to the Baal family, and sent his half-mother ‘S younger brother defeated and qualified as the next heir.

So the power of Serra Ogg is not in magic power, nor in special abilities, but in that amazing and exaggerated power! In the original book, his strength is so strong that even Yicheng Muto, who is the armor of the Red Dragon Emperor, can’t withstand it, showing his strength.

“How come there is no change. It hurts.” Ito Cheng smiled bitterly.

This is the truth. Although his physical strength can achieve the hard fist of Selaog without being injured, but he will not hurt without the edge. Under the great bombardment that can obviously break the mountain, Ito Cheng eventually feels the long-lost pain.

In contrast, a feeling of excitement emerged from his heart.

“I’m not a masochist…” Feeling the excitement in my heart, Ito Cheng whispered a little, and then faced Serraog, and sighed “Come again.”

“Okay!” Serraog, who was also full of fighting enthusiasm, responded loudly.

Then the two weren’t polite, and started a close fight between the fist and the flesh.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom…”

The violent roar of continuous channeling and the impact of the strong blade’s atmosphere were continuously produced by the two’s confrontation, expanding disperse in all directions.

“So strong.” Xenovia Quarta said brightly in his eyes.

“Wow, wow, it’s terrible.” Gaspar hides his body behind Rias, and his voice trembles as if he is about to cry.

“Look at it carefully, this is the strength of the younger generation. But I believe that one day we can surpass him!” Rias said softly but firmly.

“Yes.” Yuuto Kiba and other Rias family members echoed in unison.

At the venue, Seraog turned his punches, elbows, shoulders, knees, horns, and heads into weapons, and launched a violent attack on Ito Cheng in a wild combat style like the ancient mad warrior. In Ito Cheng, the surface cloud is light and breeze, the hands and feet move gently, and the light transmission is light, it seems to be at risk at any time, but it is as stable and abnormal as a rock in the sea. The attack remained on him halfway down.

“Hahahaha, it’s great, it’s so happy.” During the attack, Serraog gave a bold laugh.

“Why? Are you going to launch a big move?” As if to start the air control circle, the Serraog attack was blocked as many times as possible, and turned away, creating various depressions in the surrounding ground. Ito Cheng smiled.

“Yes. It’s a man who has won the title of [Two Heavenly Dragon]. I can see that I can’t win you with the current one. But I have also vowed other strengths, and I’m not in the underworld crisis. Never use it. So let’s use the strongest power of each to issue a final blow to distinguish the victory or defeat.” Selaog suggested.

“Okay.” Ito Cheng agreed.


Then, the two of them jumped back after a fight.

“ I didn’t expect you to be so strong, I couldn’t even force your artifact power.” The retired Serraog looked at the opposite Ito Cheng and sighed.

“Although the artifact is strong, the key is still to look at yourself. Only when you are strong is the real strong.” Ito Cheng smiled.

“Hahahaha, yes. Only self-strength is truly strong.” Because of his relationship, Serraog, who knows the truth of this sentence, laughed and agreed.

“Come on, let me end this discussion with each other’s strongest blows,” Serraog said loudly.

“Click, click.”

Finally, Selaog clenched his fists to make a crisp bone explosion, pressed his body slightly, and exploded all his magic power.

In an instant, a huge tsunami-like magic erupted from Seraog.

Ito Cheng smiled slightly, and quietly worked the power in the body. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile users, please read.)

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