Great World of Magic Cube Chapter 1699: Check

PS: Thank you for the precious monthly tickets voted by the two of “The Marvel of the Wind” and “”Secret Potato”.

“Are you ready?” Ito Cheng asked Rias and Yuuto Kiba.

“Okay.” Rias replied.

The Yuuto Kiba on the side also nodded and followed.

“Okay, let’s go.” Ito Cheng said.

If the words fall, Yuuto Kiba and Rias will go to the door.

“Uh… don’t have to be so troublesome.” Ito Cheng saw this and quickly stopped the two.

“You come to me.” Ito Cheng continued.

Rias and Yuuto Kiba glanced at each other and walked to Ito Cheng side by side, standing still.

Seeing that the two are standing well, Ito Cheng does not hesitate. He stretched out his hands and put them on the shoulders of Rias and Yuuto Kiba respectively. The heart Mind Force turned and launched the technique of flying thunder god.

In an instant, the three figures flashed, and disappeared disappeared from the social office of the Supernatural Research Society.

At the next moment, it appeared in a huge sealed Space filled with various medical instruments and brightly lit.

This is the underground Space created by Alchemy before Ito Cheng, but compared with the previous case with only one empty shell, the basement at this time is not only full of various instruments, it looks very futuristic, Even the layout inside has changed a lot, moving closer to a real underground laboratory.

Ito Cheng withdrew his hand, walked to a metal frame that looked like a cabinet, and opened the door. Two light blue sick suits were taken out of them and turned around. Passed to Rias and Yuuto Kiba.

“There is a dressing room over there, let’s change clothes.” Ito Cheng pointed to the isolation room made not far away by two metal frames filled with blue medical cloth in the middle.

Rias and Yuuto Kiba nodded and walked over with the sick suit.

“Come on…”

The two people who entered the isolation room reached out and moved the metal frame, blocking their figure. The two obscure dark images immediately entered the eyes of Ito Cheng through the translucent medical cloth.

A few minutes later, with a new noise, Rias and Yuuto Kiba in a short-sleeved, short-sleeved ill-fitting suit came out from behind the curtain.

“Kiiba, you come first.” Ito Cheng said to look at a little Yuuto Kiba.

“Okay.” Yuuto Kiba agreed.

“Come here and lie down.” Ito Cheng took a step. He walked to a machine similar to a nuclear magnetic resonance device and pointed to the long metal plate bed in front of him.

Yuuto Kiba didn’t hesitate and lay on it.

With this at the same time, Ito Cheng also pulled several long lines with small white round pieces on the front end from the instrument on the side, one by one on the temples on both sides of the Yuuto Kiba, both sides of the neck, near the heart of the chest, and The kidneys on both wrists and waist.

With the attachment of these lines, the Yuuto Kiba‘s sick suit, which had just been worn for a few minutes, was once again dialed down, exposing a smooth and delicate body like a female to the air. Only the inner underpants that are left inside protect the last’position’ from being presented to outsiders.

“Drip, drip, drip, drip…”

The crisp and rhythmic instrument hum immediately rang in the underground laboratory.

“Is this a check heartbeat?” Aside, Rias, curious about the Ito Cheng check, looked at the various data presented on the adjacent device and asked.

“Yes, but not only the heartbeat index. There are other relevant data detections such as brain wave frequency, nerve signal transmission rate, kidney elephant, etc.” Ito Cheng explained.

“Oh.” Rias nodded inexplicably.

At this time, I saw the palm of Ito Cheng flipped over, and a large brown book appeared suddenly in his palm, and the wind quickly flipped up automatically.

“This is…” Rias asked curiously as he looked at the book in Ito Cheng‘s hands.

“Not an artifact.” Ito Cheng chuckled lightly.

“This is a magic guide. A combination of technology and magic power.”

As he said, Ito Cheng threw the magic guide, the book of elves, into the air. The latter has a slight meal. Immediately appeared in the air.

“Record data.” Ito Cheng ordered.

“YesMaster.” A beautiful female voice came from the book of elves.

Then Ito Cheng turned around and walked to the operating table of a machine similar to a nuclear magnetic resonance device, and started doing it on it.


There was a muffled noise, and then it rang in the laboratory. Then I saw the Yuuto Kiba lying on the iron plate` bed for a while, with the Yuuto Kiba above it moved into the big circular hole, receiving various perspective rays from the instrument. Then a black-and-white perspective of the human body appeared on the computer screen connected to the instrument.

“Well, it seems that there is no essential difference between the reincarnation demon and human in terms of internal structure.” Looking at the various broken scans presented on the screen, Ito Cheng couldn’t help saying.

“Actually, in essence, the life forms of demons and humans are not different.” Standing beside Ito Cheng, she also showed the screen, although she didn’t understand it clearly, but she was also able to distinguish some of them. Said the screen interface.

“No, I remember that demons are not humanoid creatures.” Ito Cheng turned to look at the Rias around him.

“Don’t you forget, is there such a thing as a hybrid?” Rias smiled.

“That’s not right, it seems that some of your pure-blood demons are also quite non-human.” Ito Cheng first nodded in recognition, and then suddenly remembered some of the long though I saw in Devil Realm. Become a humanoid, but the characteristics of parts of the body are obviously different from the devil said.

For this question, Rias does not know how to answer it.

Fortunately, the two of them did not struggle with this matter and continued to watch the perspective image of Yuuto Kiba.

After a while, the first fluoroscopy check ends. But Ito Cheng did not let Yuuto Kiba get up from the instrument `bed`. Instead, he moved on the operating platform in front of him again.

In an instant, the metal bed that had just stopped moved again. Take the above Yuuto Kiba into the inspection hole.

However, this time the picture presented on the computer screen has become completely different! I saw on the computer screen at this time, one by one flickering, criss-crossing, covered with a messy pattern inside the figure of the human body.

“This is…” Rias asked with some doubt in his eyes.

“The energy flow trajectory in the wood field, that is, the running route.” Ito Cheng explained.

“What about this sphere of light?” Rias asked, looking at the sphere of light that appeared at the center of the chest of the humanoid image on the screen.

“It is the core of energy.” Ito Cheng replied.

“Then what is this?” Then, Rias asked the bright spot on the human right wrist of the screen again.

“It should be an energetic object.” Ito Cheng thought about it.

“Artifact?” said Rias thoughtfully that Yuuto Kiba is an artifact host.

“It is possible.” Ito Cheng nodded affirmatively, and then raised his voice to Yuuto Kiba lying on the bed and said, “Kiiba, you should have an artifact. Call it out.”

“Now?” Yuuto Kiba asked.

“Yes, but be careful not to hurt the instrument.” Ito Cheng asked.


Yuuto Kiba‘s words fell, and a burst of energy came from his body, especially his right wrist, and then a very gorgeous long sword appeared in his hands.

“Sure enough…” Looking at the obvious energy changes and light spot changes on the screen. Ito Cheng said suddenly.

“It’s really a powerful instrument, I didn’t expect even hidden things like artifacts to be detected.” Rias sighed.

Ito Cheng smiled slightly and said nothing.

After a few minutes, a new round of exploration ends.

Ito Cheng walked over to the metal `bed` and snatched the probes from Yuuto Kiba.

“Is this all right?” Yuuto Kiba sat up and asked.

“There is one last item.” Ito Cheng smiled weirdly. Then he turned and walked to a desk next to him. Leaned over to open one of the drawers, and took out a small plastic cup the size of a film shell, and an absolute 18-level adult magazine.

“Hold the book and this small cup and go over there.” Close the drawer and straighten up. Take something to the Yuuto Kiba and pass it to the other side. Ito Cheng pointed to the location of the previous isolation room.

“Lu?” Yuuto Kiba stunned.

As a healthy male, and he has received Catholic education since childhood, it can be said that he hasn’t done anything in this area from the beginning of development until now, so at this time, he doesn’t know what the **** is. meaning.

“It literally means, use your hands to lift it.” Ito Cheng pointed to the protrusion under the Yuuto Kiba underpants and said, “Until it vomits… well, at least three times.”

“…” Yuuto Kiba‘s face was stiff, and the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

“Go ahead, it can be said that the thing you are about to do is the most critical part of the entire inspection process, so sloppy.” Ito Cheng patted Yuuto Kiba‘s shoulder with a serious face and said.

“Okay, okay.” Yuuto Kiba said feebly, and then took the eighteen-forbidden adult magazine and small cup and walked into the isolation room not far away with a heavy footstep.

“Come on…”

The curtain was pulled up.

“Okay, it’s your turn, Rias.” Ito Cheng said, looking at the Rias with a pair of white arms and long legs exposed to the air wearing a sick suit and exposing a pair of white arms and long legs to the air.

Rias nodded and took off his clothes without shyness.

Almost at the next moment, Rias, wearing only a lovely yet feminine mature underwear, appeared in his eyes, his **** were full of balls, and the front particles stood upright, with every move of Rias Shaking out a beautiful trajectory, attracting Ito Cheng‘s eyes to follow and watch.

The Rias who felt the hot eyes of Ito Cheng smiled slightly, and walked over to the metal `bed`, sat up, and lay on his back.

Ito Cheng quickly took the detection patch from the side and attached it to the body of Rias as before. It’s just different from the previous perfunctory treatment of Yuuto Kiba. This time the action of Ito Cheng is very gentle and slow. The delicate touch is the soft touch passed back from Rias, especially the feeling from the chest.

However, there are only a few patches. Even if the Ito Cheng is estimated to be in slow motion, it only takes less than a minute to finish all the patches. Then I took back my palm with some nostalgia and turned to the side of the platform To start the inspection of Rias.

The general visceral structure, and the energy running route and core.

After a while, the inspection ends.

“Do I have to do that too?” Rias asked, looking at Yi Tengcheng, who helped him remove the probe patch, his face slightly reddened.

Obviously, what she said was referring to what the Yuuto Kiba in the isolation room was doing. For this kind of thing, even if it is the bold Rias that is open to the view of **** Mind Force, I feel shy.

“If you can’t do it yourself, I can help you.” Anyway, the nature has been exposed, and I’m not going to joke on the hidden Ito Cheng.

“No need, I can do this myself.” Rias said quickly.

“Oh, okay, just kidding, just lie down, I have another way to take things out of you.” Ito Cheng chuckled, reached out and held the shoulder of Rias who raised his upper body, will She pressed back to the metal bed.

“I didn’t see any signs of joking just now.” Rias said.

“Well, if you agree, I will not give up the opportunity to kiss Fangze.” Ito Cheng admitted with a smile.

“You are shameless enough.” Rias said helplessly.

“What is the method you said?” Then, instead of waiting for Ito Cheng to speak, Rias asked instead.

“Deep needle extraction method.” Ito Cheng said with a shrug, then turned his wrist, and a syringe with a thick needle two inches long appeared in his hand.

Looking at the syringe in Ito Cheng‘s‘s face was stiff.

Feeling the stiff state of Rias, Ito Cheng smiled softly and put his hand on the smooth and flat abdomen of Rias, rubbing it gently.

“Nice, smooth, flat, and elastic, it really makes people put it down.” Ito Cheng said softly.

“Hum.” Rias hummed slightly and turned his head to the side.

Ito Cheng laughed again, stopped the palm at the position corresponding to the egg`s nest, pressed the needle against the skin, and said softly, “Be patient.”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Rias to reflect, he immediately stabbed the needle, and with the assistance of the ability of contact induction, accurately punctured the needle into the egg`s nest.

Then, the Ito Cheng held the needle tube with one hand and held the embolizer with one hand and gently pulled it up.

Soon, a faint, well-known liquid poured into the needle tube along the needle.

“Okay.” After a moment, Ito Cheng, which extracted about a milliliter of eggs, said backward.

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