Great World of Magic Cube Chapter 1597: Descent

The main world, Universe.

After less than a day of sailing, the alien fleet of up to a hundred warships flew near Earth.

“Report that Galactic federal combat forces were found in lunar orbit, the number, three hundred.” At that moment, the ship in the fleet appeared to be particularly large, a spaceship with three or four spaceships next to it. , A figure of basic grén type, but the exposed skin of the face and palms is dark blue, but the face part is covered by energy and smoke on a colloid-like skull, vaguely showing the facial features and head Law, soldiers wearing a protective suit made of special materials reported loudly.

“Whether the other party sent the communication, whether it is connected.” Then, the voice of the communication officer sounded.

“Pick in.” In the center of the huge palace-like bridge Space, the high seat is on a large high-backed chair similar to the Earth that appeared in the English Middle Ages. It looks like other soldiers on the bridge. The same, but the man with a dark golden mask on his face said quietly.


The next moment, a giant Menos Grande quasi-optical screen 50 inches away appeared in front of the captain, showing the fleet commander Tian wolf star belonging to the Galactic federation

“Under the Galactic Commonwealth, the commander of the third advance fleet, Orunem Hetfa Wells Delank Nubia, is now assisting the Earth to complete the ascension mission by the Pan Dimension Universe parliamentary order. Therefore, all the satellite fields around Earth are under our jurisdiction. Please hereby request your feedback.”Sirius Orunem Hetfa Wells Delank Nubia. The guy tentatively named Orunemhurt said righteously.

“Funny, my Orion emperor team is working, when do I need to explain to you Galactic Federation?” The fleet commander’s body was tilted to the right, one hand elbow pressed against the armrest of the chair, the palm was pressed against the cheek, eyes glanced Icy, sarcastically speaking.

“Did your Orion empire intend to defy the pan-Dimension Universe parliamentary resolution!” Orunemhurt, whose face became a little ugly, asked sharply.

“Don’t dare that.” The Orion star said quietly, and then at the next moment when Orunemhurt’s face became slightly better, he continued to ask in a mocking tone “I just don’t understand why it is so Pan Dimension race rescue mission. In your mouth. It has become the exclusive mission of your Galactic federation? Is it possible that your Galactic federation can replace the pan Dimension Universe parliament? It’s really big news. The events here are recorded and transmitted back to the empire, which is then uploaded to the Dimension Universe parliament by the empire. Let the parliamentarians get to know your Galactic Federation again.”

Hear here. Orunemhurt’s face became more difficult to look at.

“Is there anything else to say now?” Waiting for Su Yu. The Orion star who saw Orunimhet not speaking again said coldly.

“Huh, I will start at this moment, staring at your actions without blinking your eyes. Upload all your actions on Earth to the Parliament, I hope you will not do anything that is contrary to the spirit of the Parliament. “Orunemhurt hates.

“Humph.” The Orion star hummed coldly.

The virtual optical screen flickered, and disappeared disappeared from his eyes.

“The alliance of a group of losers under the Empire really feels like a dish.” Orion star sneered.

Here I have to introduce the relationship between the Orion Empire and the Galactic Federation.

The Orion empire, so deliberately, is a country composed of alien literary names located in the Orion star cluster. Its main body is the Orion star, and it is very aggressive. Once relying on the powerful forces of the Orion empire to complete the hegemony of its star field, it even extended its tentacles in an attempt to infect the solar system where Earth is located, and the entire Galactic system.

However, for some reason, the Orion Empire’s invasion of Earth failed, and it temporarily abandoned this action until now after more than ten thousand years.

The Galactic Federation is a country composed of many weak and small ethnic civilizations in the Galactic Department. However, because of their weakness, they were basically invaded and colonized by the Orion Empire. Therefore, the Galactic Federation is the defeat of the Orion Empire. The community formed by the gates in order to fight against the Orion Empire cannot be overstated.

As for the Orion star and the pan-Dimension Universe parliament in Orunimhet’s mouth, it is an organization composed of representatives selected or recognized by different races in the multidimensional Dimension, the purpose is to guarantee Universe Peace between civilizations promotes the healthy development of the entire Universe ethnic group. Among them, the Orion star and the Galactic empire each have a representative and alliance serving in the pan-Universe parliament that is specifically responsible for the four-dimensional and five-dimensional Universe, and is one of the members. negative.

As for the highest level of the pan-Dimension Universe parliament, it is said to be governed by the super high presence of the fourteenth dimension Dimension located in the Universe center.

“I ordered all ships to expand disperse at relatively intervals, oppressing the airspace. at the same time, ordered the first team and the first team to burst into the atmosphere and complete the suppression of the Earth surface.” The Orion star of the Galactic federation sat down and sat up , Ordered loudly.


As the voice of the herald dropped, in Universe, the Orion imperial warships that gathered to form a square array quickly expanded to the surrounding disperse, forming a large net without network cable connection, covering Europe and some Russian territories. .

Then the net moved slightly, and ten warships detached from the net, tilting the hull and rushing down into the Earth.

In an instant, crimson atmospheric friction light appeared around these warships.

“Master, there is a new situation…” With this at the same time, Xiao Lingmeng’s figure appeared in front of Ito Cheng who was bathing in the maid service sent by the two royal families, while recruiting a virtual optical screen to broadcast the situation in Universe Come out and rush to report.

When I saw the picture on the screen, the expression of the maid, who was scrubbed naked for Ito Cheng with naked body, changed his expression, and there was a panic look on his face. But as far as ordinary people are concerned, their performance at this time is already better than that of most humans, even those with abilities. At least there is no shouting and screaming, which shows that they are well trained.

“Where is their landing Earth?” Ito Cheng asked with a frown.

“According to the angle, the destinations are Germany, Britain, France, Belarus, Russia…” Xiao Lingmeng reported the names of several countries.

Ito Cheng squinted her eyes when she heard it, and then shocked her body, shaking off all the water contaminated on her body, changing her clean clothes in an instant, and starting an instant movement away from the disappeared in the bathroom.

The next moment, the figure of Ito Cheng appeared in the capital city of China`s country. Shumen Shulu found the tea house that met with Team Leader Zhao twice.

Only at this time, this tea house has closed its doors and closed, and no half figure exists.

For this, Ito Cheng‘s response method is also very simple, directly move Mind Force to take out an auxiliary tool that can resist the strong magnetic wave interference that Earth is now flooding, insert it into the ground in front of it, then take out the mobile phone, and transfer the special service team Yang Wei from the address book Phone number was dialed out.

“The number you dialed is not in the service area.” A nice voice said on the phone.

Ito Cheng curled his lip, flashed out of the teahouse, and began spreading annunciators throughout the area.

It takes time to live up to the people who care, and eventually ‘s Yang Wei’s phone was connected after more than two minutes.

“Mr. Ito.” On the phone, Yang Wei greeted with consternation.

“Say your position, I’m in a hurry, hurry!” Ito Cheng was too lazy to talk to Yang Weiduo and said directly with a tough attitude.

“…, I’m…” Silent Xu Yu, Yang Wei reported an address.

The Ito Cheng who got the address did not hang up the phone, just kept the communication status, and then moved and moved in the past.

The location is an old building area painted with red demolition on a wall. There are some nail-like households in it, but from the perception, it can be seen that there are no ordinary residents. Obviously, this area is disguised and staffed. Real residence.

“I’m here, where are you?” Ito Cheng turned around and asked.

“You wait.” On the opposite side, it was obvious that Yang Wei’s breath was stagnating before speaking.

“Hurry up.” Ito Cheng said, regardless of whether it might attract the attention of the mighty people here, openly open his own fine Divine Power, and enveloped this area.

Fortunately, although there are s-class masters here, it is not the guy who is particularly sensitive to fine Divine Power like Comprehension, so I don’t notice the excessive behavior of Ito Cheng.

Then three or four minutes later, Yang Wei walked out of a building and looked around.

At this time, I saw the figure of Ito Cheng flashing and appeared in front of Yang Wei.

Yang Wei, who noticed someone in front of him, was tight and unconsciously put on a defensive posture, but after seeing who the person was, he was slightly relieved and greeted “Mr. Ito.”

“I don’t know what happened, so Mr. Ito is so Yang Wei asked.

“Alien, attacked.” Ito Cheng raised his head and left Yang Wei, and answered quietly.

“What! Are you talking about the truth?” Yang Wei asked with a shocked expression on his face.

Ito Cheng is no nonsense, just take out your mobile phone and connect to Xiao Lingmeng’s network, and bring up the images in Universe and the images of the ten fleets that are about to break through the atmosphere before Yang Wei.

“You actually still have control of the satellite?” Yang Wei was shocked again.

“It’s worthy of special service. The first time I saw the picture, I didn’t think that Earth was about to break out of the war, but I first thought that I still have control of the satellite.” Ito Cheng sneered with a mocking expression.

Yang Wei chuckled, and embarrassed expression appeared on her face. But then he recovered and said with a straight face, “Mr. Ito, please come with me.”

After finishing speaking, he took the lead and turned into the cave.

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