Great World of Magic Cube Chapter 1481: New disease

The main world, the United States, a hospital in a city in Southern California, in a ward shared by many people, wearing a uniform, the head is wrapped in a bandage into a dumpling, only eyes, nose, mouth, Jack with his ears and hair violently lying flat on the medical chuang, breathing evenly between his nose.

More than two hours have passed since the incident.

Before, after some waiting, the police and ambulance rushed to the fast-food restaurant where the incident occurred. After checking with the Boss and the people around them, Jack, who was seriously injured, was carried to the ambulance. The car was delivered to this hospital, and he was freed from the pain and torture by using sedatives, and he fell into a sleep.

However, at this moment, Jack lying on Chuang suddenly opened his eyes and squeezed a pair of pupils with bloodshot eyes.

Then Jack sat up mechanically, violently pulling the anti-inflammatory needle slammed on the back of his hand, ignoring the blood flowing backward from the short cracked needle tube, and turned down to the ground, quickly rushed to the side because of his movement and turned his head. The patient in the same room came to bite the other person’s throat.

This situation is completely a repetition of the young man who bit him before!

“Ah!” A loud scream rang out from the man’s mouth.


“Let’s kill!”

Next, other patients also yelled in fear and ran out of the ward in a panic.

“Pap Pap Pap…”

Following a rapid clamour, two doctors in white coats and several nurses rushed into the ward, pulling Jack’s body together and pulling it back.

Probably annoying. Jack, who had been biting the patient, suddenly lifted his **** head and turned his head to bite on the finger of a nurse.

“Ah!” the nurse screamed in pain.

“Crack!” Then, only a small, undetectable crunch sounded, and half of his fingers broke away from the nurse’s body and entered Jack’s mouth.

“Quick, sedative!” shouted the doctor who was still unaware of the danger.

A nurse who didn’t get started quickly ran out of the ward, and only a minute later, she returned to the ward with a syringe, and pierced the syringe into the small gap made by others. Jack’s body pushed the liquid inside into Jack’s body.

But it’s useless! As if he had produced antibodies, Jack was completely unaffected by the tranquilizing effect of the sedative, still struggling madly, biting at others.

It was not until more than five minutes later, with the arrival of the hospital’s security guards, he was subdued by violent means and restrained him on the chuang shop in the same way as maniacs and mental patients.

Just during the crackdown, two nurses, a doctor, and a security guard were bitten by Jack’s arm.

“Man, are you okay.” A security guard said to the injured companion.

“It’s okay, it’s just a skin trauma. This dog`s mother`s mouth is really ruthless.” The injured security case raised his hand and looked at the bitten arm, cursing swearing.

“Let’s go to the doctor’s office.” The security guard who spoke earlier patted the injured security guard’s shoulder, reminding.

The injured security nodded and left the independent ward with the other security guards to the nurse station for treatment by the nurse.

“Well? Why do I have to make two injections?” The injured security guard asked suspiciously as the nurse who had just completed the anti-inflammatory injections took out a syringe and withdrawn a small medicine bottle.

“This is a rabies vaccine, if you don’t want to become that lunatic,” the nurse laughed.

Obviously, whether it is the doctor or the nurse on duty, Jack’s situation is regarded as an outbreak of rabies.

“No wonder, that guy’s movements are like a crazy dog.” The injured security guard suddenly said, and then he accepted the nurse’s injection.

“Okay, remember that the wounds should not touch the water as much as possible these days, and continue to come over to get the rabies vaccine tomorrow.” The nurse who took the syringe off the guard’s arm casually asked.


Because of the injury, the security guard and several other bitten doctors and nurses were all approved by the supervisor of personnel and allowed to go home for cultivation.

At this point, things about Jack are temporarily ignored. However, in order to track down the cause of Jack’s illness, the certain opponent is indeed like a guess. It is an anxious ng rabid soldier outbreak, and various inspections have also been carried out on Jack’s body.

Time, just over half an hour has passed in peace…

“Honey, are you okay?” A well-decorated room looks like a petty bourgeois room, a figure fits American characteristics–a slightly plump blonde girl walks to the sofa and sits down , Reaching over the shoulder of the man beside him, and asked with a concerned expression.

And this man was the security guard who had been bitten during the suppression of Jack in the hospital.

At this time, he saw that he was the same as the young man that Jack had discovered. His face was as blushing as drinking, his eyes tightened, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, his mouth and nose were wide open, and he said, “Oh, “Huh”, like a strange noise without breathing.

“Mark! Mark!” the woman quickly turned around and crouched in front of the man, shouting with anxiety.

Then quickly stood up and ran to the phone next to him, and skillfully dialed the emergency number –999.

“Hello, here is the emergency center.” On the phone, a nice female voice came out.

“Here is…” The woman hurriedly reported her home address and told the doctor who was responsible for the record. It was just that she was not on the phone at all and noticed that the man who was sitting on the sofa had stood up at this time, his arms stretched forward, and came behind her.

“Ah!” The next moment, the woman screamed violently.

“Punch.” The man who bit the woman’s shoulder fell to the ground with the woman who lost her weight at the foot.

“Are you still there, Miss?” The female doctor’s voice kept coming out on the phone that fell on the floor.

“Save, save…” said the woman’s voice, who could not break away from the bite of men.

As with this at the same time, the same situation has occurred in the homes of several other nurses and doctors who were bitten by Jack, except that some of them were thrown into the children and the elderly, and some of them were in captivity. ‘S pets were badly affected, but anyway, something must have been attacked.

And this situation not only happened in Southern California, but also started in other places.

For example, the area near forests in South America, some towns in Chile, the countryside near Shennongjia in China, and some fishermen in the South China Sea region of Japan, etc…

Of course, it is not only people who attack and infect ng, but also those animals that run out of the forest. It is because of their participation that the speed of spread will become so fast. In almost two days, it quietly spread to the city.

In short, with the exception of a few people, most people still haven’t noticed the changes around them. Even if they are found, it is only a new infectious disease, still using the most The ancient way of carrying out isolation control.

On this day, at the checkpoint south of Akiruno City…

“Confirm the application number and allow passage.”

As the beautiful female ng sound sounded, the roadblock at the inspection gate immediately retreated from both sides to lu, and the road leading to Akiruno City was exited.

Seeing this, the ambulance parked at the checkpoint after the review restarted the car and drove away into the urban area of ​​Akiruno City at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

“Mom, can you really treat Dad here?” In the rear compartment of the ambulance, a teenager who looked like a junior high school student turned his head to look at the middle-aged American fu around him, inquired with anticipation.

“Yes, you can.” Middle-aged Mei fu replied with a barely firm expression on her face, clenching her hands slightly.

“Relax, ma’am, the municipal hospital in Akiruno City is currently the best hospital with the most advanced equipment in the country. I believe it will certainly cure your husband.” .

Middle-aged beauty fu put a smile on her face, smiled, and then continued to look at her lying on the single frame in front of her, but her body was **** by the strong straps of the thickness of adult arms With a mouth ball in his mouth, he can still struggle strenuously.

From the blushing color on the man’s face at this time, as well as the tight eyes and bloodshot eyes, this is also a victim of that new disease.

After that, there was silence in the ambulance, only the buzzing of the engine, and the collision from the struggle of the man was born in the ears of several people.

Just like that, after driving for more than ten minutes, the ambulance stopped outside the door of a hospital.

“Wow~” Doctor pushed the door to get out of the car, quickly walked to the rear of the car, and opened the door.

The doctor and middle-aged American fu worked together to get the ambulance down from a single frame with a struggling man, get another doctor to pull it out of the hospital and put it on the mobile chuang, then pushed the sick chuang into Qiuliu The lobby of Noshi City Hospital.

“We came from Aichi Public Hospital. The patient’s name is Yashiro Saito. May I ask where the patient should be delivered?” the doctor asked a nurse.

The nurse who was pulled out was stunned. Then he quickly took out the high-fibre plastic panel attached to the hospital and filled it with the future style. He reached out and quickly clicked on the things presented above.

“Is the patient with a new disease?” the nurse turned to look at the interrogating doctor.

“Yes.” The doctor nodded quickly and agreed.

“Come with me.” The nurse put his hands together and re-made the panel in his hand into a small stick. He led the doctor and the patient and the patient’s family to the “new disease”. The patient’s building quickly walked past.

Along the way, both the doctors from the Aichi Hospital and the family members of the two patients were surprised by everything they saw in the hospital, and they had hope in their hearts that the patient would be cured.

“What’s going on.” With this at the same time, at the home behind the Akiruno City Shrine, Ito Cheng asked what he saw on the virtual screen made by Xiao Lingmeng in front of him, and frowned.

“The specific cause is unknown, but the incidence of this new type of infectious disease is getting higher and higher in the last week, and the cause of the disease cannot be found at all.” Xiao Lingmeng replied.

“What is the principle of the disease.” Ito Cheng asked again.

at the same time‘s words on the virtual screen in front of him changed, and a video like a laboratory dissection appeared, the object of which was an infected monkey! In the picture, even if it was broken, the monkey was still full of energy and struggling desperately.

“Damn, it’s really like a zombie.” Ito Cheng sneered.

“After examination, all the patients’ genomes showed abnormal disintegration and reorganization, whether in animals or humans. It is precisely because of this disintegration and recombination that the at the same time’s body surface characteristics appear In that case, the researchers reasoned that something should have affected the stability of the genome to cause this disease.” Xiao Lingmeng replied.

“If it’s just disintegration and reorganization, what’s the matter with the aggressive beast ng.” Ito Cheng continued to ask.

The words at the same time, the content on the virtual screen changes again, showing a micro picture of the human genome and part of the genome.

“Researchers found that in the at the same time, which disintegrates and reorganizes in the genome, a new substance will be released, and then enter the brain of the disease through the blood circulation, stay in the brain stem, and undergo a second transformation to make the brain The stem produces a new biological signal and secretions that affect the entire brain, causing the disease consciousness to fall into confusion and release the animal.”

“Copy a copy of their research materials and give them to me with a sample of that substance. I will arrange people to do research work on ng agents.” Ito Cheng thought about it and ordered it.

“Yes.” Xiao Lingmeng promised, and suddenly disperse shattered, turning into countless photon particles from disappeared in front of Ito Cheng.

“Did you say that the jump has begun…” Ito Cheng walked out of the house and looked up at the blue sky where the white clouds were squinted and secretly said.

Xu Xinxin Mind Force moved, but also disappeared from disappeared in room.

After a few minutes, Ito Cheng appeared in the dark Universe and looked around.

Nothing was found.

The Ito Cheng who didn’t give up gently closed his eyes and released his sense of Space to the maximum. With the ubiquitous Space rule medium, he carefully felt the changes around him.

That’s it. I don’t know how long the Ito Cheng‘s eyebrows haven’t changed suddenly moved undetectably.

It took another moment before Ito Cheng opened his eyes again.

“Sure enough…although it is very weak, but it is indeed the beginning.” Ito Cheng gleamed with a long silver light in his eyes and squinted darkly. “That is to say, is the current zombie just beginning…”

Then Ito Cheng glanced at the dark Universe Space again, and then disappeared from space disappeared again. rs! . (m)

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