Great Demon King Chapter 955: You are insidious!

* This chapter is from Liujiu Chinese ** Please go to Liujiu Chinese to read the latest chapter *

Great Demon King Chapter 955 You are really insidious.

| Seven flying swords whirl. ★ (╰ →), ★ A blood mist is interwoven in the area. | Some future and escaped God Hunter. Feijian’s ruthless killings are one after another. It quickly turned into pieces of minced meat.

Small smoky gray smoke drifted from their bodies. Sucking Myriad Demons Cauldron suspended in midair. Make black light on Myriad Demons Cauldron more and more prosperous.

Stretch your hand. Myriad Demons Cauldron and seventeen flying swords flew to Han Shuo at the same time. In his body within the body disappeared.


Vassis stands beside Han Shuo. Take a look at the area where the strange light just burst out. Questioning Han Shuo doubtfully: “How about Dennis them? What happened before?” He saw it. Han Shuo must use the flying sword and Myriad Demons Cauldron to make hands and feet at the torn space channel of Dennis. Otherwise, Nice won’t rush out of it in the end. There will be no such horrible screams.

Han Shuo smiled: “Nice wants to leave here with his men through the space channel. I do n’t know when I was tearing the space gap. He secretly moved his hands and feet on those space points. The space channel was changed. Dennis After they entered the space, they will be afraid if they find something wrong. “

From the seventeen flying swords, the speed stagnate for a second or two. Han Shuo has already thought of their way to deal with Dennis. Feijian’s delay is just one of his strategies. | It’s just to make Dennis mistakenly think he is slack. Let Dennis construct the space gap.

The Han Shuo thought hard about Xu before. It has always been on the question of how to make Dennis unable to construct a space channel. So that his thoughts fell into a dead end. Can’t find a solution for a long time.

But at a critical time. Han Shuo finally thought. Understand that it is not necessary to prevent Dennis from opening a space channel. It is better to let Shi unfold. The hands and feet on that space channel.

Several Demon Head s made from High God soul refining were opened there in Dennis. Quietly change the position of several spatial points in the spatial channel.

In general. Nice may be able to detect subtle changes in the space channel but the threats of Han Shuo and Vassis followed suit. Dennis was neglected in a panic. Especially the moment when the seventeen flying swords and Myriad Demons Cauldron screamed. Dennis can’t think much. Immediately grabbed Messi and drilled in.

Into the space channel. Nice suddenly discovered that it was simply a rift in space that did not know how remote. Not at all the teleport point he set. There is no Elements Strength in the space gap, only eternity and desolation. The bizarre material exploded continuously, engulfing everything like a black hole.

As a practice Space Strength Divine Lord. As soon as Dennis entered it, he knew that he had been hit by Han Shuo’s. It’s a pity that he hasn’t gotten rid of it yet. Seventeen flying swords and Myriad Demons Cauldron crashed into the space directly to collapse the gap. He had no hope of escaping.

Han Shuo laughed and explained the situation again. After Vassis heard him say it. Looking at Han Shuo in shock: “So say. Have you considered him from the beginning?”

Nodded. Han Shuo said: Since he wanted to use the space channel to leave. Then I will complete him. Ha ha. look. Is n’t it good that he dug his own grave according to my arrangement? “

Vassis stunned. It took a while to take a breath. Road: “You are really insidious.” Vassis wondered: “Dennis they were so fooled. — like?”

“The space collapses. The strong explosive force will make them die in an instant. Among those people, in addition to practicing Space Strength to reach the Dennis of the Realm of Gods, I think there might be enough people to survive.” Smiled. Han Shuo continued: “Even Dennis will be hit by the power of space collapse. I don’t know how remote it will be pulled into the gap in space. Well. He can’t restore the power. He will always return to the continent of Gods. Photo I guess. We will not see him for at least a thousand years. “

Vassis felt chills. Two words came out after a long time: “| cruel.”

For the evaluation of Vassis, Han Shuo accepted. A glance back | The worshipped Vassis men who leaned over. Found that Sith’s men did not lose this loss. There are about 100 people death. Before he didn’t come. Those who were loyal to Vassis‘s High God were even more terrible. No bones were left.

“Sorry. I didn’t expect that they would come so fast.” Turning his head to look at Vassis. Han Shuo apologized.

A faint wry smile evoked in the corner of the mouth. Vassis shook his head: “I don’t blame you. I didn’t expect to practice Fate power | A woman would actually be like mystical . Even my behavior can be expected. Fortunately. Fortunately, he didn’t be able to calculate your accident. Otherwise today on Snow Ice Peak I ’m afraid it ’s hard for everyone to escape. ”

“I really did not expect the power of Fate to be like mystical . Messy is not yet in the realm of Divine Lord. If

| Divine Lord realm. I’m afraid it’s more terrifying than it is now. It seems. In the twelve series. The most mysterious power of Fate is truly unique. “Han Shuo agrees. He felt that his soul seemed to be peeped by people on the way to Snow Ice Peak.

At that time, Han Shuo was very surprised. Immediately turn divine sense into intricate lines. Changed his soul state. This made Messy unable to guess his movement and origin. otherwise. Messy knew the direction and time he came from the beginning. As long as the Vassis is eliminated at no cost. Then he waited for him to come. | When she and Dennis joined forces. Maybe even Han Shuo will be no strategy left to try.

“I have seen Lord Bryan.” The lucky Antier looked at Han Shuo in awe. Respectful greetings. Beside him. Many of Vassis‘s men bowed to Han Shuo to salute. Thanks to the life-saving grace of Han Shuo’s.

Looked deeply at these people. Han Shuo nodded secretly. Say to Vassis: “These people yes-faithful.”

“What’s happening today. It’s not rumored.” Gas could hardly soften. Swept Antier Those men have a glance. Urged: “especially Bryan News coming over. Not allowed to mention to anyone. This fight. just began. You all give me 12 points of caution. “” Obey. ” Antier Those big drinks. They were secretly surprised. I did n’t expect that my adult Han Shuo Unconsciously reached an alliance. I saw it with my own eyes Han Shuo’s power. They are very excited. I feel that there is such a strong ally. This time Chaotic Land They will have many more chances of survival.

Vassis. Let ’s take a trip to Hidden Demon Valley. It ’s a day. It ’s time for them to formally attack Hidden Demon Valley. I ’m afraid that those people ca n’t hold back. But as long as the two of us can arrive in time. I think Dhaka not only We will give up our efforts before the meeting. They will be picked up by us like Dennis. “See Vassis has arranged it. Han Shuo pondered for a moment. Before speaking.

“Okay.” Vassis simply agreed. Pause. Dao: “Tell me again. Let them also rush to Hidden Demon Valley. Dhaka and their men are towering into the sky. I’m afraid you | the manpower is not enough.”

He smiled and shook his head. Han Dao: “It doesn’t have to be necessary. It’s enough for two of us. Ha ha. Dhaka when they haven’t entered Hidden Demon Valley. The men have been killed by me. Now they are not as good as the Han Family guards of my Hidden Demon Valley. Hehe Han Family guards are much more powerful than them. If they are not Dhaka Dagmar Arthur, I do n’t have to return to Hidden Demon Valley at all. My Han Family guard alone is enough to wipe out his people. “

This remark comes out. Vassis was startled. Drink: “What? They haven’t entered Hidden Demon Valley. Half of them died first?” The news over there Han Shuo closed. Those of Dhaka wouldn’t talk about their miserable defeat. So no one knows yet.

“It’s incredible.” Vassis was shocked. Immediately he asked tentatively: “How much did you pay?”

“It’s just three mountains. Ha ha. One of my people is not dead. Well. It’s a long story. Let’s go. Let’s talk slowly on the way.” Han Shuo smiled. Another big surprise was thrown to Vassis. In the state of Vassis dull face. Han Shuo is one step ahead.

“Adult. He. He left first.” Antier saw his lord standing there stunned. Han Shuo has already taken a step ahead. Hurriedly reminded.

Until this time. Vassis woke up from shock. At first sight Han Shuo is gone. Urgently wanting to know the truth, he hurriedly ordered another word to Antier. Immediately left and chased towards Han Shuo.

No one lost ~ ~ but they killed Dhaka in general. . Such a victory. It was terrifying. Even a strong man like Vasi. The same was shocked.


Just when Han Shuo killed the Quartet in Snow Ice Peak. Hidden Demon Valley finally came a group of Dhaka Dagmar Arthur | God. Through the huge space mirror at the bottom. Small Skeleton Han Hao Stathom Andelina they can clearly see God Hunter staying outside Hidden Demon Valley.

After a painful change. Dhaka they obviously need to be more cautious. When I came outside Hidden Demon Valley. No one dared to act rashly. Just observe the situation outside Hidden Demon Valley silently. One by one. One = one stone. All will not let go.

The lessons of last time are too profound. Half of the people were killed. This made up to three people no longer dare to underestimate Han. In their hearts. Has regarded Hidden Demon Valley as the most terrifying one. Every step came carefully. The journey should have been completed in a few minutes. They can spend an hour.

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