Great Demon King Chapter 927: Love of Little Skeleton

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Yes? Emily smiled Yan, “Why do you pretend to be a child?” “

He reached out and embraced Emily in his arms, Han Shuo said softly: “I already have too many women, what is not satisfying? Power, strength, prominent status, I have all these, and I should almost cultivate myself. Now .-

Besides, I have limited energy. You do n’t have so much time to accompany her and I ca n’t hurt her. “

Gently leaning on Han Shuo, Emily smiles, “giggle, this is not like your previous style, are n’t you in my memory? You see, how many women are in the house? It ’s you The result of tricks and tricks? How is it turning now? “

“Uh …” Han Shuo smiled bitterly. In fact, he really didn’t know how to refute it. After thinking for a while, he found a suitable excuse for himself: “The reason why I was so indulgent was because I practiced martial skill is in a very delicate realm, no way, this is the need for strength training! “

Emily gave Han Shuo a charming white look, protruded Qianyu jade finger and poked him in the chest, reprimanded: “Sophistication!”

Han Shuo was grievously wronged, and slammed Emily. He smiled and said: “You women, don’t believe when telling the truth, but believe in lies. Come, the uncle is angry, to punish you ! “

giggle … I’m not afraid if you come …” Emily shook her body gently, like a beautiful snake.


In a blink of an eye, six months later.

Chaotic Land is even more chaotic during this half year. Various rumors flooded the deep valley. With Tyre and Rogge as the place, Monarch will spread the news that God Hunter Alliance will attack this place. Take advantage of this opportunity to force all size forces in Chaotic Land to temporarily obey their orders.

The current enemy. Several major Monarch unified the tone. Those brains of large and small also realized the seriousness of the matter. They have chosen to trust Monarch for temporary trust. Hope to be able to stop the God Hunter Alliance wave of aggressive attacks.

They are all twelve God Territory murderers. I understand in my heart that only Chaotic Land is the real destination. Once Chaotic Land was attacked by God Hunter Alliance . Not only will they lose their foothold. Will also become prey in the hands of those God Hunter. Was devoured divine power and died.

They would n’t be good by nature. After recognizing the situation, we will stop fighting. While integrating the power in your own hands. On the one hand, I contacted several big Monarch locals.

Tyre and Rogge started early on the one hand. On the other hand, it is because Chaotic Land has a long history. So those large and small forces naturally chose to rely on them. Vassis and Osoil clearly understood the greater the power in their hands. The more chips you have in the future when the war comes. They also made promises and even some of the funds to win over those powerful forces.

A time. Tyre, Rogge, Vassis, Osoil each exhibit divine ability. Use various means to invite those leaders to temporarily gather under their own hands.

Contrary to them, Han Shuo, who is also eligible for absorb, these large and small power brains, not only did not do anything, but also said that it would temporarily not accept the sincerity of either side of the brain! The practice of Han Shuo is beyond everyone’s expectations. Some powerful brains who have a good impression of Han Shuo even visit Hidden Demon Valley and hope to be able to talk to Han Shuo, but they are rejected by Han Shuo without exception!

Not only that, when the Chaotic Land spread all kinds of speeches vigorously, and the four major Monarch s tried their best to draw people’s hearts, Hidden Demon Valley Han Family seemed like a backwater, without any movement. Except that the Gamma Drugstore of Han Family in the deep valley continues to operate, all the core members of Han Family and expert have not appeared, and Hidden Demon Valley Han Family has always shrouded in the thick mist, no one can understand the situation there.

Even Han Hao, who has a close relationship with Han Shuo, and the group of murderers who have control over him, mysteriously disappeared during this period of time, and did not continue to mess around in Chaotic Land. Few people could see their tracks.

At this sensitive moment, the approach of Hidden Demon Valley Han Family is extremely different, making the four major Monarch s and major forces full of doubts. It is unclear what Han Family is doing at such a critical moment. Because Hidden Demon Valley has a terrible defense, none of those who want to inquire about the news can come close, so although they are full of confusion, they are always puzzled.

The time is in a hurry, and another three months have passed. Almost at the same time, all four of Tyre, Rogge, Vassis, and Osoil have received a message-the confusion and Fate, death, Space-Time, lightning four major God Territory On the border, there are constantly gods who hunt and exchange with God Hunter!

After receiving the news, Tyre immediately sent someone to Hidden Demon Valley to ask Han Shuo to come over to discuss important matters, but was pushed off by Stathom on the grounds that Han Shuo was in closed practice.

The four major Monarch s are brought together again to discuss what happened to the God Hunter at the boundary of the four major God Territory s. Tyre and Rogge are particularly puzzled. I do n’t understand how those God Hunters would be full at this sensitive time. Hold on to the gods who have nothing to do to attack.

From the point of view of these two people, the God Hunter Alliance attacking Chaotic Land should be afraid that the whereabouts are not hidden enough, and will never be exposed before Chaotic Land appears

It ’s so good that Chaotic Land does n’t have much preparation beforehand. The Alliance has always acted in comparison with low profile. This large-scale unprecedented activity is likely to usher in the collective counterattack of the God Protectors of the four major God Territory cities. It seems that this time the action of God Hunter Alliance makes no sense.

The four of them discussed the matter for a day, and did not reach any effective conclusion. They could only continue to order their men to stare at those areas, and report as soon as there was news.


The border between Space-Time God Territory Empty Spirit City and Chaotic Land, a three-regardless zone, little Skeleton Han Hao looked with surprise on a person who should never appear here.

“What’s the matter? Are you curious?” With all the Weinman who came from Ronson Great Valley thousands of miles away, he looked at the small Skeleton Han Hao with a surprised expression on his face, and thought he noticed the change on his face, which was hanging Slightly smug, and asked Han Hao.

“What are you doing?” Han Hao frowned.

Weinman looked at Han Hao strangely for a moment, and was puzzled: “Did you let me come?”

A bit dazed in the eyes, Han Hao shook his head and said affirmatively: “No!”

A bitter feeling in Weinman, suddenly realized that Han Shuo lied, looked at Han Hao carefully, Weinman sighed softly, said: “I thought you let me come, since you do n’t want me to come, then I Go back. “

“Who said I let you come?” Han Hao was silent for a moment, then suddenly said.

Han Family head. He went to Ronson Great Valley, slaughtered the original large and small God Hunter brain, and then told me to let me come to Chaotic Land, and healed the scar on my face, saying that you let me come over.

Weinman smiled bitterly and shook his head mockingly:” I said, this is not like your style at all, no matter who you care about, how can you let me come to Chaotic Land, I really still After making love for herself … “Then, Weinman‘s voice was already unheard.

When I heard that Weinman said it was Han Shuo’s idea, Han Hao suddenly felt a little weird in my heart, and a strange thought came up: “Father, would n’t it be a woman for me?” This awkward idea came up from my heart There seemed to be something touched deep in the soul of Han Hao. He looked at Weinman a little bit in amazement for a while, and his brain was in a mess. A cold and waveless heart seemed to be magnified.

“I’m going back, you … take care of yourself.” Under the strange eyes of Han Hao, Weinman felt that there was no room for self-confidence, as if his long-distance move became a very ridiculous thing, which made her uncomfortable, Want to escape from this uncomfortable place as soon as possible, escape the gaze of Han Hao eyes.

“Don’t go …” Suddenly, the silent Han Hao spoke softly for a long time.

Surprised, as if he did n’t know Han Hao, the Weinman star opened wide, and the arrow shot at Han Hao. The colors in his eyes became more and more rich, and his heart beat faster. “You … what do you say …” Weinman stuttered, explaining the confusion in my heart.

“I said you don’t want to go …” Han Hao didn’t seem to be accustomed to talking so softly, feeling very awkward. He didn’t know what was wrong with him, and he began to feel a little inexplicable in his heart.

“You … you have never spoken to anyone in this tone!” Weinman took a deep breath, trembling soaringly, the whole person instantly released a breathtaking beauty, eyes bright as cold stars, He whispered: “With this sentence from you, I will take everyone to the Chaotic Land, worth it!”

An inexplicable emotion was suddenly hooked out. Han Hao did n’t know how to describe his feelings in his heart. He was a little flustered and did n’t seem to dare to face this strange “thing”. After a soft word, his face And suddenly restored the coldness that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, saying: “You are coming, just my words! What do I let you do, you have to do it!”

He just suddenly felt that this woman might not be easy to tame. Deep down, he decided that he could n’t seem to treat her like other men. This feeling made Han Hao very uncomfortable, so he immediately expressed his attitude ~ IndoMTL .com ~ wants to prove that he has the absolute upper hand as before.

The Weinman chick nodded like a peck of rice, looking very compliant, and a dazzling radiance on his face, said softly, “I will do whatever you want me to do! Even if I let me die, I will!”

“Very good!” Han Hao nodded in satisfaction, said coldly: “Come, let me touch!”

Weinman ’s docile face instantly dyed into the evening glow, her eyes were full of wonder, and her voice trembled and asked, “Why, what?”

“Let me touch, I don’t know why, I want to touch you!” Han Hao touched his head strangely, and didn’t seem to understand why he had this thought in his heart, which also made him puzzled.

“Okay …” Weinman lowered his head and felt ashamed. He secretly looked at some eccentric men in the distance. He even had an idea of ​​finding a hole in the ground and looked up at Han Hao. She looked at her enemies in secret, took a deep breath, bowed her head, and stepped towards Han Hao step by step. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in anm, more chapters, support for writing, support for genuine reading!)

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