Great Demon King Chapter 760: Beauty chatting

Hell-screen City, one of the seven main cities of Darkness God Territory .

Walking on the streets of Hell-screen City, Han Shuo and Rose walk side by side. The difference between Hell-screen City and Umbra City is not big. There are also a variety of shops along the way. Many gods haunt the shops and buy Divine Tool Energy Crystal and God’s Scroll for their own cultivation. Work hard.

Gods’ Blessing Medicine is very famous in Hell-screen City. Just like the status of Gamma Drugstore in Umbra City today, it belongs to the largest pharmacy in the city, but just asked the gods along the road at will. Han Shuo knew the location of Gods’ Blessing Medicine .

Hell-screen City is as great as that. From the city gate to the shop where Gods’ Blessing Medicine is located, Han Shuo took a total of three hours. Standing in front of the door of Gods’ Blessing Medicine and looking at the huge buildings towering into the clouds, Han Shuo realized that the headquarters of Gods’ Blessing Medicine was much more stylish than Gamma Drugstore.

One by one Alchemist wearing Alchemist special snow-white robe, haunted some pharmacy rooms in Gods’ Blessing Medicine , some God Protectors along the way pushed a car with various glassware, and came to the area where Flying Bat was placed at Gods’ Blessing Medicine The newest bottle of medicine is placed in Flying Bat and transported to other main cities of Darkness God Territory .

The scale of Gamma Drugstore is different. In addition to Hell-screen City, Gods’ Blessing Medicine branches are located in several other cities in Darkness God Territory . Some special medicines for major families will only be produced in Gods’ Blessing Medicine and then transported to other places using Flying Bat Several main cities.

Gods’ Blessing Medicine has connections with major cities and God Hunter, so this long-distance trade has almost no difference, and has earned a lot of black crystal coins from each family of Darkness God Territory .

It’s just that because of the abnormal peaks of Han Shuo’s Gamma Drugstore in recent years, the major families of Umbra City no longer buy pharmaceuticals from Gods’ Blessing Medicine . As the reputation of medicine pill refined by Han Shuo of Gamma Drugstore rises, the business of Gods’ Blessing Medicine is gradually affected.

However, Gods’ Blessing Medicine has been standing in Darkness God Territory for many years. It is indeed not that Gamma Drugstore will be able to do it immediately. Its current scale is still far more than that of Gamma Drugstore, which has only just improved.

Stand at the door of Gods’ Blessing Medicine . Han Shuo did not rush into or explore the situation of Hassgreen, but first released Demon Head to swim in various regions of Gods’ Blessing Medicine , and first put the entire terrain of Gods’ Blessing Medicine into the bottom of my heart.

Gods’ Blessing Medicine is just a big shop, and it needs to open its doors to do business, so the defense force here cannot be so strict, which is naturally far inferior to some big families. Demon Head flew around the shop without encountering too many obstacles, and soon reflected the situation of Medicine Store into his heart.

“What are you doing here?” Rose saw Han Shuo standing still in front of the ground door of Gods’ Blessing Medicine . Don’t go in or retreat. Looks puzzled.

Slightly smile. Han Shuo glanced at Rose. Road: “Come and see the situation first. Um. Standing in front of the door is indeed a bit of an eye. Let’s go. Let’s go inside and walk around!”

Rose is the only Han Shuo horse head. No objections. Seeing that Han Shuo has taken the lead in Gods’ Blessing Medicine . She did not hesitate too much. Followed Han Shuo into it.

As Gamma Drugstore landlord. Han Shuo is still very concerned about some marketing models of Gods’ Blessing Medicine . After coming in, use Demon Head to continue to explore some hidden places in Gods’ Blessing Medicine . While walking around with Rose. Pretending to be interested in some medicine in the shop.

Rose is right behind Han Shuo. She has been watching Han Shuo with great curiosity. She could feel Han Shuo calmly and mildly concealing killing under the surface. Not long into Gods’ Blessing Medicine . Rose knew that the target of Han Shuo should be someone in the Mainland of Medicine Store. She watched secretly. I am afraid that Han Shuo will suddenly kill the Gods’ Blessing Medicine in the middle of the day. This will make her into a very unfavorable crisis.

“Huh. Isn’t this Mr. Bryan?” He smirked. It sounded in the ears of Han Shuo. Then a graceful and graceful figure came over from a distance.

Han Shuo was taken aback for a while. The purpose of coming to Gods’ Blessing Medicine Han Shuo is clear-to kill Hassgreen and Avery! Because Hassgreen had never seen him before, so Han Shuo did not deliberately cover up this time. He did not know an acquaintance in Hell-screen City, and he heard someone call him. Suddenly shocked.

My heart was full of surprises. Han Shuo looked away from where the sound came, and immediately saw Charlotte looking at Han Shuo with surprise. She looked very surprised. The Lackner family was last at Umbra City. Once helped Potteheim to resist the Han Shuo’s attack, afterwards Charlotte came to Camerita to apologize to Han Shuo. Show that you have nothing to do with Potteheim.

Han Shuo does not have any prejudice against the Charlotte woman itself, only because Potteheim angered Charlotte. Later, because of Camerita’s pleading and Charlotte‘s polite apology, Han Shuo did not express retaliation for Charlotte.

It ’s just that it ’s not easy to disappear for a while. Although Han Shuo did n’t say that she had to seek revenge on Charlotte, she did n’t have any good impression on her. In this way, the potions he made by himself would certainly not be sold. To her, and the family behind her.

Charlotte came over with a smile, very friendly attitude, and apologized when he came over: “The last time I was really sorry, it was not that I intentionally offended you, it was just a special situation, I was also forced, I hope Mr. Bryan will not be underestimated Passing by. “

Han Shuo didn’t expect to see Charlotte here, and when she saw her, she apologized, but just nodded indifferently, and didn’t mean to talk to her too much.

Charlotte is a High God. She has an instinctive perception of people who are stronger than her. She smiled at Han Shuo and looked at Rose with a little surprise. Rose was stronger than her. On a realm, she felt the Rose band. The pressure on her surprised me again. I ca n’t figure out why Han Shuo always has a nod to see Han Shuo and will leave. Charlotte stepped forward and chuckled: “Mr. Bryan, we are also able to meet here. You can find a place to chat, I want to apologize to you sincerely! “

Because of her rash action last time, Charlotte was unable to purchase the mystical agent from Han Shuo on behalf of the Bracknell family. In desperation, Charlotte had to come to Gods’ Blessing Medicine and decided to buy some commonly used agents from Gods’ Blessing Medicine . .

Suddenly see Han Shuo in this place. There is no such thing as Potteheim who does not know the current affairs. Charlotte thinks this is a good opportunity to release the Han Shuo, so I do n’t plan to let go of Korea

He shook his head. Han Shuo obviously had no interest in talking with Charlotte, and waved his hand indifferently: “No need to apologize specifically, Camerita asked me to say it specifically, I wo n’t take that thing to heart

Han Shuo said so coldly, this meant that she still had no good feelings for her, but she would not be held accountable for the Bracknell family for that matter. This is not the same as Charlotte‘s expectations, so after listening to Han Shuo, Charlotte was a little sad.

Han Shuo was there indifferently. At this time, Charlotte ’s entanglement without consciousness would only have the opposite effect, so Charlotte was stunned, and his white face was full of bitter smiles, and he was not prepared to continue to entangle.

“Sister Charlotte, did you choose something?” A pleasant and clear voice suddenly came. In a cyan simple robe, a beautiful and beautiful woman’s face appeared. This is a very beautiful woman with fair skin, white skin, tall, willow-eyebrow, and slender eyes, which has a faint charm.

“No, met an acquaintance!” Charlotte turned back and smiled softly, said: “We will continue to choose immediately, and then have a good talk with Gods’ Blessing Medicine .”

All of a sudden. This beautiful young woman looked at Han Shuo in amazement and whispered: “It’s you! Why are you here?”

Han Shuo was taken aback, and looked at this beautiful beauty in a weird way, wondering: “Who are you? I should n’t have seen you yet?” Han Shuo frowned and thought about this beautifully. Beauty seems familiar, especially her sweet and elegant voice, which seems to have been heard in memory.

Just looking at this beautiful and beautiful pretty face. Han Shuo thought hard for a while, but he could not think of where she had seen her.

After exclaiming, the beautiful women of Qingli looked extremely happy. After crossing Charlotte, I went straight to Han Shuo and excitedly said: “When did you come here? I told you at the beginning. After you came over, I was asked to follow the method I gave you. Why didn’t you come?”

Han Shuo is confused. Looking blankly at the beautiful, beautiful and beautiful woman who was excited, she said: “You must have recognized the wrong person. I don’t know you!”

The mouth of the beautiful woman evoked a funny chuckle: “You can’t be wrong, it’s you! You guys have forgotten me!”

With the speech to her, the sense of familiarity in Han Shuo‘s heart is getting stronger and stronger. Just looking at the beautiful face in front of her, Han Shuo can be sure that he has never seen her. With her amazing memory power for beauty, As long as the beauty of this level has seen it, Han Shuo believes that he will never forget.

However, he can feel that he really has an unspeakable familiarity with this beauty, which makes Han Shuo more and more strange, with a bitter smile: “I really ca n’t remember it, otherwise, Would you please give me a hint? “

“Not good!” The beautiful woman smiled and shook her head, gritted her teeth and glared at Han Shuo, said: “You guys have forgotten me, it’s too much!”

“Behemoth, do you know Bryan?” After listening to Charlotte for a long time, I finally couldn’t help it, and asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

The word “Behemoth” came out, and Han Shuo was immediately awakened like a divine initiation. Everything that happened in Abyss World came into my heart one by one. Abyss World is the largest one. The image of Demon King Behemoth gradually and beautifully Beautiful women overlap.

When he was in Abyss World , Behemoth always wore a mask with blue-faced fangs, and most of his speeches were expressed in male voices on weekdays. Only when she was absent, she produced a clear and pleasant female voice. She finally got from Abyss When I left, Han Shuo once asked her whether she was a man or a woman. At that time, Behemoth was also at that time. Han Shuo was sure that Behemoth was indeed a woman, but she had never seen her true face. No wonder Han Shuo feels familiar with her, but never remembers where she has seen her.

“Behemoth, will it be you?” After knowing her identity, Han Shuo was also very surprised. Haha laughed: “I didn’t expect to meet you again in the continent of gods! Haha, how? How are you doing recently? “

“You guy, when I left the ground, I gave you a way to contact me. Why didn’t you come to me when you came to the mainland of the gods?” Behemoth smiled at Han Shuo, but his tone was full Accountable.

When I talked to Behemoth about Han Shuo, I remembered that she did find a way for her. However, Han Shuo later went through a series of things in Chiao mainland, and after meeting with Donna, she managed everything, but Han Shuo did not. To think about Behemoth, the contact methods she gave to the land were naturally thrown out of the sky.

“Uh … sorry, I forgot!” Han Shuo was a little embarrassed and told the truth.

“Looking at your clothes is very bright, it seems that you are still yes in the gods continent!” Behemoth looked at Han Shuo, and then hummed: “Punish you for being the most high-end in Hell-screen City The place Gods’ Bliss Tavern eats and drinks, otherwise I and you will never end! I am very vengeful! “

Because they met Han Shuo in the continent of the gods, Behemoth seemed a little excited. With the seriousness and old-fashionedness in Abyss World , after the blue-faced fangs mask disappeared, Behemoth became a beautiful and beautiful woman, which seemed very easy. get along.

Beside Charlotte, I saw Behemoth and Han Shuo knowing each other. I was very surprised. After listening to the conversation between them, Charlotte gradually realized where Behemoth and Han Shuo met. In the experiences that happened in Abyss World , Behemoth had a careful conversation with Charlotte when she returned to the continent of the gods. She knew that Behemoth met a mystical person at Abyss World ~ ~ also heard about those experiences.

At this time, Charlotte listened to Behemoth saying that Han Shuo seemed to be a mixed yes, and he smiled bitterly.

Han Shuo is more than a mixed yes?

Han Family is now officially on the top of Umbra City. Gamma Drugstore‘s business is all over Umbra City, and even their Bracknell family needs to request Han Shuo before they can hope to buy some mystical agents.

To do all this, Han Shuo is only a few decades. If he is just called mixed yes, then all those who come from Low Level plane are beggars and say, “Let ’s go, I ’ll treat you today!”

At first sight, Han Shuo was so friendly towards Behemoth. Charlotte was very pleased, and immediately gave up buying any pharmacy from Gods’ Blessing Medicine . He also came over with a smile, and secretly decided to improve the current relationship with Han Shuo!

ps: In the new month, Xiao Ni pleads with his brothers to guarantee their monthly pass, and Xiao Ni will work hard as always. “Recommend the monthly ticket to support the author”, thank you all! (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in m, more chapters,

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