Great Demon King Chapter 44: Cemetery of Death

Cemetery of Death is the Sacred Land of the Necromancy Magic division of Legend, and it is also the place of luxury for everyone to go to Dark Forest. Han Shuo will watch all the directions in all directions. Contacting the previous description of Fanny, it is already certain that this place is the Cemetery of Death in transmission. .

No wonder just now that Han Shuo is here, I feel vaguely familiar. This is because Han Shuo also has Necromancy Magic , and there are strong death qi magic fluctuations in this area, including some after being transformed. The bones exudes flavors, these are Han Shuo extremely familiar things.

stared at the whole area and watched it carefully. Han Shuo frowned. The people who had seen Cemetery of Death in secret rumors were all dead. Now they are standing here now, do they want to go in?

Cemetery of Death was the heyday, where the powerful Necromancer studied Necromancy Magic . Later, all of these Mage were death, and this Cemetery of Death disappeared without a trace.

However, since this Cemetery of Death was once the place where Necromancer has studied, there must be some Necromancy Magic secrets here. This is a huge temptation for Han Shuo, a rookie who has just entered the Demonic Mental State law hall, so Han Shuo has to be cautious. Consider whether you need to take risks.

Half-sounding, Han Shuo‘s face was determined, and he began to walk in the direction of the Cemetery of Death where he walked on the bones. After walking a few steps in Han Shuo and entering the depths of this area, the dark green ball in the sky and the sky suddenly fell back into the jade box, and the green light in the entire area disappeared instantly. Without a trace.

Han Shuo stayed blankly, looked around with amazement, and noticed that the surrounding area where the eyes of Han Shuo saw, the picture changed again, reverted to the situation just seen before, just the surrounding area of ​​Cemetery of Death, until Han Shuo’s The soles of the feet are still a gloomy view of death.

looked at the ball in his hand. Han Shuo knew that the ball must be a key thing in Cemetery of Death. It seems to have the function of opening Cemetery of Death. The entire Cemetery of Death looks like a barrier that is covered up. Looking at this area from the outside, I can’t notice any weirdness and peculiarity, and can’t attract anyone’s attention.

However, with this ball, you can reveal the true side of Cemetery of Death, making the whole Cemetery of Death enveloped in the reality of desolation and desolation.

Sensen bones at the foot of Han Shuo’s walked, making the sound of “creak“, and the sudden sound of this sound around the silence, making Han Shuo feel a little hairy in his heart. Fortunately, just now Han Shuo demonic art breakthrough had “Solid Realmrealm, and then I had some guts who didn’t know where they came from, and turned to Cemetery of Death directly without turning back.

Half-noise, Han Shuo finally stood in front of Cemetery of Death. I saw a ring-shaped gully around the front of the door with black ink flowing in it. A small bridge created by the black line bones is solitary above the gully.

Without hesitation, Han Shuo clutched the jade box with the ball in his hand, stepped on the bone bridge with some trembling, and slowly walked to the door of Cemetery of Death. The bone bridge wobbled, making the body of Han Shuo’s a little instable. I do n’t know anything in the gully below, but Han Shuo felt a little creepy when I glanced at it. Strong danger.

When Han Shuo walked over this bone bridge, the ball in the jade box began to emit a strange green light, which was like some kind of calm and shaking mystical medicine. After the green light in the ball emitted, The oscillating bone bridge stopped moving singularly, and the connection between the black line bones seemed to become extremely tough in an instant.

Finally, Han Shuo came to the door. Two gray-brown doors made of unknown materials made up of two tall evil Knight and the bones of the war horse.

Evil Knight is a very strong combat force in Dark Creatures. Without Archmage level Necromancer, do n’t try to summon evil Knight. From the tall bones of the two evil Knight in front of this door, the shape of the war horse Han Shuo has been faintly able to judge that these two evil Knight must be the best among them.

The two gray-brown facades have some complicated and cumbersome magic patterns. At the intersection of the two facades, there is a circular groove. Look at the shape of the groove as a key to open the door.

At this time, the dark green ball held in Han Shuo‘s hands suddenly emitted a green light, reaching the circular groove in the center of the two facades. With a move in his heart, Han Shuo immediately understood what was going on. Without hesitation, he took the jade box, leaned the ball against the groove, and slowly embedded it.

In this process, Han Shuo never touched the ball with his hand. Because Han Shuo understands that this ball is not necessarily a simple thing. If the flesh and skin contact with it, there will be no bad changes. Han Shuo has no bottom, so try to avoid touching it with the flesh.

After the ball was inserted into the groove, a roar came, and the door squeaked “squeakyly” to the two sides. The groove split automatically with the opening of the door, and the ball originally inserted into it There is no change in the jade box.

It was dark, and the dust inside came out from the inside with the opening of the door, making Han Shuo cough a few times, and then settled down and began to look at everything inside.

This Cemetery of Death is a hall, and there are six rooms with hidden doors around the hall. The whole hall is vast and extremely high at the top. There is a basketball court. Among them, a huge six-pointed star Magic Array , and the previous Han Shuo in Zajoski City and The Magic Array that Babylon Academy of Magic and Force rides has 80% to 90% similarity, and some simple magic patterns are drawn in the hexagram Magic Array .

The hall is empty except for the Magic Array of the six-pointed star. There are only a few Magic Stone columns supporting huge buildings, including some broken bones at the corners.

There is a strong rotten smell in the air. Han Shuo stands at the door and waits for a while. It feels that the rotten smell inside gradually spreads out with the opening of the door, and then slowly walks in.

In addition to the Magic Array of the six-pointed star in the hall, it is the soaring roof, plus the six rooms with hidden doors corresponding to the six-pointed star six horns. Going inside and rummaging through the lobby, I found that there was nothing valuable, and Han Shuo immediately focused on the six rooms that concealed the door.

one, two, three …

Turned all six rooms in a circle. Han Shuo is still nothing. From the shape of the six rooms, it can be distinguished that the six rooms are only six warehouses, but there is nothing in the warehouse.

returned to the hall again, Han Shuo began to recall from the brain, from the words of Fanny last time including the observation of the outside scene, Han Shuo gradually recalled, only a small half of this Cemetery of Death is exposed on the ground, the larger part is deeply buried with Among the ground, the real secret must be hidden in the ground of Cemetery of Death.

It ’s just that after looking around, Han Shuo went through the whole hall and six rooms, and did n’t see any passages and stairs leading to the ground. This made Han Shuo a little puzzled. Falling into contemplation.

After thinking for a long time, Han Shuo still felt that the ball in his hand should be the key. He could not help standing up immediately and recirculating the entire hall, including six rooms.

Finally, in one of the corners of the room, Han Shuo found a groove again. After Han Shuo overjoyed, after putting the ball into it, there was a sound of hōng lóng lóng, and a dark passage was suddenly torn off the wall of this room. Six non-stones and non-woods made of exotic materials were placed on the first step of the passage The silver shining sticks, the two corners of each stick, seem to have a joint, as if six sticks can be pieced together.

In addition to the six sticks, there is only a thin piece of paper with some scribbled words written in ancient magic text. Han Shuo holds this thin paper.

After reading the above magic text carefully, Han Shuo understood that the six magic wands can be put together into a pattern of six-pointed stars, which can be directly transmitted with Magic Array in the hall. It is also clear that this channel port has barrier, and if Mental Force is not enough, it cannot enter at all.

In addition, Han Shuo has not been able to get other useful information from this thin paper.

Thinking for a while, Han Shuo put away the six magic wands, frowning and starting to walk down the channel. A layer of invisible barrier suddenly appeared, a green ripple flashed, and suddenly flew Han Shuo. During this process, Han Shuo only felt a headache ~ ~ The words on the dark road thin paper are true. I must be because Mental Force is too The weak reason is that it is impossible to enter the passage to reach the underground building.

whispered in a low voice, Han Shuo was in this room, connecting the six magic wands according to the records on the thin paper, and then forming a six-pointed star pattern on the ground. Then Han Shuo stood in this tiny Magic Array , injected Mental Force to start Magic Array , and the white light flashed immediately, Han Shuo appeared in the large Magic Array in the hall.

The same method was applied. Han Shuo injected Mental Force into the Teleportation Formation in the hall. After starting, it returned to the previous room and placed the miniature six-pointed star Magic Array .

frowned and thought about it, Han Shuo understood that in a short time, it was impossible to enter the channel to explore the situation in Cemetery of Death. Fortunately, I got six magic wands, and the round ball can make Han Shuo extremely easy to enter from anywhere, which makes Han Shuo extremely happy, and he has regarded this as his secret base.

Since I ca n’t discover the secrets here for a while, Han Shuo did n’t plan to stay any longer. After a moment of contemplation, I rolled up six magic wands on my back and put the thin paper into my pocket. The same way out of Cemetery of Death.

After Han Shuo walked out safely, looking back, he found that the scene was exactly the same as when he just came. Towering weeds and shrubs, towering lush trees have not changed, and the surroundings are still as quiet as death.

With a contented smile on her face, Han Shuo understands in her heart that this trip to Dark Forest can be temporarily concluded here.

Cemetery of Death in Legend, also found his luck in the mistake of hitting and hitting, this Cemetery of Death secret will also belong to him, and will not be anyone else, including Necromancy department teachers and students.

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