Great Demon King Chapter 427: 1 enemy 0

After the speech of Bluntt dropped, Temples took Archduke Ashbury and Charles together with a group of expert who blessed them and quickly withdrew in one direction.

Bluntt plus Zhanks, and some Templar Knight and white-robed Priest of the Guangming Church stayed together, going in the opposite direction of Demps and others.

Bluntt‘s guess is completely correct. Now in the heart of Han Shuo’s, I firmly remember the Holy Aura on Bluntt. The hatred of the last Earth Elite Zombie injury was Han Shuo’s. A heart disease, Bluntt was locked before Demonic Mental State, and he was set One goal, stare closely at Bluntt.

Sure enough, when Bluntt Zhanks and a group of Christians in the Bright Church left in one direction, Han Shuo, which Ominous God flew over like evil, did indeed recognize Bluntt and pursued it persistently.

Dumps and his party, who were planning to go quickly, suddenly realized that the Han Shuo’s target was really Bluntt, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Under the command of Ashbury, a group of people changed their direction again. He returned to the center of the battlefield and continued to command the battle in full swing.

The Han Shuo caught in the realm of Demonic Mental State, which is as fast as lightning and thunder led the prestige of terrifying, chasing towards Bluntt Zhanks and other people all the way, and no longer manages the life and death of Ashbury and others.

In the crystal ball, Van Razer coldly snorted said, “Ashbury is back to find death. At this point, he still can’t see victory or defeat.”

“It seems that the Bluntt group of bright church guys are in trouble!” Corolla calmed down and smiled at Sabokas.

“Yeah. yes, I originally planned to help Bryan at any time. I did n’t expect this kid to be mystical . It seems that we do n’t have to bother. Just deal with Ashbury.” Sabokas is also relieved and relaxed. Road.

“So. Shouldn’t there be any problems with Bryan?” Fanny was most worried about the safety of Han Shuo’s, hesitated a bit, but still not quite assured.

“Nizi, what you should worry about is that group of guys who were chased by Bryan. I don’t think that kid has to worry about us at all. Well, you can rest assured, don’t worry about worrying all day.” Van Razer Reassuring Fanny Road.

The two of Emily and Phoebe looked as usual, but were surprised by the exaggerated performance of Han Shuo’s. When the two girls contacted Han Shuo’s, they had never seen Han Shuo suffer a loss. What Han Shuo has brought to them has always been strong power. Therefore, for them, there is a blind sense of trust in Han Shuo from the bottom of their hearts.

Fanny is different from them. Among the three girls, Fanny is the first to know Han Shuo, before Necromancy department Han Shuo did not become strong. It also needs her to come forward to solve some problems for Han Shuo. This deep-rooted impression can not be changed in a short time. Even if Han Shuo is so terrible now, Fanny will worry about him as well.

Just when everyone looks at Han Shuo’s in various moods. As the object of discussion, Han Shuo Ominous God stared at the Bluntt and his party, and had already caught up with Bluntt, and began to attack the believers of the light church with the killer.

The Han Shuo standing in the blood cloud, holding the sword-like dragon-killing edge in the turbulent blood cloud, each sword is infinitely powerful. The Mage of the bright church on the Zhanks side ca n’t stop concluding barrier defense. . Even Sacred Knight Bluntt dared not resist alone.

A long, narrow red electric bombardment hit. Like a hundred-meter long dragon with a huge body twisted and twisted, carrying a violent baleful aura. It directly fell to the magic barrier of a group of Mage such as Zhanks.

The high-speed rotating earth wind barrier, the crystal-like ice shield, the burning fire wall, and the holy and beautiful light shield are formed one by one on the head of Zhanks and others, forming a strange and bizarre scene. Bluntt is in charge of the last layer of defense, and fighting aura mixed with divine power shoots Jin Cancan in the golden spear in his hand.

The members of this group of light churches are all looking at the sky as if they are enemies, and they are ready to greet the blow that they have been unable to avoid.

Finally, with a powerful blow, he slammed into the defense barrier jointly arranged by the Guangming Church.

Like the stars in the Milky Way, the beautiful spot of multi-colored blasted around in the loud sound of tearing the eardrum, the huge power with an unmatched crazy violent violent, ruined and destroyed the 5-6 each moment Department of Magic barrier.

The magic barrier that Mage has spent all its strength to release is like paper in the face of this destruction sexual power, and it is almost instantly defeated as soon as it is encountered, just let the destruction sexual blow come to a halt.

Yu Wei ’s unstoppable blow continued to split strongly, and a series of seven or eight magic barriers were torn into light spots of various colors until they met the “protection of light” released by Cardinal using Divine ToolRevelation” “Shield”, only in a series of terrible popping noises, some violent forces were really reduced.

dēng dēng dēng!”

The Cardinal Zhanks, which released the Mental Force condensed light shield, was unable to resist the three steps back, and finally sat on the ground, but the “buzz” in the head only sounded, and a fresh blood pressure couldn’t help spraying come out.

“Master Bluntt, hurry up!” Zhanks screamed with a sigh of relief, and suddenly his brain felt another sharp pain.

The sound of “knocking” cracked eggshell, the Zhanks‘s shield of light was broken, and a fierce blow followed.

Sacred Knight Bluntt shouted, the golden spear of the golden spear in the hand rises into the sky, a sacred breath erupts from the Bluntt body within the body, merges into the golden spear in his hand, and a golden lightning strikes the Han Shuo. This blow.

hōng lóng lóng ……”

A series of dull thunder suddenly came from the clear sky. Gold and blood red interweave together to form a splendid spectacle, but the terrifying power from the two powerful players is as terrible as a flash of torrents. The space seemed to be torn apart.

A murmur came from Bluntt‘s mouth, and the terrible violent force suddenly rushed into Bluntt within the body. The golden armor of Bluntt came with a pleasant tinkling sound. He suddenly felt that his internal organs were smashed by a sledgehammer, and he couldn’t help but stagger, and the blood overflowed from his mouth and nose.

Bluntt is injured! A terrible attack!” Corolla shouted. There was an inexpressible excitement in the look.

Through the crystal ball in the hands of Sabokas, a group of Lawrence people have seen the situation here clearly. Obviously saw the blood spilled from the mouth and nose of Bluntt, the tip of the eyes like Corolla Sabokas and others, and even saw a short stagger of Bluntt‘s unstable body.

Compared with Bluntt ’s unbearable grief, the culprit that has just re-held the culprit in the palm of his hand is still a terrifying look, and the scarlet pupil is full of madness, and there is no emotion in the cold. Like a machine that only knows about killing.

Except for the always heavy panting sound , the appearance of Han Shuo has not changed. I can’t see any phenomenon of fatigue, only the volume of the blood cloud where he is located has shrunk a part, like being blown away by the violent momentum during the fight.

“Crazy, Bryan is really crazy, he actually hurt the Sacred Knight of the Bright Church!” Cecilia, one of the three giants, has been silently watching the development of the situation, and finally can’t help but whisper.

Cecilia that performs missions in enemy countries all year round. More than anyone knows the strength of the Bright Church Sacred Knight terrifying, looking at the entire Chiao continent, Sacred Knight in the Bright Church is the strongest kind of existence, Cecilia that haunts various countries. After listening to Sacred Knight‘s rumors, she knows how powerful this powerful person who has been blessed by God is.

However, it is this kind of presence that scorns the powers of various countries, and now it is actually hurt in the hands of a young man!

If this matter is passed on, Han Shuo can immediately become a legend of Chiao Continental and rank among the top powers of Chiao Continental.

For Cecilia, today’s Han Shuo’s performance can only be described as incredible. It is also from this moment. Originally, Cecilia still competes with Han Shuo, which is completely out of mind.

Although. She is the granddaughter of Sabokas, though, she is the Big Three of Darkmantle, although she always thinks she is not inferior to any young people.

But at this moment, Han Shuo’s shocked the performance and completely overturned the idea of ​​Cecilia, letting her understand how weak she would be to compete with Han Shuo’s

“From the start of this blow, the name of Bryan will spread throughout the Chiao Continent!” Space element Sacred Magus Sabokas, looking at the Han Shuo standing proudly in the crystal ball, solemnly defined.

“Master Bluntt, Master Bluntt is injured!” Unlike the surprise on Sabokas, the members of the Bright Church on the side of Bluntt were enveloped by a fearful mood, and those members kept repeating this sentence as if The injury of Bluntt means that this mission is completely failed.

Moral, with those repeated words, came to the bottom!

“Shut up, continue arranging magic barrier without dying, and the next wave of attacks will come down again. You fools, if you don’t want to die, immediately take action on me!” Bluntt, who has always been calm and unhurried, suddenly became a little bit sick , Couldn’t help but yell out in anger.

These members of the Bright Church did not have time to think about the difference in tone of Bluntt at this time, because the heavy blood cloud above the head began to gather together frantically.

They understand in their hearts that this is a precursor to the Evil Demon shot above!

cough cough!” Cardinal Zhanks coughed violently for a while, then stood up trembling, holding Divine ToolRevelation” and started to continue chanting incantation, the first to release the magic barrier.

Zhanks is full of bitterness, and he ca n’t figure out why Han Shuo will surge in strength in a short period of time. A few days ago, he was also severely injured by Bluntt Han Shuo. This time the strength shown is by no means terrible To describe it simply, the Zhanks that thought Ossen City rebellion was able to secure a winning ticket this time is not only without any certainty, but also filled with a terrible sense of frustration.

This Evil Demon, I should have destroyed him for the first time! Zhanks regretted and sighed in his heart.

At the beginning of Zhanks, chanting magic incantation, those Mage who still have surplus power of the light church, had to continue to chanting incantation in order to survive, continue to do the work that has just been done.

The Han Shuo just flew by. The terrible speed makes them understand that if they do n’t work together, they ca n’t escape Han Shuo’s, because Han Shuo’s is faster than their Floating technique.

They do n’t know whether this magic barrier arrangement can still play a role as before, but in order to survive for a while, they do n’t have much choice, so they have to follow the actions of Bluntt and Zhanks.

It turns out that their approach is correct.

The next attack of Han Shuo arrived as scheduled, but the power was significantly weaker than the previous one, but still torn the barrier arranged by Mage, stunned Cardinal Zhanks again, and the same resistance Sacred Knight Bluntt as before Among the golden lights, they were directly bombarded into earth interior with one blow.

However, this attack, which has a much weaker attack power, causes more lethality than the previous one.

The unbeatable blow down just now ~ ~ did n’t make the Guangming church a death, because they were stopped by barrier and Bluntt.

However, although the attack power of Han Shuo’s has weakened, but the members of the Guangming Church have suffered serious injuries one by one in the previous attack. This time the defense strength of barrier is far less than the last one. The final result is that Cardinal Zhanks was attacked. Halo, Sacred Knight Bluntt body was hit into the ground.

In addition, there are more than 20 Templar Knight and white-robed Priest, which were crushed on the spot by the blood-red sword.

Han Shuo‘s subsequent attack weakened while the brewing time was shortened. Before those people reacted, the blood-red swords were no longer gathered together, but entangled the thick blood cloud and became the blood. The rain was pouring down, and the screams of crying and crying wolf kept coming.

When everyone cares about themselves, a blood-red cold awn with thick arms stabs sharply on the body of Cardinal Zhanks who just fainted. The Divine ToolRevelation” in Zhanks‘s hand suddenly brightens up, and it is immediately a terrible violent horror Breath came suddenly from Zhanks within the body.

When the members of the Bright Church reflected it, they suddenly found that the seven holes of Zhanks had bleed and died, and the Divine ToolRevelation” that he gripped in his hand also became dim.

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