Great Demon King Chapter 408: The affection of Fanny

These Lawrence people talked back, Han Shuo did not express any opinions, just thinking about the Van Razer maniac to Ossen City. Will have an impact on him.

According to the fact that Han Shuo agreed to Fanny, he understands that Van Razer has arrived at Ossen City. Then he and Van Razer will definitely meet soon. Now Han Shuo has two women, Phoebe and Emily. This matter will sooner or later not be covered in paper. Once Fanny knows about it. I do n’t know what a big response!

The same is true for Phoebe, and this is where things come from Emily. It still looks like it is still angry, if you add a Fanny. I’m afraid I have to poke out the big cage. Unfortunately, to this point. No matter how you look, you can’t hide it.

Bryan, Bryan!” Lawrence suddenly shouted twice.

Han Shuo awakened suddenly. Surprisedly looked at Lawrence and asked: “What?”

“You said what should we do next, Charles is our primary opponent. Do you have any good ideas?” Lawrence stared at Han Shuo. Seek advice from Han Shuo’s.

Han Shuo was a time of distraction, and did not listen to Lawrence and other people’s comments, and hearing this shook his head. Road: “I have no good idea.”

Lawrence listened to Han Shuo‘s words, and then looked at Han Shuo‘s expression, and was a bit worried. Understand that Han Shuo may have some thoughts in mind. Nodded and did not continue to ask more, but continued to discuss things with those nobles who preferred him.

It did n’t take long. The group talked about things. Those nobles have successively left from Lawrence. Including Emily and Old Harn also left together, leaving only Phoebe Lawrence and Han Shuo three.

Bryan. Thank you for introducing Mr. Cloy. Let me have such a great Grand Magus around me!” After those people have left. Lawrence very sincerely thank Han Shuo.

Han Shuo was stunned. Immediately reacted. Tao: “That Cloy has turned to you?”

“Yes, Mr. Cloy said he passed your persuasion. Only decided to come to my side.” Lawrence smiled for Han Shuo explained.

“Okay. Lawrence, I have something to tell Phoebe, so I will leave first!” Han Shuo thought about it. Say to Lawrence.

“Well, that’s fine. You should leave first.” Lawrence smiled and got up.

Phoebe pouted. It seems that he is still angry with Han Shuo’s. Sitting back on his carriage in the Lawrence phase, Han Shuo first hesitated. Most people know about the relationship with Phoebe’s anyway. Immediately drilled in,

In this situation, I am afraid that the relationship with the three daughters can no longer be concealed. Han Shuo thought about it carefully and decided to let go and explain clearly to the three women. Emily was the only one of the three women who didn’t account much. In addition, Emily is vaguely aware of some in Darkmantle, Han Shuo is not worried about her.

Only this Phoebe and Fanny are two big problems. Concealment can’t be concealed, but they find this situation even worse. At this point, there is really no good way for Han Shuo, only to break the jar and break the ground to take full power.

In the carriage of the Qingya Carriage, the Han Shuo looked very silent. Phoebe‘s anger towards Han Shuo’s has not diminished. Pouting also said nothing, and the atmosphere inside the carriage was a bit stiff for a while.

After a while. Han Shuo took a deep breath. Don’t stare at Phoebe. Shen channel: “Phoebe. In addition to you and Emily. I have another woman!”

Phoebe frowned. The bright eyes overflowed with incredible light. There was a sign of rage in the fluttering body. Clenched his teeth and stared at Han Shuo with a sharp voice: “You. What do you say

“In addition to you and Emily, I have another woman, her name is Fanny. It was my former Master, and she was also my first favorite woman.” Han Shuo‘s voice was low. After uttering these words, sighed.

“You, what the **** do you mean? Tell me what do you want to say?” Phoebe couldn’t contain her anger. A Emily has made her a little difficult to accept. Now Han Shuo suddenly said there was another woman. Phoebe buzzed in his head, a heart only felt pain.

“She is Master in my college, and she took care of me very much from the beginning …” Han Shuo said in a low voice the relationship with Fanny. Immediately sighed, staring at Phoebe said: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t deceive you. That’s because I don’t want to make you sad, everything goes through. I tell you so much, I don’t want you to forgive me, just tell In fact, I am really a bad guy as you said, or very bad kind. “

“You go. You leave for me, I don’t want to see you again!” Phoebe burst into tears and suddenly shouted.

Han Shuo looked at the emotionally out of control Phoebe and suddenly there was a very intense sourness. Han Shuo knew that what was said was useless at this time, so he just nodded at Phoebe and immediately lifted the curtain to fly out.

Phoebe is a very strong person. Han Shuo has long understood that such an independent woman cannot easily forgive him for deceiving, perhaps because Phoebe has a deep affection for him. Therefore, today Han Shuo would say so hurt.

Suddenly, Han Shuo understood that he loved the woman’s heartache, and the pain he caused was no less than that of Phoebe himself. Han Shuo also had a very pain in his heart. With strong inner pain, Han Shuo went all the way to Babylon Academy of Magic and Force Necromancy department .

When Han Shuo arrived at the Necromancy department Phoebe laboratory, it was the moment when lunch was just finished at noon. Fanny came a few days ago after the arrival of Han Shuo. Vanity has been greatly satisfied, and has been in a good mood these days.

When she opened the laboratory door and planned to rest for a while, she suddenly saw Han Shuo sitting on the chair in the room, and Han Shuo was in a trance. His face was pale, and he sat there without a word, with a sullen face.

Just looking at it, Fanny suddenly found that the Han Shuo at this moment was very different from the past. The previous Han Shuo has always been full of fighting spirit. Or maybe the hippie smile is never serious. I have never lost my spirits in a trance like today.

Bryan. What’s wrong with you? Are you sick?” Fanny panicked. Three steps and two steps came to the front of Han Shuo and raised his hand to touch the head of Han Shuo’s.

Fanny sounds together. Han Shuo awakened in horror and glanced at Fanny, worried about himself. The pain in Han Shuo‘s heart is even worse. Suddenly for a while, Han Shuo may want to feel some of the tenderness of Fanny more, but just deeply watched the gentleness of Fanny, and carefully tasted the warmth of Fanny.

“What’s wrong, why don’t you speak. What’s wrong with you?” Fanny said nothing at Han Shuo. Just staring blankly at myself. Even more panicked, eagerly asked Han Shuo. All worried.

Fanny, I’m sorry you!” Staring blankly at the Han Shuo of Fanny, I don’t know if this kind of tenderness will continue to exist after the facts are told. But he knew he couldn’t avoid it, and finally sighed. Say to Fanny.

“Aren’t you sick. Why do you say these things inexplicably?” Fanny smiled, drawing warmly with her hand on the forehead of Han Shuo and gently looking at eyes in Han Shuo. Said with a smile.

I do n’t know why. Han Shuo didn’t dare to look down directly at Fanny‘s conspicuous guilty conscience, Han Shuo moved in his heart, and suddenly remembered that he and Fanny had no relationship. Since then, just tell the facts to Fanny. I’m afraid it won’t cause too much damage to Fanny.

For the people you love. Han Shuo has never been a ruthless person. The reason why Han Shuo has concealed the facts for so long is that on the one hand, it is selfishly enjoying this kind of left-handed taste. On the other hand, it is also unwilling to hurt them with cruelty. >

However, now. Han Shuo suddenly realized that he concealed the facts and did not hurt them in the short term. But this approach will bring them pain in their lives.

That’s why Han Shuo made up his mind, intending to tell the truth to the two parties honestly, but the Han Shuo with a guilty conscience. But he dare not face the tenderness of Fanny eyes, and eagerly asked under Fanny. Han Shuo also spoke in a low voice: “Besides you, I have two women, I’m sorry for you!”

Fanny gently re-strokes the small hands of Han Shuo hair. The movement suddenly stopped suddenly, Han Shuo instinctively looked up, and suddenly found that Fanny movement stupefied there, a pair of gentle eyes filled with helplessness and pain, ruddy lips pale, wriggling unceasingly seemed to want to say Something. But there was no sound.

Two tear marks ran smoothly across her face. Sliding all the way into the neck of Fanny, for a long time. Fanny failed to gather his eyes and gathered on the Han Shuo ground. His face was shocked and his voice was sour: “Bryan. You tell me these, do you want to sever ties with me?”

Han Shuo stunned. There is some confusion about the performance of Fanny. According to Han Shuo, Fanny should be as stormy as Phoebe. He drove himself out of this place desperately. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Fanny turned out to be such a shocked expression, like a helpless blooming flower.

A strong self-blame suddenly poured into Han Shuo‘s mind. Han Shuo has red eyes. A rush of Fanny into his arms, his voice choked: “I’m sorry. It’s all my fault, I’m sorry …”

Bryan. You and Miss Phoebe. I. I know the ground.” Fanny said quietly. Afterwards, she exerted all her strength to hold Han Shuo tightly, as if she was afraid that Han Shuo would leave her.

Han Shuo looks dull. Subconsciously hold Phoebe did not know why. There was a series of questions in her mind, she actually knew. How could she know the ground?

“You are a dazzling new star of the empire. Everything about you is widely circulated. It naturally includes some things about you and Miss Phoebe. It ’s ridiculous that you are deceiving yourself and thinking that I will not know. The first time I heard this At the time of the news, I did not believe it, but slowly through my own understanding, I finally believed this fact, ha. I am really a weak woman, and I should keep my distance from you at the beginning, not dare to accept your Seductively. But the days when you are away. All my shadows are in your shadow, and I will never linger

Sorry. I can’t do it!

Even if I know you already have Miss Phoebe. But I still can’t leave you, as long as I remember that I will never meet you. I felt suffocated in my heart. You may never realize this feeling, because I am useless. I can’t get out of your feelings vortex, but I can’t help but sink into it … “Fanny whispered in Han Shuo arms. The voice is full of helplessness and misery.

Putting heartfeltly, tearing Han Shuo‘s self-righteous disguise, Han Shuo was stunned by a very strong happiness. Although this kind of happiness has a bitter taste, although this kind of happiness makes Han Shuo‘s dry lips and red eyes, it makes him steadfast and Heart Transformation weak …

“I know. Phoebe is a good woman. You come here this time. Are you determined to leave my place?” Fanny whispered pitifully, bitterly bitter and depressed. The tears were like pearls with broken threads, and big drops dripped on the shoulders of Han Shuo’s.

“No!” Han Shuo snarled ~ ~ said: “I will never leave you. Forever! I said so much, just ask you to forgive me. I never thought of leaving you! Sorry , It ’s all my fault, it ’s all my fault … “

Fanny‘s delicate body trembles. Suddenly stood straight from the chest of Han Shuo. The bright eyes with tears still inexplicably looked forward to. Condensed on the face of Han Shuo. There is an unsettable channel in the trembling voice: “Bryan, you, do you mean really?”

Nodded heavily, Han Shuo has never been as serious as it is now. The voice choked with assurance: “As long as you don’t leave me, I will never let go of you first, I promise!” However, after two years of torture and pain, I realized the fact that I will never be able to leave you. I can’t mind you and Miss Phoebe and other women’s existence. However, Miss Phoebe may be worried about my existence? “Fanny said bitterly.

“I don’t know. But I will give her and give me some time. Maybe. She will eventually make a good decision, but no matter what she decides. It will not change my relationship with you. Absolutely. No! “Han Shuo said firmly.

Fanny eyes are full of unstoppable surprises and happiness. Actively hug Han Shuo again. Standing on tiptoe and putting on red lips, I kissed Han Shuo warmly. Both hands boldly penetrated into the Han Shuo’s clothes, while stroking the strong body of Han Shuo. Also tried to help Han Shuo to get rid of his clothes.

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