Great Demon King Chapter 394: Han Shuo’s guarantee

After Han Shuo left from Babylon Academy of Magic and Force, she originally planned to return to her mansion, but in the middle, she spied through Mystical Demon to Emily and Phoebe and walked out of her lady’s room together.

Unexpectedly by Han Shuo’s, Emily had bright eyes and cried a bit. He originally came to the Emily to ask the Phoebe for guilt. Instead of ignoring others as Han Shuo had imagined, he persuaded Emily.

The two held hands and were even more friendly than they were when they were in Sunshine Valley. The bright-eyed Emily couldn’t help wiping the corners of the eyes with a tissue, a sad and sad look, Phoebe kindly lightly held Emily and sighed: ” Sister, I’m so abrupt, I don’t know what happened to my sister’s life. “

“Forget Phoebe, you can forgive your sister is not easy, I do take responsibility for this matter, it happened just because of yin and yang, hey …” Emily wiped the corner of his eyes and talked to Phoebe Road.

“Okay, okay, you have to come to the door, my sister will go back to the house, do n’t let people see what you look like now. Everything is the guy ’s fault, it ’s nothing to do with your sister, I ’m looking for him Just settle the account, but you should n’t mess with your sister. ”Phoebe persuaded Emily to persuade her to return to the house.

“Thank you Phoebe, you are a good girl, no wonder he likes you so much.” Emily said sincerely, holding Phoebe’s in his hand.

“Hey, I did n’t expect my sister to suffer more than me. I thought you were the wife of Betteridge Family, and you have a big brother who is in power. I ’m sure to be happier than me. , I’ll go back first. It’s not early, my sister will have a good rest. “Phoebe said this, and then released his tight grip with Emily and left from Emily.

A clear Han Shuo through a Mystical Demon conversation between the two. For a time, my heart was filled with doubts, and I thought that even if the two did not make a big noise, they would sneer at each other, but how could you know the final result.

Han Shuo changed direction halfway and went straight to Betteridge Family. When we just cried, Emily just needed comfort. No matter what the situation was, Han Shuo did not want Emily to be injured, and he made a decision secretly. So the speed is very fast.

When Han Shuo was busy for a long time in Babylon Academy of Magic and Force, the sky was dark when it came out, and now there are fewer pedestrians on the road, and the night is quietly coming. Han Shuo is like the ghost of the dark night, a ray of light smoke drifting on the remote street, flew silently towards Betteridge Family.

Han Shuo did n’t care about leaving Phoebe in the carriage, but just assigned a Mystical Demon to pay attention to her movements and safety. From the conversation just now, Phoebe’s mood is still stable, there should be nothing, only eyes red Emily This time most need comfort. Han Shuo is naturally more important than others.

The defense of Betteridge Family is still very strict, but for Han Shuo with Mystical Demon, these defenses also have no effect, easily avoiding the care of some guards, Han Shuo quietly came to the Emily’s door.

The Emily magic barrier is still in the room, and the Han Shuo did not break in. Fearing to arouse Emily’s‘s misunderstanding and rebellion, he gently pasted the door of Emily’s and knocked on the door.

“Who is it!” The Emily inside the room whispered, and the footsteps gradually approached.

“It’s me!” Han Shuo snorted lightly.

The pace of Emily is obviously faster. A breathing interval has arrived in front of the door. After pulling the door open, the Emily turned out to be Han Shuo at first sight, and the eyes glowed brightly. The probe glanced left and right, and Emily pulled Han Shuo in when he found no one on the left and right.

“What’s the matter with you? Here is Betteridge Family, what should I do if someone sees it?” After Emily pulled Han Shuo in, he quickly closed the door tightly and added a layer of soundproof barrier Only then asked Han Shuo.

“I worry about you.” Han Shuo slammed Emily into his arms and whispered softly.

“I have nothing to do. Phoebe just left from here. Have you seen her?” Emily was calmed by the heart after being embraced by Han Shuo. Answered softly.

“No, after she knew about it today, I was afraid she would make a lot of noise and did n’t follow up, but I kept paying attention to the situation here. Phoebe did n’t treat you? You, you cried Alright? “Han Shuo‘s heartache reached out and touched the corners of Emily‘s eyes softly.

“Oh, I just need to know that you are worried about me. Phoebe is a good girl. She did n’t come over and yell at me. On the contrary, after I talked to her intimately, Phoebe could n’t help it. Persuade me, your vision is yes. “Emily was treated gently by Han Shuo, and it felt worthwhile to feel wronged before.

Han Shuo did n’t say much, kissed Emily, and Emily responded to the need of Han Shuo comfort, responded enthusiastically and actively helped Han Shuo undress, she took Han Shuo side Kissing fiercely, while going to her lady’s room line of inner chamber.

Han Shuo can feel the enthusiasm of Emily today. Out of a kind of compensating thought, Han Shuo is deliberately pleasing Emily. The big hand is gentle and considerate on the Emily’s body. His lips have been softly kissing Emily. When Emily gasped When it is difficult, it is in the ear of Emily’s that some gentle words are heard.

Bryan, oh … Bryan …” Emily groaned lowly, seemingly emotional.

When the Han Shuo big hands kneaded on the full and smooth buttocks of Emily, Emily has actively helped Han Shuo to pull off all her clothes, and suddenly fell back on her pink soft big bed, jade body horizontal In front of Han Shuo’s, Xing Yan looked at Han Shuo in a confused way, breathing softly and sipping: “Bryan, I don’t want your tenderness, you are more rude!”

Han Shuo stayed for a while, and then snarled, and the whole person rushed to Emily, instead of continuing to tenderly pity Xiangxiyu, instead treating Emily fiercely.

Today’s Emily is even more crazy than usual, catering to Han Shuo fiercely, until the body can no longer withstand the violent storm of Han Shuo’s, and finally sleeps directly, even a trace of strength is gone.

Han Shuo looked at Emily who had fallen asleep like pear flower begonia after after rhyme. Suddenly there was a feeling of guilt in my heart. Emily was actually the first woman of Han Shuo’s. Han Shuo treated Emily from the beginning, it was rape, especially for a long time. Han Shuo All just use Emily as a tool for libido.

With Emily‘s silent contribution to Han Shuo, slowly Han Shuo gradually became emotional, but because of the special status of Emily, Han Shuo did not give Emily a name. In principle, Phoebe should be the object of crusade . Emily was the real victim when she first followed the Han Shuo’s woman because of her special status.

Since Emily and Han Shuo have become good, she has always thought about Han Shuo, with Han Shuo as the center and nothing is paid. Looking at the woman who had slept in front of her for a long time, Han Shuo fell into a memory unconsciously. The more the memories and the past of Emily’s, the more Han Shuo felt too guilty.

“Hey, I owe you too much, and you have worked hard.” Han Shuo sighed softly, touching the face of Emily’s softly, muttering to himself.

“Everything is voluntary, I have never blamed you. In addition, I also know that you are very good to me, you don’t have any guilt.” Suddenly, Emily smiled a happy smile at his lips Only after such a sentence did he open his bright eyes.

“Hey, why did you wake up so fast, why don’t you sleep a little longer?” Han Shuo woke up when Emily saw it ~ ~ could not help but frown softly.

“It ’s okay, after I am happy with you, I can feel the mysterious power you left on me. This power has helped me improve my body, so I can recover so quickly. Bryan, really, everything It ’s all my willingness. I know that you actually hurt me. As long as you love me enough, I do n’t expect too many other things. After all, my identity is there. ”Emily reached out and stroked the hard face of Han Shuo. Smiling softly.

“You must have an official position, this day will not be too far, I swear I will give you, this is what you deserve!” Han Shuo looked at the Emily that he knew he had paid, and his voice was low and powerful. .

Bryan, do you want to know Phoebe‘s attitude towards the two of us?” Emily looked delighted and gave a soft kiss on the chest of Han Shuo before asking Han Shuo with a smile.

“No matter how Phoebe treats this matter, it will not affect our relationship. Even if she firmly disagrees, it will not change this. Rest assured, I will talk to Phoebe about this matter.” Han Shuo again Once assured, he made up his mind to make Emily not wronged.

giggle, I ’m really happy to say that!” Emily was very happy, and then said: “However, Phoebe agreed!”

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