Great Demon King Chapter 383: Other World

Ossen City. Count’s Mansion residence of Han Shuo.

In a secret room. Han Shuo holds white bone staff. chanting with Necromancy Magic incantation. After a lengthy spell of incantation, a Mummy Lord stands in front of Han Shuo ground. Mummy Lord stared flatly at Han Shuo, and suddenly the dense death qi overflowed around the entire chamber.

Three Summoning Spell of Grand Magus realm, now Han Shuo has mastered two. Both Elder Corpse Beast and Mummy Lord can be summoned by him skillfully, and only Summoning Spell of Bone Demon is not well understood due to the body structure and habits of Bone Demon. Han Shuo has not been able to successfully let him come in this world.

An order was issued. Mummy Lord reluctantly danced around the body band for unknown years, and moved his body in accordance with the Han Shuo’s command in front of the Han Shuo ground.

Nodded, Han Shuo knows that Mummy Lord Summoning Spell is completely mastered. white bone staff waved in hand. This Mummy Lord will return to the Necropolis under incantation of Han Shuo.

With white bone staff put away, Han Shuo was taken out of Cemetery of Death white bone staff, and he played with white bone staff for a while. Han Shuo hesitated, planning to use Skeleton staff to call Elder Corpse Beast and Mummy Lord.

This Skeleton staff is not the same as white bone staff. Holding Skeleton staff chanting and Necromancy Summoning Spell, it can often double the power of Summoning Spell. Han Shuo can only save some Mental Force with white bone staff. But it was impossible to land two Elder Corpse Beasts on Chiao.

However, if you use Skeleton staff chanting necromancy incantation , you should be able to search for two Elder Corpse Beasts in an instant. Han Shuo has used Skeleton staff to summon evil Knight. It is thought that Elder Corpse Beast may be the same as summoning evil Knight, and it can also summon two Elder Corpse Beasts.

Han Shuo hesitated for a while, then started chanting to summon necromancy incantation of Elder Corpse Beast, when Han Shuo incantation connected to Necromancy Rakuten. Syllable chanting to search for Elder Corpse Beast target. The Han Shuo’s spiritual world suddenly sensed two targets far apart.

These two goals are both Elder Corpse Beast, but the distance between the two Elder Corpse Beasts is incomparably far away. In a flash, two Elder Corpse Beast sensed the presence of Han Shuo’s at the same time. The kind of threatening them to freely breath into their souls. The two Elder Corpse Beast struggled instinctively.

Han Shuo was startled, Mental Force first stared at a Elder Corpse Beast to suppress, the other one was too far apart. Han Shuo’s Mental Force was unable to take care of it for a while, and he was a little dizzy because of his crazy resistance. It was precisely because of this that Han Shuo suppressed it and became a little difficult.

At this time. Han Shuo understands that it has neglected a key issue. There is a huge difference between Elder Corpse Beast‘s temperament and evil Knight. Although evil Knight is also High Level‘s undead, evil Knight has a large number of Necromancy happy land. In addition, evil Knight still prefers to live in groups. Han Shuo takes Skeleton staff to summon evil Knight. They are often in the same place. Two or three evil Knights were found and summoned to Chiao.

But Elder Corpse Beast is more High Level, it is not as much as evil Knight in Undead World, and there is High Level such as Elder Corpse Beast. Each one lives on one side. Become the master of a party. Basically, there is very little possibility of two Elder Corpse Beasts cohabiting in one area.

Han Shuo ignored this. When chanting incantation of Skeleton staff was launched, it immediately sensed two Elder Corpse Beasts separated by thousands of miles, because the distance between the two Elder Corpse Beast was too far apart. Han Shuo cannot be considered at one time, and Elder Corpse Beast is an extremely powerful undead. When Han Shuo was aimed at one of them, the other Elder Corpse Beast suddenly became difficult, causing the Mental Force of Han Shuo to be a little overwhelming.

This kind of scene happens really fast. A Necromancy Summoning Spell is too short from the beginning to the end, because Han Shuo did not anticipate the situation today. There is no way to deal with it in a short time. When the two Elder Corpse Beast sensed that Han Shuo Mental Force was somewhat disordered, it was even more crazy.

There was a sharp pain in my brain, and the Han Shuo consciousness collapsed in a trance. It feels like a strange existence. Driven by the souls of two Elder Corpse Beasts, they crossed the Space-Time tunnel. It came to Other World , unknown and undead.

Similarly experienced Han Shuo once, when the second happened. Han Shuo immediately responded, Mental Force wrapped around the ray of divine sense without being invaded by the harmful substances of the Space-Time tunnel, and involuntarily fell into the world full of death and mystery.

In a world that seems to always be gray, white and black. The dense gray clouds covered the sky. This is a dead forest full of dry big trees everywhere in the swamp. Those dry trees seem to have been ruthlessly transformed for years, and there is no trace of moist nutrients. There are gray spider webs hanging on the tree trunks, and strangely tiny undead creeping on the spider webs.

In the swamps. The breath of death is everywhere, and the “bubble” in the swamp is bubbling. From time to time, one or two Zombie will stiffly climb out of the swamp. Wandering aimlessly in the silent Undead World.

Necromancy Happy Land is home to Necromancy. Hundreds of millions of years will be Death Qi. undead has been gestating tirelessly. After each undead disappears. death qi on them returned to this world. Experienced the strange evolution of thousands of years. Will become another undead again.

Han Shuo’s consciousness gradually recovered. slowly. Han Shuo took a look at this deadly scene all over the swamp. During this process, Han Shuo tried to absorb Cemetery of Death and death qi. Condense into a tangible body for yourself. But Han Shuo floated in the air.

All of a sudden. Han Shuo sensed the existence of small Skeleton and others. In places where it is not known how far away, Han Shuo can clearly sense the existence of small Skeleton Earth Elite Zombie and others. However, after refining the three evil Knight breaths, they could only feel a little weaker.

“Howl … exists humblely. You broke into our world without permission. I want you to bear the burning of my anger.” Suddenly. An incredibly sharp voice. Suddenly rang in the ears of Han Shuo, this sound was full of angry roar, but it scared Han Shuo a big jump.

divine sense slammed. Han Shuo found a shadow on the left approaching quickly. Han Shuo looked at it and found that it was just one of the Elder Corpse Beast that had just tried to summon. Around this Elder Corpse Beast ground. undead covered with hundreds of Low Level. There are Ghoul, Skeletal Warrior, Zombie including three Hated.

It seems that this Elder Corpse Beast should be the overlord here. He still remembers the breath of Han Shuo, when he suddenly found that the soul of Han Shuo appeared in his territory. This Elder Corpse Beast suddenly became furious. Immediately following the breath he had just sensed on the ground Han Shuo. He rushed towards Han Shuo quickly.

In Necromancy Le Land World. The strength of Elder Corpse Beast can be fully exerted. The ubiquitous death qi can provide him with sufficient energy. It’s just that divine sense escapes into the Han Shuo in this space. Without it, demonic art simply cannot come in handy. Can only use divine sense and Necromancy Magic to attack.

Seeing that Elder Corpse Beast rushed fiercely, able to tear the iron stone claws and spread their teeth, Han Shuo divine sense snapped on Elder Corpse Beast ground. An “Soul Shivering” magic spell was released.


Elder Corpse Beast half-air soul image was bombarded with a heavy hammer, and the pain spread to the depths of his soul instantly. Before Elder Corpse Beast reacted, Bone Spear air raids came one by one, and Elder Corpse Beast was beaten to avoid, followed by another one. The magic of Soul Shivering came, and Elder Corpse Beast was instantly blinded.

However. In Other World , there is sufficient Elder Corpse Beast for death qi. The soul is also very powerful, Han Shuo Soul Shivering Mental Force impact, although it can bring great damage to Elder Corpse Beast. However, it can’t really kill Elder Corpse Beast. In addition, Bone Spear can only leave a little white scar on Elder Corpse Beast‘s body, but can’t pierce this High Level undead.

In such a place. Han Shuo’s Mental Force is not endless. According to this situation, Han Shuo will be exhausted at Mental Force. At that time, Elder Corpse Beast will not be able to be controlled by Han Shuo. This High Level Elder Corpse Beast must be able to pass Han Shuo through infinity. Earth soul ruined.

After a row of Bone Spear rain plus Soul Shivering magic. An “Bone Prison Spell” took shape again. This Elder Corpse Beast was temporarily imprisoned. Han Shuo watched that Elder Corpse Beast hadn’t responded under the magic of “Soul Shivering“, did not stay in this area anymore, and went away tangibly and physically and quickly. Like an ordinary Wraith floating in the Necromancy happy land.

In Necromancy, the land is gray and the sky is often covered with Wraith. These Wraith have only the simplest consciousness. It often becomes more High Level undead ground food, and is also used by Han Shuo to refine nutrients from some monster ground. Han Shuo did not expect to come to Necromancy one day. Even Wraith came to siege himself.

The five white Wraiths suddenly surrounded Han Shuo. These five Wraith sensed a different breath from Han Shuo. As if to treat Han Shuo as alien, trying to attack Han Shuo.

The tangible Han Shuo watched five Wraiths coming over. From their simple consciousness, there is a bad message. Han Shuo just mobilized a little bit of Mental Force and released the magic of Soul Shivering. The five Wraith “poo” all turned into gray smoke and became death qi‘s return to the earth.

The rows of Wraith farther away felt the powerful power of Han Shuo‘s instantaneous burst, and immediately classified Han Shuo as High Level and undead. One by one far away from Han Shuo, there is no one Wraith dare to approach Han Shuo anymore.

There is a majestic immortal palace on the top of a towering dead mountain somehow far away from Han Shuo. In a tall hall with a strict hierarchy. At the highest level of the noble place, Little Skeleton sat on an extremely large and spiky seat, beside the little Skeleton. It is Earth Elite Zombie Fire Elite Zombie Wood Elite Zombie. There is also a timid Water Elite Zombie.

The sole of the small Skeleton extends downward. Then there are six evil Knights and two Bone Demons, including the Mummy Lord that was last subdued. They all bowed their heads to the little Skeleton on one knee.

On the cold walls of the palace. That Bone Demon, which was transformed by the small Skeleton and could fly, was hung upside down. Many Gargoyle curled up quietly motionless.

Behind several evil Knights, there are some indifferent Hate Warrior and Zombie Warrior. They are like faithful guards, standing upright faithfully, as if they can serve the little Skeleton at any time.

my lord. Why do you want to leave?” The last Mummy Lord you accepted. Ask humbly with your head down.

“You guys, take good care of me here, I will come back soon.” Little Skeleton did not answer, but gave orders as a superior. “The powerful presence of Dead Sea in the East may come recently. You guard me here. Do n’t attack others for the time being while I am away.”

“Observe, my lord!” undead under High Level. Answer all respectfully. Compared with them, they are more fiercely smaller than Skeleton ~ ~ They are also all overlords, and they have to bow their heads one by one.

“Retreat. Guard your respective territories!” Little Skeleton conveyed the majestic consciousness. Except for the three evil Knight refined by Han Shuo demonic art, the other evil Knight and Bone Demon Mummy Lord, all took their lives one by one.

“Father came, this world is not the same as that of the material world. Without physical father, my father may be in danger, I must protect him!” After those men retreated, the little Skeleton said to several Earth Elite Zombie guys.

“Let’s go too!” Earth Elite Zombie touched his head and said plainly: “We also want to see my father in this world.”

“No, you stay here for me and take care of our homeland. The strength of those men is difficult to protect the safety of the place. Only you and I can believe it. Because we are all inherited by blood!” Little Skeleton commanded . Tao: “Relax, after finding my father. I will bring him back.”

The words fell. The flying hanged Bone Demon hanged upside down from the temple, and suddenly flew his wings in front of the little Skeleton, and the seven bone spurs behind the little Skeleton shook. Has shot this Bone Demon that he has transformed. The huge Bone Demon carrion fluttered its wings. Take Little Skeleton away from the summit of the towering dead mountain.

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