Great Demon King Chapter 231: Blood Essence Grass

In a fiery red rock crevice, a plant with large leaves resembling a puff fan grows, and the whole body circulates a crystal red light.

At this time, the weird plant with only one large leaf is dripping from the large leaf, and one drop after another is the blood-red liquid, which is crystal clear and translucent, like a grain of red Diamond. However, as soon as it fell on the rock, it creaked up the misty red smoke, and the smoke dissipated at its leaves, as if absorbed by leaves.

The body of Han Shuo’s quickly exceeded the expectations of Gilbert, but for a moment, he bent over gasping sideways, facing the dripping red liquid with a big mouth.

“Tick … Tick …”

Yinhong’s blood-like liquid landed on the tip of Han Shuo’s‘s tongue and made a soft sound. Every time a cloud of red smoke “squeaked” rose, he breathed abruptly, sucked the smoke into his body, and then under the watch of Gilbert, Han Shuo’s cheek gradually turned red.

I do n’t know what happened, Gilbert looked at Han Shuo in amazement, watching his weird behavior. I felt inexplicable in my heart, and I felt more and more mysterious about this master.

With a drop of crystal clear blood, dripping from that big leaf, this plant that was extremely long and vigorous, slowly began to appear in a deep red color, and a little bit fell on the red rock , Integrated with the color of the rock.

Wait until the large leaves like the fan, stop the dripping of the bright red liquid, this strange plant, like a hard stone, actually sticks to the rock below.

At this time, Han Shuo‘s whole body showed a blood red color. Immediately sat down on the spot, the whole figure was like a blood man, and there was a faint bright red smoke around him.

After about an hour. Han Shuo slowly opened his eyes. A hearty long whistle, with a sense of enthusiasm, said: “In the depths of Dark Forest, it is really mysterious, and I can still encounter such an increase in natal blood essence Blood Essence Grass, it seems that my luck is really yes!”

“What?” Gilbert asked, looking at the plant that seemed to be a stone, surprised.

Blood Essence Grass is a kind of Evil Plant. After it is formed, it will keep the vitality of the plants around absorb. If the surrounding plants are some Man-Eater Evil Plant. Then these Man-Eater Plant will swallow the blood of humans and animals, and it will be absorbed by it.leaves Refining.

This process needs to continue for a hundred years before Blood Essence Grass can produce a leaf of the fan size. Once the leaf is formed, it will spit out the condensed Solid Realm from the blood of the century absorb, re-absorb through leaves, and completely merge into its leaves Location, making it faster around absorb. The distance covered will also be farther.

Wait for another hundred years until Blood Essence Grass, some of the surrounding Man-Eater Plant local energy absorb will also produce a leaf, and this process continues from cycle to cycle. It has been nine times in a row for nine hundred years, if Blood Essence Grass can successfully evolve every time. Then it will become an Blood Essence that can move freely. It has the wisdom like a human, and the plants within ten miles will be mastered by it, with an incredible divine ability! “Han Shuo smiled. For the origin of Blood Essence Grass, such as Gilbert explained.

“It’s so powerful. So what does the blood-like liquid do to you. How many years have this Blood Essence Grass lived?” Gilbert asked in surprise under Han Shuo’s explained.

Haha laughed proudly, Han Shuo said: “This kind of Blood Essence Goblin Hua, through my absorption and refining, can directly transform my blood into my special life blood essence, saving me too much Demonic Essence Force. It is a pity that this strain of Blood Essence Grass seems to have a life span of only three hundred years. If it has a life span of nine hundred years, after transformation, my natal blood essence can have the mystical effect of living dead human meat bones, so that once my wound is cut , Can heal quickly at a rate visible to the naked eye! “

“So mystical , maybe there are other Blood Essence Grass in Dark Forest, we can look for it!” Gilbert first froze for a while, then shouted excitedly.

The unexcited Gilbert, Han Shuo called out the killing devil, carefully slit the fiery red rock that Blood Essence Grass was entangled, dig up some surrounding soil, and finally collected the fiery rock completely Space Ring.

“What does this stone do?” Gilbert then asked curiously.

“This is Blood Essence Stone, a very precious refiner material, but it is very useful!” Han Shuo knows too much explained, Gilbert will not understand, so he replied casually.

Looking around, Han Shuo found that there is nothing more worth noting. This is to go deeper with Gilbert, and I am more and more curious about Dark Forest.

However, just after a while, the strong breath appeared faintly, causing Han Shuo to frown involuntarily and stopped at the same place.

“Who are you, or what, are you endless?” Looking around with cold eyes, Han Shuo and courteous grumbling.

With such a powerful creature, it can avoid the snooping of three Yin Demons, even if it is not human, it must have wisdom. Such a powerful creature seems to regard him and Gilbert as his prey. This feeling makes Han Shuo very uncomfortable and can’t help but binge for export.

There was no response. There was silence in the virgin forest. After listening for a while, there was no additional sound. It seems that the powerful creature did not respond to the Han Shuo’s discourse.

“There is really something to follow us!” Black Dragon Gilbert, obviously also instinctively sensed the danger, could not help saying.

Nodded, Han Shuo whispered, “yes, I don’t know what it is. I can’t even find its traces. It looks like a great guy. We need to be careful, so as not to let it take advantage!” “

No matter what this creature is, if it can confidently deal with Han Shuo and Gilbert, it will not be so hidden in the dark, and it may have defeated Han Shuo and Black Dragon Gilbert with a strong offensive from the beginning. This practice of hiding shows that this powerful creature did not positively destroy the confidence of the two of them. Because of this, Han Shuo does not seem particularly panic.

There are three Yin Demons. This creature wants to attack them silently, which is simply unrealistic. Therefore, although he is wary, Han Shuo is not afraid, but has raised the determination of curiosity, intending to lead This powerful creature, see what it is.

Late night, the clear moonlight swayed down, and the shadows of towering ancient trees shone on the ground under the moonlight, like a Evil Demon figure with claws dancing.

On a large tree trunk ten meters high, Han Shuo and Black Dragon Gilbert together, Gilbert lazily leaned against the tree trunk to take a nap, it seems to have fallen into a lethargic state.

Han Shuo has a straight body, even breathing and a slow heartbeat, like an upright javelin. eyes closed sits cross-legged on the trunk and silently digests the essence of Blood Essence Grass absorbed by the day.

I do n’t know how long it has passed. The Han Shuo, which is adjusting the rate in eyes closed, suddenly opened its double pupils, a pair of eyes sparkling in the dark night, and the divine light shining around.

Three pieces of Yin Demon have been circling around the back and left and right arms of Han Shuo’s, observing all anomalies around in all directions. A Yin Demon at the back suddenly found the center of a water pond not far away. The water surface rippled, and then a large transparent water shadow slowly emerged from the water pond.

This water shadow is huge, no smaller than Black Dragon Gilbert transformed into dragon shape. The huge body has nine slender heads. After it emerged from the water pool, the original light water shadow gradually became more and more The vagueness finally disappeared completely ~ ~ However, a huge breath came from that direction faintly. Just like the feeling of Han Shuo in the past two days, Han Shuo watched for a while and found that in that area, the wind direction obviously became a little weird, like having encountered an obstacle in the void.

Pushing Black Dragon Gilbert, the sleeping Black Dragon awakened horrifiedly, turned his head to look around, and then asked quietly, “What did you find?”

“It’s super Magical Beast Hydra!” Han Shuo said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, Black Dragon Gilbert‘s face changed greatly, and he said in amazement: “No wonder, according to my grandfather, Hydra can skillfully use the power of water to cover its body so that people can’t see its whereabouts and enter Wonderful state of invisibility. Hydra is poisonous all over and possesses powerful power. I did n’t expect it to be aimed at the two of us! “

“This Hydra should have evolved only once, no wonder it has been daring to act rashly even though it is staring at us. You are ready, we will give it some color to look at!” Han Shuo whispered, staying still, Continue to sit there, waiting for the arrival of Hydra.

Gilbert knows that it is also pretending to continue to fall asleep, making a slight snore from his mouth.

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