Great Demon King Chapter 151: 1 wave, 3 folds

After two people, flying, came to Carl Fett’s house, Han Shuo only realized the major of the old Assassin Lucky. A qualified assassin has to remain secret until he has assassinated his target. Only when he does it can he let the opponent sense his presence.

In this respect, Lucky performed very well. As soon as he entered the house of Karl Fett, Lucky lay prone on the roof, glanced at the layout of the whole building, and pointed out to Han Shuo that every room in the Carl Fett ’s house The general purpose, where is the living room and where is the master bedroom, including the freshly groomed room are pointed out to Han Shuo.

It seems that Lucky has a very detailed understanding of various styles of buildings. It must have been studied by a large amount of time, otherwise it will not be possible to come here, just look at the construction layout to get so much information. .

A gray-brown robe was replaced by Lucky. The color of his robe was the same as the color of the entire building wall. When walking slowly against the wall, no one could notice it even under the bright moonlight. Any exception.

Under the watch of Lucky, Han Shuo also took out a robe of almost the same color, followed it behind Lucky, and approached the brightly lit hall roof.

When approaching the hall slowly, Han Shuo’s breathing became long and steady, and the rhythm of the heartbeat suddenly became very slow, consistent with his breathing. Even the heat dissipated by within the body is changing step by step when approaching the roof of the hall. When it is about to arrive there, if the whole person of Han Shuo is not moving, it will definitely be regarded as a tile on the roof.

Lucky took a pill, and the state of the body still could not reach the hidden level of Han Shuo. After finally reaching the roof, Lucky looked at Han Shuo in disbelief, and was amazed by Han Shuo ’s extraordinary control over the body.

After advancing to True Demon, Han Shuo’s does feel that the body is more flexible and easy to use than before. Through its own adjustment, it can transform the body into various states, like this state of hidden breath. Han Shuo is very easy to adjust.

Because there may be Clark in the hall, the two did not dare to lift the roof tiles to watch, but they all stuck cheek on the roof. Trying to hear the speech of several people inside.

“Yeah, so be careful. Recently, you have to be careful yourself. Lawrence seems to have appeared in Valen City, maybe you will be in trouble.” The voice of Clark sounded, and Carl Fett was told to be careful.

Lawrence is just the son of the Imperial Chancellor of the Exchequer. Isn’t he coming to Valen City to deal with me?” Karl Fett didn’t care. The sound of Hong Zhong laughed.

“Uncle Karl Fett, Lawrence‘s identity is not so simple. In short, you must beware of it. In two days, my father will send someone to protect you in secret.” Clark then told Carl Fett.

“Let the military Captain adults be bothered, hehe, it’s too late. You can take a break with me today. I have prepared a special program for you.” Karl Feit said with a chuckle.

“No, thank you uncle, but recently there are more strangers in Valen City, I still have a lot of things to do, and I won’t stay today.” Clark stood up and postponed a bit, and seemed to be planning to leave.

Ears leave the tile, Han Shuo stands up and winks at Lucky, and the two leave the place silently. Then quickly transfer out.

Since Clark is about to leave, Valen changes his strategy and plans to start on the way. After coming out of the Carl Fett’s house, there will be a street that is surrounded by various buildings and a few lush trees. The surrounding area is a good place to start.

“You are hiding in a tree and waiting. After I start, you can seize the opportunity to attack Clark .” Lucky commanded, lying on the wall beside the street like a gecko. A color agreed with the dark night.

The timing of the shot is Lucky and there is no way to tell Han Shuo beforehand. That kind of electric flint moment shot opportunity. It is simply impossible to teach in advance, Lucky can only let Han Shuo grasp.

Kung Fu for a while. A carriage drove out of the direction of Carl Fett’s house, and the sound of pedaling was very harsh in the silent night. The horseman is a sturdy bodyguard, wielding reins to whip the running horse. When the carriage first arrived at the hiding place of Lucky, a figure emerged from the corner of the hidden place like lightning, as if flying without weight , Stuck under the carriage.

All of this was clearly seen by Han Shuo who was watching from a distance. Seeing the carriage approaching the tree where he was located quickly, Han Shuo took a deep breath and calmed his cold eyes

Looking at it, the hand holding Devil Slayer tightened tightly.

In the ground, a bang of “pī li pā lā” suddenly came from the bottom of the carriage, and the carriage was torn apart, and wood chips were scattered everywhere with sand and dirt. The White ground sword blast burst two meters, blooming from the top of the wagon, the burst ground sword awn was like a hedgehog covered with spikes, and the Lucky was like a hedgehog body wrapped by the sword awn inside.

At this time, Han Shuo only discovered that Lucky was actually an assassin with Swordmaster strength. The sword of White passed away in a flash, as if he had never appeared before. A complete carriage was bursting everywhere in a moment. A person in the carriage was covered with blood holes on the spot. The horseman in front of him let his legs escape and died.

At the beginning, Han Shuo was very surprised and thought Lucky succeeded so quickly. Then when Han Shuo stared at the corpse, he realized that this person was completely strange, not Clark at all, and then the cluttered footsteps quickly approached from all directions, immediately making Han Shuo aware of the seriousness of the problem.

“You’re fooled, withdraw immediately.” Han Shuo above the big tree above slammed with a sharp slam and quickly jumped from the lush bush.

The expression on Lucky ’s face was still calm, and he looked around and sipped: “We escaped separately and shuttled from the surrounding houses.”

Han Shuo nodded and said nothing. He jumped up and stayed on a roof. When he looked around, he found that Lucky mystical disappeared.

At this time, the heart of Han Shuo’s became calmer. He looked around with cold eyes and found that suddenly there were some more military soldier from the front and back of the street. These people roared on the horses, and some people opened their hands. Longbow shot at me on the roof.

From the direction of Carl Fett’s family, Clark with a calm face came out with a wide-bodied middle-aged Knight. Both eyes were fixed on Han Shuo’s, driving the horse under him to rush over.

There are a lot of houses around, but when Han Shuo listened intently, he found that there did not seem to be any people in the house. I wonder if it had been arranged in advance. At this time, Han Shuo regretted not using his clever facial features to inspect the surroundings beforehand, because he paid too much attention to killing Clark , but instead did not observe some details carefully.

After the arrow shot, Han Shuo avoided the body flexibly, and then found more military soldier around. After thinking a little in my heart, Han Shuo exhibited “Art of the Demonic Ninth Heavens” and the whole person suddenly flew through the sky and flew out like a falcon.

A large number of bows and arrows screamed and were broken by the Han Shuo using the killing front. In a blink of an eye, they had flew out of the encirclement and landed on a large tree in the distance.

Although Han Shuo has not been able to fully use the skill of “Art of the Demonic Ninth Heavens“, the simple flying of the sky is no longer a problem. It is precisely because of the use of “Art of the Demonic Ninth Heavens” that Han Shuo can fly out of the military soldier.

In addition, Han Shuo found that “Art of the Demonic Ninth Heavens” is more than a little higher than the Floating technique mastered after Mage reached Archmage realm in this world. Floating technique was developed by Archmage, which is far less flexible than Han ShuoArt of the Demonic Ninth Heavens” And fast.

Take a deep breath ~ ~ Han Shuo stood in the distance and looked around, and found that there were nearly a hundred military soldiers in Clark . These people were trained carpet-like to search Lucky from room to room after Han Shuo left They gave up chasing and put all their attention on chasing Lucky.

When Han Shuo was worried about Lucky, a figure in the distance used Floating technique and quickly approached. For a moment, the moon was covered by a cloud of black mist, and the already unbright sky was completely dark for a moment. After the figure approached, a white bone staff was sticking out of the wide sleeve, and he waved his hand and whispered chanting.

Suddenly, a large number of Skeletal Warrior Zombie Warrior Ghoul, including Gargoyle and Hate Warrior, which growled in the sky, appeared in a blink of an eye, rushing towards those officers.

Another chanting, bone arrow full shot in the sky, flooded into the officers, instantly causing those officers to make a terrible roar.

“Oh, my goodness, it is actually Necromancer of Archmage level. “Karl Fett suddenly exclaimed and shouted out loud.

Han Shuo was taken aback and stared at the Necromancer that appeared in the sky, shocked by the hugely lethal Necromancy Magic .

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