Great Demon King Chapter 141: Worship the gods

The arrival of Shuo has won the unanimous cheers of Forest Troll. After Old Priest trembling, he immediately bowed down and cried with tears in his eyes: “Great God Datara and the messenger, you are finally back.”

With a panoramic view of the surrounding conditions, Han Shuo suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. According to the truth, these Forest Trolls are the most greedy predators, Han Shuo should have hated them, but now looking at these Forest Troll, treating themselves as envoys, following all their orders, Han Shuo suddenly felt that they did not appear That’s abominable.

The looting is the nature of this race. According to the rules of survival of the fittest in Dark Forest, what they do is acceptable. Just like some large Magical Beast, it is natural to catch some low-level Magical Beast to eat, so is Forest Troll.

Looking in the eyes, all Forest Troll, whether old or young, are staring at themselves with their eyes. In that kind of eyes, they are the most religious trust of a religious person. As if they had a command of their own, they can let them go. Han Shuo feels a bit peculiar.

“Relax, your Great God Datara, you will never abandon you.” Looking around, Han Shuo was silent for a while, and said solemnly in a deep voice.

Old Priest‘s tearful cheering translated a sentence, all Forest Trolls are holding empty bags and cheering loudly. It seems that a guarantee of Han Shuo’s is enough to make them forget all their difficulties.

From the Space Ring, take out sacks and sacks of grain and accumulate them on the ground where the snow is removed. A variety of thick cotton clothes and daily necessities appeared in front of these Forest Troll, making the Forest Troll who were suffering from the winter painful, dancing one after another.

“All of these things are prepared for you this winter. The food in several warehouses is enough for you to survive this cold winter without looting. Great God Datara is going out for Zhang Luo, the people of other places.” The deep voice of Han Shuo melodiously spread throughout the village of Forest Troll.

Because Old Priest is grateful, all Forest Troll bowed down. Then ordered by Old Priest to continue. The troll leader commanded the manpower, lifted the food and daily necessities, and transported them back to the cave behind.

Han Shuo followed behind Old Priest and came to the village to rearrange the Temple of Earth. Not only does it have the appearance of a small Skeleton, but also the Han Shuo’s stone statues stand up, which makes the feeling of Han Shuo even more peculiar. It seems that he has truly become their patron saint.

“When I first came in. I saw traces of fighting ground outside the village. Are those nasty places Elf starting a war again?” After coming in with the little Skeleton, a command was given and the little Skeleton sat on his own At the table. After sitting down on the side of the little Skeleton, Han Shuo looked at Old Priest and asked.

“The report God Envoy, the earth is indeed those annoying Elf . Once again came to provoke fighting. But the God Envoy is assured. Your brave people. Never let Elf succeed, in Great God Datara The light shines. The Elf s will surely retreat again. “Old Priest shouted with confidence, shouting confidently.

Wave a wave, Han Shuo stopped Old Priest from continuing the stink, thought for a while and said: “The food and daily necessities brought this time are enough for you to use in a winter. If there are Merchants again, I want to start from your In exchange for those weird things, you can exchange with them.

In addition, without my orders, you should not go out for looting this winter. We will do a lot of things if we want to do it. Great God Datara will find out the target and inform you that you do n’t have to worry about not having a job to do. And how many people have come to Elf this time, and when did they start fighting against you? Tell me more about the matter. “

Under Han Shuo’s‘s orders, Old Priest agreed to the Han Shuo’s requirements without asking why. Immediately ordered a forest Troll Warrior next to him, let him notify the troll leader of the two requests made by Han Shuo.

Then Old Priest carefully explained the battle process with Elf to Han Shuo. From Old Priest‘s statement, Han Shuo knows that every winter, Elf will always have a battle with Forest Troll, because only at this time, Forest Troll food daily necessities and weapons may not be guaranteed, this time also Forest Trolls have the lowest fighting power when.

This time, the Elf s, as they did in previous years, took advantage of the opportunity of the Forest Troll to loot in the cold winter and took a chance. However, the number of Elf who is not as good as Forest Troll cannot occupy the absolute upper hand every time. This is just a trial

Fight, and then hide again to discuss the next step.

From the mouth of Old Priest, Han Shuo knows that the Forest Troll race is in Dark Forest, there are many tribes with large and small, because of the responsibility of guarding Great God Datara Sacred Land, and this tribe has more than 500 forests Troll Warrior , so the Forest Troll tribe Old Priest, Dark Forest other The Forest Troll race has certain constraints.

Now because of the appearance of Skeleton and Han Shuo’s, Old Priest, in the name of Skeleton and Han Shuo’s, just took the opportunity to issue orders to gather all the Forest Troll scattered in all parties, intending to give Elf a painful lesson.

Because Great God Datara is the **** of Forest Troll, now the emergence of the small Skeleton, the influence is almost inestimable, so it ’s just ten days of effort, and there are already four small tribes with more than 300 Forest Trolls coming over and planning to worship The brilliance of small Skeleton.

According to Old Priest, the Forest Troll of the various tribes in Dark Forest will gather in a short time. When that time comes, this time the Elf attack will not only be difficult to obtain the desired effect, but also may face painful losses.

Originally, Han Shuo was worried that Elf would kill Forest Troll for most of the time. I did n’t expect that because of the appeal of the small Skeleton, they were scattered around Dark Forest. They were never Forest Trolls that were not in contact with each other. All the pilgrimages went here. From the words of Old Priest, Han Shuo knows that once these Forest Trolls are all brought together, the total number will not be less than two thousand.

And the Elf in Dark Forest seems to have only a few hundred people. Although they have some divine archer and Mage, they are still likely to lose their lives in the face of Forest Troll, which has several times the number.

After rubbing his head, Han Shuo had some headaches. After thinking for a while, he said, “It seems that this time I should worry about Elf . Well, it is said that Elf s are very wealthy. I think we should take them all. “

“What does the messenger mean?” Old Priest stunned for a moment, then asked in doubt.

“Do you know where the Elf live in Dark Forest?” Han Shuo thought for a while and asked.

Old Priest stayed for a while, then frowned and thought for a while before saying, “The rough place is clear, but it has never been in.”

Nodded, Han Shuo smiled and said: “That’s fine, wait until the Forest Troll of other tribes comes over, and they will stay with the Elf s. Our tribe goes to the place where Elf lives, taking advantage of this opportunity , Snatched the homes of Elf . “

“But the messenger, why do n’t we stay and join the brothers of other tribes ~ ~ and kill all the Warrior of Elf together. These Elf s are really very abominable, they will keep messing up and destroying our Action, every year will take advantage of the winter to provoke battles with us. In these years, many people have been killed by Elf . “Old Priest was stupefied, and finally did not blindly follow the Han Shuo’s proposal for the first time. Instead, he doubted and asked.

“The nature of our Forest Troll is to **** and not kill. In addition, the current Elf in Dark Forest is not the whole of this race. If we kill all the Elf here, it will cause us more trouble. This is No need. “For Han Shuo, there is really no need to let Forest Troll and Elf fight for your life and death. In addition, Han Shuo does not want to kill all Elf . Now Han Shuo needs wealth and a lot of money to support his demonic art and magic Practice, so this is the proposal.

Although I still do n’t understand it, but Old Priest Did not continue to say more. After a few more days, more Forest Troll One after another came from all sides. Han Shuo With small Skeleton After accepting the tidal wave of cheering and worshipping with piety, some of the foreigners Forest Troll Stay with those original Elf They hold each other, Han Shuo It is with the small Skeleton Together, and Old Priest Five hundred in the tribe Forest Troll ,to Elf The village where they lived went to.

In the cold winter, these five hundred Forest Trolls carry enough food, and the thick cotton-padded hands hold sharp weapons and go deeper into the Dark Forest.

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