Great Demon King Chapter 115: Evil Demon Han Shuo

“Who are you?” Trunks saw that Han Shuo was okay, first breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at these strangers with cold eyes.

“Regardless of who we are, leave the Magical Beast Crystal Core and blood of the snake monster, including fruit of Dagmar , we can save you a life.” The current one Advanced Mage, holding a staff in his hand, said with a dark face.

Ryan, it can’t be that simple. Hey, you see three beautiful chicks have run over, we haven’t touched a woman in a long time, these three chicks also have to stay to keep us refreshing.” Another stout body Like Advanced Swordsman of the orangutan, he carried broadsword of his size on his shoulder, and said with an obscene smile.

“Angelo, you said something reasonable, I just did not see these three chicks. Haha, you left the three beautiful ladies, and all the things are put down, the power in Dark Forest is supreme, I want to live You can go away now. “Advanced Mage Ryan, also very interested, looked at the three girls Nia Aphrodite Angelica who came from afar, smiling Mimi said.

There are more than a dozen people in this line, including not only Mage Swordsman , but also archer Priest Robber, all of whom are experienced men, and their strength is indeed extraordinary.

“Are you also worthy?” At this time, Han Shuo came from a distance, and the unrepressed Han Shuo revealed an extremely dangerous atmosphere. After the body was burned, Han Shuo looked ugly terrifying, so step by step, These people seemed a little scared.

“Han, are you okay?” Trunks saw the exaggerated appearance of Han Shuo and asked immediately.

“This ugly thing is really annoying. Life is really tenacious enough. It is not dead yet. The brothers will kill him first!” Anglo said with a cold face and said directly,

Gordon and Aphrodite and others finally arrived here at this time. Han Shuo didn’t make any more comments, and flew out suddenly. Go directly to Angelo.

A faint black Demon Qi, slowly overflowing from Han Shuo’s and within the body, because killing intent and anger soared unprecedentedly, causing the Molded Spirit Realm realm mood to unstable Han Shuo, the body suddenly changed. Dark Demon Qi overflowed out under the influence of Demonic Essence Force, Han Shuo suddenly fell into a muddled mind, and only the violent emotions of killing and destroying all left in his heart, and a pair of pupils turned into a terrible miserable white. No black eyes.

“Here, this kid is a little weird, everyone be careful.” Han Shuo looked like a ghost at this time, and surprised Angelo. Exclaimed immediately.

Trunks and his party, although the expression on the face of Han Shuo is not visible from the back at this time, but now Han Shuo is full of things, they can feel it. The wisps of black Demon Qi overflowing from Han Shuo and within the body are mixed with the breath of evil terrifying. This kind of breath makes everyone instinctively feel fear.

“Go, help Han kill these guys who took advantage of the fire.” Gordon snorted and rushed out first. When the following people saw Gordon set off, they did not hesitate to start.

Only Angelica stood there, looking a little overwhelmed. Facing Nia in search of a big tree, said: “Hey. Sister Nia. Would you like me to help?”

“You just need to protect yourself, now the situation is too dangerous.” Nia whispered impatiently. The arrow has been caught and aimed at a human archer in the distance.

A scream of terrifying dementia, like a desperate cry in the depths of hell, instantly flooding the entire field, everyone is trembling, can feel the cold skin, for this strange dementor Shocked by the howling, the panicked looking around tried to find the source of the sound.

“Voice comes from that kid!” Anglu was startled, the forehead blue tendon jumped suddenly, looking at the Han Shuo who rushed over quickly shouted.

He made such a reminder that all the people noticed the source of the sound, which was to kill the magic front with Han Shuo. I saw that the killing demon had a thick Demon Qi above the blade, hovering around the side of the Han Shuo, and the black Demon Qi flying around like a swallowed Evil Demon, giving everyone an extremely evil visual impact.

“Kill him, kill him first!” Angelo was really panicked in his heart, and a very inappropriate feeling rose in his heart, suddenly yelling and yelling.

Everyone now sees that Han Shuo’s is not right. Even Trunks, which has undergone battle baptism, feels a bit chilly about the current situation of Han Shuo, and it is unclear what happened to Han Shuo. These enemies are of course more afraid, and the only way to think about an unknown crisis is to destroy him directly.

In the ground, several fierce magic attacks, flying through the sky with bows and arrows, all shot towards Han Shuo. Such a violent attack is coming, I am afraid that even Trunks will not be so easy to deal with.

But at this time the weird Han Shuo, a beast-like growl came out of his mouth, his feet kicked, and his body actually took off a few feet, as if he was really flying in the air, directly across the attack, Suddenly shot towards Angelo. At the place where Han Shuo had just put force, a pair of footprints stuck in the soil, several bows and arrows shot by the enemy were inserted, and some magic attacks landed there.

“Damn it!” Anglo frowned, and suddenly found that the Han Shuo of the terrible terrifying rushed from the void to himself. There was only Advanced Mage Ryan beside him, and he could not play any role at all. He had to pull out broadsword and put on a pose , Intending to give Han Shuo a blow.

Since mystical has been lingering on the side of the Han Shuo, with the sound of psychic dementia severe roar, it suddenly flew one step ahead, shooting at Angel like a nibble. Angru suddenly threw himself under the chills, and the broadsword in his hand burst out the fighting aura of Dark Green, and the fighting aura was in the shape of a “ten”, striking towards the demon killing edge that came directly down into the sky.

A clanging clash of Jin Ge suddenly came from the killing demon and Angelo. After a while of the severe roar, the killing demon of mystical swayed to the side with a crack. In the horror of Anglo, the body of Han Shuo falling from the sky crashed on Anglo.

Crying shouts, he immediately exhaled from Angel’s mouth, and Angel, who was just flying and arrogantly proud, heard a painful cry. I saw Han Shuo as if Evil Demon possessed Evil God. The body straddled Angelo’s body, and the crazy bombardment ripped Angelo’s body.

Angelo mixed with fighting aura‘s counterattack, landed on the body of Han Shuo, he did not respond at all, just

Fighting Angel with a more violent and fierce attack, a dual cultivation long palm seems to be a weapon, tearing Angel’s ears abruptly. The bridge of the nose is deeply buried in the cheek, the blood in both eyes is blurred, the eyeballs have burst into a viscous plasma overflow, the chest skin is torn by the madness of Han Shuo, and the large pieces of meat are scratched with blood. Crack, such a scene makes people scalp tingling.

“Save me, save me!” At this time, Angelu’s face became smooth. More terrible than Han Shuo, only one gasping can also make a miserable cry for help.

The Han Shuo caught in the situation of Demonic Mental State, only the killing and destruction of the heart is refreshing, and there is no peace and patience in the weekdays. It seemed a little impatient under Angel’s call. A fist slammed into Angel’s big mouth, and the sound of broken teeth suddenly came, and Angel was weakly “whining” more than once, and then spit out the broken tongue with teeth.

“Oh. God, how can we get such a madman! “Not far away, Ryan saw the cruel brutal violence of Han Shuo in his eyes, and his body shivered with cold in his heart. He screamed involuntarily.

The fist bombardment, still with Han Shuo ground fist, fell on Anglo land cheek and neck. Originally, “Woo” more than Angelu. The chest is facing upward but cheek is already facing the ground. This shape shows that his neck is obviously broken. Angelo has already died.

“What’s wrong with Han, how cruel?” The other side. The group of Aphrodite who was about to attack were all frightened and stupid, and even forgot to continue to attack those enemies, just stunned there watching Han Shuo violence.

Angelica, don’t stay here!” Nia saw curiously Angelica wanted to come and see what happened, and suddenly screamed, preventing Angelica from approaching, and unwilling to let him see this kind of scene.

“Don’t let them run away, Han is a bit wrong now, but we should help him now.” Although Trunks is also countless killings, but now the Han Shuo’s atrocities also make him feel a bit scalp and numb, but Trunks has experienced strong winds and waves after all. Characters, at this time understand what should be done.

After Trunks rushed with Manticore, the fighting aura of Longsword White burst into bloom and immediately killed the opponent with a Robber and an archer. fighting aura of White represents the identity of Swordmaster, and the appearance of Manticore means Trunks’ status.

Until this time, these talents knew that they had gotten into the Trunks in Dark Forest, and the Ryan moaned and said painfully: “Damn, how can we be so unlucky, just meet a lunatic of terrifying, I actually encountered this famous star. “

“Damn, how could it be Trunks, everyone flash quickly!” Another Swordsman , also shyly shouted out.

A group of more than a dozen people, including four of Advanced Swordsman and Advanced Mage, plus the balance of various occupations, this strength is actually strong enough. Even if you add Trunks here, you may not have a certain victory to deal with them, but on the one hand because of the Trunks’ name, on the other hand because of the exaggerated actions of Han Shuo’s, these people were finally appalled and made a decision to retreat.

“You guys stay here, I’ll go chase.” When Aphrodite and others tried to chase them, Trunks suddenly shouted.

His voice just came out, and he has n’t had time to fall yet. Han Shuo after Demonic Mental State has jumped from Angel ’s corpse and flew out together with the demon killing speed, rushing towards the escaped Ryan like lightning. .

“That Evil Demon is catching up, Ryan, how come you think of them, and you are killing us!” A Swordsman turned his head and saw Han Shuo appear, complaining to Ryan painfully.

“Everyone separates, although the Evil Demon ca n’t see the strength, but he can kill Anglo in this way, it seems that it will not be worse than Trunks, you better expect not to meet him, otherwise you will be tortured to death “” Ryan immediately changed direction after shouting this sentence.

Everyone has just seen the brutality of Han Shuo’s. At this time, no Ryan reminder is needed. All of them suddenly changed their directions. They gathered together in twos and threes and fled here in several directions. Although they have heard that Trunks’ is powerful, they know that Trunks hasn’t killed people so cruelly, so they would rather meet Trunks rather than encounter Evil Demon Han Shuo, which is of unknown strength but also unknown.

With a whine, Han Shuo appeared here, and then rushed forward without stopping. In front of a river, two Intermediate Swordsman and an electrical Advanced Mage were finally caught up by Han Shuo.

At first sight, the three of them turned out to be Han Shuo. They all showed expressions of fear, and their bodies could not help shaking. Seeing Han Shuo approaching quickly, Advanced Mage finally couldn’t help but ranted: “*, fight with him, otherwise we will definitely be tortured to death by him.”

Electricity Advanced Mage said so ~ ~ A section of magic incantation exit, the five lightnings in the void walk like Dragon Snake, winding and entangled towards Han Shuo. The two Intermediate Swordsmans were holding long swords, and looked nervous because of the fear.

Until Han Shuo rushed in front of three people, after avoiding three lightning strikes, two bodies of scorched black appeared, the two Swordsman and Mage were overjoyed, the two Swordsman forward Mage was going to get in the future Dead Han Shuo.

It’s a pity they couldn’t understand the strength of Han Shuo‘s body. Two lightning bolts Han Shuo’s were wounded, but they didn’t feel pain under Demonic Mental State. The madness after Demonic Mental State supported Han Shuo and rushed into two Swordsman and Mage , Immediately launched a desperate fight.

After a few breaths, with a crazy fighting spirit, he hardly hit the two waves of swords of two Swordsman s, and killed the electric system Advanced Mage of the Han Shuo ’s physical condition, and then spelled the final Demonic Essence Force. After receiving a Swordsman , he finally lost his strength completely, and he became paralyzed.

“He can’t do it anymore, help me kill him, hurry up!” The seriously injured Intermediate Swordsman fell in the pool of blood and shouted at another person.

There is only one Intermediate Swordsman left, with a gloomy face and an excited sword, walking step by step towards the paralyzed, Han Shuo with no Demonic Essence Force physical strength.

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