Great Demon King Chapter 1008: Summon

After Han Shuo left the Dark Elf territory, five Dark Elf women joined forces and dragged the bodies of Adele and several Elf elders into the lowest cellar, claiming that Adele and several Elf elders arrived The world tour on the ground has gone.

After a few days, tens of thousands of small spiders suddenly gathered in the cellar, as if all the small spiders in the entire Dark Elf territory had been gathered. These small spiders did not know how to come to the cellar. Dark Elf in the entire territory Not aware of it.

Thousands of small spiders densely filled the entire cellar. Crazy creeping on the corpse of Adele, each little spider spit out a strange force, and fell on the corpse of Adele, those little spiders After spitting out the power carried by within the body, all of them dried up and died.

This process lasted for a while. Millions of small spiders poured into the cellar spit out the power carried by within the body, and all died in the cellar.

Adele ’s shrivelled corpse slowly weathered, and after a few days there was only one bones frame left, but there was an extra bead in the Adele ’s skull size shining with blue halo, which was filled with Han Shuo had the wicked power of Spider Goddess Rose of absorb.

Suddenly one day, this blue bead suddenly exploded thousands of blue silk threads, which were inserted into the bodies of several dead Elf elders. It took only a while for several Elf elders ‘bodies to draw a blue ray of light, and several Elf elders’ bodies were all turned into fly ash. This area flew to the Spider Goddess Rose ground temple.

In the temple. A pure Dark Elf girl. What is praying prayerfully to Statue of Spider Goddess Rose. This Dark Elf girl seems to be only the age of a human 17- to 18-year-old girl. It seems that she has not been deeply corroded by the Dark Elf obscene culture. The expression of visiting Rose Statue is like the most devout believer.

When she murmured in the local language of Dark Elf and continued to bow to Statue of Rose, the blue bead flying out of the cellar suddenly floated to the top of her head. Suddenly, the blue bead Thousands of blue rays exploded. Wrap the girl below tightly.

A huge amount of energy suddenly burst out of the blue beads and was sent to the girl ’s place within the body through the blue light. The young Dark Elf girl who was caught in the blue light shouted, Unfortunately, because the lips are also covered by blue. Her screams couldn’t be heard at all.

The pupils of emerald green colored‘s pupils gradually turned white. The screams gradually subsided. Come over for a while, the blue beads and thousands of blue light element on the top of the head are submerged into the girl’s land within the body. The girl body within the body fell around the blue light and fell in front of the Statue of Spider Goddess Rose. It wasn’t until dawn that the blue light of the girl within the body disappeared completely, and her blushing pupil was restored to emerald green colored.

After the girl stood up from the ground, she paid a deep salute to Statue of Spider Goddess Rose. Then gritted his teeth and said: “Bryan. I must let you taste the pain and kill you in the same way!” At that time, I was laughing happily, Cemetery of Death wrapped around the laughter of Han Shuo, which sounded full of joy and refreshment. .

In front of Han Shuo’s, a Elder Corpse Beast about two meters tall, with long blue hair and fangs with sharp claws, finally came under this plane under his Summoning Spell, Elder Corpse Beast came out roaring, this High Level ’s undead, even in the Chiao continent, is not constrained by the world law. That huge sound is indeed spread throughout the Cemetery of Death, mixed with Han Shuo’s laughter.

Elder Corpse Beast roared, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the contractor in front of him. He flew straight towards Han Shuo. The speed was like a blue lightning, and two one-meter-long claws rang directly in the wind. hū hū , The momentum is amazing.

“Damn, it’s still a bit wrong. It seems that Summoning Spell is not all successful. Otherwise, as soon as such a powerful undead arrives from Other World , it will attack Necromancer immediately, and then Necromancer will be miserable in the battle.” Han Shuo scolded Suddenly, I saw Elder Corpse Beast rushed over and hurriedly grabbed the Demon Front.

The Skeleton staff on the left hand of Han Shuo brandished a incantation with a chanting. A huge Bone Shield was sharply formed in front of Han Shuo, a sharp bone spur protruded above the shield, Elder Corpse Beast “Bang” banged on Bone Shield, and Bone Shield burst into bursts Opening, Elder Corpse Beast suddenly fell to the ground.

The Bone Shield condensed by Grand Magus realm has a lot of robustness and area. Elder Corpse Beast rushes over and can only break Bone Shield, and cannot penetrate the Bone Shield interception at once.

Do n’t wait for Elder Corpse Beast to get up, the killing edge in the hands of Han Shuo flew out, only listening to the piercing sound of gold and iron. The sharp claws on the right side of Elder Corpse Beast broke two, but Han Shuo is astonished, no Understand how the sharp claws of Elder Corpse Beast were formed. When the demon killer fell, he only cut off two of them, and it seemed very laborious.

The sharpness of the killing spirit is well known in Han Shuo, plus absorb has a huge and fierce spirit that was carefully forged by Han Shuo. It is really slicing gold and stone without effort. Han Shuo has not really expected this Elder Corpse Beast It was so terrible that his claws had only broken two pieces under the slash of the demon killing front.

Elder Corpse Beast fell to the ground, grinned again, and rushed towards Han Shuo again. Skeleton staff in the hands of Han Shuo waved, one hundred and ten Bone Spear came out, although Bone Spear failed to pierce Elder Corpse Beast, but Elder Corpse Beast was repeatedly backed by one hundred and ten Bone Spear thorns.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Han Shuo relied on the contract power to send this Elder Corpse Beast back using Skeleton staff.

It is not that Han Shuo is afraid of this Elder Corpse Beast, and it is not difficult to kill this Elder Corpse Beast with the strength of Han Shuo’s. However, the Elder Corpse Beast that attacked the owner as soon as it was summoned was obviously created because of a problem with incantation. At present, the most important thing is how to chanting correctly Summoning Spell. Instead of consuming this Elder Corpse Beast.

After leaving Underground World, Han Shuo practiced Grand Magus level Summoning Spell in Cemetery of Death for several days. After such a period of intensive research, Han Shuo gradually mastered the skills, which can call this Elder Corpse Beast from Other World today.

Elder Corpse Beast immediately attacked me as soon as Other World came, and he must not be completely restrained by the power of the contract, otherwise he would never dare to attack me.” Han Shuo muttered to himself. Frowning and thinking hard about the details when Summoning Spell was just launched.

Take out the thick Necromancy Magic book and read it deeply. Han Shuo read it deeply. After a while, it screamed, “Should I make a contract Ah! halfway?”

When Summoning Spell was used to introduce Elder Corpse Beast into this exotic land, Han Shuo first used incantation to communicate with Other World . After searching for the syllable of Elder Corpse Beast, chanting. Han Shuo’s Mental Force will instantly reach Other World through the infinite space. At this time, Han Shuo can randomly lock a Elder Corpse Beast.

The latter process is to use Mental Force to suppress the locked Elder Corpse Beast, and then use Mental Force to suppress the Elder Corpse Beast ’s resistance, take the opportunity to form a contract to bring him into the space tunnel, and then instantly cross the mysterious space tunnel , Coming to Chiao.

But from this obscure Necromancy Magic book, Han Shuo noticed a note in a remote corner, meaning that Other World creature is the most powerful in Other World . But once left Other World escape into the space tunnel. But it will enter the weakest point in an instant, once coming from the space tunnel to the material world. They will be able to recover again.

Of course, undead is always the most powerful genius in Necromancy. In the material world of Chiao Continent, because there is no strong pole death qi, their power will be limited to a certain extent.

But even so, undead can still exert powerful power in the physical world. As long as creature exists in the physical world, there will be dead souls death qi. Although there are not many worlds where they are condensed purely by death qi, they can also be They provide the required strength, plus their own death qi, even if it comes to this Chiao continent, the strength will not be particularly different.

However, in the process of moving from Necromancy Happy Land to Chiao Continent, the material world, we must travel through the mysterious space tunnel in an instant. The original distance should be infinite, but under the influence of the contract and Mental Force, maybe incantation Containing the mystery of the space law, but the distance that should have been infinite is reduced to the instant.

According to the difference in Necromancer Mental Force and proficiency in summoning incantation, the time for undead to cross the space tunnel from Necromancy Other World to enter the physical world is also different. The stronger the strength, the deeper the understanding of Necromancy Magic and the deeper the understanding of Necromancer, the shorter the time it takes.

Generally, Necromancer from Magic Apprentice to Archmage level, it takes three to five seconds for undead to reach the world from Other World . Today’s Han Shuo is already considered to be Necromancer advanced to Grand Magus level, this time is only one second.

If it is Sacred Magus level Necromancer, the travel time is even calculated in milliseconds, it is almost summon incantation 10%, undead instantly settled in this material world. (The process of chanting incantation is actually to communicate with Other World undead to find and suppress a series of processes to conclude the contract.)

However, whether it is a first look at the Magic Apprentice of Necromancy Magic , or Necromancy Sacred Magus, which has a deep understanding of the nature of Necromancy Magic , and whether he is calling a lowest-level Skeletal Warrior, or undead Bone Dragon of terrifying, the summoned undead always needs to pass through a space tunnel.

Although this time has its strengths and weaknesses according to Mage, this step is always inevitable. According to this note, it seems that no matter how powerful undead is, in this space tunnel without any death qi, it is very Weak.

With reference to the strongest law in the Necromancy Magic when undead is weakest, Han Shuo seems to suddenly realize what it is. Han Shuo is moving again. chanting Necromancy Magic again, focusing his attention on the best state. With the syllables of incantation Change, suddenly and a Other World Elder Corpse Beast has contact.

When Elder Corpse Beast struggled hard, Han Shuo Mental Force torrents broke out, suppressing his struggle, as necromancy incantation continued chanting, Han Shuo’s Mental Force gradually suppressed the resistance of Elder Corpse Beast, when incantation chanting reached the time of crossing the syllable Han Shuo drove Elder Corpse Beast into the space tunnel ~ ~ As soon as Elder Corpse Beast escaped into the space tunnel, within that second, Han Shuo used its full strength to quickly conclude a contract with Elder Corpse Beast, and one second passed By the way, Elder Corpse Beast suddenly came in front of Cemetery of Death Han Shuo’s.

Sighing lightly, Han Shuo stared at this reappearing Elder Corpse Beast, ready to respond at any time. Elder Corpse Beast fell in front of Han Shuo, the terrifying image of this Elder Corpse Beast did not have any movement, and did not rush to Han Shuo like last time.

After watching Elder Corpse Beast so deeply for a while, Han Shuo gradually got a little more happy in his heart, trying to convey a message from the past, Elder Corpse Beast flew around in the spot based on the message from Han Shuo. From the emotions of Elder Corpse Beast, Han Shuo sensed his impatience and even disgust. He seemed to hate this boring act very much, but he still did as Han Shuo’s instructed, the power of the contract made him unable to resist.

“It’s done, and finally it’s done!” Han Shuo laughed haha, knowing that this time Summoning Spell was considered a real success, and was filled with a strong sense of satisfaction in his heart.

The Elder Corpse Beast Summoning Spell of Necromancy Grand Magus realm is now finally realized with the tireless efforts of Han Shuo. Elder Corpse Beast is 10% of Summoning Spell, and the following Bone Demon and Mummy Lord Summoning Spell will be able to be mastered soon.

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