Goddess Medical Doctor: Part 246 is involved with Futianmen

? Feeling calm down. “Yes!”

“I didn’t chase him!” murmured.

“Brother won’t wait to be chased by you!”

Nan Huofeng’s fiery red eyes looked at him, and she slightly avoided her lower eyes unconsciously. Although he had seen it so many times, he understood that it was nothing, but he still didn’t dare to look directly. Those eyes. “So, did he go by himself? He even went to the road that was the enemy of Yanlin Fort?”

I feel shocked inside, but still calm on the surface. “I… don’t know what else you said…”

“What I’m talking about, you know best in your heart, don’t drag the matter to the point where it can’t be solved…” When the words fall, turn around and leave!

I felt hesitant for a long time before shouting. “Wait!”

Nan Huofeng stopped and half turned around. “Huh?”

“I…if I tell you…”

Understand the hesitation in his heart. “I am now the owner of Yanlin Fort, I will take on everything!” Nan Huofeng said.

Jueran gritted his teeth. “Okay, I’ll tell you everything, but the eldest brother…he is gone now, can’t you…” Looking at her expectantly.

South Fire Phoenix smiled slightly. “I will find someone to bring him back!”

I smiled gratefully. “Thank you!”

Nan Huofeng shook his head slightly, and his reaction to his family was still cold, just as they did to her. “Now?”

“Get everyone, I’ll tell you…”


“Second brother!” Feeling Liu yelled uneasy, she only dared to snuggle in her husband’s arms. Since Nanhuofeng became the fort lord, her behavior has slowed down a lot, and she is afraid that her family will be driven away. Out of Yanlin Fort…

Je Ran nodded comfortably to his sister, and then said to all the family members. “I came to you today to confess something in public…”

The people in Jue’s family looked at each other uncomfortably!

“It’s what each of you is worried about…” Jue Ran continued.

After hearing this, I feel that my family understands…I understand what he is going to say!

“Second brother, is this okay?” Jue Liu asked worriedly, aiming at two people intentionally or unintentionally.

“This is the best way, do you have any other way?”

Je Liu and his second brother looked at each other for a while, then shook their head baldly.

“Then let me tell everything!” If you ask for advice, or if you have already decided, look at all the family members.

Je family, you look at me, I look at you, and finally all eyes are on Jue Ran, and finally they nodded hesitantly!

After receiving their consent, I realized that this was facing the Southern Fire Phoenix. “What I want to tell you will involve your future husband-in-law…”

Jian Xingfang pointed to his nose. “Me?”

“Well!” Jueran nodded. “Futianmen, the little prince knows it?” He is a person with important positions, and he cannot be ignorant if others don’t know.

Jian Xingfang glanced at Nan Huofeng, he smiled and nodded. “Well, I’ve heard…but the news I got is that this Futian Gate is a fake…”

“A counterfeit?” Feeling frowned, and this one?

Jian Xingfang put one hand on his chin and nodded.

“I won’t talk about that for now, let’s do it now…” Nan Huofeng gently returned to the topic.

“Oh!” Jue Ran said lightly, hesitated, then said. “Actually, Yanlinbao has already joined Futianmen……”

They knew about this a long time ago, and now they bring it up by themselves, it would be better to solve it.

“Really?” Jian Xingfang smiled lightly.

“That was in the south…No, it happened before the castle lord came back…”

“Jue Zheng led you to join!”

I felt hesitated for a while before speaking. “No, this matter was approved by all of us……”

Jian Xingfang raised his eyebrows. “I think you know why the Futian Gate was established……. Are you so dissatisfied with the court?”

“No…it’s not…” Jue Ran hurriedly denied. “I didn’t say anything before, I was afraid you would think that way!”

“Okay, then give me a reason for not letting me think like this…” Jian Xingfang said plainly.

Jue Ran breathed a sigh of relief. “We joined the Futianmen, and we did not have any big intentions on the court, but the status of Yanlin Fort in the arena…”

“I knew it was for such meaningless things…” Jian Xingfang muttered to himself. “Tell me, why?” Huoer asked what she wanted to ask!

Jue Ran first glanced at Nan Huofeng involuntarily before speaking. “The Yanlin Fort was originally the supreme martial arts, no one would dare not follow…”

“As far as I know, that was when my father-in-law was alive…” Jian Xingfang interrupted.

“Yes!” He couldn’t deny that. “But since his third brother… Yan Linbao’s prestige has plummeted, and more and more people are coming to provoke. My eldest brother and I are both unwilling to be questioned and despised like this…”

After all, it is the ambition of these two men…….

“So when Futianmen came to you, you tried every means to convince your family to join the Futianmen together?” Jian Xingfang said one by one of his guesses.

“Yes!” Jueran admitted. “But my family members agree…”

“Really?” He glanced at the family member behind him, smiled and didn’t say anything…”Then you are thinking about it now?”

“I know that it is impossible for the castle owner to join the Futian Gate, and the prestige of Yanlin Fortress, I believe that the castle owner can also achieve it. Therefore, we will withdraw from the Futian Gate, but they will not be so easy. Give up what you have already got…”

Speaking nicely, it means advancing and retreating with the fort lord, but the ugly point is that I don’t want to be driven out of Yanlin Fort…

Nan Huofeng crossed his hands and placed his chin on his chin. He kept listening quietly, and smiled slightly at what Jue Ran said last. “Okay, I see, I will deal with it, I only ask you one thing, in order to restore the reputation of Yanlin Fort, you are so desperate, and what is the difference from what Jue Zheng usually does?”

The same is discrediting Yanlin Fort, are they stubbornly seeing others’ shortcomings, but not their own?

Jezheng is coveting money and strengthening his own position, so what about them? In this way, they are not coveting the illusory prestige, the result of what they have done, and how is it different from Juezheng?

When she was questioned like this, she felt that she couldn’t say anything to refute for a while……

“Okay!” Nan Huofeng got up. “What you have to say, I already know it, you don’t have to worry about this matter…”

“Wait!” When she was about to go out, she felt her steps. “Futianmen may send someone here at any time… Don’t we need to make preparations in advance?”

Nan Huofeng turned around to look at him. “No, I’m still waiting for them!” he said proudly. “Also, don’t call them Futianmen, they are not worthy, what the Xingfang just said is correct, they are just a bunch of fake guys, they are also filthy **** at Futianmen…”

Je Ran frowned, she seemed to know the Futian Gate very well.

When Jian Xingfang walked past him with a smile, she said a little in his ear. “Don’t be in front of the real brand and talk about the fake brand. If you say too much, my fire will be angry!” After speaking, he passed through like the wind…

Counterfeit? Genuine? He just feels confused….

“Fire Phoenix…”

Hearing the call, the two stopped, and at the same time turned around to welcome the person.

“Cousin?” For cousin Mingxin who will be chased out, she is not very surprised…

“Futian Gate, can you really solve it?” Jue Ming looked at her with a serious face and asked.

Nanhuofeng raised his eyebrows when he heard this. “They are not Futianmen…” I repeated it again. “And I’m really waiting for them to come, to solve this one time…”

“Huo’er is responsible for the Xinfutian Gate, and I am one of the people sent by the court to be responsible for this matter…”

Squinted, looking at the unmarried couple. “You have known for a long time that we have joined Futianmen?” Seeing their reaction, he had to doubt.

The two glanced at each other, smiled slightly, and nodded to admit.

“Yes, but if you want to solve this matter, you still have to say it yourself. It’s better…” Jian Xingfang said with a smile.

Jeming smiled lazily, and put his hands around his chest. “I knew you were not easy, and you, Huofeng…” His eyes looked at her as if seeing this cousin for the first time. “It’s really grown up, it’s different, and it’s very capable…”

Nan Huofeng smiled upon hearing such words of praise. “Thank you cousin for the praise, cousin is also very good…” On the rivers and lakes, when I mentioned the lazy swordsman, no one knew, no one knew!

“Don’t laugh at me!” Jue Mingxin waved his hand. “Compared with you, the descendant of the medical immortal, I am far behind…” From the first time he heard the descendant of the medical immortal, he suspected it was her!

“None of you guys should be humble, they are all great!” Jian Xingfang joked. “The topic between your cousins ​​is so monotonous and boring…

Je Mingxin and Nan Huofeng looked at each other and grinned.

“Seriously, whether the current Futian Gate is true or not, their strength should not be underestimated, otherwise Dad and us would not be so guarded…”

“Don’t worry, cousin, I’m all set!”

“Well, that is, their power is not to be underestimated, but our power is not bad. Just say that you guys are well-known players in the arena, plus Huoer and me. , I can also adjust some troops, and even the national divisions…” Jian Xingfang counted scatteredly. “There is no problem!”

Actually, he thinks it is too much for him to count this way. If Huo’er wants to be real, she is enough…

“Guo Shi?” Jue Mingxin frowned. He didn’t have a good impression of the three people he saw that day.

“Don’t underestimate them!”

“I don’t have this!” The national teacher of the Divine Phoenix Nation, the Jue Ru clan, he has heard about it to some extent. He would not underestimate them, but… “After all, we are honored. Regarding Mao State, let the people of Divine Phoenix State participate, will it be too…”

“I explain my cousin Xin!” yelled with Huoer. “Did you forget that Huoer has another identity…”

After he reminded me like this, I realized it came to mind. “Oh, if you don’t tell me, I really forgot, then…”

“Without my order, the national teacher and others would not easily make a move…”

And even if you don’t say anything, the national teacher will not move. With her, the national teacher is not worried at all. He will just sit and watch the show, don’t say anything to help….

Je Ming smiled apologetically. “You know I have no other meaning…”

“Well, cousin, I understand!” Silent understanding flowed between the pair of cousins.

“That’s good!” Jue Ming nodded with satisfaction. “If you need my help, just come to me!” After nodding to the two of them, he turned and left!

“I think your vision is really right, he fits well!” Jian Xingfang said as he walked back, holding her hand.

“Hmm!” Nan Huofeng gently shook his hands. “I believe I can’t read it wrong!”

Jian Xingfang looked at her. “I really didn’t expect that such a lazy person, so patient and resilient!”

“Hiding under a lazy appearance is shrewd!”

“He really can bear it…” That Jue Mingxin, who clearly disagrees with his father and them joining the Futian Gate, has no objections to his father. He walked with his father because he knew It’s useless to say more by yourself! Then while following their father’s wishes, they secretly figured out how to smash the poisonous branch of Futianmen……

Even if he is eager to get out of this situation, he is still very calm, step by step, and stand still…

“Hmm!” Nan Huofeng agreed. “Cousin Yi single-handedly, it is not easy to achieve this level, at least he has never let Yanlinbao go on the path of evil…”

“I admire this, but…” Jian Xingfang suddenly looked at her seriously. “For the Futian Gate, according to your ability, it should have been solved long ago, why has it been delayed until now?” This drag has been delayed for several years!

Nan Huofeng shrugged. “It’s not a foster father. Even if we can solve it quickly, the foster father said that this is the way Rong Mao Guo must take. If he didn’t take it more than ten years ago, then we have to take that one time now. Everyone’s fate will be involved in this matter…”

Speaking of it this way, the two of them really knew each other because of the Futian Gate.. Brother and Xiaofeng were also…… I heard that Xiaofeng’s eldest brother was also dealing with this matter. I met someone in my life!

“So, in order not to disrupt the normal order of this matter, we generally don’t use our own power too much. We really rely on human efforts, but the newly established Futian Gate is not simple. The characters, they know everything about the original Futian Gate, and even all the habits of the master, so they have always been very well hidden, plus they have had a long period of silence and disappearance, which will be delayed until now, It’s not surprising!”

Jian Xingfang sighed. “As long as the foster father said, it is not surprising that it will last ten or eight years!”

South Fire Phoenix laughed lightly. “I sometimes think so too!”

If Nan somehow hears it, I don’t know if he will jump with anger! ! !

“Well, Senior Sister, I will bring you the person you want!” Mo Fengchen threw a sandbag behind him. “Really, I’m not honest all the way…”

“Okay, thank you very much!”

Mo Fengchen waved his hand. “It’s okay, I’ll go now!” She has other things to deal with in a hurry.

“Little wind…’


“Futian Gate…….”

“It is not yet time to die…” Mo Fengchen said, half sideways. “I have to wait for a while, this time you can take care of my sister!”

Sigh. “Okay, I get it! “When will this be delayed?

After Mo Fengchen left, Jian Xing asked. “Foot-father said it again!”


“Want to wait?”

“Yes!” Nan Huofeng said with a sigh. “The terminator of this matter is Xiaofeng…”

“Huh? Xiaofeng?”


Jian Xingfang certainly didn’t understand why it was the little girl Xiaofeng, but he also knew that even if he asked, he couldn’t ask anything.

“You…” Jue Zheng, who was thrown on the ground, looked at her in amazement. “It’s you…”

Nan Huofeng glanced at him. “Yes, I found someone to bring you back!”

Jue Zheng looked at her blankly, and said suddenly. “Sure enough, everyone you know…” They are all like hers. The little girl can’t see anything on the surface, but it’s also very strange. He knows that he is not often affected by Kung Fu. Human things are subdued.

Nan Huo Feng squinted at him. “It’s better for you not to speak out…” lest she could not help but beat him.

Jezheng choked. “You… why are you looking for someone to bring me back…”

“I already know about Futianmen…”

“You know?” Jue Zheng jumped up in surprise.

Jian Xingfang blew a loud whistle. “The action is really neat!”

At this time, Juezheng didn’t care about his mocking whistle. “What do you want…” asked with a heart.

“I’m already the owner of Yanlin Fort, what else can I do?”

“Do you want to drive all of us out of Yanlin Fort?” Jue Zheng only thought of this possibility!

Jian Xingfang rolled his eyes. “You think everyone is just like you, unfeeling and absolutely righteous!”

“What do you mean?” Jue Zheng asked anxiously.

“It means I will not escape, but will face it!” Nanhuofeng said lightly.

Je Zheng was taken aback. “You have to face Futianmen!”


“No!” Jue Zheng lost his mouth in objection. “You are undoubtedly taking Yanlin Fort on a dead end, you can’t head-on with them!”

Raise an eyebrow. “Then what do you want to do, the original castle owner?” There was a faint mockery on his lips. “Do you want us to take refuge in the embrace of Futianmen like you?”

“…er…” Jue Zheng looked at Jian Xingfang, and knew that it was impossible. “But…that’s not OK…”

“Neither can this, nor that. We can’t stand still, and I am now the fortress of Yanlin Fort. Everything is subject to my decision. You no longer have the right to speak. …….”

Make fists with both hands. “Then what are you looking for me to come back for?”

“I won’t find you back, do I want you to go to Futian Gate, and then come against Yanlin Fort?”

“I…I can’t help…” Jue Zheng said weakly, leaving Yanlin Fort, where can he go to the huge rivers and lakes?

“Then can you take that step?”

“……” Then where should he go?

“Come back to Yanlin Castle to fight the enemy with us…” This is the way Nanhuofeng gave him. ,

“I…” looked at her. “Can I still come back?”

“This is your home…” said lightly.

Jue Zheng stared at her deeply. “Thanks!” said thankful and ashamed.

When Nan Huofeng saw the person sitting in the waiting room, he couldn’t help rolling his eyes. “Long time no see……” said hello after a long time.

The man sitting in the seat drinking tea, was taken aback for a moment, looked at her, frowning suspiciously. “Are you?”

Nanhuofeng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed. “Forget you haven’t seen me like this, I am Nanhuofeng…”

“Nan, Huo, Feng!” The man repeated word by word, his eyes widening as he spoke. “Nan Huofeng!” Jumped up in surprise. “Siyu’s daughter, the descendant of the medical immortal…”

Smiling slightly. “Yes, it’s me!”

“How come you?” looked at her incredibly up and down.

“I was like this!” Nan Huofeng said and sat down!

The man stared at her blankly. “It’s no wonder that there will be news that a foreigner will be the master of Yanlin Fort……. You are the current Fort Master of Yanlin Fort!”

“Hmm!” nodded. “But I’m not a foreigner, my father is Jurin!”

“Je Lin?” Former martial arts leader! “You are the daughter of Jue Lin, but there has been no news about Jue Lin’s children in the rivers and lakes…”

“Because I look like this!”

The man suddenly understood, and accepted the facts and sat down. “Are you really born like this?”

“Yes!” The fiery red eyes looked at her with a smile.

The man looked at her for a while before he said. “It’s amazing…” The more you look at this, the more you can feel from her facial features, she is Nanhuofeng, but the colors of her eyes and hair are different, and there is a flame in her forehead . “But how could this happen? Ming Mingjue’s leader and his wife are both black-haired and black-eyed!” He once met the Juelin couple once.

“Me!” Nan Huofeng still smiled. “Is it inherited from generation to generation……” It’s just that she is more algebraic…

“Inheritance across generations?” The man frowned in confusion. This is not quite right, the old Yanlin Fortress and his wife are even more not…

“Hmm!” Nan Huofeng blinked mysteriously. “Uncle Huo is here this time?”

Huo Pi smiled bitterly. “Needless to say, you already know it!”

“It looks like we are opponents again!”

“I didn’t expect it to be you!”

“I didn’t expect them to send you Uncle Huo to fight this first battle…”

“I came, originally I wanted to keep my sword and gun as low as possible…”

“But it doesn’t seem to work now!” Nan Huofeng said with a smile.

Huo Pi also smiled. “It won’t work, it is impossible to persuade you to join in…”

“Yeah, it’s impossible!” Because she is already a member of the original body of Futianmen.

“Can I be better this time?” He is also looking forward to this young man’s skill!

“As long as Uncle Huo is willing, it’s just…”

“Let’s order until it is!” Huo Pi said actively, he didn’t dare not order it, she is Si Yu’s precious daughter!

“Okay!” After agreeing, I thought about it again. “One more question, is there no other room for negotiation?”

Huo Pi looked at her sorry. “No!”

“Okay!” She was already mentally prepared for such a result. “Uncle Huo want to stay for the meal?”

Huo Pi raised his eyebrows. “Can you keep me?”

“I think this point, I still did it, but can Uncle Huo stay?”

Huo Pi thought about it~IndoMTL.com~Okay, then I will stay! “

“Well, then Uncle Huo will come with me, I think the food is almost ready…”

“Fort lord, you……”When I heard the news, I realized that when I saw this, I cried out in surprise.

“It’s okay, Uncle Huo and I are old acquaintances, let’s go busy with you! “Even if everything has been solved, she has never told him to be indifferent.


“It’s okay!” Crossed him, leading Uncle Huo into it.

Huo Pi nodded with him, and continued walking in, catching up with the already ahead Nanhuofeng. “Your relationship with your family is not good?”

“For the family who have always denied my existence, I really don’t know. How can I improve my relationship with them?”

Hearing this, Huo Pi nodded in agreement. “I heard that you are a princess now?”

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