Goddess Medical Doctor Chapter 244: The sad fact…

? “That is the rule handed down from the ancestors, no wonder the third brother…”

“But why is it my generation, because of that piece of jade, the seat of the castle lord missed me…”

“So you have to do this to us, just to regain the seat of the fortress?” Feeling disappointed looking at him. “Brother, I always thought you would be a good castle owner, so I helped you like that, and went to run against the third brother’s family, but the result? In the end, you made me feel sorry for my own brother…” Regret , He really regrets now.

“You might as well not say anything!”

“If you can…” Jue Zheng smiled bitterly. “I don’t want to say it either, but…” Nan Huofeng glanced at it. “Originally I thought it would be enough to kick Jue Huofeng out of Jue’s house, but what I didn’t expect is that the facts are not as simple as I thought…”

“I… don’t understand!” What the **** is it, let the elder brother who has been painstakingly come this far, frankly the secret he kept for many years!

“I don’t understand. If you want to know, I think they will give you the answer…”

Guoji raised his eyebrows. “The answer is what I told you…” looked at their expressions. “…Uh…that kind of nothingness is really not easy to understand…”

I can’t understand at all!

“Do you have to let them know that they have experienced such and such personal experience?” The national teacher asked and looked at Nan Huofeng. If this is the case, it would take a lot of effort!

“No need!” Nan Huofeng got up. “It’s not that important whether you know it or not, my main purpose is not this…”

“But the main purpose of our coming is to let the family understand everything, accept you, and…”

“I take the kindness of my father, and I will explain the follow-up things to my father personally when the time comes, so you don’t need to worry about it!”

“Yes, Princess Reeves!” The national teacher replied smoothly.

Nan Huofeng was a little surprised that he was so obedient. “You don’t want them to become Jueru’s new blood?”

Guo Shi shook his head slightly. “As the princess said, they have become ordinary people, so just let them be ordinary people!”

“Hmm!” Nan Huofeng nodded in satisfaction, then turned to Jue’s house. “I would never come back, this time it was purely an accident…” A glance at the person who caused the’accident’. “I’m already the person who left the Jue family…” Turning back to them, he said. “And my last name is Nan, not Jue, this is something that will never change again…”

This is what she promised to dad, and it’s the only little revenge for the Jue family…no longer be your family…

“This fire jade…” lifted up something in his palm. “It used to be an artifact that authenticated the Lord of Yanlin Fortress, and…” From the wooden box wrapped in black cloth in the corner, she took out the knife she rarely used…

When she opened the black cloth and they saw the outer box, they already knew what was inside…

“This Yanlin knife…” held it in his hand. “It’s something the castle master exclusively holds…” looked at Jue Zheng. “This is something you have always wanted to get back!”

Je is looking at these two things and smiled sadly. It is impossible for him to get these two things in this life!

“These two things are gifts that my father gave me when I was a child. He said that these originally belonged to me… and Huoyu can shine for me to this point, and Yanlin Dao can be for me I don’t think I need to say anything about it. You should also know… If I came back with these two things before, I would be eligible to be a fortress…”

I felt that the family members looked at the two identity-representing things and nodded silently.

“And even if I had these, I never came back…” I looked at the things in my hands quietly. “Now, I want to get back to my place…”

I felt that my family was taken aback for a moment. Didn’t I just say that I shouldn’t be aware of my family? Now… But even so, they can only nod their heads.

“That’s good!” I looked around. “I am now announcing as the fort lord, that in the future, the fire jade will no longer be the authentication of anyone who is the lord of the fort, and I will take it as my own, and it will no longer belong to the Yanlin fort…”

“This…it’s not so good!” Jueran said, there has never been a castle owner who can decide like this!

“Second brother, give it to her, that originally belonged to her…” Jue Zheng agreed without any objection…

“Jeran opened his mouth, sighed, and said nothing…

“As for the Yanlin Knife…” He looked at the knife in his hand with a slight reluctance. “As long as the castle owner I choose in the future can pull it out, it will belong to the future castle owner for continued inheritance…”

They have no objection on this point…

“…Uh…that, and Huoyunma?” Jue Ran couldn’t help but asked aloud. “Does it still exist?”

Nan Huofeng’s gaze swept over, and he couldn’t help lowering his head to avoid it. “I… don’t mean anything else… just wonder if it still exists in the world…”

“Yes, it’s still…” A red light flashed in his eyes. “Kirin…” As soon as the voice fell, after a horse chirping, a horse flashing red appeared outside the hall door…

I feel that my family’s eyes are wide open, and everyone looks dumbfounded. “Fire Cloud Horse!”

“Its name is Qilin…” Nan Huofeng went out and stroked the horse’s head gently, Qilin bowed his head obediently. “It belongs to me, it never belongs to Yanlin Castle…” First explain in advance.

They dare not blaspheme at all for this species that is a magical horse to them!

“Go!” She patted the horse’s neck. As soon as her voice fell, after another horse croak, the red mist drifted around and the unicorn’s figure slowly disappeared!

I feel like my family blinked and tried hard to accept this fact…

“Okay, one last thing!” Retracted their attention. “I want to carefully select the next castle owner from among you, so please prepare for it in the future. My inspection is very strict…”

…Uh… have you decided so soon? Is it too fast?

“I know that even if you know everything, it is impossible to accept me completely. Then I am in this home only temporarily. After deciding on the next fortress, I will disappear completely. This family…” So many years have passed, and she will no longer have any affection for this family…

The place that has been injured in the past will not hurt anymore, but it will leave scars. They cannot accept her completely, and she cannot give them the so-called affection…

“Jue Zheng!”

Hearing the call, Jue Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then confirmed that he had not heard it wrong, his body was frozen, and he dared not turn around for a long time.

“Why didn’t you dare to turn around and look at me?”

Reluctantly turned back slowly. “No, Yili…” There was a wry smile on her face.

Zhai Yili hummed her hands around her chest. “What good deeds you have done yourself, don’t need me to talk about it!”

The wry smile deepens. “Don’t say that, Yili!”

“Then what do you want me to say, do you betray me again?”

“I…you don’t know my current situation…” He is really hard to protect himself now. He has not been driven out of Yanlin Fort. He should steal Laughed!

“The current result is also your own cause…” Zhai Yili had eyes full of incomprehension. “I don’t understand. Why do you want to do that? No one will know what happened back then…” But he himself admitted all of them. Why?

I glanced at her, sighed and lowered his head. “You won’t understand…”

“You need to tell me just because you don’t understand!” Zhai Yili said naturally. “It was good to help each other, but now you…”

“I really can’t help you…”

“You…” Zhai Yili clenched her fists angrily. “If I knew I hadn’t waited for you, wouldn’t it be better to come by myself? In that case, I wouldn’t be still standing still like this…”

Jezheng avoids her accusing eyes.

“Forget it!” Zhai Yili said suddenly. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have believed you this man from the beginning… it’s all my own fault…” After speaking, turn around and leave. Never look at this man again. .

Looking at the back of her leaving, Jue Zheng opened his mouth. “Yi Li…”

Zhai Yili didn’t even pause in her footsteps, so she continued to move forward.

“Yili…” Jue Zheng did not catch up either. “I’m sorry…this is what I owe you all the time…”

Hearing those three words, Zhai Yili stopped, and melancholy appeared on Wei Hang’s face…Sorry, how many years have she waited for these three words… ..

Looking up at the sky, with these three words…”I and you never have any past or future…”Let it go, let it go completely For this man who is sorry for her…

Feeling a slight pain in my heart. “I know I don’t have any qualifications to stay with those who have gone far, but please take care of yourself, and don’t go head-to-head with Nan Huofeng, you can’t fight her…” said heartfelt words. . “Also…some things, you have to prepare mentally, she may already know…”

Hearing the latter sentence, Zhai Yili suddenly turned around, her eyes full of unbelief. “Impossible……. If she had known long ago, why didn’t she come to me……”

“Since she did not come to you, it means she let you go, so don’t mess with her anymore…”

Zhai Yili’s face was pale, and after a moment, she murmured. “Thank you for your advice…” The words fell, and left without staying!

“She is still outside the door?”

“Well, if I don’t see you, I won’t leave!”

“Didn’t you go to see her?”

Jian Xingfang shrugged. “I saw her, but she still wants to see you…”

Frown. “What the **** does she want to do…” Annoyingly brushed her hair. “Isn’t her purpose to save her husband Hou? Then just find you…”

“It may be because I never let go!”

“Can you find me so you can relax?”

“She thinks so!” But I think about it. If Huoer speaks, no matter how difficult the matter is, he will find a way to do it…

I bow my head and don’t know what the mumbled sentence is…”Then leave her alone…’

Jian Xingfang didn’t say much. For Huo’er, it was too difficult to see that person!

I don’t know how long it took, Nan Huofeng stood at the window and looked at the people still standing in front of the courtyard. “It’s dark…” That means she has been standing outside for a whole day.

“Why don’t you see her and see what she wants to say…” He knew Huo’er still couldn’t bear it, even if the woman outside was the chief culprit who caused the destruction of their family… …

When Huo’er told him, he finally understood why Huo’er would not take revenge…

“See her?” Nan Huofeng’s hand on the window frame tightened suddenly.

“Don’t use so hard, you won’t see you!” Jian Xingfang quickly grabbed her hand. “Look at them all are wooden thorns…” Yanlin Fort’s things are indistinguishable. Even the window frames are made of fine wood, but now she has pinched them into a depression, showing how much she has made. strength. “Aren’t you tossing yourself and torturing me…” Distressedly picked out the wooden thorn in her hand!

“It’s okay…” With his hand in his hand, his face tilted up slightly, looking at the gray sky. “It’s raining soon…”

Jian Xingfang looked at her like this and opened his mouth, but he opened and closed his mouth several times, but in the end he didn’t say anything. He didn’t understand what Huoer thought, he obviously hated that person, but Now again…

Nan Huofeng looked at the face of the person outside the courtyard faintly. The reason why she was so cruel to that person, only she knew…

Rumble….Rumble…several muffled thunders blasted not far away…sparkling silver light across the sky… .

“Madam, you’d better go, the princess said that she won’t see you…” Wei Ying ran out to spread the word.

The woman with her head down, glanced up at him slightly, then pursed her lips and shook her head. “I won’t go if I can’t see her!”

“Ugh…” Wei Ying sighed. “Madam, why are you so persistent?”

Zhai Yili bowed her head silently.

Giving her another look, Wei Ying turned around and went back to report.

…… The rain, after finally a thunder that resounded through the sky, it fell with a pop……..

Zhai Yili lowered her head, and then her mind followed the raindrops that fell ruthlessly…in a short while her clothes were all soaked.

Except for the two shadow guards outside the door, no one else is haunting this rainy day…

In this way, I don’t know how long it has been raining, but Zhai Yili only felt cold all over her body…. Her body was also trembling in the rain…

A helpless footstep came slowly…

An umbrella, covering the top of her head…

Zhai Yili slowly raised her head and looked at the woman in red standing in front of her with wet hair and corners of her clothes. She had no choice but to have facial features similar to her.

“Do you have to see me like this?”

Zhai Yili’s teeth are starting to fight, and she can’t say a word…

Nanhuofeng sighed lightly. “Come with me!” He walked forward holding the umbrella, but after turning around, he motioned to the shadow guard at the door to give her an umbrella…

Zhai Yili took the umbrella in her hand, slowly held it up, and followed her……..

“Sit down!” Nanhuofeng put his umbrella at the door, walked to a seat and sat down……..

Zhai Yili looked at the room, there was no one else besides her. After the tunnel followed in, she sat down in the position she indicated.

“That is **** soup on the table, drink a little warmth!” Nan Huofeng said, looking at the tea cup in his hand, without looking at her.

Zhai Yili glanced at her, picked up the teacup on the table, and sipped the thick **** soup…

After that, no one spoke between the two, only a deep silence surrounding them…

“You don’t want to see me at all, do you?” Zhai Yili said after an unknown period of time.

When Nanhuofeng heard the words, he was slightly startled, his fingers stroked the rim of the cup silently…

“Why?” Zhai Yili asked. “Didn’t you like the aunt the most?”

After listening to her words, Nanhuofeng’s fingers tightened slightly…

Zhai Yili looked at her silent niece, and asked tentatively. “Or…what do you know?” Is it really like what Jue Zheng said.

Nan Huofeng did not answer, but asked instead. “What the **** do you want me to do… If it is about Lord Hou, forgive me for my incompetence, and I have no right to interfere with the affairs of Rongmao country…”

Zhai Yili looked at her quietly for a while. “Sure enough, you know something…” murmured.

Suddenly put down the teacup. “If there is nothing else to say, please come back, madam!”

“Wait!” Zhai Yili got up anxiously and stood in front of her who was about to leave.

Nan Huofeng was taken aback, and looked away.

Seeing her reaction like that, Zhai Yili’s lips overflowed with a smile instead. “Why, don’t you dare to look at my face? Are you afraid that you will feel soft?”

Hold your hands on your side, clenching tightly.

“I came to you, indeed because of my husband…” Seeing her silent, Zhai Yili continued. “The little prince seems to love you very much…” When she said that she loved that person, she unconsciously brought contempt in her tone. Who would really like someone who looks like a monster? “As long as you speak up, I believe the little prince will be willing to reach out and help!”

“I said about the affairs of the court, I have no right to interfere…”

“I didn’t let you interfere in the affairs of the government, I just made you move your lips….As long as you have a word…’

“I don’t know how to say anything, it’s his business how Xing Fang decides that…” Nan Huofeng quickly interrupted her.

Zhai Yili squinted. “Are you retaliating against me?”

South Fire Phoenix is ​​silent.

“If you are really retaliating against me, shouldn’t I be grateful that you didn’t fall into trouble with my husband?” Zhai Yili put her arms around her chest, looking high.

“I don’t know what else you are talking about. It’s late, and you are in the rain again. Go back soon!”

Zhai Yili raised her eyebrows. “You are reluctant and distressed, why? If you already know the truth……. um…… let me think……” Chin. “Is it because of my face? If it is, then I really have to thank my face!” There was a deep self-deprecating voice in his voice.

Nan Huofeng still didn’t look at her, and walked out…the air here is suffocating, making her unable to stay for a minute…

Zhai Yili turned around with her, looked at her back and said. “Since I know everything, why don’t you do it? Didn’t you kill me? Is it because of my face? “The resentment of the voice is so shocking…

Nanhuofeng froze in place.

“Why, why didn’t you kill me? Don’t kill me?” Zhai Yili asked as if she was crazy. “Is it because of this face? Is it?”

South Fire Phoenix lowered his head. “Because mother……” There are moist eyes.

“I know, is it because of this face?” He raised his head and laughed, tears of laughter slipped out of the corner of his eyes. “Why, why…” shouted again and again. “Why heaven treats me so unfairly, that woman, that woman has obviously disappeared in this world, but I still have to rely on her for shelter, it’s ridiculous…It’s ridiculous…” Face Tears keep coming….

Outside the room was the rumble of thunder, and in the room was her crazy laughter, and Nan Huofeng still turned her back to her, did not look at her, she didn’t want to see the sadness on that face… …..

“No…no…” Nan Huofeng’s denial sounded softly in her crazy loud cry. “If it’s not… if it’s not a mother…” the more you speak, the tighter the grip. “Mother……. Mother won’t let me find me your revenge. I went to find you more than ten years ago…”

Time will make people forget a lot of things, even the strong hatred that she once had for her has faded a lot, otherwise she would not feel soft-hearted just because she just looked at her face. If you change it to the time, even looking at her face, she can start without hesitation……..

The pain that hurt her bone marrow at that time could really make her desperate…

Although she was still young at the time, it is not a problem to take a person’s life. Just rely on fire…

Zhai Yili’s crazy laughter and loud yelling, stopped slowly, and stared at the red figure in front of her in a daze. “It’s your mother……” murmured. “It’s actually her……” There was a deep incomprehension and unbelief in her eyes. “Why, she knows that everything is me…”

Look up, suppress the tears that are going to rush down, if you want to cry, don’t cry in front of this woman. “Mother she said…she said you are her sister…my aunt…I can’t…no… ……Even if it is a fake hand, it cannot be…”

Zhai Yili was startled. “That woman…” There were more tears in her eyes. “Why…why…” Why can you still treat her like this, and treat her as a younger sister?

“It’s just because you are your mother’s younger sister…” Nanhuofeng said with earnest heart.

“Sister?” Zhai Yili raised her hands tremblingly. “Do you know how I don’t want to have such a sister?” Staring at his blood-red hands. “Without her, without her…I would not have come to this point…”

The reflection of the memories in the eyes is how the sister wins the favor of the parents, how the sister gets the love of others, and even when the sister marries her, she also likes Jue Lin…….

“It’s all the same~IndoMTL.com~Why did my sister get any good things? And me?” Tears fell on his hands. “What am I getting…” He cried out the grievances that had been accumulated in my heart for many years. “If there is no elder sister, I feel that Rin will be mine, obviously I met him first, but in the end he chose elder sister…”

“Why is this?” “Slowly put down those hands, and looked at the backs that are similar to my sister except for the red color…” Obviously my sister and I are the same, we Even the face looks the same…”

Yes, she and her sister Zhai Yixiu are twin sisters, but because of this, she hates her sister who was born a little earlier in this world…….

It’s all the same, so why did my sister get everything, but she…

“It is because of this kind of psychology that you hurt my mother…” Nan Huofeng asked sadly.

“Yes, I did everything…” Zhai Yili’s face was desperate. “Anyway, you already know it, it doesn’t matter if I admit it… Everything was done by my united Juezheng. He was so cruel that he had snatched his position as the fortress, and I Sister Hate grabbed Jurin…”

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