Goddess Medical Doctor Chapter 239: Yanlin Fort

? “No, the Caomin dare not!” People had to bow their heads under the eaves. He didn’t expect that she would use this trick to come back to Jue’s house in an open manner.

Jian Xingfang hummed. “Huoer, simply pack things up, and we will go to the famous Yanlin Fort on the rivers and lakes. This is the fort master of Yanlin Fort. During our time in Wuling, he was the host to entertain…” /

Nanhuofeng suddenly understood what he meant by waiting for someone to pick him up just now. He opened his mouth to speak, but under his silent shaking of his head, he swallowed everything…

“I’m going to pack things!” said in a low voice.

Glanced at her, then said. “Wei Ying, you still greet the Lord Yanlin Castle, I will accompany the princess to pack things first!” After speaking, he followed Huo’er to another room! “Angry?” He asked a little worried. After all, he didn’t ask for her opinion at all on this matter, so he took the initiative!

Nan Huofeng shook his head. “No!”

“But you are not happy…”

“To go back to the place that once broke my heart, I can’t be happy…” Just stating the facts!


“Why do you have to apologize?” Nan Huofeng half turned around and asked in confusion.

“I forced you too much, didn’t I?” There was an apologetic eye.

Nan Huofeng smiled instead. “Don’t think I don’t know…”

This time changing Jianxing Fang didn’t understand what she was talking about.

“You did this to help me out. What I did was not for me, but to help me…… Right?”

It sounds convoluted, but Jian Xingfang understands it. “They are your relatives after all…” Even if she has resentment towards them, she wouldn’t really do anything to them according to her temperament.

First, since she doesn’t know how to do anything, he will help her out for the unfair treatment her parents have received; second, it’s for her, where she has been wronged. He wants to teach her a lesson!

“So don’t go too far, eh?”

Jian Xingfang smiled relieved now. “Well, I have a sense!”

“Then let’s go!” The hand was handed over to him, as if her life had been decided to be handed over to him.

She should face this, too. Since her former relatives are still here, she can’t deny it. She left this house. In fact, my parents also hope that she can be there. On the genealogy, although she doesn’t care at all, she should face it!

And now she is not alone, she has a person, no matter how strong she is, she vowed to protect her person!

I know that I won’t receive a warm welcome when I come to Yanlin Fort, but it’s too…

“Fort Lord, does your family treat guests like this?” Jian Xingfang asked without expression on the baby’s face.

“…er…” He was also a little surprised, he told them when he left, even if it meant something, there would be someone… “Cao Min clearly arranged for them to come to meet him. , It may be that they remembered the time incorrectly. It is better to take a rest first, and I will ask them to please you…”

“No way!” Jian Xingfang refused to give up a point, and simply sat on the top spot, pulling Nan Huofeng to sit down together. “Xiao Wang is here waiting for them to be greeted…”

Jezheng tightened his hands, knowing that this little lord was looking for fault on purpose. “Maybe they are all busy, so how can the little prince wait…” He tried his best to deal with his temper, only hoping that the little prince would not deceive people too much, no matter how much they had Yanlin Castle in the martial arts In the most important place, the court generally gave them some points, so he can’t let him suffer from this little prince’s side!

“What?” Jian Xingfang raised an eyebrow. “Your family members are so busy that they don’t have time to meet Xiao Wang?” The words were thorny!

“No…” Jue Zheng gritted his teeth. “Caomin go and find them!” He turned around and left, forgetting the etiquette.

After Jue Zheng walked away, Nan Huofeng frowned and gently pulled his sleeves. “It’s almost done, don’t make him angry…” the man who went out with Banunu. “His person is very careful, now he doesn’t show his face, I’m afraid he will…”

“Find me to settle the account? Or assassinate me?” Jian Xingfang said exactly what she meant.

South Fire Phoenix pursed her lips. “You know, don’t…”

“Okay, Huoer!” He patted her hand comfortingly. “Don’t worry, I have a sense of measure. When it’s time to take it, I will take it……”

Nan Huofeng originally wanted to say something, but the close footsteps that she had already felt made her close her mouth.

Jian Xingfang also felt it. It seems that those people who know how to martial arts have deliberately didn’t hide their footsteps…

After a while, a group of people came in, and they all followed the rules of the little prince and Princess Reeves, but no one looked at the face of Princess Reeves, and there were even some faces. There is contempt on it.

As for Nan Huofeng, since they came in one by one, their body has been stiff and motionless……

Jian Xingfang takes all this in his eyes, but he knows that this is only the first day, and everything is not in a hurry…

The scissors fell together neatly, not hurriedly.

“You are very comfortable!”

Hearing the sound, the scissors in Nan Huofeng’s hand paused slightly, and then still the sound of clicking…

People came and leaned against the hollow brick wall next to them. “What are you thinking about, you don’t have to stay here, so why do you have to come back and bear it?”

Nan Huofeng listened quietly, and when someone finished speaking, she smiled slightly. “Cousin Xie cares about…”

Here, Jue Mingxin curled her lips. “I don’t care about you, but your coming back is tantamount to ruining this peace!”

Put down the scissors, collect and sort out the flower branches just cut off. “Then I thank my cousin for treating me as a family!”

Je Mingxin frowned. “You heard what I said!” But he avoided talking.

“It has nothing to do with me whether this home is peaceful or not!” There was an indifference locked in her eyes, and it was this indifference that supported her to stay in this home. “I’m here just because of the way…” Although she came back to work hard in spirit, this place was after all the place where she was born and raised. She also recalled a lot of memories shared with her parents. This is the only thing she stayed here. Consolation….

“What does Jian Xingfang want to do?”

“I don’t know this…” Knowing that he would not believe it, he added another sentence. “I really don’t know very well, cousin, Xingfang asked me to be here, maybe just to give a sigh of relief for me, as for the other I don’t know…”

The first one she said does have this phenomenon, and the others……

“I hope he is like what you said, otherwise, you understand, the family is not a soft persimmon!” The uncle is enduring it now, and no one knows how long he might endure it.

“Well, I’ll remind him, my cousin is not here for a short time, it’s time to go, there are still people waiting for you over there!” The arranged flower branches, one after another, arrived in advance In the prepared bottle.

“I should go now!” Straighten up. “By the way, your skill seems to be very high?” With a little temptation and curiosity!

“I do not determine the high and low of Kung Fu!”

“My very fleeting cousin said before… If you have a chance in the future, can you try your skills with me?”

Nan Huofeng raised her head and smiled at him. “As long as it’s a discussion, the point is up, I am willing to accompany you!”

“Okay, then it’s settled!” After the words fell, he turned lazily and walked towards the person waiting for him.

Nan Huofeng sighed slightly as she watched the double figure disappear.

“Why are you sighing? Did Jue Mingxin tell you something?” Jian Xingfang approached.

“Are you back?” Turning his head to look at him, it was a bright smile, different from the light smile just now.

“Well, Jue Mingxin didn’t tell you anything, right?”

Nan Huofeng shook his head. “Nothing, it’s just like persuading me to leave…” Simply sort out the flowers in the bottle. “Have you seen it all?”

“Hmm!” The above helped. “These flowers still have to be kept in the room?” Still some flowers that are dying.

“Yes, there are some flowers in the house, and the air feels better!” This is the only thing she can enjoy in Yanlin Fort.

“Sorry for making you unhappy here!”

Looking at him dissatisfied. “Didn’t I say yes, I won’t apologize, and…” smiled and narrowed his eyes. “I can come back here openly, and I can also relive my memories with my parents. This is very good, and it can also make me more clear about some facts…” The last sentence, the voice is a bit dim !


“Well, even though they are my family members, they will never accept my facts…” Maybe after she grows up, she still has such a little hope in her heart if she tries this once!

“They are not really not accepting you…” According to his recent investigations, he seems to have found something useful.

“You don’t need to comfort me, I have accepted the facts!” She thought he was comforting her!

After hearing the words, Jian Xingfang wanted to say but stopped, but in the end he didn’t say anything. After all, he can’t be sure about anything now…

“By the way, when shall we leave?”

“Do you want to go?”

“This is not my home, and they don’t welcome me either…”

“A few more days, okay?”

Nan Huofeng glanced at him, then nodded. “Okay!”

“Thanks for your hard work!” hugging her shoulders.

“No!” He smiled and shook his head. “It just so happens that I can check something too!” Blink an eye

Jian Xingfang raised his eyebrows. “What’s the matter?”

“Why did the two of us first meet?”

“Futian Gate!”

Slightly shook his head. “It’s a fake Futian Gate……”

“That thing has been silent for a long time!” In addition to the subsequent war, he doesn’t have much energy to focus on this matter!

“The activities of Xinfutianmen have been silent for a long time, but they still exist…”

“You are not going to tell me that Yanlinbao is also a member of the New Futian Gate!”

Nan Huofeng nodded.

Jian Xingfang was stunned, and patted his forehead one last time. “Oh my God…” If this is the case, I have to admit that the power of Xinfutianmen is big enough!

Unexpectedly, he just wanted to give a sigh of relief for Huo’er, and this matter would be involved, and this matter has always been troublesome, I hope it will not affect his scheduled departure time!

“Big brother, don’t you want to think of a way? Let the evildoer stay in our house, sooner or later, it will bring disaster to us!” Jue Liu looked at Big Brother expectantly, hoping that he could give her a positive answer.

“The little prince doesn’t leave, and I can’t help it. Don’t you think I’m not worried? In addition to that evildoer, there is also the court’s affairs regarding Futianmen…” This kind of confrontation with the court, let People are more worried, okay, but no matter how urgent he is, he has to remain calm, otherwise he will be in a mess, and the trouble is still himself!

Jue Liu remembered this incident viciously as soon as his elder brother reminded him. “It’s all the evildoer, without her, we don’t have to worry about anything!”

“Mo sister, stay calm!” Jue Ran said calmly.

“Second brother…” Jue Liu called. “You will just blindly make me calm, but how can I do it, I can’t feel at ease one day when the evildoer is there!”

“Then what do you want to do? Drive her away?” The woman is in trouble, she can’t stand a thing!

Je Liu was stunned. “Shoo her away?”

“Yeah!” Jueran’s hands wrapped around his chest. “It’s impossible…”

“No, I can do it!” Jue Liu interrupted him and said.

I felt startled. “Can you do it?”

“You can’t do too much!” Jue Zheng warned.

“Don’t worry, brother, I won’t be too much, just let me meet that evildoer!”

Jeran looked at my sister. “Do you have the guts?” Isn’t she always afraid of approaching the evildoer?

“Don’t underestimate me, brother, for everyone, I won’t shrink back!”

The two brothers looked at each other with a smile.

Feeling the approach of the uninvited guest, Nan Huofeng sighed. After all, he came, and then looked around him, only himself, and Xing Fang had just been called away, saying that the castle owner had requested it. It seems that he was deliberately supported. Open…

Before they came to her, they stopped and looked at her arrogantly. “It’s so dirty over there, I won’t go there!”

Nan Huofeng said indifferently, this woman, that is, her father’s sister, her aunt, always speaks so poisonously to her, and always speaks like this without dirty words that hurt her the most.

And the daughter of her former old castle lord never took the initiative to appear in front of her, and never approached her, but now she will appear in front of her, that must mean nothing good! “You don’t feel hot!” Standing in the sun at noon, she just feels good!

“Huh!” Jue Liu snorted coldly. “I would rather die from the heat than go to such a dirty place!”

Nan Huofeng’s surface is still calm, but she can tell from her slightly clenched hands that she cares! “It’s up to you!” said lightly.

Je Liu squinted dissatisfied with her calm reaction. “Is this the attitude that you younger generation should have towards my elders? You should come out of the pavilion right away and let me in!” She said naturally.

Nanhuofeng lightly sip tea. “Did the madam say something wrong? How could you be my elder? I have nothing to do with your family!” And even if she did go out, the proud woman would not take any further steps.

Because as long as it is the place she has been, the proud woman will only think it is dirty, and never go to that place again…

She has been here for so long and has been to many places. That arrogant woman must be very depressed!

“You…” Jue Liu gritted his teeth. “Yes, you have nothing to do with our family, a demon like you…”

“Madam!” exclaimed in an aggravated tone. “Don’t forget who you are talking to, it’s best not to let me hear words I shouldn’t hear…” There was a threat in his eyes.

Jue Liu swallowed the words in his mouth, and snorted. “You are really different from before…” The original evildoer didn’t dare to beat her a word!

“Everyone will grow up…” said indifferently, she is no longer the cowardly little girl!

“You’re grown up!” The lady’s hands held each other, but she was not a lady at all. “It’s so big that you don’t need to take care of it, and you don’t need to rely on it. Then why do you come back?”

Don’t give her a chance to speak, Jiu Liu said in one breath. “What? Are you going to come back to this house with your current status? Telling you clearly, even if you come back, no one will welcome you! Or you want to retaliate against you as we did, then before you retaliate Think about it, if it wasn’t because you killed the third brother, would we treat you like that? If you want to hate, you want revenge, you hate yourself, revenge yourself, you remember that everything is because of you, it’s you Caused!”

Nan Huofeng’s face changed slightly when she was accused. Her father was killed by her, like putting a knife in the wound again, it hurts, it hurts…

“Since you have everything, don’t bother us anymore, and don’t stay at this house anymore. You have killed your parents, do you want to kill us all?” Knife.

“And…” Jue Liu’s face suddenly turned, becoming kind. “I came to tell you this way, also for your own good. After all, you are the only one of my third brother…” The latter two words were omitted and he said again. “Good for yourself, eh?” After speaking, he stopped looking at her and left!

“So do it for yourself?” He murmured and repeated these words with a wry smile. Different people have different feelings when they say these words!

She thought this was the end, but unexpectedly, it was just the beginning. The days now are as if they have been restored, and there are always people in this family who always appear in front of her, saying some cynicism!

But the difference is that she has indeed grown up, and for the “family” she once cared about, she has already let go of it, and no longer clings to the meaningless blood!

She used to pay attention to them, but she was so hurt that she cried several times. Every time she cried, she put aside a little bit. If they were once an indispensable’family,’ now they are dispensable Passers-by!

And how can she care so much about what passersby say!

Her life is still going on like that, she only has a few more flies in the way, but it is not a big problem to get rid of with her light work!

As for Xingfang, he still accompanies her most of the time, and his occasional departure is the beginning of her being harassed. For these, he sees all of this, but he only said that she should be patient. She was wronged, but he will help her get it back!

Know what he is doing in secret, but she can’t get involved yet, but as long as he is safe, she won’t interfere!

A man has something that a man should do, and about the Futian Gate, he also stopped him in a big way, only telling her to leave it alone, he will take care of it, she only needs to help him when he needs help. Just help!

This is his love for her, and he is really practicing what he said, he will protect her, he will take care of everything, she does not have to worry!

Since he is so caring, she naturally enjoys his giving!

Days like this are a bit boring, but it’s nice to feel that someone is taking care of everything!

It’s only now that she feels a little bit about to marry, and she can feel dependent on it in the future!

Speaking of marriage before, it was just a matter of course, without any feeling!

Now she is really looking forward to it. What will happen to her life after marriage?

Flies are annoying, but as long as they are not too much, just ignore them, but when they are too much, they can just…

Several young girls gathered around her and talked endlessly. These are all her cousins…

Nan Huofeng continued to read the book in her hand leisurely, just as if no one was there, she really didn’t want to run anymore, there were people waiting for her wherever she ran, and she was tired, so she simply stayed where they were Just say what you want!

But those few people were unhappy when they saw that she didn’t care so much, and didn’t take it to heart. Their purpose was to make her unbearable and leave their home voluntarily. It has been so many days. She was still leisurely, without a trace of leaving!

Is the aunt saying wrong? Isn’t she the most afraid of their family members hurting her?

What they don’t know is that they no longer treat them as family members!

“Hmph, let’s stop talking in vain. She is deaf at all. She didn’t respond to anything, so stop wasting her effort!” The eldest daughter of Jueran said lazily, sounding like her elder brother. Such as a discount.

“I said your cheeks are really thick!” He sat on the stone bench next to him with a crooked buttocks. “We’ve all said so much. You still don’t notice or leave. Do you know that you are so annoying?” Just tell her directly, and the aunt told her at the time. Don’t talk to her directly. If you curse secretly, just tell her to hear it!

But they have been talking for so long, and she hasn’t reacted yet. She is really discouraging enough, so she can just tell her clearly, see how thick this woman’s face is!

Nan Huofeng reacted a bit to her without covering up, but it was just a flip of the book, and she paused. Maybe she didn’t react before, and there were them. It’s not the relationship of pointing her nose to curse!

But it was just such a subtle reaction that others couldn’t tell. The eldest daughter felt angry and said whatever she didn’t care about, but Nan Huofeng still didn’t respond to her cursing, until she blurted out a word. . “Only the woman who steals people can give birth to such an enchanting…”

When other people heard this sentence, they felt wrong, and they wanted to stop it but it was too late. The enchantress grew up to others saying bad things about her mother~IndoMTL.com~ The reaction was very fierce. When she was a child, there were many people, but Not afraid, but now her skill is clearly superior to them, how could Mingyue forgot about this, the sisters winked at her worriedly, and backed away.

I feel that Mingyue hasn’t felt proud of being there yet, she finally reacted a bit to what she said that Mingyue said…

Yes, Nan Huofeng reacted to her words. She stopped flipping the book and looked at her slowly. “What did you just say?”

“I said…” I want to say it again proudly, but…

“Apologize, and don’t let me hear you say that again…” This is her last bottom line.

Just when I was yelled, Jue Mingyue was stunned, but after reacting, she felt angry. She felt that Mingyue, the lady of Yanlin Castle, had never been treated like this before, and the person who yelled at her was still bullied since she was a child. Big evildoer…

Because she is still in the subconscious that the evildoer can be bullied, she doesn’t care about Nanhuofeng, who is now a princess. “Did I make a mistake? Your mother’s bastard…er…” He couldn’t say any more, his hands tightly grasped the slender wrist, but couldn’t pull it away.

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