Goddess Medical Doctor Chapter 237: Someone I never want to see in my life

? “I don’t want to go!” Nan Huofeng walked forward and backed away.

“Observe, you can’t stay in the palace forever, don’t go out!” Jian Xingfang engaged in a tug of war with her, and no one gave way.

“Then… wait a minute…” It’s just that in the palace, she has received a lot of strange eyes, and she can’t imagine that she is not so Great courage…

Jian Xingfang held her tightly for fear that she would run away. “No, you must go out with me today!” It’s been so long, and he doesn’t want to bore her up. “Aren’t you the Nanhuofeng who is not afraid of the heavens and the earth? How can you be afraid of a little going out, and let people know at that time, and don’t laugh at you!”

The servants who came and went, each cast a strange look at the unmarried couple. They didn’t understand what the two masters were doing. Is it a tug of war?

“Just a joke, then I don’t want to go out!” She just doesn’t want to go out…

“No matter, you must go, the street must be very lively today, I want to show you…”

Since they didn’t understand what the two masters were doing, and didn’t dare to look at them a few more times, the servants had to hold back a smile and hurried away.

The Princess Reeves of the Divine Phoenix Kingdom is a bit strange, but after watching it for a long time, it is just like that. And I heard that most people in the Divine Phoenix Kingdom are like the princess, as they are. It’s different. How can the people who work in the Thunder Palace have such a beautiful experience? Actually, they have long been used to the existence of the princess, but they can’t help but want to look at her more!

But Nan Huofeng didn’t know what they thought, and thought that they were just like her when she was a child. Seeing her like this, she would only feel strange and enchanting…

The dimness in her eyes thickened when she thought of this. “I really don’t want to go…”

Contacting her pleading gaze, he froze for a moment, and even stopped the pulling action. Upon seeing this, Nan Huofeng took the opportunity to break free of his restraint, turned around and ran back. “If you want to see the excitement, go by yourself!”

Jian Xingfang was stunned, just about to catch up, a decree stopped him, but it also gave him a chance…

As for what opportunity…

Nan Huofeng sullen her face displeasedly, with no smile on her face, and her face is full of frost again…

“I think it would be better if you smile!” The voice smiled.

Gazed at him. “It’s all you. Obviously you can take a carriage or even a sedan chair, but you have to walk…” he said gritted his teeth.

Jian Xingfang walked comfortably, gnashing her teeth, not caring at all. “It’s so lively, it’s a pity to ride a carriage or a sedan chair!”

Nan Huofeng suffocated his face and said nothing.

“It’s all out, just relax a little, you see, it’s not that scary!” Jian Xingfang soothed.

Raising eyebrows, this is nothing terrible, at least they haven’t used anything to throw her away, but their eyes seem to be eating her!

“Let’s go, go and see that…” Ignoring her displeasure, he dragged her to a busy place!

“Jianxingfang!” Nanhuofeng gritted his teeth and yelled, he did it on purpose!

“Don’t worry, they are human and can’t eat you, and they don’t dare to rush forward. Don’t forget that you appeared as a princess of the Divine Phoenix Kingdom, and your distinctive appearance is already in glory. The city has spread, and they don’t have the guts yet…” As they said, they dragged her to continue walking without any intention of stopping.

Nan Huofeng was stunned for a moment, it turns out that he…

As if knowing what she was thinking, Jian Xingfang said without looking back. “I won’t take you out without thinking about you…” Li Mou looked around. “Although it is because of your identity that makes them jealous, at least you can step out of the house with peace of mind, and…” He smiled back at her. “I will always be by your side, and will not give them a chance to hurt you a bit, even if it is a little water stain, I will not let you get on your body……”

“You all know?” said quietly.

She was not calm in her calm voice, and he knew it clearly, and clenched her hand tightly. “I know something from her foster father…” She was once surrounded by people throwing rotten eggs, peels, and even pebbles…

Take a deep breath, suppress the bad feeling, and close your eyes. “Those people used to be the ones I thought were good to me…”

“No, you are good to them!” But what was the reward of those people in the end? “They don’t deserve your sadness…” Just because she felt that she was kind to her, and she was sincere to others, this kind of hurt is the deepest…

Laughing with tears. “Yeah, it’s not worth it…” She only changed these three words in the end. “I couldn’t let go, but now…” took the initiative to take his arm. “I really have let go…”

Twisted his head and glanced at her. “This is what I want, so don’t worry about these people now……”

Look at him. “It’s you!”

I raised my eyebrows in doubt and asked silently.

“You spread my appearance!” She was covered up all the way here. She didn’t let outsiders see her appearance, but came with her. The people of the Divine Phoenix Kingdom will not reveal a point….

“You still understand me!” Jian Xingfang admitted.

“I knew it!” At this time, she was also more relaxed, no longer as nervous as before. “Then we can go now!”


“You won’t forget that the emperor sent someone to find us just now!”

“Oh, if you don’t tell me, I really forgot!” A pity he glanced at the most lively place.

“Let’s go?”

Jian Xingfang sighed helplessly. “Let’s go!”

The emperor didn’t have a good face when he saw the two late arrivals. “Jian Aiqing is this enough?” He heard the report from the mission officer, saying that the two of them did not choose any means of transportation, but chose to walk. Jian Xingfang also said that he wanted to see the emperor while watching the excitement.

Jian Xingfang smirked. “No…”

The emperor raised his eyebrows. “Then do you want me to give you some more time to play enough, come see me again!”

“Then there is no need!” Jian Xingfang smiled modestly.

The emperor snorted, his eyes rolled, and he looked at the person who had been silent since entering. “Are you Nanhuofeng?”

“Yes, the emperor, see the emperor!”

“Men’s daughter?” The emperor seemed to smile. “If I remember correctly, you are the princess of the Divine Phoenix Kingdom!”

Southern Fire Phoenix remains silent. “The emperor calls me Nanhuofeng……”

“Is there a difference?” The emperor leaned forward slightly and looked at the woman in red. It was really peculiar, thinking like this in his heart.

“Since I am Southern Fire Phoenix, then I am a subject of the emperor…”

“Do you still admit that you are from Rongmao country?”

“Of course, Mindv was born here and grew up here. This is undeniable, and Mindv’s parents are Rongmao people, so Mindv is naturally also……”

“But you are also Princess Reeves of the Divine Phoenix Kingdom now, do you think you should belong to that side?” The question was deliberately making things difficult.

South Fire Phoenix pursed her lips. “Which side the emperor said is from, right?” For those looking for trouble, what do you say and why is it wrong? It is better not to say!

The emperor hummed. “There is no principle so soon?”

Nan Huofeng is silent, so Jian Xing is not willing. “The emperor, what’s the matter with us?”

An unhappy look at his courtier. “I am talking to her!”

“The emperor is not talking, but looking for fault!” Jian Xingfang said, raising his chin.

The emperor squinted. “Are you talking back to me?”

“The minister dare not!”

“Huh!” The emperor snorted coldly. “What dare you brothers!”

Jian Xingfang’s face changed slightly. “This has nothing to do with the minister’s eldest brother… The emperor just…” He hesitated before speaking. “Do you not trust our brothers so much?” No matter how much their Jian family did, in the eyes of the emperor, they are still outsiders and untrustworthy?

Cutting his lips. “I have never said that…”

“The emperor is….” Before he could fully speak his words, he was jerked by Huo’s sleeves to stop him from speaking.

“What am I?” He would have to see what this simple method can say…

“The emperor, he didn’t want to say anything, and what you just wanted to say to me!” Pushing him slightly behind, Nan Huofeng stepped forward and said with a slight smile, reaching out not to hit the smiley person, this It is the reason why she can recover her memory after losing her memory.

The emperor glanced at him. “Forget it, Jian Xingfang, I know what you want to say…” The body leaned back in the chair. “As long as you remember, as long as your Jian family is loyal to the court, I won’t doubt you any…”

“Yes, the emperor, the minister is reckless!” Jian Xingfang suppressed the impulse just now, but he snorted in his heart. The emperor also said it nicely, not to make them prove their loyalty, and always keep showing them problem!

“Hmm!” The emperor faintly replied, and then looked at Nanhuofeng. “I just wanted to ask you, since you are from the Rongmao country, why would you accept being a princess of the Divine Phoenix country? Don’t you think this is treason? Especially in that situation!” The voice was very weak, but the words were sharp It’s very.

Nanhuo Phoenix’s lips still smiled, “Elephant and ant, which one will the emperor choose?”

“What do you mean?” The emperor asked with interest.

“Elephants are heavier, ants are light. If you are the emperor, which side will you choose?”

There are priorities…..

The emperor froze for a moment, then suddenly laughed. “Very good!” Nodding satisfied. “They all say you are indifferent and rude, but it seems to me that you can speak more than the glib guy in Jian Xingfang……”

Jian Xingfang opened his mouth to protest. Where did his mouth slip, but before he could speak, Huo’er pulled his sleeve again and stopped him!

“The former folk girls were indeed like this, but people always grow up…”

“So, are you grown up?”


“Then you know that adults have to distinguish what can and cannot be done!”

“The people’s daughters can’t be divided clearly!” Slightly raised his eyes and glanced at the emperor, then said. “Moreover, with the teaching of Master and Madam, Minnyu will know better!”

The smile on the emperor’s face froze slightly when she mentioned the two. “I am coming to you this time because I have received news from the Divine Phoenix King and want to set a wedding date with you…” suddenly changed the subject.

The two of them are also good. “I don’t know what news my father brought?” Nan Huofeng asked.

“The Emperor Divine Phoenix means to let you two discuss when the official wedding will be held, but there is only one thing…”

The two quietly waited for the emperor to announce the answer.

“That is, the wedding must be held within this half a year…” He felt a little hastily, but the King of God and Phoenix offered to exchange a generous dowry, even with a plea, since they are already allies, and It was to show goodness through being with relatives, and he couldn’t take the face of Divine Phoenix King too much.

Hearing such news, Nanhuofeng closed his eyes patiently. For half a year, it was Father’s last time…

Jian Xingfang understood her feelings and held her hand secretly. “What does the emperor mean? Is there a suitable day?”

The emperor just glanced lightly at the small movements of the two of them secretly communicating the song. “I have chosen a few good days for you, you can choose one from these few days, or you can choose another one yourself!”

In Jian Xingfang’s ears, it’s best to use one of the days he chooses. “Okay, let’s take a look at the day first!”

The emperor sent someone to fetch the day he chose.

Jian Xingfang read it again, there are three in total, one is a day after a month, the other is a day after three months, and the last one is a day after five months, impartially just two days apart. Month…

“Huoer, which one do you think is better?”

Nan Huofeng just glanced, and finally threw the question to him. “You can decide!”

“I decided!” stroked his chin, thinking about these three days!

“Aiqing can choose another day too!” said the emperor meaningfully.

“That’s fine, the emperor’s election must be a good day, then this day three months from now! Is it all right? Huo’er?” If you choose the middle, time will not be too tight, and Give her time to prepare.

“Yeah!” Nan Huofeng nodded without objection. This time is also just right. All the marriage matters here have been dealt with, so I can rush back to the Kingdom of Divine Phoenix and spend the last time with my father… .

“That day!” After choosing a good day, he returned the things to the servant.

“Okay, then I will tell King Divine Phoenix, and then I will start preparing!”

“Trouble the emperor!”

“Well, prepare as soon as possible in your mansion!”

“Yes, the minister will tell the eldest brother there, and the minister has another request?”

“What is required?”

“During the period before marriage, the minister may leave Rongcheng with Huoer from time to time to go to other places. The emperor is busy, and then he will not tell the emperor all the time…”

The emperor raised his eyebrows. “They are getting married soon, are you still running around?”

“No, I just want to walk more with the fire, so that people can adapt to her like this…”

“Are you afraid of encountering robbers?” His starting point is good, but because it is too conspicuous, the possibility of causing trouble will increase relatively.

“The minister believes that these are not problems, and we can handle it!”

“Then it’s up to you, you don’t need to tell me all of them, but at least your elder brother needs to know where you are probably going!” he explained.

“Xie the emperor, the minister understands!” Turning to hold Huo’er’s hand. “The minister retire!”

“Mindaughter retire!” Nan Huofeng also said.

But just when her hand habitually grabbed his arm, a slight tearing sound of cotton and silk sounded at this time…

After a period of silence, there was a loud laugh from the emperor and Nan Huofeng’s faint apology. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just pulled it too hard!” So she grabbed it again now, and the sleeve of his arm actually broke from the elbow!

A group of high-ranking officials and relatives of royal families and nobles gathered together to do their favorite thing, which is to talk about what has happened in Rongcheng recently.

“Do you know? That princess from the Divine Phoenix Nation has been betrothed to the little prince of Thunder Palace!” said the relative.

“This has been spread all over, no one knows!” one of them replied.

“Yeah!” everyone replied in unison.

“Then you must not know that the princess looks very strange. I heard that the whole body is blood red. I really don’t know if she has drunk a lot of blood to grow up like that…” I can’t bear to shake my body even after thinking about it.

“Cut, this is not big news for a long time, we have heard about it!”

“So don’t you think it is scary?” asked the relatives in disbelief.

“Of course I feel terrible, so you don’t even mention her if you don’t see her?” You are so stupid.

“…er…” Is that true?

“Just your news, what’s the latest news!” He said, losing interest, thinking it was something. “I’m still more concerned about it. It’s a pity that the little lord of Thunder, my daughter likes him quite a bit, so let the monster woman take it away!” The words were sour.

“Then there is no way, even if the little lord Thunder is unwilling, it won’t work, the emperor has made an order!”

“The emperor will not find a man for that woman casually, and even match her with such a good man!”

“You must know that Mr. Thunder is outstanding? He never does his job properly!”

“No matter what he is doing, he still has the title of a little prince. You don’t understand. When the little prince Lei Teng gets into a family, he will definitely want to stand on his own. The king who is not low, even if he doesn’t work, he will have everything he needs for food and clothing!”

“Hmph, no matter how good it is, it’s too late, the little prince has been taken over by that strange woman, I also heard…” I looked around and moved a little forward.

The surrounding women gathered in the center. “The little prince was chosen by the demon herself!”

“Really?” Someone couldn’t believe it. “She is very good at picking for herself!”


“I also heard…”

“I heard what…” They all got together again.

The person who spoke, looked around again. “The little prince now has a bit of real power in his hands, and she takes care of a lot of things, and you also know that the thunder prince is a cold-faced person, and no one dares to ask him for a favor, but the little prince… .”

“The little prince is always smiling, maybe it’s easy to do things…” A few people looked at each other, and then suddenly made a quacking laugh. They should tell the men in the family. There are many ways to do things. .

A middle-aged woman who only listens to them and has never spoken before has a touch of brilliance in her eyes.

Maybe, that little prince can help…….

“Back to Maocheng?”

“Well, come back with me!”

“Why do you want to go back, there is something to go back?” Now they are truly without hiding, and they will confess what they have to do with each other.

“I just feel a little more comfortable going back there. The real Thunder Palace is also there. This is actually just a villa!”

Of course she understands what he said. “Well, go wherever you say!” Anyway, she will follow him in the future!

Just after they set off, they quietly followed a family behind them back to Maocheng, and they never noticed it!

Back to Maocheng, where he belonged, Jian Xingfang was alive and well. In addition, he was more energetic during happy occasions. He was more energetic every day. Everyday he took the Nanhuofeng to run everywhere. To prevent her from becoming black-haired and black-eyed, she accompanied him in this way!

And Nan Huofeng couldn’t hold him back, so she had to follow him!

Every day I helplessly and amusingly accompany him everywhere. In Maocheng, these two figures will appear from time to time. At first, people were surprised at her, but that’s how it is. I am used to it. There are so many novelties, who are watching every day, what else is so strange……

After such a short period of time, Nan Huofeng found that she quite liked living in Maocheng like this, although because she was too conspicuous, her identity could not be blocked, Xingfang followed her down the street, others immediately Knowing the identities of the two of them, this has also brought some inconvenience, but there are also times when it is convenient…

Sure enough, as Xingfang said, because her current identity is different from the past, even if people look at her, no matter what, they dare not make any offensive behavior, and she found that Xingfang is actually similar to almost everyone in Maocheng Individuals get along very well. There are high-ranking officials and ordinary people, but no matter which one they are, they are all conquered by his affinity, and there is no such scrupulous identity…

Some people even knew that he was originally the little prince of the Thunder Palace, and they were a little surprised. After that, the attitude remained the same as before. This brought her a lot of benefits. Under his active introduction and drive, he quickly accepted her and was willing to get close to her.

The thing that remembers her most is that someone once told her this way. “Actually, you are also very good. We will all be friends from now on…”

That feeling is really peculiar. It seems that this is the first time she has received kindness from people in her own country……..

I really don’t want to leave in such days…….


“Going now?”


“Where are you going again?”

“Before we get married, I want to go and make a wish for you…”

Nan Huofeng looked at him for unknown reasons. “What’s my wish?” Why didn’t she know!

“You’ll know then!” blinked mysteriously.

In this way, Nan Huofeng packed things inexplicably and was about to follow him on the road, but before they stepped out, Li Zhong came to inform that someone was looking for him, and Xing Fang muttered after hearing who it was. . “Tell her it’s no good, how come back?” Turned around and confessed to her. “Huoer, you wait here, I will come as soon as I go, soon!”


But she couldn’t wait left or right, she couldn’t wait until she was impatient. “Why hasn’t Xing Fang come yet? Didn’t it say that it will be soon!” murmured. “Why don’t you go see him!”

Maybe it is destined, it is also a ghost, she has never showed up since he had guests, he also said to let her relax now, and when they officially get married, she will slowly learn to greet guests with him ……..

But I don’t know what happened today. After waiting for a while, she lost patience and wanted to take a look. Maybe it was destined, but if she knew she would see someone she didn’t want to see again in this life, She would not run to see him so actively…

Before reaching the door, she heard a pleading voice. “Please, little lord!”

There is also Xing Fang’s indifferent voice. “Madam, please go back, I really can’t help it!” There was also impatience. “Xiao Wang, there is something else……”

“Little lord, if you don’t promise me, woman, I won’t leave today…”

She can’t go, but he wants to go……..

Nan Huofeng’s footsteps suddenly paused, and he hesitated, that woman’s voice, for some reason, the more she heard it, the more familiar she became…

Obviously, there was anxiety in her heart, warning her not to go any further, but she just couldn’t control her feet and kept walking forward.

The voices of requests and refusal kept in her ears, and she quietly came to the door…

Li Zhong, the gatekeeper, saw that it was her, but he nodded to her slightly and did not stop her from doing anything. The future hostess can do whatever he wants. This is what the little prince confessed…

Nan Huofeng unconsciously replied to Li Zhong with a simple gift. After hesitating, he stepped in…

Just stepping in and seeing the profile of the woman who was kneeling and begging, Nanhuofeng suddenly froze in place, her eyes widening in disbelief…

And the woman obviously noticed the gaze of others, and when she turned her head to see, the person who caught her eye also surprised her…

Jian Xingfang didn’t notice anything unusual, and moved forward in surprise when she saw her coming. “Why are you here!” But as soon as she got closer, she found out that her hand was trembling slightly, and she grabbed her hand worriedly. “What’s wrong with you?”

The woman returned to her senses and slowly got up, her body trembling uncontrollably, but she concealed it well. “I didn’t expect you to be alive!” asked the nobility who maintained her. “As early as when I heard about the fiancée of Little King Thunder, I should have guessed it was you. After all, how many people are there like this in the world?” There was a mocking mockery on her face. She had never expected that she would. It was’she’, because it was impossible, how could’she’ be the princess of the Divine Phoenix Kingdom?

She didn’t even think about it because of this!

Nanhuofeng tightened her hands suddenly, and Jian Xingfang watched in surprise at her hand strength so hard that she could crush his hand bones. “Huoer……” called worriedly.

I don’t know if she felt the pain in his voice, she immediately loosened her hands a lot, turned away from the complicated eyes staring at the woman, and turned to look at her.

Jian Xingfang was startled when he came into contact with the silent pleading in her eyes, but he still reacted quickly. “Li Zhong!”

“Yes, little lord!”

“See off!”


The woman gritted her teeth and stopped asking herself to plead.

Jian Xingfang took the Southern Fire Phoenix Head and left the waiting room without looking back, and took her back to their rebirth residence. “What’s the matter?” After closing the door, Jian Xingfang returned to her and asked with concern, Nan Huofeng, who had been coming back with a pale face since leaving the living room.

She clasped her hands together, dropped her head, and sat on the bed blankly.

“What’s the matter with you?” Jian Xingfang squatted in front of her worried, looked up at her face, but saw a deep sadness in her eyes…

Stunned. “You have me!” Caressing her face, conveying warmth to her, her face is extremely distressed. “I’m by your side!”

Nanhuofeng’s eyes turned slightly, tears flickered, and lips moved.

“Huh? What?” Jian Xingfang closed his ears without hearing.

Her lips wriggled slightly again, this time Jian Xingfang could hear her clearly, and her ears left her lips, looking at her deeply. “Well, I will take you away now!” What she said was: take me away!

The words fell, carrying the things they had already packed, facing her with their backs, and without giving her a chance to refuse, he hugged her on his back. “Grab me!”

After being stunned for a while, Nan Huofeng wrapped his neck tightly and buried his face on his shoulders, enjoying his protection and comfort.

On the other hand, Jian Xingfang walked out with her back in stride……

It was supposed to be a happy journey all the way, because of her silence, it became dull, but Jian Xingfang didn’t say anything, just took her on the road, without asking anything, just giving her the quietness she needs most now. And silent company.

When I don’t know how many times I wiped it off for her, she didn’t know what she was thinking, and she shed tears unconsciously~IndoMTL.com~ Then she came back a little bit of her mind…

“Xing Fang…” The teary eyes are hazy!


“Hug me!”

“Hmm!” He continued to drive the carriage with one hand, and hugged her gently with the other.

Reliantly leaned on him, hugged him tightly, and was silent for a long time, but Jian Xingfang still chose not to ask anything.

I don’t know how long it has been, Nanhuo Feng suddenly said. “Are you going to Wuling?”

“Well, you finally found it!” He is also taking advantage of her frustration…

“Where did you plan to go from the beginning?”


“This is what you said about my unfulfilled wish…” asked the hoarse voice who hadn’t spoken for a long time.

“I think so!”

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