Goddess Medical Doctor Chapter 231: The way of destiny, free from the fall

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She has heard that the national teacher is coming. “Then you are?”

“Feel like family!” He was arrogant. “Feel like Tsing Yi!”

“Oh!” nodded.

“Then follow me!” It seemed that it was unnecessary to even talk to her.

In response, Nan Juehuo frowned, but still followed.

Walking in the front, Jue Ru Tsing Yi smiled strangely, thinking about the scenery of Nan Jue Huo during this period, she was even more angry!

Since the broken horse came back, Nan Juehuo has been in the limelight. Although her strength has not recovered yet, no one can hurt her again. As long as she stands on the battlefield, she doesn’t have to do anything. , As long as there is an enemy who wants to hurt her, she is bombed far away without getting close.

The ignorant people now admire her even more and treat her as a god.

In her eyes, it was both jealous and hateful. She didn’t think Nan Juehuo deserved all this. At this moment, she noticed someone, someone who might help her……..

Through her repeated temptation and inducement, she found that that person could indeed be used by her, as long as it was before the arrival of the national teacher, she had a sinister smile on her face…

“Is this really okay?” Jian Xingfang looked over there uneasy.

“It’s okay!” Nan knows that it’s very leisurely. “This is definitely the way to go.”

Jian Xingfang took a moment to look at him, and then looked over there.

“Don’t worry!” Nandou was sitting on a raised boulder on the edge of the cliff. There were still teapots and cups on the boulder. “You have tried many times recently…”

“It was on the battlefield, and they were all ordinary people…” How can ordinary people compare to Jue Ru Qingyi!

“But Huo’er does nothing at all, isn’t it?” He poured a glass of water.

Jian Xingfang frowned. “It’s okay…” During this period of time, he always left with excuses and left Huo’er herself, but he also found that Huo’er did not say anything to her foster father. Although her strength has not recovered, she has With the sense of self-protection, Huo’er has never been injured again no matter how sudden the situation is.

“Well, that’s it!” Nan beckoned. “Come and sit here!”

Anxiously glanced over there again, then he walked over and sat down. “After this incident is over, you can break the Divine Phoenix Rebels, right?” With the strength of their two armies, it is okay to break through the Divine Phoenix Rebels, but the righteous father insisted that they should wait for this incident to pass. I had to wait patiently!

“Yeah!” Nan squinted slightly in wonder.

Although Jian Xingfang is anxious, he can only be patient and wait here with his foster father.

“Why did you bring me here?” Nan Huofeng asked Jue Ru Qingyi alertly. “The national teacher will be here?” She felt very strange when she first walked here. When she reached this position, she finally knew what the strange feeling was just now!

They were on the edge of the cliff, and she didn’t need to walk over, she knew it was a cliff with a deep abyss.

I felt like Tsing Yi smiled and turned around. “Of course the national teacher is not here…”

“You…” Nan Juehuo frowned.

“Don’t be nervous!” Jue Ru Qingyi comforted her pretendingly. “Although the national teacher is not here, there is one person you are absolutely interested in!”


As soon as the voice of her question fell, she felt like Tsing Yi hit twice with both palms.

When he saw the person appearing in his pupil clearly, Nan Juehuo’s eyes widened. “Brother Si Wang…” How could he be here?

Yes, it’s not someone else who appeared with Jueru Tsing Yi’s applause, it’s Lokuli…

He walked out of the grass and looked forward without turning his eyes. There was no expression on his face…

“Brother Four…” Nan Huofeng called him, feeling something wrong.

I feel like Tsing Yi smiles with his arms around his chest. “Stop calling him, he won’t react…”

“What did you do to Brother Si Wang?” Nan Huofeng asked her harshly.

Je Ru Tsing Yi shrugged. “I didn’t do anything to him, he did it voluntarily…”

“Four Princes!”

“It’s you?” Lokuli turned around and saw a woman in Tsing Yi.

“Yes, it’s me!” Jue Ru Tsing Yi smiled strangely.

“Are you looking for something to do with me?” He looked at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him puzzled.

“It’s okay, I just want to ask the fourth prince a question.”

“Oh?” Raised an eyebrow. “What’s the problem?”

“Is the fourth prince so willing to give up the Phoenix?”

Squinted eyes. “I don’t give up or give up, does it matter to you?”

His face changed slightly for this unceremonious tone, but felt that Tsing Yi still kept the most basic smile. “It has nothing to do with me, but…” His eyes hunted him like an eagle. “I think the fourth prince doesn’t want to give up the Phoenix at all, right?”

Being said the central thing twice in a row, Roculi’s face also looked bad.

“Stop, don’t even think of shouting at me with your identity!” Jiao Ru Qingyi said before he turned angry.

Roculi’s face is stern. “What are you trying to say?”

I feel like Tsing Yi smiles confidently. “I just want to give the prince a chance!”


“Yes, there is a chance to keep the Phoenix!”

Locully was said to have moved a little, but he remained calm. “Why should I trust you?”

When he heard what he said, I felt that Ru Qingyi became more confident. “I naturally have my method, but should the prince try it?”

“Tell me your method first and listen to it!” Although he knew that he shouldn’t have thought of it, he just couldn’t control himself.

“Okay!” Jue Ru Tsing Yi raised his sleeves. “This is fantasizing. As long as the person who eats it, he will give his wholehearted trust to the first person who sees it, and regard the other person as the most important person in his heart…” a strange smile on the corner of his mouth Do not leave, induce him.

“Of course, this is for Phoenix, and this bag is for you!”


“Well, you must take this package first. This is to ensure that the package is foolproof. Even if Phoenix wakes up and sees you instead of you, she will only look for you!”

Lokuli stared at the two bags of things in the hands of Jueru Tsing Yi for a long time… “Why are you helping me?”

Innocent smile. “Because I also want the Phoenix to stay in the Divine Phoenix Kingdom!”

“Then why didn’t you take it out before!”

Unexpectedly, he had such a question, and I felt like Tsing Yi was taken aback, but the interface was still very quick. “After all, this is a medicinal thing. Since the Phoenix can stay in the Divine Phoenix Kingdom and stay with the fourth prince before, of course I won’t take out this thing!”

Locully still doubts, feels like Tsing Yi works harder. “I can’t lie to the fourth prince, we feel like the life of home is still hanging there!”

Even though he doubted and doubted, hesitated, but in the end, Lokuli believed her. “Okay!” Taking the two bags, he swallowed one first. “I believe you once!” He still wants to give it a try. Without someone who belongs to him, he won’t have such big expectations, but someone who once belonged to him, he can’t just give up so easily!

If this is a chance, or not a chance, it’s just a dead end, it’s also good, he can be free…

“What do you mean?” Nan Huofeng looked at Brother Si Wang worriedly, and wanted to get closer to him.

“You better stay away from him!”

Nan Huofeng paused, looking at her, his eyes became more angry. “What do you want to do? If you are like this, you are not afraid that the national teacher will come. Would you like to raise the teacher?”

“Ask?” Jue Ru Tsing Yi looked up and laughed. “When the national teacher comes, everything is settled…”

Nan Huofeng looked at her alertly, and looked at Brother Si Wang uneasy. Under her uneasy gaze, Brother Si Wang finally moved, and she smiled. “I will take you away, Brother Four!”

I feel like Tsing Yi is just smiling, like watching a joke, watching her obstruct the four prince’s actions.

“Brother Siwang, go!” Nan Huofeng pulled him hard.

“I advise you not to waste your energy!” Feeling like Tsing Yi did not rush. “The four princes do not achieve their goals and will not stop!”

Even in vain, she still doesn’t want to give up. “What are you talking about?” Why, why did Brother Si Wang be like this.

“I mean…” Xun Lei couldn’t hide his ears.

Nan Huofeng might as well let go of his wrist injured. “You…” guarding his bright red wrist.

I felt like Tsing Yi retracted his hand triumphantly. “You seem to be a lot better now, but…” His eyes were cold. “You can prevent damage from ordinary enemies, but what about your own strength?” Haha smiled triumphantly.

Nan Huofeng stared at him, feeling like a madness in Tsing Yi, looking at Brother Si Wang who was still walking forward… “Brother Si Wang, stop now, there is a cliff in front of you!” She yelled anxiously.

But Lokuli remained the same, walking forward constantly.

She rushed to stop her anxiously, but felt that Tsing Yi kept using her power of fire to stop her. Although she would not be injured again, she still had to hide. After all, in her current case, It is to fight against that incomparable power with an ordinary person.

Seeing her evasive embarrassment, I felt like Tsing Yi laughed at the triumphantly even more. The corner of her eyes swept away. Seeing that the time was ripe, she stopped and walked back without hesitation. “You don’t want to stop your Fourth Brother, then you go!” He said deliberately.

Nan Huofeng was suspicious in her heart, but seeing Brother Si Wang standing on the edge of the cliff, she couldn’t leave it alone. In the end, she rushed to Brother Si Wang without hesitation. “Brother Siwang, you can’t…”

The outstretched hand froze there, and finally there was an earth-shattering howl. “Brother Four…” Nan Huofeng knelt on the edge of the cliff, facing the abyss, crying out his heartache. “Brother Four…” I hope to get even a little response…

But…no…no response at all…

The wind blew through her hair, and the red hair fluttered sadly in the center of the wind…

Looking at her anguished look, I feel like Tsing Yi is so happy. “I’m telling you, your four brothers will end up like this because of you, if you can catch your four brothers, it would be great!” he said with regret.

“It’s all because of me?”

“Yes, it’s all because of you!” When I said this, I felt like Tsing Yi was gnashing his teeth.

“No, it’s you…” Slowly got up, the wind was blowing in a red dress, rustling in the wind.

“I said it’s you, it’s you, it’s all because of you…”

“Really?” An angry red light flows in his eyes. “Since it’s because of me, why didn’t you take action against me, instead of hurting the innocent Siwang brother like this?” At the end of the sentence, he turned angrily, then opened his eyes in disbelief, and fell back in the wind… …..

I feel like Tsing Yi’s interrogation is smiling. “Yeah, you are right, the fourth prince is innocent, how could I drag him into the water! Acting in such a play is just to reduce your guard! You can’t think of it, can’t think of a man who loves you deeply and hurts Your deepest man, your biggest wish is to be with you, even if you die together!”

What an extreme idea, and it was she who caught this idea that gave her such an opportunity! That’s right, what she gave to the fourth prince was not a psychedelic fan at all, and there was no such thing, what she gave to the fourth prince was obsession!

This way he would listen to her like this, and it would allow her to catch the greatest darkness in the heart of the fourth prince, and spread it to the greatest extent! “I know, you must never think of it. If you don’t think of it, go to **** and taste the regret and pain!” The bitter words came out of Jueru Tsing Yi’s mouth every word!

The person standing on the edge of the cliff… His clothes were blown vigorously by the wind, rustling… He stood upright, his hands still stretched forward, his eyes were silent, without a trace of fluctuation!

I felt as proud as Tsing Yi suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, and was shocked. When she looked back, the figure passing by her had jumped down, following the person who fell off the cliff not long ago.

What is reflected in her pupils is indistinguishable, and I feel like Tsing Yi is startled in a cold sweat, but after another thought, everyone has already jumped down with Nan Huofeng. What else does she have to worry about? No one will find out. She did it!

“What are you happy about? Tell me about it, okay?” Feeling like Qingyi suddenly froze, is she too happy too soon?

“Why don’t you speak?” Nan asked unconsciously, and looked at the edge of the cliff annoyed.

He was afraid that Xing Fang would go bad, so he told him everything and assured him that nothing would happen, but what happened? He couldn’t stand it even when he watched Huo’er fall off the cliff, and he couldn’t help it. He actually jumped down along with him. His heart is moving, but his behavior is… I hope that everything won’t be caused by Xing Fang’s rash intervention. upset!

Thinking that Tsing Yi was making sure that she was not hearing hallucinations, she turned stiffly, then saw the other person clearly, and almost fell to the ground with her legs soft. “Guo…Guo Shi…” She was overwhelmed with a miserable cry in her heart!

Frost condenses in the eyes of the national teacher. “Do you know what you are doing?” Even the voice is frozen to death!

The body feels light and fluttering, without a trace of weight, closing her eyes, feeling the rapid wind blowing, she is very happy, very happy that Brother Si Wang is not the one who fell off the cliff, but she, even if she was caught by Brother Si Wang Push down by yourself!

At least, she doesn’t need to carry guilt for a lifetime!

She just wanted to go with the wind like this, but the figure that suddenly appeared in her heart made her unable to rest assured. My heart is aching slightly. What if she dies?

He once said that without her in this world, he would not live alone, he would stay with her, but she didn’t want him to be like this at all!

The more she thinks like this, the more she can’t let go. She doesn’t want to, don’t just leave the line like this, she doesn’t want him to leave this world with her, she is not reconciled, she has forgotten him once, so this time Leave him like this?

Don’t talk about him, she can’t forgive herself!

What should she do? What can she do in this endless decline?

The thoughts turned, she opened her eyes, and the unwillingness in her eyes met with another pair of worried eyes.

“Xing Fang?” She can’t read it wrong, right!

But with such a focused gaze, she wouldn’t mistake it, and his lips opened and closed.

If she was right, he was saying: I will not leave you alone!

Because of this sentence, tears overflowed in her eyes, and they were blown away by the strong wind…

Jian Xingfang stretched out his arms and wanted to narrow the distance between each other. Even if he wanted to sleep at the bottom of this cliff forever, he hoped that the two would be together…

Understanding his intentions, Nan Huofeng also stretched out his arms, but their distance still did not shorten by one point…

Jian Xingfang looked around quickly, using his feet to force, and he used his own deep internal skills to speed up the decline, and finally caught up with her and held her in his arms.

Nan Huofeng hugged him tightly. “You are so stupid…” This is the sentence…

“I’m stupid, too stupid to live without you!” The two kept falling in midair!

“No, no, you can’t die…” Nan Huofeng grabbed him. “You can go up again, as long as I…”

“Without you, I have nothing to miss in this world!” Jian Xingfang’s eyes were firm. “Don’t try to drive me away, I won’t leave…unless…you go up with me…”

“This is impossible…”

“Maybe!” There is trust in the short language. “As long as you want!”

She really didn’t know where he came from, so much trust.

“Believe in yourself, just as I believe in you!” He knew she would be fine, even if Huo’er could not be saved by her own strength, there was still a small wind!

But let him watch Huo’er endure the threat of life alone, he can’t do it, he can’t do it at all, since he’s gambling, then he doesn’t mind gambling with Huo’er instead of waiting in place!

“I…” Faced with his trust so much, she only felt the pressure was overwhelming!

“You know how to do it!”

He said so. “I’ll try!” First glanced at the bottomless abyss under her feet, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

She can do it, she can do it…

She don’t want to die…she don’t want to die…

As her mind deepens, she only feels that her whole body is getting hotter and hotter… like a fire burning… even her thoughts are burning out… ..

Jian Xingfang looked at her hopefully, and at the traces of flames slowly emerging from her forehead. At the same time, there was also a touch of guilt in her heart. He also hoped that she could forget all the previous past events and start again, but she has Things she must do……..

The restoration of her power also represents the restoration of her memory…

Although she doesn’t want to, the reality is like this, and after her power is reopened, her power will be renewed…

She will never be hurt anymore, her power will protect her, guard her…

Just for this, he must also restore her power…

No matter how powerful a person is, but he can’t protect himself, it’s still nothing in the end, and everyone is injured. How do you use the mighty power?

When she felt full, like flying, a voice that didn’t belong to her sounded in her heart.

The time has come….

At the moment when the voice fell in her heart, she suddenly opened her eyes, the pair of still gentle eyes in front of her…

She smiled slightly, and the speed of their decline stopped.

“Look, I’ll just say you know…” Jian Xingfang’s attitude is still the same, whether it is her before or after the amnesia, it is still in his heart…

She nodded lightly, a gust of wind blew out of her shoulders, and a pair of invisible wings spread out behind her, leading them to fly upwards……

At this time, in the invisible wind, a woman’s soft laughter was heard. “It seems that I can’t use me anymore!” Another gust of wind rippling, this lonely abyss restored its loneliness.

“Say, why do you want to do this?” After confirming that the four princes are fine, the national teacher interrogated Jue Ru Qingyi.

Seeing that Guo Shi did not shy away from outsiders, he reprimanded her face to face. I felt like Tsing Yi knew Guo Shi was really angry.

“Do you know what kind of consequences you will bring to Jueru’s if you do this?” This is an inconvenient child. When he heard the prediction, he didn’t believe it, but the facts are now In front of me!

When I heard it, I felt like Tsing Yi was unwilling. “What can be the consequence, I didn’t really hurt the fourth prince!” She didn’t understand why the national teacher must be afraid of the royal family. It is clear that their power is above the royal family, and now there is no way to restrict them. people!

Guo Shi frowned and shouted angrily. “Have you forgotten, we feel that all of the Rus are now wearing sinful bodies, how can you still…”

“The people who can restrict us have disappeared, what’s the point?” Jue Ru Qingyi said boldly.

“You…” The national teacher squinted angrily. “It is for this reason that you want to get rid of Phoenix…” People who don’t know anything will only do silly things. If you don’t talk about Phoenix, which one of her family is easy to provoke?

“Yes, I did it for this!” Jue Ru Qingyi raised his chin proudly. “Why? Why can someone who has never put in any effort to get such a powerful force, and we, we have worked hard for so long, but even her little finger is not as good as her little finger. How can I not Hate her!”

“She got all the glory easily, and was even named a princess, but what about me? What about the other people who feel like home? We didn’t work less than her, why didn’t we get anything? “All the dissatisfaction in her heart was thrown on the national teacher.

Guo Shi looked at the child speechlessly, with strong dissatisfaction and unwillingness in his heart, and finally sighed. “I was wrong…” It was his education method that was wrong. Under his rigorous education, everyone has their own extreme side, it’s just a matter of seriousness.

But… Tsing Yi is indeed the one with the strongest self-awareness. She believes that she has given her to get rewards. Everything she has done is not for nothing!

ʓ “Why?” Nan Shizuo murmured~IndoMTL.com~ Then why are you? “

“It’s none of your business~” Jue Ru Tsing Yi said politely.

“Did you forget that the one you just designed to fall off the cliff was my daughter…” Nan didn’t know what to do.

Jie Ru Tsing Yi’s complexion changed slightly. “Yes… she is not careful!”

Nan shook his head helplessly. “What a contradictory child!”

“Tsing Yi, do you still know what’s wrong?” Guo Shi asked with a sigh.

“I’m not wrong!” She didn’t bow her head at all. “Master, we don’t have to be afraid anymore, there won’t be any more…” Before she finished her words, she herself was already stunned, her mouth opened wide, so she could stuff it. Eggs. “How…. How could…”

Nan smiled with confidence and satisfaction. “Finally come up!” Looking up at the pair of eagle-like figures rushing into the sky.

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