Goddess Medical Doctor Chapter 218: Is our marriage contract real?

? Because Guo Shi is also one of the people who agree to leave Nan Juehuo in this way.

Hua Manlou lightly locks her beautiful eyebrows. “They really don’t know the consequences of provoke Mao Gu Zhu…” lightly said.

“Full of the building?” Jue Ruchen called out in confusion, Huamanlou suddenly calmed down.

Return to mind. “It’s okay!” smiled slightly. “Since you can’t see the eldest lady, then about the news about the foster father of the eldest lady who I asked you to inquire…” This time, the State Affairs of the Divine Phoenix was determined not to let others hear any news. The speed of getting news is even affected!

“They are good, but they are inevitably restricted in their actions!”

“What I don’t understand is that it is normal for the Deputy Guzhu to escape, but why can’t even the Deputy Guzhu’s wife and the second young master also escape?”

Je Ru Chenzi smiled unconsciously apologetically. “The national teacher threatened them not to run away with Juehuo’s life, and after that he let Dark use some power they couldn’t break away…” She was also ashamed, Mingming Juehuo did a lot for them. Guo The teacher’s power of fire is slowly recovering, and the power of Darkness is all given by Jihuo. In the end, it is her own power that is controlling her family. If one day, Jihuo knew this, how much Sad?

“I think it should be the same!” Hua Manlou pondered. “Where is it?”

Je Ru Chen’s purple face was solemn. “You can’t take risks!” She doesn’t approve of hitting rocks with pebbles!

Give a soothing smile. “Don’t worry, if I want to do anything, I will arrange it in advance, and I won’t take a risk!” Her news has already spread, so I can act when the Valley Master and them arrive.


“I don’t need to lie to you, I’ll move all over my body, I won’t take the lives of others to risk!” earnestly assured.

“Well, let me tell you, they are actually in the palace of King Groo, but they are placed in a small building surrounded by a hidden rockery in the backyard of the palace, surrounded by soldiers, surrounded by… .”

Huamanlou wrote down what she described in her mind one by one! “Well, I probably know it, you will not be here for a short time, lest they become suspicious…”

“Well! I can tell you, I have said, I will leave now!” Jue Ruchen Zi got up.

“Thank you!” Huaman stood up to see him off.

“Don’t say that, Jiaohuo helped me so much, and you also took care of Lanping for a long time. These kindnesses are endless in my life…”

“We are friends!” Huamanlou said lightly.

Jie Ruchen smiled. “In that case, you don’t have to say thank you!”

After Jue Ruchenzi left, Hua Manlou came to the desk and quickly sorted out the things printed in his head and drew it into a blueprint. After drawing, after careful study, he recruited people and started Layout.

When everything is in order, it is late at night.

“Take care of things, rest early!” Everyone got up and walked away.

“Well, you guys have to rest soon!” Huamanlou watched them out.

The door closed gently, Huamanlou gave a light sigh, and came to the open window, looking at the bright moon in the sky. Good things are hard to say. That’s it. Miss, I wish you and Mr. Jane, no matter how hard they are. Get a good result!

Two pairs of eyes follow a figure, one circle to the left and one circle to the right, turning around, turning to their dizziness.

“Chulu, why are you starting to circle again? Didn’t you agree to be a father and a mother not to do this again, torturing the eyes of our two elderly people?” Nan couldn’t help but said.

Nan Ming glanced at the two ‘old men’ who were obviously younger than him, and actually called them the old. “I’m upset!”

“You are annoying, we are also annoying, but you turn around like this, and it makes us even more upset!” Nan I don’t know how to call for help!

“I can’t stop!”

“Siyu!” If you call for help, no matter what, then call a lady!

“Do you want to sit down first?”

There must be a reason for calling a lady. As soon as Jun Siyu made a sound, Nan Mingyin couldn’t bear to refuse, and stopped the pace of turning around and sat down!

Nan knows that he breathed a sigh of relief, and he could finally be clean for a while!

“Mother knows that you are worried about Fengfeng, we are worried too!” Jun Siyu grabbed his hand and patted. “But now we can’t do anything except wait patiently!”

“I don’t see their threat!” Nan Mingyin curled her lips contemptuously, threatening her sister’s life, joking, and didn’t want to think that they knew that her sister was gone, so will the Divine Phoenix Nation Following the decline, they will do such a stupid thing?

“Of course I don’t look in my eyes!” Of course Jun Siyu said. “Our mother and son can work together so that the entire Divine Phoenix Capital City will not even have a living life, but your father didn’t say anything…” Eyes aimed at her husband.

Nan does not know how to sigh. “Yes, I said, this is the only way for Huo’er and Jian Xingfang’s relationship!” He didn’t lie to them either! “Just…”

“This is God’s arrangement!” The mother and son returned to him together.

Nan blinked and smiled. “You all know it!”

“Of course I know that at the beginning of this incident, we can’t do anything to stop it, we can only let it go with the flow, and it is others who can move, we can only stay here like waste!” Jun Siyu is welcome The reply.

“Don’t, don’t!” Nan doesn’t know how to put his hands in front of him. Such a wife makes him look scared. “It’s not that you can’t participate at all, but you can’t do it now……”

“No, no, you will say no!” Jun Siyu pointed at her husband with hands on hips. “Just let us wait here, didn’t you listen to them? Wait any longer, Fengfeng will marry the fourth prince!”

Nan blinked innocently, didn’t she ask her to persuade people? Why did the anger spray at him instead? “This…this…it won’t, rain, don’t you… Calm down… Calm down…” A cold sweat ran!

“I don’t want to calm down, I want…”

“Forget it, mother…” Nan Mingyin grabbed her instead. “It’s useless for you to tell Dad, he won’t let it go…”

Jun Siyu stared at him unwillingly.

Nan doesn’t know how to brace himself. “I won’t let it go!” The answer to his son’s statement.

Jun Siyu was discouraged. “I knew it!” The whole person fell soft!

“Rain!” Nan touched his wife’s shoulder without knowing tentatively. Seeing that she didn’t resist, he put his hand on it with confidence. “Trust me, nothing will happen…”

Jun Siyu wiped her face, but she still couldn’t get rid of her worry. “You always say to make me believe you, but their fate is a variable…”

The hand on her shoulder was loose. “It’s a variable, but at least it was certain at the beginning. We can’t stop going this way, otherwise the situation may get worse…” He was also helpless!

“I only hope that our daughter is safe, and can get her happiness…” Leaning into the arms of her husband!

Hugging his wife tightly. “Yes!” He believed his daughter!

Nan Mingyin looked at this loving couple, sighed silently, and slowly suppressed the irritability in his heart. It is impossible for him and his sister in this life. He only hopes that in the future he can meet someone who shares his interests. He wants to not marry forever, but he has to leave an heir to his parents. Now I think these are early, but they are also true!

“Hui Yu!” Nan Shizun, who was supposed to comfort his beloved wife, suddenly called him!

“Huh?” Nan Mingyin jumped out of his thoughts. “What’s wrong? Dad!”

“Daddy and mother only want you to be happy, but don’t decide your life partner for any reason, dad doesn’t want you to regret it!” Nan Shizun embraced his wife and looked at him seriously. “I think your mother thinks so too!”

“Well, mother also hopes so!” Jun Siyu said while wiping the tears that ran out of the corner of her eyes.

Nan Ming looked deeply at the parents. “Baby understand!”

“You have to really understand it!” Nan Shizun said meaningfully.

The breeze was slow and the figure was shaking. She stood quietly in front of the open window, looking at the moon in the sky, motionless and calm in her thoughts!

One month has passed, and in this month, she has gradually become accustomed to her identity and this person.

Gradually accepted, she is now the princess of the Divine Phoenix Kingdom, and the phoenix of Jueru’s family has important responsibilities. She has a marriage contract with the four brothers and will soon become his bride… just… .Whenever she thinks of the word marriage contract, in her subconscious she is a person with a marriage contract, but for some reason, she feels that it is not the four kings, but another more important person…

The mind turned over, and he unconsciously played with that strange jade. She really didn’t read it wrong then, the red of this jade is slowly expanding, and now it is almost completely red.

Turning the jade in her hand, she had a hunch that if this piece of jade that will slowly turn red by itself, one day it will turn completely red, something will happen, or something will remind her……

The hand touched her forehead. Over the past month, in addition to hearing something about herself from Wang brother and father, she has also heard something from the palace people. Although it is not right, she still feels Something is wrong…

She heard them say that she was named the Phoenix Princess just a month ago, and she had never heard of the marriage contract with the Fourth Prince…

Although the people in their palaces have never seen a phoenix, they hear people who go outside often say that there is a cluster of flames in the forehead of the phoenix, and she does not… doubt whether she is a real phoenix… .

Looking at the jade in her hand, laughing at herself, even she has to wonder if she is a phoenix, because she knows nothing about her own fire power, how to use it, and she doesn’t know…but Whether it is the father, the brothers, or even the national teacher, she is very certain to tell her that she is a phoenix…

Phoenix? What is it? In her limited mind, she only knew that it was a legendary fetish, inherited from the power of Vulcan…

She is the legendary phoenix? Of course not, but the national teacher told her that she has the power of a phoenix…

It sounds like she has nothing to do with her, because she has no feeling of being a phoenix at all, not even the power of the national teacher to ignite…

Who is she? Let go of her identity first. Regarding the marriage with Brother Si Wang, she always has a faint resistance in her heart, and she doesn’t really hate Brother Si Wang, but just like she is called He is like the brother of the four kings, it seems that he is really treated as an elder brother at most, and no matter how much, her heart can’t pay it…

Sigh, continue to look to the sky, look at it, the worry in my heart, slowly leave her, my heart is empty, if I don’t feel anything, I just look up at the moon, empty… .Empty…….

“Where are you going?” Suddenly someone grabbed her wrist. “No, you are not allowed to think like that……”

She suddenly returned to her senses, as if sinking in a dream, looking at the person holding her arm, and dangling a face that seemed familiar and strange to her, as if she blinked after a lifetime, she was already familiar That’s… “Brother Si Wang!”

“You are not allowed to go anywhere, I hear you, you are not alone, and you are not allowed to think like that…” He said, couldn’t help holding her in his arms!

“Brother Siwang?” She leaned in his arms and blinked suspiciously.

“Promise me, don’t leave!” Loculi held the person in his arms tightly. He couldn’t forget, he couldn’t forget. When he just came in, he looked at her in red, who was isolated from the world. , A lonely figure with no worries, this can not help but make him wonder, is he doing something wrong?

She is still puzzled. “Brother Siwang, I can’t breathe, don’t hold it so tightly, where I have no plans to go?” The voice was muffled, and he struggled slightly.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Loculi loosely embraced.

She was greatly relieved and wrinkled her cute nose. “Really, Brother Siwang, are you going to murder me?”

Locully smiled. “How come? How can I be willing?” Squeeze her little pretty nose, this is the biggest change after her amnesia. Before, she was always cold and not close to people, but now, she is much more easy-going. It may be that she put aside all the previous things, let her let go!

This kind of her makes him even more unable to let go. They will get married soon. As long as everything goes well, she will become his, and they will be together for a lifetime. Thinking of this, what he has in mind A little guilty, will be suppressed again, can’t help but come forward: As long as she can belong to him, he will do whatever it takes, even if she will hate him in the future!

“Huh, that’s not necessarily!” Eyes full of distrust!

“I spoil you so much and say so!” Rokuli sniffed pitifully. “Unscrupulous little thing!”

She laughed. “Brother Wang, you are so cute!”

“If you marry me in the future, you will know how lovely Brother Wang has!” He blinked seductively.

Her laughter passed away suddenly, and Lokuli frowned when she saw it. “What’s the matter?” Picked up a tuft of her hair and curled it lightly in her fingers.


“Don’t lie to Brother Wang, don’t you want to marry Brother Wang?” Roculi asked briskly, hiding the gloom in his heart!

“Neither… nor…” twisted his fingers nervously. “I…. I know…. Brother Wang loves me so much now, so… from now on, it must be… But… But…”

“But what?”

She mustered her courage to look up at him. “I always have a little uncertainty in my heart. Were we really engaged in a happy marriage before my memory loss?” This is the brother of the four kings who told her that they were happy in the marriage. of!

Locully’s face stiffened, but she didn’t let her notice. “Of course! You just forgot that, I’m quite disappointed!” I lowered my head, not daring to look at her frank eyes, only the disguised sadness in her voice!

Seeing that Brother Si Wang became like this because of her words, she felt a little guilty. “Brother Siwang, don’t do this, I don’t mean anything else…”

“Will you look forward to our wedding?” He looked up quickly.

For her to lower her head. “Yes, I will look forward to it!” There was a far-fetched smile at the corner of his mouth.

“That’s good!” Roculi’s voice hugged her happily, but an apologetic flashed in his eyes.

She snuggled quietly against his chest, staring straight ahead, saying so, but the uncertainty in her heart did not disappear at all!

“Damn it, I didn’t expect them to do such a thing!” Wei Ying crushed the armrest of a chair fiercely!

“It’s not surprising that they would do such a thing. As long as Huo’er can stay in the Divine Phoenix Kingdom, it will be beneficial to them!” Jian Xingfang said, looking calm from behind.

“Little lord, are you not angry at all?” He didn’t believe it!

I don’t know how tightly the hand behind my back is. IndoMTL.com~ I am angry, of course I am angry! “The voice doesn’t sound like ups and downs, but the anger in it has been announced.

“Let them teach the Divine Phoenix Nation a little lesson?” Wei Ying suggested. Since he knew that the little prince was officially engaged with Nan Mai, he had already regarded Nan Mai as the little prince’s little princess, and no one could move!

“No!” Jian Xingfang finally turned around, showing no expression on his facial features! “Now they are doing it. For the Divine Phoenix Nation, it just doesn’t hurt or itchy. Think about it, let me think about it…” The hand pressed his forehead.

“If the little prince could go in person, it would be great!” Then you can make a decision based on the situation now. Any decision you make now may become useless as the situation changes!

Jian Xingfang is silent. Of course he understands this truth, but now is not the time for him to leave the army alone……..

“Who? Who made you come in without a word?” Wei Ying heard the sound of raising the camp curtain, and shouted before turning her head, but when she turned her head, she saw the person who came in. “Wang…” said in surprise.

The visitor raised his hand to stop him from speaking, Wei Ying shut up knowingly, bowed his head, and stepped back.

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